ইংরেজি কবিতা ও গানের বিস্তারিত সূচী

বিচিত্রা :: বৈদ্যুতিন রবীন্দ্র-রচনাসম্ভার :: স্কুল অব কালচারাল টেক্সটস অ্যাণ্ড রেকর্ডস
Title/First Line
Manuscript/ typescript
Journal/ Periodical/ Newspaper
Anthologies/ Collections
A beast's bony frame lies bleachingRBVBMS_048, IMG 30-1 [Titled 'A Skeleton', autograph ms]. EMSF_029 IMG 95 [title: 'The Skeleton', date in ms '11 Dec. 1924/ July 1925'].EMSF_029 IMG 95 ms note: 'V. B. Quarterly, (Old Series) April, 1925'. VBQ Vol. III No.1: April 1925, titled The Skeleton. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 69kangkaal, purabee____
A gourmet in gossip uses indignationRBVBMS_005 IMG 15. EMSF_001 IMG 22 ts, IMG 28 ts, IMG 34 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
A handful of dust could hide your signalRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 8 'A mere handful of dust could obscure it when I knew not the meaning of thy signal.' RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 6 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 6 'A [mere] handful of dust could obscure [it]{your signal} when I knew not [the]{its} meaning{.} [of thy signal.]' RBVBMS_306C ts no. V IMG 4 [1st line as RBVBMS_070 above]. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 3 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 48 'A mere handful of dust could obscure your signal before I knew its meaning.' RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 3 [1st line as RBVBMS_070 above]. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 106 'A mere handful of dust could obscure {[thy]} {your signal} [it when I]{before I} knew [not the]{its} meaning [of thy signal].' IMG 107 [1st line as RBVBMS_070 above]. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 44 [1st line as above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 75 [1st line as 308A above] [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_006 ts IMG 2 [1st line as above]. HRVD_007 ts IMG 2 [as above].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 5Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tomaar ingit khaani, naibedya 40____
A light laughter in the steps of creationRBVBMS_008 IMG 39 'There is a light laughter'. RBVBMS_026 IMG 11 'There is a light laughter'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 18 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 20 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 2 'There is a light laughter'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 5 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 27 [1st line as above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 27____________
A little bird came and gave the boundless silence of ages its voice.RBVBMS_371 IMG 2v, IMG 2r [crossed out]. EMSF_001 IMG 13 ts '{The} [a] little bird' [item crossed out.] IMG 37 ts, IMG 41 ts 'a little bird came{at last}' [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988). Titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
A little flower blooms in the chink of a garden wall____MR, November 1913, along with other poems of Kanikaa, under the heading 'Poems.' [Note: 'Englished by the poet himself'] [IMG in Bichitra archive]________udaarcaritaanaam, kanikaa[not in EW]
A message came from my youth of vanished daysRBVBMS_001 IMG 19 'A message came to me from my youth of [forgotten years] {vanished days}'. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 56, IMG 69. RBVBMS_087 IMG 9-10 'A message came to me from my [forgotten] youth of forgotten years' [ms contains copies of Tagore's letters, title on IMG 3: 'Gurudev's letters written during May, June, July, August, 1915'. Scribal note after poem on IMG 10: '(Given me just before my illness & constantly with me during these months. C. F. A)']. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 39, IMG 44. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] LVI IMG 32. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 55. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. LIII IMG 46 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 60 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 39 [Lover's Gift] IMG 44. RBVBMS_305H ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 17 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 14 'came to me from my youth of vanished days'. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 45 [1st line as above]. HRVD_019 IMG 1, IMG 11 ts [both as above].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 40Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)pauser paataa-jharaa tapobane, balaakaa 13____
A mind all logicRBVBMS_077 IMG 15. RBVBMS_119A IMG 14.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 193Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
A painter was selling pictures________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 30Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)pat, lipikaa____
A Peace Hymn from the Atharva Veda: Peaceful be all motives and peaceful our works done and yet to be done____MR, July 1915________Hymn dedicated to goddess peace in the atharva vedaEW Vol. IV ( sent to Baroness B. Stutter by Tagore )
A Posy: My flowers were like milk and honey and wineRBVBMS_077 IMG 7. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], IMG 35-6 [Title: A Posy (From the Bengali of Satyendra Datta)]. RBVBMS_305G ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 35 [title as above].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 31____From the Bengali of Satyendranath Datta (Torhaa: Phuler Phasal, 1911)____
A ray of morning sun strikes aslant ('The Child' 10)RBVBMS_223 IMG 14, IMG 22 ts 'The gate opens.' [runing prose, title The New Comer 11], IMG 32-3 ts [title: The Babe]. EMSF_002 IMG 16-17 ts [Title: The Babe, no. 11], IMG 27-8 'The gate opens' [Title: The New Comer, XI], IMG 38-9 ts [1st line as above. Title: The New Comer, XI], IMG 46-7 ts 'A stream of light has fallen on the hut.' [title: He is Eternal, He is Newly Born, no numbering or part division, running prose] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2].____The Child (London: Allen and Unwin, 1931)____Not translation____
A rose blossomed in the gardenRBVBMS_375 IMG 16 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________atithi chilaam je bane (RBVBMS_375)____
A smile of mirth spread over the skyRBVBMS_001 IMG 49. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 32. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 29. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 30. RBVBMS_306C ts IMG 18-19. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 18. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 42.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 30Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ore bhikhaaree saajaaye, geetimaalya 106____
A sore pain troubles meRBVBMS_113 IMG 16 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 31____II. 100. nish din saalai ghaaw: KS Kabir____
A strange face, uninvited hovers before my brushRBVBMS_387B IMG 15 [another version on same page crossed out: 'A strange face makes its appearance']____________ke jaane kaar mukher chabi____
A veil of a thousand yearsRBVBMS_170 IMG 49VBN, March 1934. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 93bidaay, bicitritaa____
A wandering madman was seeking the touchstoneRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 148-9, IMG 150-1. HRVD_006 ts IMG 54-6. HRVD_007 ts IMG 50-2.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 66Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)khepaa khnuje khnuje phere parashpaathar: parashpaathar (sonaar taree: 1301, 1894)Sen: 'touch-stone,' this spelling: Das EW
A weary pilgrim, I travel across the hauntsRBVBMS_005 IMG 12MR, Aug. 1929. Also VBQ New Series Vol. X, part II: August-October 1944.____________EW Vol. 3 Appendix. Written on the way to Japan on 3 May 1929 for the Japanese Magazine Ashahi Shimbum.
A woman when noxious, is vain of her venomRBVBMS_005 IMG 15. EMSF_001 IMG 22 ts, IMG 28 ts, IMG 34 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
Accept me, my lordRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 8. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 8. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 6.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 4Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tumi ebaar aamaay laha, geetaanjali 57____
Across the illimitable hush of time [possibly another version: 'In the dumb desert, formless, colourless and still']EMSF_001 IMG 13, IMG 19 ts, IMG 25 ts, IMG 31 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988) ['Man's voice rings across an illimitable hush'] Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
After so many days you have come to me at last [See 'Translations from the Vaishnava poets XV']________________________
Again and again we had said, 'Goodbye'. (Speech heading: 'A' troupe of young things' sing')EMSF_007 IMG 5 [in Tagore's hand] [text from the Cycle of Spring, titled Phalguni], IMG 13 ts 'Again and again we say' [title: 'The Song of Returning Youth', running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring'].Sen p. 536: 'MR, Feb 1916, The Cycle of Spring, a synopsis of Phalguni together with translations of 13 songs from the play. For photographs of the performance of the play (1916) see plates facing pp. 343 and 354 in MR March 1916.'________bidaay niye giyechilem baare baare, phalgunee[not in EW].
Age after age hast Thou, O Lord (See 'This Evil Day')____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Ages ago when you opened the south gateRBVBMS_001 IMG 109. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 45, IMG 58. RBVBMS_305A ts[Lover's Gift], no. 13, IMG 13. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XLV IMG 27-8. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 46. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XLII IMG 39-40. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 49. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 12 [Lover's Gift] IMG 13.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 12____basanta, kalpanaa____
Ah me, why did they build my houseRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 20, IMG 21. HRVD_018 ts IMG 5.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 4Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ogo toraa bal to ere: abaarita (kheyaa: 1313, 1906)____
Ah, how the goddess wakened in meRBVBMS_001 IMG 126________________[not in EW].
Ah, let it sound in my heartRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 46. RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 71 '[When will] {Ah, let} it sound' IMG 72 'When will it sound' [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 37 'When will it sound in my heart' [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 71 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_005 IMG 107 [1st line as RBVBMS_446 above] HRVD_006 ts IMG 11 [1st line as RBVBMS_446 above]. HRVD_007 ts IMG 11 [as above].VBQ, Vol. 44, nos. 3 and 4. RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________jagat jurhe udaar sure, geetaanjali 15EW Vol. IV
Ah, my heart is away and they call me in vainRBVBMS_001 IMG 51. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 11, IMG 21 'My heart is away'. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XI IMG 7 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 11 IMG 11 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 12 '{They call me to work, but} My heart is away and they call me in vain'. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XI IMG 12 [1st line as RBVBMS_040 above]. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 13 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 44 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 68.ms note RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 68: 'V. B. Quarterly/ XXIV (3)/ Winter 1958-59'.________kena tomraa aamaay daako, geetimaalya 94EW Vol. IV
Ah, poet, the evening draws nearRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 16, IMG 17. HRVD_005 IMG 89 HRVD_006 ts IMG 13-14 'Ah! poet'. HRVD_007 ts IMG 14-15 [as above].____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 2Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ore kabi, sandhyaa haye elo (kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)____
Ah, these jasmines [See 'The First Jasmines', The Crescent Moon no. 34]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Ah, who was it coloured that [See 'The Unheeded Pageant', The Crescent Moon no. 5]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Alas, I cannot stay in the houseRBVBMS_001 IMG 45 'Alas, I can[not remain in the house,] [never] {not stay in the house, and home is no home to me}'. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 10. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 8 'Alas, I cannot stay in the house, and home is no home to me'. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 8 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306C ts no. VII IMG 5 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 4 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 39 [1st line as above].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 7Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)path diye ke jaaygo cale, geetimaalya 21____
All fruitless is the cry____VBQ New Series Vol.V, part III: November 1939, titled Desire for a Human Soul. Reprinted in MR, March 1940. [MR IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 4niphal kaamana, maanaseeDas EW, Vol 1: This is perhaps the first English translation of any poem of his made by Tagore. For an abridged translation see Lover's Gift 25. Facsimile of poem printed alongside in the undated edition in the Bichitra archive.
All my perfume goes out, I cannot keep it shut____MR, November 1913, along with other poems of Kanikaa, under the heading 'Poems.' [Note: 'Englished by the poet himself'] [IMG in Bichitra archive]________tannashtang janna deeyate, kanikaa[not in EW]
All that I had I gave to youRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 41. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 20 'I gave [to you]{to you}'.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 29. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 14Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)lajja, sonaar taree____
All the delightsRBVBMS_008 IMG 44. RBVBMS_026 IMG 35. RBVBMS_248A IMG 113 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 115 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 28. RBVBMS_388 IMG 32 [item crossed out]VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 201. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 209.____________
All things are created by the OmRBVBMS_113 IMG 14 'The 'Om' (the eternal yea) has created everything' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 26____II. 75. onkaar siwaae koee sirjai____
Ama and Vinayaka [see Drama list]________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 29____satee, kaahinee____
Amidst the rush and roar of lifeRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 136, IMG 137. HRVD_005 IMG 99 HRVD_006 ts IMG 19. HRVD_007 ts IMG 20.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 60Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)he nirbaak acancal: prastarmurti (citraa: 1303, 1896)Sen misprints 'rush' as 'rust.' This version in Das EW
An oldish upcountry manEMSF_029 IMG 62-3 [title: 'A Person'], IMG 64-5 [title: 'A Person', dated 'Santiniketan 4.3.36'], IMG 66 ts 'An [oldish] upcountry [man,] {man,} [elderly man,] {old and worn out,}' [ts note on IMG 66: 'Translated [from] by the Author from the original Bengali. (Seshsaptak- Santiniketan, 4. 3. 36'].MR, April 1936, Titled A Person. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 91ekjan lok, punascha____
An unbelieving smile flits on your eyesRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 94, IMG 95. HRVD_006 ts IMG 47 'A smile flits about the corner of your eyes'. HRVD_007 ts IMG 45 [as above].____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 40Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)haay go raani bidaaybaani: bidaayreeti(kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)____
An unknown flowerRBVBMS_008 IMG 21. RBVBMS_026 IMG 25. RBVBMS_248A IMG 79 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 81 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_388 IMG 18. EMSF_009 ts IMG 32.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 103. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 144____bideshe achenaa phul (RBVBMS_008)____
Appeal for Relief: The famished, the homeless____Liberty, 6 Sept, 1931. India,Calcutta May 1946, India Speaks Inauguration Volume. MR July 1946. [MR IMG in Bichitra archive, no title]________annahaaraa caay urdhwapaane/ daake bhagabaane/ je deshe se bhagabaan maanusher hrwidaye hrwidaye/ saarhaa den beerjya rupe dayaarupe duhkhe, kashte, bhaye/ se desher dainya habe kshay habe taar jayEW Vol. 3 Appendix. At request of Subhas Ch. Bose. Appeal to the people as President of the Bengal Congress Flood and Famine Relief Committee.
April, like a child, writes hieroglyphsRBVBMS_008 IMG 10. RBVBMS_026 IMG 9 'hieroglyphics'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 11 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 13 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 3 'hieroglyphics'. RBVBMS_375 IMG 12 'In the deserted garden grass blossom flowers -- hieroglyphics on dust speaking of tender footfalls of some banished April.' RBVBMS_388 IMG 6 'writes hieroglypies' EMSF_009 ts IMG 7.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 13. Rabeendra-Racanaabalee, Vol. 16, West Bengal Government edition [Begins 'In the deserted garden grass']. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 15____phaagun shishur mato/lupta pather pushpita trinaguli, sphulinga 222____
Are echoing in my heartbeat and in my blood [deleted MS fragment]RBVBMS_111 IMG 77 '[? Are echoing in my heartbeat and in my blood' [full text crossed out].________________[not in EW].
Are you a mere pictureRBVBMS_001 IMG 16-17. RBVBMS_040 ts[Lover's Gift], no. 3, IMG 12-13. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 41, IMG 47-8. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 2-3 [Top of page torn, presumably no. 3]. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 3 IMG 2-3. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 4-5. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. III IMG 4-5. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 4-5. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 41 [Lover's Gift] IMG 47-8. RBVBMS_305H ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 18-19. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 11-12. HRVD_005 IMG 69 HRVD_019 IMG 12-13 ts.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 42Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tumi ki kebalee [sic] chabi, balaakaa 6____
Are you too proudRBVBMS_119A IMG 13.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 246Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
'Are you too proud to kiss me?' asks the morning lightRBVBMS_077 IMG 19.____________________
Around the sunny islandRBVBMS_119A IMG 30.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 252Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Art thou abroad on this stormy nightHRVD_001 IMG 91.HRVD_002 ts IMG 22. HRVD_003 ts IMG 22.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 23Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aaji jharher raate tomaar abhishaar (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
As a river in the seaRBVBMS_248A IMG 46 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 48 [Printed book pages].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 82____abakaash karme khele____
As the birds of exileRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 93. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 44. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 19. RBVBMS_315(ii) ts IMG 12.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 71____abaar aamaar haate, naibedya 25____
As the tender twilightRBVBMS_217 IMG 7. EMSF_029 ts IMG 19.VBQ, October 1924 along with 'Love, thou hast made great my life', under the title 'The Magnificence of Death'____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 29godhuli nihshabde aasi, smaran 24____
As the tree its leavesRBVBMS_008 IMG 44 'Like the tree its leaves'. RBVBMS_026 IMG 34 'Like the tree its leaves'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 111 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 113 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 19 'Like the tree its leaves'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 28 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 31 'Like the tree' [item crossed out]VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 207________Variant in Lekhan
Ashes take good care to say that the flame is their elder brother.RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 212, IMG 213 [ms note 257, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.].____________par o aatmiya, kanikaa[not in EW].
Asks the possibleRBVBMS_077 IMG 13. RBVBMS_119A IMG 7.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 129Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)asambhab bhaalo, kanikaa____
At midnight the would-be ascetic announcedRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 174, IMG 175. HRVD_006 ts IMG 56. HRVD_007 ts IMG 52.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 75Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)kahila gabheer raatre: bairaagya (caitaalee: 1303, 1896)____
At the dusk of the early dawnRBVBMS_050 IMG 20-22Harijan March 25, 1933, titled The Sacred Touch____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 94snaan samaapan, punascha____
At the sleepy village, the noon was stillRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 63-4. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 28-9.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 43. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 11Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jete nahi diba, sonaar taree____
At this time of my partingHRVD_001 IMG 85 Bengali on IMG 84 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 20-21. HRVD_003 ts IMG 20-21.VBN, January 1966 [IMG in Bichitra archive]Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 94Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ebar tora aamaar jaabar belaate (geetimaalya: 1321, 1914)____
At youth's coronation, Kalidasa____VBQ New Series Vol I, part II: August -October 1935, titled Kalidasa. Also Indian Literature, Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi, Oct. 1958 - March, 1959. titled Kalidasa____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 12rwitu sanghaar and meghdut, caitaalee____
Authorship: You say that father writes a lot of booksRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 96 [no title]. HRVD_005 IMG 9 'You say my father writes a lot of books' [no title] HRVD_015 ts IMG 11 [no title]. HRVD_016 ts IMG 11 [no title].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 29Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)baabaa naaki bai lekhe sab nije: samaalocak (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
Baby lives with the World-Mother, who sings to him rhymes without meaning [see also Fugitive III no. 5 for a drastically shortened version 'In baby's world']RBVBMS_001 IMG 117 [verso pg]. RBVBMS_098 IMG 54 'Baby's world is the Mother world where the sky and the earth play with him with their changing colours'. RBVBMS_312 ts IMG 8 [1st line as above, ms note: 'Cf. The Crescent Moon P. 17']. HRVD_005 IMG 17-19 'The child dwells in the World-mother's chamber where songs are sung in ancient tunes' [running prose translation].____________RBVBMS_098 IMG 54 ms note: 'shishu/bhitare o baahire'.[not in EW].
Baby's Way: If baby only wanted to, he could flyRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 82 'If baby only [cares] {wanted to} he [can] {could} fly' [no title]. HRVD_005 IMG 15 [no title] 'If baby only minds he can fly to the vale of paradise this very moment' HRVD_015 ts IMG 8-9 'If baby only cares' [no title]. HRVD_016 ts IMG 8-9 [no title, 1st line as above].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 4Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aamaar khokaa kare go jaadi mane: caaturi (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
Baby's World: I wish I could take quiet cornerRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 84 [no title].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 8Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)khokaar maner thik majhkhaantite: khokaar raajya (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
Baul Songs [not in EW]RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 5] IMG 6 'Bring him not into your house as the guest of your eyes'. RBVBMS_327A ts no. V IMG 4 'Bring him not into your house who is begged only by your eyes'. RBVBMS_327B ts no. V IMG 3 [1st line as RBVBMS_061 above]. RBVBMS_327C ts [Baul Songs no. V] IMG 4, IMG 15 [1st line as above].RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984)An Indian Folk Religion, Creative Unity (New York: Macmillan, 1922)____nayan jaacaa je jan taare aanisnaa ghare, anonymousEW Vol. IV
Baul Songs [not in EW]RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 2] IMG 3 'If suddenly you speak to me, when I am on my way'. RBVBMS_327A ts no. II IMG 2 'If you call me when I am on the road I cannot walk.' RBVBMS_327B ts no. II IMG 2 [1st line as RBVBMS_061 above]. RBVBMS_327C ts [Baul Songs no. II] IMG 2, IMG 13 [1st line as RBVBMS_327A above].____________________
Baul Songs [not in EW]RBVBMS_061 ts[no. 9] IMG 8 'It is lucky that I am an earthen vessel'. RBVBMS_327A ts no. IX IMG 6 'It is lucky that I am [an]{a poor} earthen vessel'. RBVBMS_327B ts no. IX IMG 5 [1st line as RBVBMS_061 above]. RBVBMS_327C ts [Baul Songs no. IX] IMG 6, IMG 17 [1st line and corrections as RBVBMS_327A above].____________________
Baul Songs [not in EW]RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 10] IMG 9 'It is your breath that breathes me out through your world-flute'. RBVBMS_327A ts no. X IMG 7 'I {[the]} am [your] {the} breath {of your mouth} with which you fill your flute.' RBVBMS_327B ts no. X IMG 5 [1st line as RBVBMS_061 above]. RBVBMS_327C ts [Baul Songs no. X] IMG 7, IMG 18 'I am [your]{the} breath {of your mouth} with which'.____________________
Baul Songs [not in EW]RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 12] IMG 10 'You take forms for my eyes'. RBVBMS_327A ts no. XII IMG 8 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_327B ts no. XII IMG 6 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_327C ts [Baul Songs no. XII] IMG 8, 19 [1st line as above].____________________
Baul Songs [not in EW]RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 13] IMG 11 'My eyes drown in the dark depths of joy'. RBVBMS_327A no. [no number] IMG 12 'My eyes are drowned in the dark depth of joy.' [title: 'Translated from the Baul song of Padma-lochan, the disciple of Gosaindas, said to be born about 175 years ago.']. RBVBMS_327B ts no. XIII IMG 6 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_327C ts [no number] IMG 12 [title and 1st line as above].____________________
Baul Songs [not in EW]RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 14] IMG 12 'Where shall I meet him, the man of my heart?' RBVBMS_327A [no number] IMG 11 'Where shall I meet him the Man of my heart' [title: 'Translated from the Baul song of Gagan, a post peon of Shilidah, now dead']. RBVBMS_327B ts no. XIV IMG 7 'man'. RBVBMS_327C ts [no number] IMG 11 [1st line and title as RBVBMS_327A above].____________________
Baul Songs [not in EW]RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 15] IMG 13 [titled 'Fragments of songs heard in the road.] 'The unknown bird flits in and out of my open cage'. RBVBMS_327B ts no. XV b IMG 8 [title and first line as above].____________________
Baul Songs [not in EW]RBVBMS_327A ts no. IV IMG 3 'Where love is given love only is the price, neither pain nor pleasure.' RBVBMS_327C ts [Baul Songs no. IV] IMG 3, IMG 14 'love only is the prize'.____________________
Baul Songs: The cattle do not moveRBVBMS_061 ts [no. 16] IMG 14 'The cattle do not move, waiting for the shepherd boy'. RBVBMS_077 IMG 12 [as above]. RBVBMS_327B ts no. XVI IMG 8 [1st line as above].RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984)____________EW Vol. IV
Be not ashamed, my brothersRBVBMS_077 IMG 23.____The Sunset of the Century,' Nationalism (London: Macmillan, 1917)Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 27korona korona lajja, naibedya 93____
Be not concerned about her heart________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 10Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)acena, kshanikaa____
Be ready to launch forth, my heart!RBVBMS_001 IMG 42 'Be ready for the sailing of the sea, my heart!'. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 7. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 7. RBVBMS_306C ts no. VI IMG 4-3. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 5 'Be ready for the sailing of the sea, my heart!'. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 23.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 8Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)je thaake thaaknaa, geetaali 23____
Be still my heartRBVBMS_119A IMG 17 'Be still, my heart'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 95Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Beautiful is thy wristlet, decked with starsHRVD_002 ts IMG 54 'Beautiful is thy wristlet, I know, decked with stars'. HRVD_003 ts IMG 54 [as above].____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 53Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)sundara bate taba angadakhaani (geetimaalya: 1321, 1914)____
Beauty is an overpayment of God it keeps no account of our worthRBVBMS_371 IMG 6. EMSF_001 IMG 17 ts 'Beauty is an overpayment of [God] {some love which} [it] keeps no account of our worth.' IMG 20 ts 'Beauty is an over-payment of some love which keeps no account of our worth.' IMG 26 ts [as above] IMG 32 ts [as above] IMG 39 ts, IMG 44 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988) Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
Beauty is truth's smileRBVBMS_008 IMG 20 'Truth's smile is beauty'. RBVBMS_026 IMG 21 'Truth's smile is beauty'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 141 'Truth smiles in beauty'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 62 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 64 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 10 'Truth{'s} smile[s] [in]{is} Beauty'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 16 'Truth's smile is beauty'. RBVBMS_388 IMG 13 'Truth smiles in beauty'. EMSF_001 ts IMG 63 [as RBVBMS_219 above]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 26.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 113____sangeete jakhan satya shoneVariant in Lekhan poem 64
Beauty knows to sayRBVBMS_008 IMG 42. RBVBMS_026 IMG 25. RBVBMS_219 IMG 2. RBVBMS_248A IMG 77 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 79 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 12. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_388 IMG 29 EMSF_001 ts IMG 50. EMSF_009 ts IMG 30.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 173. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 140____________
Beauty smiles in the confinementRBVBMS_008 IMG 28. RBVBMS_026 IMG 28. RBVBMS_219 IMG 3 'Beauty smiles in the bud, in its perfect incompleteness.' RBVBMS_248A IMG 91 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 93 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 15. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 23. RBVBMS_388 IMG 14 EMSF_001 ts IMG 50 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 73. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 169____kundakali kshudra bali (RBVBMS_008)____
Bees sip honeyRBVBMS_077 IMG 14 'Little bees sip honey'. RBVBMS_119A IMG 11.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 127Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Before the end of my journeyRBVBMS_008 IMG 49. RBVBMS_248A IMG 138 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 140 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 33.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 256____________
Before the UnconditionedRBVBMS_113 IMG 15 'Before the unrelated the related dances' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 28____II. 85. nirgun aage sargun naacai____
Behind an infinite secrecy of the darkRBVBMS_184, IMG 69 'Death's messengers stole into the dark' [Variant version. Identified by Sankha Ghosh]. RBVBMS_292 IMG 2-3.VBQ New Series, Vol III part III: November 1937, titled Awakening, Reprinted in MR, January 1938. [MR IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 101bishwer aaloklupta timirer antaraale, praantik 1____
Behind the mist the sunRBVBMS_387C IMG 5. RBVBMS_388 IMG 37____________________
Behind the rusty iron gratingsRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 14. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 7. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 5.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 5. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921)The Fugitive II, no. 2____kaalo meye, palaataka____
Behind thy smile,/ In thy melodious speechHRVD_019 IMG 2-4 ['L Palit' at end. Not by Tagore ].________________Not by Tagore ? [not in EW]
Beloved, I will not speak to you of my sorrow.RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 2 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 58 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4].RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________Ohe jeebanaballabha, geetabitaan, pujaa 480EW Vol. IV
Beneath the great umbrella of my KingRBVBMS_113 IMG 32 'Millions of suns, moons and stars shine beneath the great umbrella of my being' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 93____III. 111. koteen bhaanu candra taaraagan: KS Kabir____
Benediction: Bless this little heart________The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 36Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ihaader karo aasheerbaad: aasheerbaad (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
Between the poles of the conscious and the unconsciousRBVBMS_113 IMG 11 'Where the conscious and the unconscious are the two poles' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 16____II. 59. jaanh cet acet khambh dou: KS Kabir____
Between the shores of Me and TheeRBVBMS_008 IMG 42. RBVBMS_026 IMG 30. RBVBMS_248A IMG 96 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 98 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 16. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 25. RBVBMS_388 IMG 30VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 178. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 178____________
Bid me and I shall gather my fruitsRBVBMS_001 IMG 52 '[Ask]{Bid} me and I shall gather my fruits [and]{to} bring [in]{them in full} baskets'. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 4 'Ask me and I shall gather my fruits'. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 2 [pg torn, 1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 2 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306C no. I IMG 2 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306D IMG 2 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 45 [1st line as above].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 1Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)baloto ei baarer mato, geetimaalya 851918 ed. contains illustrations by Nandalal Bose, Surendranath Kar, Abanindranath Tagore and Nabendranath Tagore
Bigotry tries to keep truth safeRBVBMS_008 IMG 11 'Wishing to hearten a timid lamp' IMG 39 'Bigotry tries'. RBVBMS_026 IMG 10 [next item on folio is 'Wishing to hearten a timid lamp']. RBVBMS_219 IMG 150 'Wishing to hearten a timid lamp'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 15 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 17 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 4. RBVBMS_388 IMG 7 'Wishing to hearten a timid lamp' IMG 27 'Bigotry tries {to keep} truth safe'. RBVBMS_460 IMG 2 [Accompanied by a letter from Kshitish Roy regarding provenance on IMG 13]. EMSF_001 ts IMG 64 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 136. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 23.____gnorhaami satyere caay, sphulinga 74. Bengali not in LekhanThe full Fireflies text: 'Bigotry tries to keep truth safe in its hand with a grip that kills it. /Wishing to hearten a timid lamp great night lights all her stars.' MSS often split the two parts as does Lekhan. RBVBMS_248A splits the poem and numbers it 30, RBVBMS_248B numbers it 29a. 'Wishing to hearten a timid lamp' was published as poem 18 in Lekhan and therefore also has a separate entry in this list. See MS columns of both entries for details.
Birth is from the mystery of nightRBVBMS_008 IMG 23. RBVBMS_026 IMG 18. RBVBMS_219 IMG 4 'Birth is the mystery of night into the greater mystery of day'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 48 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 50 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 7. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_388 IMG 16 EMSF_001 ts IMG 50 [as RBVBMS_219 above]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 24.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]. VBN April 1964 [IMG in Bichitra archive].Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 84. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 86____janma moder raater aandhaar____
Bless this little heart [See 'Benediction', The Crescent Moon no. 36]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Blessed am I that I am born____VBN August 1934 and MR, September 1934, titled To My Motherland. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 33sarthak janam aamaar, geetabitaan swadesh 24____
Blessed is heRBVBMS_119A IMG 39.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 296Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Blessings are ever showered upon the baby. Do you know from where they come?HRVD_005 IMG 7.________________[not in EW].
Blessings have I won in this life____________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 114e jibane sundarer: aarogya 29____
Bonds? Indeed they are bondsRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 178. HRVD_005 IMG 93 HRVD_006 ts IMG 6. HRVD_007 ts IMG 6.________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 10bandhan, sonaar taree____
Boro Budur: The sun shone on a far-away morningRBVBMS_163 IMG 77-74 'far away ' [counted backwards, IMG upside down, dated 'Bandoeng Sep. 25. 1927']. EMSF_005 ts IMG 6-7VBQ Vol.V, No. 3: October 1927, Reprinted in VBN May 1934. [VBN IMG in Bichitra archive]____Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936), p. 451borobudur, parishesh, sept. 1927____
Break his legs to carry himEMSF_001 IMG 6 'Break his legs [first and then take him up] {to carry him}' [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
Break my door-lockRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 100 'door lock'. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 47. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 26. RBVBMS_315(ii) ts IMG 19, IMG 20.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 78____bhenge mor gharer caabi, geetabitaan pujaa 58____
Break the bar, break it.____VBN, January 1939. [IMG in Bichitra archive]________baandh bhenge daao, taaser desh, geetabitaan bicitra 53[not in EW]
Breeze from the South, you bring awakening of flower.RBVBMS_375 IMG 8 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________dakhin hate aanile____
Breezes come from the sky [See Fireflies 63 'The wind of heaven blows']RBVBMS_008 IMG 14. RBVBMS_026 IMG 15 . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 5. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 10, IMG 60. RBVBMS_388 IMG 9____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 33____aakaashe uthila baataas (RBVBMS_008)____
Breezy April, vagrant AprilRBVBMS_391 IMG 2v [written on the flyleaf of The Gardener, Macmillan 1919].VBQ April, 1926. Titled April. Reprinted in MR, August 1934 [IMG in Bichitra archive].Edward J. Thompson, Rabindranath Tagore, His Life and Work (Calcutta: Association Press, YMCA, 1921), pp. 269-70. POem 2____Not translation____
Bring beauty and order into my forlorn life, womanRBVBMS_001 IMG 119. RBVBMS_040 ts [Lover's Gift], no. 64, IMG 83. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 44, IMG 51. RBVBMS_305B [Lover's Gift] IMG 35 [in ms, reverse order]. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 65. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 44 [Lover's Gift] IMG 51.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 48. Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 45Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)sangsaar saajaaye tumi aachile ramanee, smaran 18Variants: 'mend all that' and 'has been neglected' changed to 'mend all' and 'neglect' respectively in the Lover's Gift version.
Bring thy south breeze, SpringRBVBMS_375 IMG 25 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________basanta, aano malaysameer: sphulinga 157____
Bring to this country once againRBVBMS_005 IMG 11 [crossed out]. RBVBMS_054 IMG 138The Maha Bodhi Nov-Dec 1931 titled To Gautama Buddha____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). PoRBVBMS_087buddhadeber prati, parishesh____
Buddha, my Lord, my Master [see 'Buddha']________________________
Buddha: Buddha, my Lord, my Master____VBN, June 1935. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____________[not in EW]
Buds need no poet's aid to justify their presenceEMSF_001 IMG 11 [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
Business is of man, but to be a man of business is a shame.EMSF_001 IMG 6 [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
But in my eyes there is a film of shameHRVD_019 IMG 25 ts [possibly fragment].____________je din tumi aapni chile, balaakaa 29[not in EW].
But leave your vain effortsRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 31 But leave your vain efforts, for the stillness will ripen in the dark its own music. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 15 '[But leave]{But leave} your vain efforts' [ms note: '38 (contd.)'].____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 19____asamay, caitaaleeNo text in Das EW Vol. 1, but source listed. Line reproduced from Fugitive printed book IMG in Bichitra archive.
By all means they try to hold me secureHRVD_001 IMG 75.HRVD_002 ts IMG 18. HRVD_003 ts IMG 18.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 32Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)sangsarete aar jaahaaraa aamaay bhaalobaase (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
By every onward movement of yoursRBVBMS_005 IMG 10MR, January 1932, under the heading 'Poems.'____________EW Vol. IV
By plucking her petals________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 154.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
By the ruins of terror's triumph the children build their play castle with dust.RBVBMS_008 IMG 16. RBVBMS_026 IMG 16 'BY the ruins of terror's triumph the shepherd plays his pipe.' . RBVBMS_219 IMG 143 'Upon the ruins of tyrants' triumph children build their dust castle.' RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 6 'By the ruins of terror's triumph the shepherd plays his pipe.' RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 11 [entire page crossed through]. RBVBMS_375 IMG 20 'On the ruins of the triumphal arch' [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 10 '[By] {Upon} the ruins of [terror's] {tyrants'} triumph' EMSF_001 ts IMG 63 'Upon the ruins of tyrant's triumph' [as RBVBMS_219 above].____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 44____jeerna-jay-toran-dhuli pare (RBVBMS_008)____
By touching you may killRBVBMS_119A IMG 35.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 197Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Can she to whom I have offeredRBVBMS_210, IMG 37 'Can she whom I have offered all my heart.' BMSF_078 ts IMG 14, 15.VBQ New Series, Vol XIV, part III: November 1948-January 1949________sakal hriday diye from maayaar khelaa. Also geetabitaan prem 351EW Vol. IV
Ceaseless is the welter of rainRBVBMS_103 IMG 5. HRVD_019 IMG 55 ts.________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 17jhara jhara barishe baaridhaara, geetabitaan prakrwiti 28____
Champa: I opened my bud when April breathed her lastRBVBMS_077 IMG 8. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], IMG 59 [Title: Champa (From the Bengali of Satyendranath Datta)].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 53____Translated from the Bengali of Satyendranath Dutta (Campaa: Phuler Phasal, 1911)____
Chastity is a wealthRBVBMS_077 IMG 18. RBVBMS_119A IMG 7. EMSF_035 ts IMG 17.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 73Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Cheerless is the dayRBVBMS_119A IMG 41 [written twice, first item crossed out].____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 308Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Child, how happy you are sitting in the dust [See 'Playthings', The Crescent Moon no. 12]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Child, thou bringestRBVBMS_248A IMG 88 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 90 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_008 IMG 48. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 23.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 162____________
Children run out of the temple and play in the dust.RBVBMS_219 IMG 6, IMG 7. EMSF_001 ts IMG 50 [typed twice, once with space after 2 lines. ms note beside 1st instance: 'Greeting Card']. RVBMS_375 IMG 20 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________debmandir aanginaatale, lekhan (RBVBMS_375)[not in EW].
Citizens, who are wakeful, bring your almsHRVD_018 ts IMG 7.____________Shrestha bhikshaa, kathaa o kaahini[not in EW].
Closing my eyes and ears, withdrawing my mind and thoughtHRVD_006 ts IMG 57. HRVD_007 ts IMG 53.____________mukti, sonaar taree[not in EW].
Clouds and Waves: Mother, the folk who live up in the cloudsRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 89 'Mother [those]{the folk} who live [among]{up in} the clouds' [no title]. HRVD_005 IMG 21-3 [no title] 'Mother, those who live among the clouds' [running prose translation] HRVD_015 ts IMG 14-15 [as above, no title]. HRVD_016 ts IMG 14-15 [no title, 1st line as above].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 14Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)megher madhye maa go jaaraa thaake: maatribatsal (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
Clouds are hills in vapourRBVBMS_008 IMG 12. RBVBMS_026 IMG 12. RBVBMS_219 IMG 9. RBVBMS_248A IMG 25 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 27 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 3. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 7. RBVBMS_388 IMG 7 EMSF_001 ts IMG 50. EMSF_009 ts IMG 57.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 22. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 40____megh se baashpa giri____
Clouds broken by a light wind from the WestHRVD_019 IMG 40 ts.________________Not by Tagore ? [Not in EW]
Clouds come floatingRBVBMS_119A IMG 39.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 292Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Clouds heap upon cloudsHRVD_001 IMG 21 Bengali on IMG 20 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 4-5. HRVD_003 ts IMG 4-5.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 18Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)megher 'pare megh jameche (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
Clouds thicken in the sky!RBVBMS_113 IMG 29 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). PoRBVBMS_087____I. 71. gagan ghataa ghaharaanee, saadho: KS Kabir____
Come and hire me,' I cried [See 'The Last Bargain', The Crescent Moon no. 40]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Come and rejoice! For April is awake. [Speech heading: 'They all sing']RBVBMS_077 IMG 11-12. EMSF_007 IMG 6 [in Tagore's hand] [text from the Cycle of Spring, titled Phalguni], IMG 17 ts 'rejoice, [f]{f}or April is awake' [no title, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring'].Sen p. 536: 'MR, Feb 1916, The Cycle of Spring, a synopsis of Phalguni together with translations of 13 songs from the play. For photographs of the performance of the play (1916) see plates facing pp. 343 and 354 in MR March 1916.'____________[not in EW].
Come as you are; do not loiter over your toiletRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 36 'Come as you are, tarry not over your toilet', IMG 37 'Come as you are, [tarry not{linger d}]{do not loiter} over your toilet'. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG101 [upside down, folio verso, only 1 line, crossed out].____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 11Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jeman acha temni eso: ciraajamaanaa (kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)____
Come closer to me now before the shadow fallsHRVD_019 IMG 42 ts.________________Not by Tagore ? [Not in EW]
Come fire, touch our lamps____The VBQ, July 1923.________agnishikhaa eso esoEW Vol. IV
Come friend, flinch notRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 174. HRVD_014 ts IMG 7.________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 2mareecikaa, karhi o komal____
Come friend, who can free meRBVBMS_028, IMG 89 '[Accept] {Free} me, my friend, from my bonds of toil'.________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 9aamaare ke nibi bhai, bisarjan, geetabitaan pujaa 558____
Come thirst-quenching water____VBQ Vol.I No.2: July 1923Sen p. 546: 'Included in 'A Masque of Earth and Man' by Arthur Geddes, published in this issue [i.e. VBQ Vol1, No.2 Jul 1923]. These 'songs were specially translated by the poet himself for this article' [Pulinbighari does not provide sources for his quotation]'.____eso eso he trishnaar jal, geetabitaan prakrwiti 12[not in EW]. Sen states this as a translation of Eso eso he trishnaar jal. But Das EW gives the translation as 'Pitiless darts of fire' which is identified by Sen as the translation of the song 'Daarun agnibaane.'
Come to me like summer cloudRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 30. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 30. RBVBMS_060 IMG 17. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 28.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 28____esohe eso sajal ghana, geetaanjali 35____
Come to my garden walk, my love [Alternative first line 'What shall be my gift at the dawning to you, my love?']RBVBMS_001 IMG 13-14 'What shall be my gift [of the dawn] {at the dawning to you,} my love?' RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 2, IMG 11 'What shall I give you at the dawn, my love?' RBVBMS_305A ts[Lover's Gift], no. 2, IMG 3. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 3 [1st line as RBVBMS_040 above, 2 stanzas crossed out leaving first line as 'Come to my garden walk, my love.']. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. II IMG 3 'What shall be my gift at the dawning to you , my love?' RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 3 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 2 [Lover's Gift] IMG 3. RBVBMS_305H ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 3 'What shall be my gift at the dawn[ing] to you, my love?', IMG 4 [1st line as 305E above]. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 9 [1st line as above]. HRVD_005 IMG 'What shall be my gift of the dawn, my love'.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 2Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)he priya aaji e praate, balaakaa 10____
Come to us youth, tell us trulyRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 64, IMG 65.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 25Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ogo dekhi aankhi tule cao (maayaar khelaa: 1295, 1888)____
Come with all forms of perfection in my lifeRBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 3 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 36 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_005 IMG 107 HRVD_006 ts IMG 10-11. HRVD_007 ts IMG 10-11.VBQ, Vol 44, nos. 3 and 4. RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________Tumi naba naba rupe eso praane, geetaanjali 7.EW Vol. IV
Come, moon, come down [See 'The Child', Lover's Gift 50]________________________
Come, my Lover, in thy lavish splendourRBVBMS_217 IMG 8.VBQ October, 1925 [IMG in Bichitra archive].Edward J. Thompson, Rabindranath Tagore, His Life and Work (Calcutta: Association Press, YMCA, 1921), pp. 269-70. Poem 4____Not translation____
Come, spring, with your reckless wooingRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 56. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 26 'Come, Spring'. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 15 'Come, Spring, reckless lover of the earth'.A variant of this poem, 'Come spring, with all thy splendour of songs and lavish life' appeared in MR, January 1918, titled 'Spring', along with other poems under the heading 'Four Poems.' [IMG in Bichitra archive]The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 41. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 1.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)eso eso basanta dharaa tale, geetabitaan prem 189A translation of the song Eso eso basanta dharaatale, of which this is a translation, appeared in MR January 1918, under the title Spring, but it cannot be ascertained whether this is the same translation as Sen does not provide the first line.
Comrade of the roadRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 78, 79 [same image scanned twice]. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 79. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 77.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 78Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)pather saathee, nami baarambaar, geetaali 98____
Creation stops if the final answer is givenRBVBMS_371 IMG 4. EMSF_001 IMG 16 ts 'Creation {is an enigma that} stops', IMG 22 ts 'Creation is an enigma that stops if the final answer is given.' IMG 24 ts [as above] IMG 28 ts [as above] IMG 30 ts [as above] IMG 34 ts [as above] IMG 36 ts [as above], IMG 39 ts, IMG 43 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
Crowning the parting day with its last gift of goldRBVBMS_102 IMG 77____________dinaanter lalaat lepi (RBVBMS_102)____
Dance my heartRBVBMS_113 IMG 16 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 32____II. 103. naaco re mero man, matta hoy: KS Kabir____
Dark clouds becomeRBVBMS_119A IMG 34.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 249Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Dark clouds have blotted all lightsRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 190. HRVD_006 ts IMG 28. HRVD_007 ts IMG 29.________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 49aajike gahan kaalimaa, utsarga 31____
Dark night, trying to conquer the fearRBVBMS_375 IMG 13 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________ogo aandhaar ananta kaalo____
Darkly you sweep on, Eternal FugitiveRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 82-3. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 37-8. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 16. EMSF_012 ms IMG 24-5 'Darkly rollest on, thou unseen water of Existence' [not in Tagore's hand. Note on right top margin: 'Received by I. H. Cousins/march 1918'], IMG 26 'Darkly you sweep on unseen, Eternal Runaway' [ms note in place of title: '(The second revision of the poem -- how should I name it?)', dated March 6. 1918.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 60. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921)The Fugitive I, no. 1Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)he biraat nadee, balaakaa 8____
Darkness is the veiled brideRBVBMS_008 IMG 13. RBVBMS_026 IMG 15. RBVBMS_248A IMG 34 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 36 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 5. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_388 IMG 8 EMSF_009 ts IMG 60.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 29. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 59____aandhaar se jena birahinee____
Darkness smothers the one [See Stray Birds 90 'In darkness the One appears']RBVBMS_008 IMG 47. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 10. RBVBMS_388 IMG 34 'Darkness [smothers the one] {obscures One}'____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 227____aandhaar ekere dekhe (RBVBMS_008)____
Darkness travelsRBVBMS_119A IMG 37.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 188Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Dawn - the many-coloured flowerRBVBMS_008 IMG 13. RBVBMS_026 IMG 14. RBVBMS_219 IMG 147 'When dawn, the many-coloured flower, fades'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 31 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 33 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 4. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 8. RBVBMS_388 IMG 8 EMSF_001 ts IMG 64 [as RBVBMS_219 above]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 59.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 28. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 53 [variant].____naanaa ranger phuler mato____
Dawn plays her luteRBVBMS_008 IMG 25. RBVBMS_026 IMG 21. RBVBMS_248A IMG 62 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 64 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 10. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 16. RBVBMS_388 IMG 17.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 96. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 112____ushaa ekaa ekaa aandhaarer dwaare (RBVBMS_008)____
Day after day he comes and goes awayRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 54 'and goes back', IMG 55 'Day after day he comes [and[{then}]] {and} goes [back.]{away.}'.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 20Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)sakhi, pratidina haay ese phire jaay ke: sakarunaa (kalpanaa: 1307, 1900)____
Day after day, O lord of my lifeHRVD_001 IMG 123 'Oh lord of my life'.HRVD_002 ts IMG 31. HRVD_003 ts IMG 31.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 76Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)pratidina aami he jeebanaswamee (naibedya: 1308, 1901)____
Day by day I float my paper boats [See 'Paper Boats', The Crescent Moon no. 19]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Day offers to the silence of starsRBVBMS_008 IMG 30. RBVBMS_026 IMG 30. RBVBMS_219 IMG 76 'The day offers to the silence of night'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 97 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 99 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 17. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 25. RBVBMS_388 IMG 20. EMSF_001 ts IMG 57 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 115. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 181. Begins 'Day offers to the silence of night'.____din dey taar sonaar beenaa____
Day with its glare of curiosityRBVBMS_008 IMG 44. RBVBMS_026 IMG 37. RBVBMS_219 IMG 77 'The day's glare of curiosity'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 119 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 121 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 21. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 30. RBVBMS_388 IMG 32 'Day [with] {before} its glare' EMSF_001 ts IMG 57 [as RBVBMS_219 above, ms note: 'Greeting Card'].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 206. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 221____________
Day's pain muffled by its own glareRBVBMS_008 IMG 14. RBVBMS_027 IMG 53 'The day's pain'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 37 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 39 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 10 'Days pain, {that was} muffled by [its own]{the} glare'. RBVBMS_388 IMG 9. EMSF_009 ts IMG 60.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 37. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 66____diner roudre aabrita bedanaa (RBVBMS_008)Erroneously printed in 1st ed. as part of 65. Printed separately in Lekhan
Days are coloured bubblesRBVBMS_008 IMG 9. RBVBMS_026 IMG 9. RBVBMS_248A IMG 10 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 12 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_219 IMG 10. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 3. RBVBMS_388 IMG 6 EMSF_001 ts IMG 50.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 11. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 12____atal aandhaar nishaa-paaraabaar____
Days were drawing out as the winter ended________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 20Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)palaatakaa, palaatakaa____
Dead leaves when they lose themselvesRBVBMS_026 IMG 37. RBVBMS_248A IMG 133 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 135 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 21.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 247____________
Dear friendRBVBMS_008 IMG 26. RBVBMS_026 IMG 23 . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 11. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 17. RBVBMS_388 IMG 18 [Both Bengali and English text crossed out].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 122Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)phuraaile dibaser paalaa____
Dear friend, I am eager to meetRBVBMS_113 IMG 20 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 51____I. 129. sakhiyo, ham hun bhaai vaalamaasee: KS Kabir____
Death belongs to life as birth does.RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 214, IMG 215 [ms note 263. 'Death belongs to life as birth does, even as the walking contains the raising of the foot as much as the a lying of it down.'].____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 268Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jeeban, kanikaa____
Death is there and the pang of separationRBVBMS_160 IMG 133____________ache duhkha ache mrwityu, geetabitan, puja 248____
Death laughs when we exaggerateRBVBMS_008 IMG 29. RBVBMS_026 IMG 29. RBVBMS_248A IMG 94 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 96 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 16. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 24. RBVBMS_388 IMG 19 'when [we] {our words} exaggerate'VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 111. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 175.____mriter jatai baarhaai mithyaa mulya____
Death threatens to take his sonRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 214, IMG 215 [ms note 261, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.].________________[not in EW].
Death threatens, 'I will take thy dear ones.'____MR, November 1913, along with other poems of Kanikaa, under the heading 'Poems.' [Note: 'Englished by the poet himself'] [IMG in Bichitra archive]________mrityu, kanikaa[not in EW]
Death, hadst thou been but emptinessRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 214, IMG 215 [ms note 264, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.].________________[not in EW].
Death, thy servant, is at my door________Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 86Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)paathaaile aaji mrityur dut (naibedya: 1308, 1901)____
Death's stamp gives valueEMSF_001 IMG 6 [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 99Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)praanere mrityur chaap, lekhan____
Dedication____Hindusthan Standard Daily, 30 Nov. 1958________Dedicatory poem of kheyaa, no first line in Sen[not in EW]. Sen, source unchecked
Defamation: Why are those tears in your eyes, my child?RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 85 [no title]. HRVD_005 IMG 11 [no title] 'Why are there tears'.____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 10Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)baachaa re tor cokkshe kena jal: apajash (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
Deity of the ruined temple!HRVD_005 IMG 133 'Thou deity of the ruined temple!' HRVD_019 IMG 21-2 ts, IMG 23-4 ts.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 88Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bhaanga deuler debata: bhagna mandir (kalpana: 1307, 1900)____
Deliver me from my own shadowsRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 11. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 11. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 7 'Deliver me from my bonds, my lord.' RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 68 [1st line as above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 7____bhubaneshwar he, brahma sangeet 4, geetabitaan pujaa 122____
Deliverance is not for me in renunciationHRVD_001 IMG 129.HRVD_002 ts IMG 32. HRVD_003 ts IMG 32.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 73Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bairaagyasaadhane mukti se aamaar nay (naibedya: 1308, 1901)____
Delusions I did cherishRBVBMS_210, IMG 43. EMSF_029 ts IMG 40.VBQ New Series, Vol. XIV, part III: November 1948-January 1949____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 6bhul karechinu, maayaar khelaa, geetabitaan prem 203____
Deshabandhu Chittaranjan Das: Thy motherland spreads the veil____VBN, Vol. IV, No. 1, July 1935, p. 1. [IMG in Bichitra archive].____________EW Vol. 3 Appendix. On occasion of the inauguration of the Deshbandhu Memorial.
Did you leave behind your love, my heart?EMSF_007 IMG 15 ts [no title, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring']____________tui phele esechis kaare, phalgunee[not in EW].
Diverse courses of worship from varied springs [See 'Ramakrishna Paramahamsa']________________paramhamsa raamkrishnadeb____
Do not blameRBVBMS_119A IMG 35.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 40Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Do not call him to thy houseRBVBMS_005 IMG 8. RBVBMS_024, IMG 96. RBVBMS_123 IMG 41. RBVBMS_163 IMG 80-79 [counted backwards, IMG upside down]MR, January 1932 [collectively titled 'Poems']. VBN April 1934. An abridged version appeared in MR, January 1939 along with other poems titled Poems. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 71se kon paagal jaay, geetabitaan bicitra 108Place of composition: Baltic. Composed during a tour of Europe in 1921.
Do not call me backRBVBMS_210, IMG 45.VBQ New Series, Vol XIV, part III: November 1948-January 1949________dekonaa aamaare dekonaa from maayaar khelaa. Also geetabitaan prem 204EW Vol. IV
Do not go to the garden of flowersRBVBMS_113 IMG 7 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 4____I. 58. baago naa jaa re naa jaa: KS Kabir____
Do not go, my love, without asking my leaveRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 82 '[Go not,]{Do not go,} my love, without asking ,my leave', IMG 83 'Go not, my love'.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 34Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)naa bale jeyo naa cale (prayaashcitta: 1316, 1909)____
Do not insult thyself by yielding to diffidence____V.B.N, May 1933, MR, July 1939, V.B.N, November 1962 [All IMG in Bichitra archive].________sankacer bihbalataa nijere apamaan, geetabitaan swadesh 11EW Vol. IV
Do not insult your friendRBVBMS_077 IMG 19 'You insult your friend'. RBVBMS_119A IMG 19.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 105.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Do not keep to yourself the secret of your heartRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 62 '[Keep not]{Do not keep} to yourself', IMG 63 'Keep not to yourself.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 24Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tomaar gopana kathaati sakhi (kabya granthaabalee: 1303, 1896)Sen gives source as Geetabitaan
Do not leave me and goRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 39. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 39. RBVBMS_060 IMG 25. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 37.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 37____tumi jeyonaa ekhani, geetabitaan prem 152____
Do not lingerRBVBMS_119A IMG 34.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 102Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Do not say, 'It is morningRBVBMS_119A IMG 24. EMSF_035 ts IMG 37.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 235Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Do not seat your loveRBVBMS_119A IMG 20.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 15Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Do not stand before my windowRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 46. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 22.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 34. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 8____pratyaakhyaan, sonaar taree____
Do not tease my soul with your flickering favourRBVBMS_005 IMG 11. RBVBMS_123 IMG 28.MR, January 1932, under the heading 'Poems.'____________EW Vol. IV
Do not, oh do not turnRBVBMS_210, IMG 17. BMSF_078 ts IMG 22, 23.VBQ New Series, Vol XIV, part III: November 1948-January 1949________jeo naa jeo naa phire from maayaar khelaaEW Vol. IV
Do you own defeat at last at the hand of the hidden life? [Speech heading: 'Winter's confession']EMSF_007 IMG 5 [in Tagore's hand] [text from the Cycle of Spring, titled Phalguni], IMG 14 ts 'at the hand of youth?' [title: 'The Song of [the] Burdens-dropped', running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring'] .Sen p. 536: 'MR, Feb 1916, The Cycle of Spring, a synopsis of Phalguni together with translations of 13 songs from the play. For photographs of the performance of the play (1916) see plates facing pp. 343 and 354 in MR March 1916.'________ebaar to joubaner kache, phaalgunee[not in EW].
Dream is a wifeRBVBMS_077 IMG 18 'The dream is a wife'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 17.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 118Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Dreamers leave behind them in the dust failures that germinate and grow fruitful.RBVBMS_371 IMG 3v. EMSF_001 IMG 14 ts 'failures that germinate and grow fruitful {sprout [germinate] into fruition.}' IMG 23 ts 'Dreamers leave behind them in the dust failures that sprout into fruition' IMG 29 ts [as above], IMG 35 ts [as above], IMG 37 ts, IMG 42 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988). Titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
Dreams of dark night have vanished. [see also Crossing 44]RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 44 'Dreams of dark night have vanished. The chain of sleep has snapped.' RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 34 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_018 ts IMG 1.____________nishaar swapan chutla re[not in EW].
Dust returns to dustRBVBMS_387B IMG 57____________matite mishila maati____
Dying, you have left behind you the great sadnessRBVBMS_001 IMG 117 [verso pg]. RBVBMS_040 ts [Lover's Gift], no. 66, IMG 84. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 42, IMG 49. RBVBMS_305B [Lover's Gift] IMG 37 [in ms, reverse order]. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 66. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 42 [Lover's Gift] IMG 49.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 43Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tumi mor jeebaner maajhe, smaran 13____
Each rose that comesRBVBMS_008 IMG 25. RBVBMS_026 IMG 19. RBVBMS_248A IMG 53 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 55 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 8. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_388 IMG 17 [Both Bengali and English text crossed out]VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 93. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 96____sakal cnaapaai dey mor praaneSplit into two items resulting in 'God honours me when I work' numbered 61 and 105a in RBVBMS_248A and RBVBMS_248B respectively.
Early in the day it was whisperedHRVD_001 IMG 117.HRVD_002 ts IMG 29. HRVD_003 ts IMG 29.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 42Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)kathaa chila ek tarite tumi ebong aami (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
Early winter spreads her filmy veilEMSF_029 IMG 51 ms 'filmy viel', IMG 52 ts.VBN November 1938, VBN December 1982-January 1983. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 83himer raater ai gaganer, geetabitaan prakrwiti 171____
Easy success is the small pittanceRBVBMS_371 IMG 3v. EMSF_001 IMG 13 ts, IMG 21 ts 'is a small pittance' IMG 27 ts [as above], IMG 33 ts, IMG 37 ts, IMG 42 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988). Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
Echo, the ghost, is more deadRBVBMS_371 IMG 4. EMSF_001 IMG 15 ts, IMG 20 ts, IMG 26 ts, IMG 32 ts, IMG 38 ts, IMG 43 ts [item crossed out] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988) Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
Either you have work or you have notEMSF_001 IMG 6 [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 171Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)hay kaaj aache taba, lekhan____
Emancipation from the bondage of the soilRBVBMS_008 IMG 45. RBVBMS_026 IMG 14. RBVBMS_219 IMG 12. RBVBMS_248A IMG 122 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 124 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 31. RBVBMS_388 IMG 33 EMSF_001 ts IMG 50 [ms note: Greeting Card']. EMSF_009 ts IMG 50.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]. Reprinted from VBQ in MR, October 1939, along with other poems of Fireflies, under the title, stray Thoughts Recalled [IMG in Bichitra archive].Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 211. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 227____________
Empty the Cup! O be drunken!RBVBMS_113 IMG 22 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 58____I. 63. pee le pyaalaa, ho matwaalaa: KS Kabir____
Endlessly varied art thouRBVBMS_077 IMG 20 'Immensely varied thou art'. RBVBMS_098 IMG 56 'Endlessly varied thou art'. RBVBMS_312 ts IMG 9, IMG 10 [1st line as above].____The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921)The Fugitive II, no. 1Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)citraa, citraa____
Entangled in the meshes____VBN June 1937, titled Birthday. Also MR, June 1937. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 99janmadin, snejuti (drishtijaale jarhaaye oke)____
Even when the world beguiles my heartRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 46. RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 69 '{Even} When the world' IMG 70 'When the world' [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 71 [1st line as RBVBMS_369(iii) above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 70 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_018 ts IMG 2-3.ms note: 'Rabeendra beeksha-7' RBKSH Vol. 7 (1982)________ms note: 'sangsaare [sic] jabe mon kerhe lay (naibedya)'EW Vol. IV
Ever in my life have I sought thee with my songsHRVD_001 IMG 65 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 16. HRVD_003 ts IMG 16.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 101Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)gaan diye je tomaay khnuji (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
Every child comesRBVBMS_119A IMG 23. EMSF_035 ts IMG 18.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 77Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Every morning the messenger of light____VBN, May 1969. [IMG in Bichitra archive]________dekhaa, punasca[not in EW]
Eyes see only dust and earth [See 'Translations: Baul Songs 6']________________________
Facts are misers, they do not give full truthRBVBMS_077 IMG 17.____________________
Fairyland: If people came to know where my king's palace isRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 91 [no title]. HRVD_005 IMG 33-5 [no title] HRVD_015 ts IMG 5 [no title]. HRVD_016 ts IMG 5 [no title].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 16Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aamaar raajaar barhi kothay: raajaar baarhi (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
Faith is the birdRBVBMS_008 IMG 30. RBVBMS_026 IMG 32. RBVBMS_219 IMG 13. RBVBMS_248A IMG 103 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 105 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 18. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 26. BMSF_091 IMG 8 [IMG 10-16 duplicates of IMG 8]. EMSF_001 ts IMG 51 [ms note: 'Greeting Card'].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 116. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 191____bhakti bhorer paakhi (RBVBMS_008)____
Far as I gaze at the depth of Thy immensityEMSF_029 ts IMG 50 [ms title in Bengali 'tomaar aseeme', dated 'Santiniketan, April 10, 1940].EMSF_029 ts IMG 50 ms note 'V. B. Quarterly (New Series) (Vol. VI. Pt I) May-July, 1940.' VBQ New Series, Vol VI, part I: May 1940, along with another poem under the title Two Poems. Reprinted in VBN, Aug 1960. [VBN IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 22tomaar aseeme, naibedya 14____
Far below flowed the JumnaRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 15 'Down below flowed the Jumna'. RBVBMS_306A tsIMG 12 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 13 '[Down]{Far} below'. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XII IMG 8 [1st line as RBVBMS_070 above]. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 8 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 5 [1st line as above]. HRVD_018 ts IMG 11-12 [1st line as above].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 12Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)nishphal upahaar, kaahinee____
Farewell to Siam: The signet ring of a primaeval friendship____VBQ, October 1927. MR, February 1928 ['While I stood before thee, Siam'].________siaam, bidaaykaaleEW Vol. IV
Farewell, my friendEMSF_008 IMG 2-7 [ms and 2 ts copies of prose translation from 'kaaler jaatraar dhwani' of shesher kabitaa. Probably by Tagore , see Journal publication details in adjacent column. IMG 7 has typed name and date: 'T. Kar./ 27.4.'67']VBQ New Series Vol I part III: November 1935-January 1936. according to Sen another translation of the same poem 'Do you hear the rumbling', appeared in Hindusthan standard, Puja Annual, 1944, as part of K. Kripalani's translation of shesher kabitaa. The poem was translated by Tagore .________kaaler jaatraar dhvani from shesher kabitaa. Also bidaay, mahuyaaEw Vol. IV
Fate says, 'I'll take as my tribute'____MR, November 1913, along with other poems of Kanikaa, under the heading 'Poems.' [Note: 'Englished by the poet himself'] [IMG in Bichitra archive]________apariharaneeya, kanikaa[not in EW]
Father says I came from beyond the blue curtainRBVBMS_217 IMG 26 '[Why is it, mother, that I do not remember the place whence I came to you first?] Father says, [it lies] {I came from} beyond the blue curtain [from where] {through which} the stars appear'.____________________
Favour complains 'I give, but never receive.'RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 206, IMG 207 [ms note 238, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.]. HRVD_006 ts IMG 50. HRVD_007 ts IMG 48.EMSF_029 IMG 111 [title: 'Sparks from the Anvil [From the Bengali of Rabindranath Tagore].' MR, April 1912, p. 351, printed page, no corrections]. MR, April 1912, along with other poems of Kanikaa, under the heading 'Sparks from the Anvil.'[IMG in Bichitra archive]________prabhed, kanikaa[not in EW].
Fear not, for thou shalt conquerRBVBMS_024 IMG 93VBN, July 1936. MR, August 1936. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 74naai naai bhay habe habe jay, geetabitaan 1 swadesh 12Munich
Feathers lying in the dustRBVBMS_008 IMG 16. RBVBMS_026 IMG 16 'on the dust'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 14 [as above]. RBVBMS_248A IMG 42 'Feathers in the dust' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 44 'Feathers in the dust' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 6. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 11 [entire page crossed through]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 11 [1st line as above] EMSF_001 ts IMG 51 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 46. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 73. Begins 'Feathers in the dust'.____skhalita paalak dhulaay jeerna / paakhir paalak alas aabege (RBVBMS_248A)Slight variation in Lekhan
Feel thy release in the airRBVBMS_005 IMG 8 'Win your release'. RBVBMS_024 IMG 98. RBVBMS_123 IMG 39 'Feel thy release'. EMSF_029 IMG 93 [title: 'The Call', dated 'Oct. 2. 1931', ms note: 'Follow this version'].MR, January 1932, along with several other poems under the heading 'Poems'. V.B News, February 1935. [IMG in Bichitra archive] [Both begin 'Win your release in the air, O bird'].____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 80aakaashe tor temni aache chuti, geetabitaan 2, bicitra 104Vienna. Journal version in EW Vol. IV
Fiercely the storm wages war.RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 206, IMG 207 'Fierce{ly} [rages] [the] {the} storm [and] [wages] {wages} war.' [ms note 235, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.]. HRVD_006 ts IMG 51 'Fierce rages the storm'. HRVD_007 ts IMG 49 [as above].EMSF_029 IMG 111 'Fierce rages the storm and wages war' [title: 'Sparks from the Anvil [From the Bengali of Rabindranath Tagore].' MR, April 1912, p. 351, printed page, no corrections].________baler apekshaa bali, kanikaa[not in EW].
Fiercely they rend in pieces________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 33Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)kathikaa, lipikaa____
Fill your eyes with the colours that rippleRBVBMS_005 IMG 9 'The wine that they drink at the assembly of gods' [other versions on same page, crossed out. This is the last section of the poem]. RBVBMS_123 IMG 45 'colours that shimmer'. EMSF_029 IMG 96 'Fill your [look] {eyes} with the colours that ripple' [crossed out then marked 'stet' in red pencil].MR, January 1932, under the heading 'Poems.' [section beginning 'The wine that they drink']. VBN November-December 1936. MR, January 1937. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 76cahiya dekha rasera srate, geetabitaan 2, bicitra, 106Cologne. EW Vol. IV lists the journal version beginning 'The wine that they drink'.
Find your beautyRBVBMS_119A IMG 7 ['My heart' and 'find your beauty' placement transposed in correction].____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 255Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Flower, have pity for the wormRBVBMS_008 IMG 14. RBVBMS_026 IMG 16. RBVBMS_219 IMG 15. RBVBMS_248A IMG 40 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 41 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 6. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 11 [entire page crossed through]. RBVBMS_375 IMG 9 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 9. EMSF_001 ts IMG 51 [ms note: 'Greeting card'].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]. Reprinted from VBQ in MR, October 1939, along with other poems of Fireflies, under the title, Stray Thoughts Recalled [IMG in Bichitra archive].Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 35. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 70____keetere daya kariyo phul / caahiche keet moumaachir (RBVBMS_248A)____
Flowers of the day come back in my dreamRBVBMS_375 IMG 21 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].________________[Not in EW]
Flushed with the glow of sunsetRBVBMS_008 IMG 27. RBVBMS_026 IMG 26. RBVBMS_219 IMG 83 'The earth is the sunset glow'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 82 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 84 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 21. RBVBMS_388 IMG 19. EMSF_001 ts IMG 58 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 107. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 150.____suryaaster range raangaa____
For a mere nothing fill me with gladnessRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 19-20 '[Fill]{Make} me [with]{glad} gladness with nothing.' RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 199 'Keep me fully glad with nothing.' RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 16 [1st line as above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 27 'Fill me with gladness [for] {at} a mere nothing' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_018 ts IMG 3-4 [1st line as RBVBMS_369(ii) above].________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 39barshaa sandhyaa, kheyaa____
For once be careless, timid travellerRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 38. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 18.A variant reading of the poem 'For once be reckless, prudent traveller' appeared in MR, January 1918, titled Reckless along with other poems under the heading 'Four Poems.' [IMG in Bichitra archive]The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 26. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 5.____ore saabdhaanee pathik, geetabitaan bicitra 66____
For what great reward of my meritRBVBMS_005 IMG 7. RBVBMS_024, IMG 97. RBVBMS_123 IMG 35MR, January 1932, along with other poems under the title Poems. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 79ogo sundar ekada ki jaani, geetabitaan pujaa 534Prague
For you the winsome friends, the gladsome lightsRBVBMS_218 IMG 3.____________tomaar halo shuru: gitabitaan, bichitra 58Unpublished English poems (autograph) by Rabindranath Tagore rog shajyaay . 150/-' [not in EW].
For your holiday, my childRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 68. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 30.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 46____thaakurdaadaar chuti, palaataka____
Forests, the clouds of earthRBVBMS_008 IMG 41. RBVBMS_026 IMG 22. RBVBMS_248A IMG 66 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 68 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 10. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 17. RBVBMS_388 IMG 29VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 164. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 120____________
Forget to whom you have to speak but never forget what you have to say.RBVBMS_119A IMG 40 [Item crossed out, ms contains Stray Birds ].________________[not in EW]
Forgive my languor, O Lord [printed as MS facsimile, no number]EMSF_029 IMG 58 'Forgive my languour' [sic].________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 57aklaanti aamaar kshamaa karo, geetaali 59____
Forlorn thoughts from the forsaken hivesRBVBMS_026 IMG 21. RBVBMS_248A IMG 63 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 65 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 10. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 16.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies ( New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 115____________
Form is in MatterRBVBMS_008 IMG 44. RBVBMS_026 IMG 34. RBVBMS_219 IMG 16 'Form is in the matter'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 110 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 112 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 19. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 28. RBVBMS_388 IMG 31 'Form is in [Matter {substance}] {Matter}' EMSF_001 ts IMG 51 [as RBVBMS_219 above]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 45.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 189. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 205____Sphulinga 163, Bengali not in Lekhan. bastute ray ruper bnaadhan (RBVBMS_388)____
Fragments of forms stored in the mindRBVBMS_387B IMG 26____________tukro jata rooper rekha[not in EW]
Free me as free are the birds of the wildsRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 44. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 44. RBVBMS_060 IMG 30. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 42 'Free me, make me {free} as the birds of the wilds'. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 42. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 40, IMG 41 'Free me as free [is]{are}'. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 82 'as free [as]{are}' [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 64 'Free me {make me} [as free are] {as} the birds' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 42Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)haa re re re re re, geetabitaan 2, bicitra 48____
Free me from the bonds of your sweetness, my loveRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 112 '{Free me} from your bonds of sweetness [free me]', IMG 113 'From your bonds of sweetness free me'. HRVD_014 ts IMG 7 'From your bonds of sweetness free me, my love'.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 48Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)daao khule daao sakhi: bandi (karhi o komal: 1293, 1886)____
Freedom from fear [See 'Freedom']________________________
Freedom is not gained through the broken wallsRBVBMS_005 IMG 15 'not overtaken through'. EMSF_001 IMG 21 ts, IMG 24 ts 'Freedom is not overtaken through broken walls, it is welcomed through open gates.' IMG 27 ts, IMG 30 ts [as IMG 24 above,] IMG 33 ts, IMG 36 ts [as IMG 24 above] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
Freedom: Freedom from fear____Forward [daily newspaper], 27 Sept. 1933. VBN Oct-Nov, 1933. MR, January 1934. [IMG in Bichitra Archive].____Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936), p. 454based on durbhaagya desh hate, naibedya 48EW Vol. 3 Appendix. Death anniversary of Raja Rammohun Roy.
Friend, I wish I had some secretRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 23. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 11. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 12. RBVBMS_315(ii) ts IMG 7 'Friends, I wish'.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 11____olo sai olo sai, geetabitaan prem 81____
From behind the screen of nightRBVBMS_375 IMG 17 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________aandhaar nishaar gopan antaraal: sphulinga____
From His eternal seat [See 'The Son of Man']________________________
From the Chinese: I believe in the deep blue sky and the smiling waterRBVBMS_087 IMG 51-2 [ms contains copies of Tagore's letters, title on IMG 3: 'Guurudev's letters written during May, June, July, August, 1915'. Scribal note on IMG 51: '[From the Musical Edition of Gitanjali.- A poem which I copied out and had with me at the time these letters were written]'].________________[not in EW]
From the depth of Heaven aboveHRVD_006 ts IMG 51-3 ['L. Palit' typed at end. Not by Tagore ]. HRVD_007 ts IMG 49 [attribution as above, full text crossed out.________________Not by Tagore ? [not in EW]
From the shrine of the West you have brought us living water____The first version appeared in VBN February 1968 under the title To Charles Andrews (the footnote says Reproduced from VBN, April 1940). It again appeared in VBN February-March, 1971 without the title. The second version appeared in VBN, April 1978 in Tagore's handwriting. [IMG in Bichitra archive]________charles andrewser prati: prateeceer teertha hate praAnother asadhaar, byaktiprasanga[not in EW]
From the solemn gloomRBVBMS_008 IMG 10. RBVBMS_026 IMG 9. RBVBMS_248A IMG 12 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 14 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 4. RBVBMS_388 IMG 6 EMSF_009 ts IMG 8. RBVBMS_229VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 14. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 17____deba mandir aanginaa tale / teyaagiya mandirer bedi andhakaar (RBVBMS_248A)____
From triumph to triumphRBVBMS_112, IMG 5MR, April 1918, titled The Conqueror [IMG in Bichitra archive]________bijayee, purabee____
From wanderings among the hills I loveHRVD_019 IMG 43 ts.________________Not by Tagore ? [Not in EW]
'Fruit to sell, Fruit to sell,' cried the woman at the door [See 'Translations: Vaishnava Songs 5']________________________
Fruitless Cry: Fruitless our cryHRVD_005 IMG 47 HRVD_006 ts IMG 40-44 [asterisked footnote linked to title: 'Translated from the Bengali of Babu Rabindranath Tagore' crossed out by hand. 'L. Palit' typed at end. Not by Tagore ?]. HRVD_007 ts IMG 41-2 [attribution and note as above, full text crossed out].________________Not by Tagore [not in EW]
Fulfilment: The overflowing bounty of thy graceEMSF_005 IMG 4 [written on the back of an envelope], IMG 5 ts [titled in ms: 'Fulfilment/from a Bengali/ Song'. Ms note on folio: 'Sent to Mr. B. Natesan Asst. India Review for Souvenir {to be published} on the occasion of 70th birthday of Mr. Natesan']VBN December 1932. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936), p. 452tomaar ei maadhuri, geetaali 45____
Gandhi Maharaj: We who follow Gandhi Maharaja's lead.RBVBMS_186 IMG 23 'We {who} follow Gandhi Maharaja's lead'VBQ, February-April 1941. VBN, February 1946. VBN, October 1969, without the title. [IMG in Bichitra archive]________gaandhee mahaaraajEW Vol. IV
Gaps are left________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 148____________
Gently, my friend, gently walkEMSF_007 IMG 13 ts [no title, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring']____________dheere bandhu dheere dheere, phaalgunee[not in EW].
Give me back my fluteRBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 4 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations'].RBKSH Vol. 7 (1982)________aabaar aamaar haate beenaa daao tuli, naibedya 25EW Vol. IV
Give me the supreme courage of loveRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 99. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 47. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 25. RBVBMS_315(ii) ts IMG 18.VBQ New Series, Vol IX, part I: May-July 1943, part of Letter ix under Letters to WW Pearson. Titled 'Prayer' in VBN, December 1949, along with other poems under the heading 'Poems of Peace.' [VBN 1949 IMG in Bichitra archive]The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 77. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 37.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Give me the unknown flower from your basketRBVBMS_375 IMG 6 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________daalite dekhechi taba acena kusuma naba [ms note traces to sphulinga]____
Go back if you have doubtsRBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 5, IMG 6 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations'].RBKSH Vol. 7 (1982)________jadi tor bhaabnaa thhaake, geetabitaan swadesh 28EW Vol. IV
Go thou to the companyRBVBMS_113 IMG 25 'Where there is the company' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 71____III. 13. saadh sangat peetam: KS Kabir____
God among starsRBVBMS_008 IMG 13. RBVBMS_026 IMG 27. RBVBMS_027 IMG 41 'God among his stars'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 17. RBVBMS_248A IMG 85 'God in his temple' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 87 'God in His temple' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 14 'God in His temple'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 22 [as above]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 8. EMSF_001 ts IMG 51.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 26. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 156. Begins 'God in his temple'____taaraar deep jwaalen jini (RBVBMS-388)____
God claims from man a garland made of flowersRBVBMS_102 IMG 78____________debataa je caay (RBVBMS_102)____
God comes to me________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 314Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
God expects answersRBVBMS_119A IMG 18.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 26Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
God finds himself________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 46Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
God grows wearyRBVBMS_119A IMG 22.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 67Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
God honoured meRBVBMS_008 IMG 43. RBVBMS_026 IMG 32 'God honoured me with battle'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 18, IMG 19. RBVBMS_248A IMG 105 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 107 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 18 'God honoured me with with [his fight] battle'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 27. RBVBMS_388 IMG 30. EMSF_001 ts IMG 51 [typed twice, both with ms note: 'Greeting Card'].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]. VBN February 1937. Reprinted in MR, March 1937, VBN February 1967.Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 194____bidhaataa dilen maan (RBVBMS_388)____
God honours meRBVBMS_008 IMG 17. RBVBMS_026 IMG 18. RBVBMS_219 IMG 20. RBVBMS_248A IMG 53 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 55 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 8. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_388 IMG 11. EMSF_001 ts IMG 51.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]. VBQ New Series, Vol VI, part IV: February 1941, titled 'God Honours Me When I Sing', reprinted from Fireflies (1928) p. 105 [IMG in Bichitra archive].Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 52. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 97____jabe kaaj kari prabhu dey1st ed. prints Fireflies nos. 96 and 97 together.
God is ashamedRBVBMS_119A IMG 12.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 108Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
God kissesRBVBMS_119A IMG 40.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 303Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
God loves man's lampRBVBMS_077 IMG 18 'God loves man's lamplights'. RBVBMS_119A IMG 13 'God loves man's [little] lamp'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 194.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)debataa je caay, lekhan____
God loves to see in meRBVBMS_008 IMG 42. RBVBMS_026 IMG 25. RBVBMS_248A IMG 77 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 79 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 12. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_388 IMG 30 EMSF_009 ts IMG 31.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfured, Hungary, 1926). Poem 174. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 141____________
God says to manRBVBMS_077 IMG 14.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 63Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
God seeks comradesRBVBMS_008 IMG 39. RBVBMS_026 IMG 10. RBVBMS_248A IMG 16 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 18 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 5. RBVBMS_388 IMG 27.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive] Another version The Comrade, 4 September, 1937. MR, October 1937.Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 137. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 25____sakhaar kachete prem, sphulinga 231. Bengali not in Lekhan____
God waits for manRBVBMS_119A IMG 40.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 300Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
God waits to win backRBVBMS_077 IMG 18 'God waits to find back'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 215Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
God watches with the same smileRBVBMS_008 IMG 19. RBVBMS_026 IMG 20 . RBVBMS_219 IMG 21 'God watches the single night of a firefly'. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_388 IMG 12 EMSF_001 ts IMG 52 [as RBVBMS_219 above].____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 58____aakaasher taaraay taaraay (RBVBMS_008)____
God would remain imperfectRBVBMS_005 IMG 14. EMSF_001 IMG 21 ts, IMG 33 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
God's great power________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 151.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)(based on) baler apekshaa balee, kanikaa____
God's right handRBVBMS_119A IMG 23.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 211Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
God's silenceRBVBMS_119A IMG 40.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 305Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
God's smile is revealed in love's lightRBVBMS_387C IMG 4. RBVBMS_388 IMG 36.____________eeshwarer haasyamukh dekhibaare paai (RBVBMS_388)____
God's world is ever renewedRBVBMS_008 IMG 24. RBVBMS_026 IMG 18. RBVBMS_219 IMG 23 'God's world is renewed'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 52 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 54 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 8. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_388 IMG 17 EMSF_001 ts IMG 51 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 90. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 93____debataar srishti biswa____
Gods, tired of paradiseRBVBMS_008 IMG 40. RBVBMS_026 IMG 12 'Gods'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 22. RBVBMS_248A IMG 24 'God's [sic] tired ' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 26 'God's', proofread with apostrophe deletion indicated in margin [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 3 'tired of their paradise'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 6 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 27. EMSF_001 ts IMG 51. EMSF_009 ts IMG 57 'tired of their paradise'.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 146. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 39. Begins 'Gods tired of their paradise'.____aruci ghate je re swargapure____
Gorakhnath asks KabirRBVBMS_113 IMG 15 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 29____II. 87. Kabir kab se bhaye vairaagee: KS Kabir____
Great ocean, the music of your depthsRBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 7 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 46 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_006 ts IMG 3. HRVD_007 ts IMG 3.RBKSH Vol. 7 (1982) [another version] and RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________kata naa tushaarpunja, naibedya 43EW Vol. IV
Guests of my lifeRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 76. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 76. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 74.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 75____ei teertha debataar dharaneer mandir-praangane, geetaali 108____
Half asleep on the shore you dreaded____________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 68jharh, purabee____
Hands are joined in prayerRBVBMS_387C IMG 5. RBVBMS_388 IMG 36____________eeshwarpranaame tabe haat jorhaa hay (RBVBMS_388)____
Hands cling to hands and eyes linger on eyesRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 46, IMG 47. HRVD_014 ts IMG 3.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 16Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)hridaypaane hriday taane: sojaasuji (kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)____
Hang up the swing of love to-dayRBVBMS_113 IMG 32 'Hang the swing of love to-day' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 100____II. 122. koee prem kee peng jhulaao re: KS Kabir____
Have mercy upon your servant, my queenRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 12-13, IMG 14-15. HRVD_005 IMG 141-5 'Victory to thee, my queen!'.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 1Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jay hok mahaaraani: aabedan (citraa: 1303, 1896)RBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 4-11 Index of first lines, some page numbers inserted by hand. RBVBMS_391 is The Gardener (London: Macmillan 1919).
Have you come at last to my door____MR, January 1935________tumi ki esecha mor dware, natir pujaa+ geetabitaan puja 91EW Vol. IV
Have you come to me as my sorrow?RBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 27. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 27. RBVBMS_060 IMG 13. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 54-5 'You have come to me as my sorrow.' RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 25. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 23, IMG 24. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 49 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4. ms note: 'Friday, Summer-1913']. HRVD_004 ts IMG 87 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 24____duhkha murti, kheyaa____
Have you not heard his silent steps?HRVD_001 IMG 113 'Hast not thou heard his silent steps?'.HRVD_002 ts IMG 28 'Hast thou not heard'. HRVD_003 ts IMG 28 [as above].____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 45Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)toraa shunis ni ki shunis ni taar paayer dhwani (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
Have you not heard the tuneRBVBMS_113 IMG 21 '{Have you not heard the message of the music?}' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 54____I. 112. suntaa nahee dhun kee khabar: KS Kabir____
Have you, summer breeze, forgotten flower-pollenRBVBMS_375 IMG 5 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________basanta bayu, kusum keshar gecha ki bhuli (lekhan 142)____
Have your glance at the dance of coloursRBVBMS_024 IMG 94____________caahiyaa dekha rasera srote, geetabitaan, bichitra 106____
He becomes a child with the childRBVBMS_027 IMG 38____________bhasiye diye megher bhela, lekhanNot in EW
He came and sat by my sideHRVD_001 IMG 97.HRVD_002 ts IMG 23-4. HRVD_003 ts IMG 23-4.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 26Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)se je paashe ese basechila (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
He has made his weaponsEMSF_001 IMG 7 [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 45Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
He is a thousand beings in oneRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 43-4. RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 8 'He is a thousand [men]{beings} in one' IMG 9 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 86 'He is a thousand men in one' [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 67 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].ms note: 'Rabeendra beeksha-17' RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________ei eklaa moder haajaar maanush, acalaayatan, geetabitaan naatyageeti 93EW Vol. IV
He is dear to me indeedRBVBMS_113 IMG 18 'He is my beloved indeed' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 40____I. 65. avadhu bhule ko ghar laawe: KS Kabir____
He is tall and leanRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 69. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 31.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 47. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 16____snehadrishya, caitaalee____
He is the real SadhuRBVBMS_113 IMG 21 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 56____I. 68. bhaaee koee satguru sant kaahinee aawai: KS Kabir____
He it is, the innermost oneHRVD_001 IMG 79 'It is he, the innermost one' Bengali on IMG 79.HRVD_002 ts IMG 19. HRVD_003 ts IMG 19.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 72Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ke go antaratara se (geetimaalya: 1321, 1914)____
He keeps me before him [See 'Translations from the Vaishnava poets VII']________________________
He lives whose life is a star of hopeRBVBMS_102 IMG 76____________________
He owns the worldRBVBMS_008 IMG 41. RBVBMS_026 IMG 21 'He owns the world' . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 10. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 17. RBVBMS_388 IMG 29 'The owns the world' [item crossed out]____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 163____________
He whispered, 'My love, raise your eyes'RBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 86, IMG 87 [double quotes in both instances].____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 36Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)se aasi kaahinee ila, 'priye mukh tule cao': spardhaa (kalpanaa: 1307, 1900)____
He who does goodRBVBMS_248A IMG 40 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 41 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 11 [entire page crossed through].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 69____bhaalo je karite paare____
He who has come to me from the distanceRBVBMS_375 IMG 23 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________door hate jaare peyechi paashe (RBVBMS_375)____
He who has not the power to attain greatnessRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 206, IMG 207 [ms note 235, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.]. HRVD_006 ts IMG 50. HRVD_007 ts IMG 48.EMSF_029 IMG 111 'He who has not the power to attain greatness' [title: 'Sparks from the Anvil [From the Bengali of Rabindranath Tagore].' MR, April 1912, p. 351, printed page, no corrections] [IMG in Bichitra archive]________asaadhya ceshta, kanikaa[not in EW].
He who is meek and contendedRBVBMS_113 IMG 24 [Printed first line is later insertion] [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 70____III. 9. seel santosh sadaa samadrishti: KS Kabir____
He who is too busy doing goodEMSF_001 IMG 7 He who is too [forward] {busy} to do good' [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5]. EMSF_035 ts IMG 30.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 184Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bhaalo karibaare jaar, lekhan____
He who wants________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 83Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bhaalo je karite paare, lekhan____
He who wants to do good is turned backEMSF_001 IMG 7 [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
He whom I enclose with my name is weepingHRVD_001 IMG 69 'is dying' .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 16-17. HRVD_003 ts IMG 16-17.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 29Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aamaar naamta diye dheke raakhi jaare (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
He will not stay. The night is gone.RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 10, IMG 11 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations'].RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________kena dhare raakhaa, geetabitaan prem 241EW Vol. IV
Heaven's flowers in my wreath, King of Gods, have faded at lastRBVBMS_217 IMG 3-4 'Heaven's flowers in [the]{my} wreath [received from you, Indra], King of [the] Gods, have faded at last'.RBKSH Vol. 21 (1989)________swarga haite bidaay, citraaEW Vol. IV
Heaven's tears come down in rain to blossom smiles of the earth.RBVBMS_077 IMG 14.____________________
Heavy with clouds Sky bends low to earthRBVBMS_217 IMG 14. RBVBMS_391 IMG 85 'Laden with rain clouds Sky bends low' [written on the flyleaf of The Gardener, Macmillan 1919].RBKSH Vol. 21 (1989)________meghdut 4, lipikaaEW Vol. IV
Her neighbours call her dark in the villageRBVBMS_001 IMG 62. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 22, IMG 32. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 16, IMG 16. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XXII IMG 12. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 22 IMG 23. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 22. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XXII IMG 20. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 25. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 15 [Lover's Gift] IMG 16. RBVBMS_305H ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 11. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 55. HRVD_005 IMG 74-5 [part of a letter dated Calcutta, June 2. 1915: 'My dearest Friend, The following are the translations of some poems of my early days. Don't imagine that I send these to you for publication. Keep them in 'deep-delved earth' to mature till we meet'] HRVD_019 IMG 14 ts.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 15____krishnakali, kshanikaaDas EW vol. 1: A different but more faithful translation of this poem entitled 'Krishnakali' is included in 'Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore' [1936, see listing below]
Her wistful faceRBVBMS_119A IMG 18.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 8Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Here I send you my poemsEMSF_029 IMG 53-4 [no title], IMG 55-6 ts [no title, 'P.T.O' inscribed in pencil on IMG 56. IMG 57 contains a few ms lines beginning 'Imagine a song suddenly flashing up like a flying fish' which ms editing indicates as the end of stanza 1], IMG 87-8 ts [title in ms: 'A letter/ (translated from Punascha)'].VBQ, New Series, Vol. III, part IV: February 1938, titled A Letter____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 1patra, punaschaLast 9 poems not by Tagore and thus not listed here. The edition in the Bichitra archive (undated, although mentioning first printing date as 1942) lists the poems differently from EW Vol. I. This listing follows the numbering used in the Bichitra images of the edition and not Das EW.
Here is thy footstoolHRVD_001 IMG 53 'There is thy footstool' .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 12-13. HRVD_003 ts IMG 12-13.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 10Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jethaaye thaake sabaar adham (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
Here, the leaves dance in the sun, which is what I love____________Rabindranath Tagore: An Anthology of One Hundred Songs in Staff Notation, Vol. 2 (New Delhi: Sangeet Natak Akademi, 1967)Ei ta bhalo legechilaEW Vol. IV
Hide not thy secret, my friendRBVBMS_112 IMG 7.____________tomaar gopan kathaati: gitabitaan, prem 63____
Hide not your face in terrorRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 25. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 25.________________[not in EW].
Hills are the earth's gestureRBVBMS_008 IMG 19 'are the silent cry of the earth'. RBVBMS_026 IMG 20 'are the silent cry of the earth for the unreachable'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 60 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 62 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 9 'Hills are the silent cry of the earth'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 16. RBVBMS_388 IMG 13VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 108____ai parbat maalaa aakaasher paaneVariant in Lekhan poem 60.
Hills are the silent cry [See Fireflies 108 'Hills are the earth's gesture']RBVBMS_008 IMG 19. RBVBMS_026 IMG 20 . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 16 'Hills are the earth's gesture of despair'. RBVBMS_388 IMG 13____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 60____ai girimaalaa aakaasher paane (RBVBMS_008)____
His own morningsRBVBMS_119A IMG 25. EMSF_035 ts IMG 10.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 32Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
History slowly smothers its truthRBVBMS_008 IMG 42. RBVBMS_026 IMG 25 'slowly smothers truth'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 24, 25 'History slowly smothers truth'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 76 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 78 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 12. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 19. RBVBMS_388 IMG 29. EMSF_001 ts IMG 52 [ms note: 'Greeting Card'].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]. Reprinted from VBQ in MR, October 1939 along with other poems of Fireflies under the title stray Thoughts Recalled. VBQ New Series, Vol. XII, part II: August-October 1946. Reprinted from Fireflies [MR IMG in Bichitra archive].Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 172. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 138____________
Hold thy faith firm, my heartRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_060 IMG 4. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 38-9 'Hold your faith firm'. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 12. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 8, IMG 9 [1st line as RBVBMS_308A above]. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 77 [1st line as RBVBMS_308A above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 59 [1st line as 308A above] [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 12____nishidin bharsha raakhis, geetabitaan swadesh 6____
How could the love between Thee and meRBVBMS_113 IMG 16 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 34____II. 110. mohi tohi laagi kaise chute: KS Kabir____
How far are you from me, O Fruit?RBVBMS_119A IMG 18. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 210, IMG 211 [ms note 252, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents].A variant reading of this poem, 'The flower cries loudly, 'Fruit, my fruit' appeared in MR, November 1913 along with other poems of Kanikaa under the heading 'Poems.' [IMG in Bichitra archive]Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 86Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)phul o phal, kanikaa____
How grave he looks, how laughably old [Speech heading: 'Spring's heralds sing']EMSF_007 IMG 4 [in Tagore's hand] [text from the Cycle of Spring, titled Phalguni], IMG 12 ts [title: 'Song of the Heralds of Spring', running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring'], IMG 41 ts [title: 'Song of the Heralds of Spring', page torn, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring''].Sen p. 536: 'MR, Feb 1916, The Cycle of Spring, a synopsis of Phalguni together with translations of 13 songs from the play. For photographs of the performance of the play (1916) see plates facing pp. 343 and 354 in MR March 1916.'________or bhaab dekhe je paay haasi (phaalgunee)[not in EW].
How hard it is to meet my LordRBVBMS_113 IMG 20 'How hard to meet my lord!' [item crossed out] [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 64____I. 117. saaeen se lagan kathaa hin hai, bhaaee: KS Kabir____
How may I sing to theeRBVBMS_077 IMG 19.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 247Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
How often, great EarthRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 76. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 34.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 54. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 7Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)basundharaa, sonaar taree based on the lines 'he sundaree basundharaa tomaa paane ceye…shushu shunye ceye thaaki bishaad byakul'____
Hungary, thou hast offered me welcomeRBVBMS_027 IMG 88____________haangeri aatithya tumi [Identified by Sankha Ghosh]____
I cannot tell whyRBVBMS_119A IMG 8.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 37Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I am a child in the darkRBVBMS_119A IMG 26.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 275Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I am able to love my GodRBVBMS_008 IMG 42. RBVBMS_026 IMG 26. RBVBMS_219 IMG 26. RBVBMS_248A IMG 79 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 81 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_388 IMG 30. EMSF_001 ts IMG 52 [ms note: 'Greeting card'].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 176. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 145____ei je param mulya (RBVBMS_388)____
I am ashamed of my emptiness,' said the Word to the Work.RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 217 'I am ashamed of my utter emptiness' [ms note 273]. HRVD_018 ts IMG 22 [as above].A variant reading of this poem, 'The word says, 'When I notice thee, O work, I am ashamed' appeared in MR, November 1913 along with other poems of Kanikaa under the heading 'Poems.' [IMG in Bichitra archive]Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 138Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)paraspar, kanikaa____
I am ever afraid of praise lest it be proved my debt.RBVBMS_371 IMG 6. EMSF_001 IMG 17 ts '[I am ever afraid of] [p]{P}raise {frightens me} lest it be proved my debt.' IMG 26 ts 'praise frightens me' IMG 32 ts [as above] IMG 39 ts, IMG 44 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988) Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
I am glad that you stop notRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 48-9. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 23.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 36. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 14Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)biccheder shaanti, maanasee____
I am here to sing thee songsHRVD_001 IMG 31 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 7. HRVD_003 ts IMG 7.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 15Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aami hethaay thaaki shudhu gaaite tomaar gaan (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
I am in the worldRBVBMS_119A IMG 25.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 265Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I am like a remnant of a cloud of autumnHRVD_001 IMG 161 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 43. HRVD_003 ts IMG 43.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 80.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936).aami sharatshesher megher mata: leela (kheyaa: 1313, 1906)____
I am like the night to you________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 7Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)shesh upahaar, maanasee____
I am like the road in the nightRBVBMS_119A IMG 16. EMSF_035 ts IMG 28.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 182Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I am neither pious nor ungodlyRBVBMS_113 IMG 26-7 'I am neither religious or irreligious' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 79____III. 66. naa main dharmee naheen adharmee: KS Kabir____
I am no beggar that greedily clamours for futureRBVBMS_371 IMG 6. EMSF_001 IMG 17 ts, IMG 44 ts [Item crossed out] IMG 39 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988) Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
I am only waiting for loveHRVD_001 IMG 77.HRVD_002 ts IMG 18-19. HRVD_003 ts IMG 18-19.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 17Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)premer haate dhara deba bale (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
I am poured forth [See 'Translations: Baul Songs 3']________________________
I am restlessRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 22-3, IMG 24-5. HRVD_006 ts IMG 39-40 [title: 'The Far Off']. HRVD_007 ts IMG 40-1 [title as above].MR, January 1932. [IMG in Bichitra archive]The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 5Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aami cancala he (utsarga: 1321, 1914)____
I am singular____Hindusthan standard Puja Annual 1944, the poem, translated by Tagore appeared as part of K.R. Kripalani's translation of Shesher Kavita________translation of aanilaam apariciter naam from shesher kabitaaEW Vol. IV
I am small because I am a little child [See 'The Little Big Man', The Crescent Moon no. 27]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I am the autumn cloudEMSF_035 ts IMG 31, IMG 32 [folio scanned twice].____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 185Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I am the boat [See 'Translations: Baul Songs 8']________________________
I am the schoolmaster kanai.HRVD_005 IMG 43 HRVD_015 ts IMG 19-20 [no title]. HRVD_016 ts IMG 19-20.____________aami aaj kaanaai maastaar, shishu[not in EW].
I am the south wind that donot [sic] claim honey from the flowerEMSF_001 IMG 13, IMG 19 ts 'do not' IMG 25 ts [as above] IMG 31 ts [as above] [ms insertion on ts folio. folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
I am the weary earth of summer [Unpublished variant: 'The heat-scorched garden of my heart stands like a beggar spreading its haggard arms to the angry sky']RBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 29. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 29. RBVBMS_060 IMG 16. RBVBMS_077 IMG 23. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 52-53. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 27. RBVBMS_309B ts IMG 4. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 27-28.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 27____aamaar e maanaser kaanan kangaal, naibedya 87____
I am waiting with all I haveRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 158 'I am waiting with my all in the hope of losing everything', IMG 159 'I am waiting with [my] all {I have} in the hope of losing everything'. HRVD_004 ts IMG 51 'I am waiting with all I have in the hope of losing everything' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____________ms note: '(aamaar sakal niye base aaachi)/ raajaa gi.bi.pri.374'[not in EW].
I ask for a moment's indulgenceHRVD_001 IMG 81 Bengali on IMG 80.HRVD_002 ts IMG 19-20. HRVD_003 ts IMG 19-20.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 5Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tumi ektu kebal boste diyo kache (geetimaalya: 1321, 1914)____
i ask for an audience from youRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 52. HRVD_004 ts IMG 82 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].VBQ New Series, Vol. XIV, part III: November 1948-January 1949.____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 23mahaaraaj, kshanek darshan, naibedya 37____
I ask no rewards for the songsRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 102. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 48. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 28. RBVBMS_315(ii) ts IMG 22.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 80. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 34____aami tomaay jata, geetabitaan pujaa 5____
I asked nothing from theeHRVD_002 ts IMG 51 [title: 'By the Well']. HRVD_003 ts IMG 51 [title and first line as above].____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 54Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tomaar kaache caaini kichu: kuaar dhaare (kheyaa: 1313, 1906)____
I asked nothing, only stood at the edge of the woodRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 40, IMG 41. HRVD_006 ts IMG 30. HRVD_007 ts IMG 31.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 13Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aami to cahini kichu: piyaasi (kalpanaa: 1307, 1900)____
I asked of Destiny: 'Tell me [see Stray Birds 173 'Who drives me forward']RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 204, IMG 205 [ms note 231, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.]. HRVD_006 ts IMG 58. HRVD_007 ts IMG 54.________________[not in EW].
I believe in the deep blue sky and the smiling water [See 'From the Chinese']________________________
I believe you had visited me________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 8____maanas sundaree, sonaar taree lines 209f____
I believe your vision had comeRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 33. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 16.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 21____________
I boasted among men that I had known youHRVD_005 IMG 121 'I have known thee'.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 102Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tomaay chini bale aami (utsarga: 1321, 1914)____
I bring to theeRBVBMS_026 IMG 32. RBVBMS_248A IMG 104 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 106 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 18. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 26.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 192____________
I brought out my earthen lampRBVBMS_001 IMG 37. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 17. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 18. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XVII IMG 11. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 11. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 31.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 17____gharer theke enechilem, geetaali 76____
I call her my Krishna flower [See 'Krishnakali']________________________
I came following my hopeRBVBMS_375 IMG 18 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________esechinu saathe laye aashaa (RBVBMS_375)____
I came nearest to you, though I did not know itRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 26. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 26. RBVBMS_060 IMG 12. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 24.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 23Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jakhan tomaay aaghaat kari, geetaali 103____
I came out alone on my way to my trystHRVD_005 IMG 129.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 30Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)eklaa aami baahir halem (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)Variants: 'my Lord' [IS], 'My lord' [M]
I came to offer thee a flowerRBVBMS_008 IMG 18. RBVBMS_026 IMG 24 'thee'. RBVBMS_027 IMG 48. RBVBMS_219 IMG 27 'I came to offer thee a flower'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 73 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 75 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 12 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 19 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 12 EMSF_001 ts IMG 52 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 53. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 134____ekti pushpakali (RBVBMS_008)____
I came to your shoreRBVBMS_119A IMG 34. EMSF_035 ts IMG 38.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 272Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I came with my LordRBVBMS_113 IMG 30 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 95____I. 109. saaeen ke sangat saasur ai: KS Kabir____
I can easily be as brave, motherRBVBMS_098 IMG 55. RBVBMS_312 ts IMG 6, IMG 7.RBKSH Vol. 21 (1989)________baabaa jadi raamer mato paathhaay aamaay bane, banabaas, shishuEW Vol. IV
I can never believeRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 98. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 46. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 24. RBVBMS_315(ii) ts IMG 17.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 76____________
'I can not keep your waves' says the river bankRBVBMS_077 IMG 19.____________________
I cannot choose the bestEMSF_001 IMG 7 'When I say 'I must choose the best {for myself}' [and] I miss the Best. When I say 'I must give myself up,' [and] the Best chooses me.' [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 20Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I cannot keep your wavesRBVBMS_119A IMG 12.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 202Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I cannot remember my mother____VBQ New Series, Vol II, part I: May-July 1936. Reprinted in MR, September 1936. VBN July-November 1982. [MR and VBN IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 62mane parhaa, shishu bholaanaath____
I carry in my heart a golden lamp of remembrance [See 'Two Poems Written in Iran I']________________________
I carry in my world________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 121.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I cast my shadow upon my path because I carry a lamp that has not been lighted.RBVBMS_119A IMG 27 [numbered 146, ms contains Stray Birds ].________________[not in EW]
I clasp your hands, and my heart plungesRBVBMS_001 IMG 105 'I clasp your hands, and my hungry heart plunges' [contains 1 extra stanza]. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 26, IMG 37. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 25, IMG 29. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 26 IMG 28. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 27. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XXVI IMG 24. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 30 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 25 [Lover's Gift] IMG 29.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 25____nishphal kaamana, maanaseeFor a fuller text see Poems, no. 3 (Das EW)
I cling to this living raft, my body, in the narrow stream of my earthly years.RBVBMS_001 IMG 26-27 'I cling to the living raft, my body, in the narrow stream of my earthly years.' RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 49. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 46 'I cling to [the]{this} living raft'. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 47. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XL IMG 30-1. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 20.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 42Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ei dehatir bhelaa niye, balaakaa 30____
I decorate with futile fanciesRBVBMS_008 IMG 41. RBVBMS_026 IMG 16 . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 5. RBVBMS_388 IMG 29____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 161____________
I did not know that I had thy touchRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 40. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 40. RBVBMS_060 IMG 26. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 38.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 38____bhorer belaa kakhan ese, geetimaalya 35____
I dive down into the depth of the oceanHRVD_001 IMG 111 'I dive down into the {depth of the} ocean'.HRVD_002 ts IMG 27-8. HRVD_003 ts IMG 27-8.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 100Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)rupsaagare dub diyechi (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
I do not ask theeRBVBMS_119A IMG 25.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 267Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I do not know what manner of GodRBVBMS_113 IMG 24 'I do not know what kind of a God' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 67____I. 9. naa jaane saahab kaisaa hai: KS Kabir____
I dream of a star________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 310Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I dreamt that she sat by my headRBVBMS_001 IMG 101. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 48, IMG 61. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 28, IMG 32. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 39 IMG 42. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 49. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XLV IMG 41. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 52. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 28 [Lover's Gift] IMG 32.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 28Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)swapna, caitaalee____
I drink your kiss as though it were the cupHRVD_019 IMG 45 ts.________________Not by Tagore ? [Not in EW]
I ever wonder when I am before theeEMSF_001 IMG 20 ts, IMG 26 ts IMG 32 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
I feel my body vanishing [See 'Translations: Vaishnava Songs 3']________________________
I feel that my heart will leaveRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 77. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 35.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 55. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 32____basundharaa, sonaar taree lines 'aamaar aananda laye…taahaader preme kichu ki rabanaa aami!____
I feel that the ferryRBVBMS_008 IMG 49. RBVBMS_248A IMG 130 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 132 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 33.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 241____________
I feel that they were not left behindRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 85. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 39.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 62. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 25. Begins: 'I feel that your brief days of love'____swalpa aayu e jeebane, smaran 16____
I feel that your brief days of love________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 25Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)swalpa aayu e jeebane, smaran 16____
I feel the silence of your great thoughtsRBVBMS_119A IMG 29 'of your great [dreams] {thoughts}'.________________[not in EW]
I feel thy beautyRBVBMS_119A IMG 17 'I feel thy [great] beauty'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 120.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I feel thy gazeRBVBMS_119A IMG 38. EMSF_035 ts IMG 43.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 318Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I felt I saw your faceRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 77. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 77. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 5 'I looked into your face'. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 75. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 75, IMG 76 [1st line as RBVBMS_308A above]. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 7 [1st line as above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 5 'I looked into your face' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_005 ts IMG 85 'I looked at your face and launched my boat'.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 76____kebal taba mukher paane caahiyaa, utsarga 2____
I filled my tray with whatever I hadRBVBMS_001 IMG 111. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 39, IMG 51. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 27, IMG 31. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XXXIX IMG 24. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 40. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XXXVII IMG 34-5. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 45. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 27 [Lover's Gift] IMG 31.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 27____shesh upahaar, citraa____
I forget the dayRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 36. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 17.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 24____maanas sundaree: taar pare ekdin, sonaar taree____
I forgot myself for a momentRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 51-2. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 24 [changes].____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 38. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 16Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bhule, maanasee____
I found a few old letters of mineRBVBMS_001 IMG 86. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 56. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 52. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 54. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XLV IMG 35-6. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 70. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 56. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 126, IMG 127. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 52 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 90 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_005 IMG 127.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 47Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)dekhilaam khaan kay puraatan cithi, smaran 14____
I give my whole water in joy________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 69Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I had debated all night to no purposeRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 35-6. RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 12-13 'I {had} debated all night for nothing' [2 stanzas crossed out. stanza 1 beginning 'Is it too late and are the gates closed already?' Contents note: 'Unpublished Translations'].HRVD_004 ts IMG 54-5 'all night [for nothing] {to no purpose}' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].ms note: 'Rabeendra beeksha- 17'. RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________ms note: 'asamay: kalpanaa'EW Vol. IV
I had gone a-begging from door to doorHRVD_001 IMG 155-6 'I went abegging' .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 39-40 [as above]. HRVD_003 ts IMG 39-40 [as above].____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 50Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aami bhiksha kare phirtechilem: kripan (kheyaa: 1313, 1906)____
I had travelled [See 'Translations: From Hindi songs of Jnanadas 3.']________________________
I have built with mud a shelter for my last hours [See 'Shyamali']________________________
I have comeRBVBMS_210, IMG 19. BMSF_078 ts IMG 20, 21.VBQ New Series, Vol XIV, part III: November 1948-January 1949________esechi go esechi from maayaar khelaa. Also geetabitaan prem 358EW Vol. IV
I have come again, the straying rover.RBVBMS_001 IMG 137. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 64, IMG 81-2. RBVBMS_305B [Lover's Gift] IMG 15-14 [in ms, reverse order]. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 63-4.VBQ, winter 1958-1959________aami pathbholaa ek pathik esechi, geetabitaan prakrwiti 201EW Vol. IV
I have come to thee to take thy touchRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 55. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 55. RBVBMS_060 IMG 41. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 53.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 53Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aaji pranaami tomaare caliba, brahma sangeet 1 [sic], geetabitaan pujaa 495____
I have dippedRBVBMS_119A IMG 30.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 170Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I have donned this new robeRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 42. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 20.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 30. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 15Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)sarbadeher byaakulataa, balaakaa 38____
I have ever loved thee in a hundred forms and timesRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 176, IMG 177 [stanza 3-4, 'We two have come floating asleep through ages']. HRVD_006 ts IMG 34-5. HRVD_007 ts IMG 35-6.MR, September 1912, titled The Infinite Love. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 7ananta prem, maanasee____
I have felt your muffled steps in my blood____Another abridged translation of the same poem (Kathaa kao, kathaa kao) appeared in VBQ Vol I part I, April, 1923. It begins as 'tumultuous years bring their voice.' [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 52kathaa kao, kathaa kao, kathaa , introductory poem____
I have got my leaveHRVD_001 IMG 87 Bengali on IMG 86 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 21. HRVD_003 ts IMG 21.VBN, Aug 1963. VBN, June 1964 [IMG in Bichitra archive]Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 93Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)peyechi chuti bidaay deha bhaai (geetimaalya: 1321, 1914)____
I have had my invitationHRVD_001 IMG 95 'I {have} had my invitation'.HRVD_002 ts IMG 23. HRVD_003 ts IMG 23.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 16Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jagate aanandajagne aamaar nimantrana (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
I have kissed this world with my eyesRBVBMS_001 IMG 24. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 61. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 57. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 62. RBVBMS_306C ts no. L IMG 38-9. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 18. HRVD_005 IMG 53.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 53Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aami je besechi bhaalo, balaakaa 19____
I have learned the Sanskrit languageRBVBMS_113 IMG 32 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 91____III. 12. samskrit bhaashaa parhi leenhaa: KS Kabir____
I have learnt the simple meaningRBVBMS_119A IMG 31.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 269Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I have looked on this pictureRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 78. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 35.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 56. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921)The Fugitive III, no. 2.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)je kathaa haa balite cai, balaakaa 41____
I have lost my dewdropRBVBMS_119A IMG 10 [beginning with double quotes].____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 199Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I have loved you and I know what is truthRBVBMS_371 IMG 5. EMSF_001 IMG 16 ts, IMG 23 ts, IMG 29 ts, IMG 35 ts IMG 39 ts, IMG 44 ts [item crossed out] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988) Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
I have met thee where the night touches the edge of the dayRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 31. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 31. RBVBMS_060 IMG [pg. 16 of the ms possibly not scanned, IMG. 18 is marked as pg. 16 but IMG for pg. 16 missing]. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 29.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 29Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)raatri ese jethaay meshe, geetimaalya 1____
I have my singer's errand to the birthday feast of the honeysuckleRBVBMS_371 IMG 2r. EMSF_001 IMG 13 ts '{This morning} I have my singer's errand', IMG 19 ts 'This morning I have my singer's errand' IMG 25 ts [as above] IMG 31 ts [as above] IMG 37 ts, IMG 41 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988). Titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
I have my starsRBVBMS_119A IMG 23.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 146.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I have no traceRBVBMS_008 IMG 18. RBVBMS_026 IMG 19. RBVBMS_219 IMG 29. RBVBMS_248A IMG 58 'I leave no trace' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 60 'I leave no trace' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 15. RBVBMS_388 IMG 12. EMSF_001 ts IMG 52.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 104. Begins 'I leave no trace'____aakashe to aami raakhi naai (RBVBMS_008)____
I have played my flute alongRBVBMS_024 IMG 95________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 81bnaashi aami baajaai ni ki, geetabitaan prem 24Dardanelles
I have sat on the bankRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 88. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 41.MR, April 1918, titled 'The Captain Will Come to His Helm.' [IMG in Bichitra archive]The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 66____tareete paa diini aami, geetabitaan bicitra 32EW Vol. IV
I have scaled the peakRBVBMS_119A IMG 38.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 321Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I have seen thee as the half-awakened childEMSF_035 ts IMG 40.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 281Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I have seen thee play thy musicRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 71. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 71. RBVBMS_077 IMG 23-24. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 69. RBVBMS_309B ts IMG 5. EMSF_040 ts IMG 10, IMG 11 [Contents sheet files item under 'Unpublished'. Ts title: 'Gurudev asks me to send you his latest poems, not translations.' Ms note on folio: '[From- Pearson's letter of 5 Jan 1917 to C.F.A. (last page) vide Andrews papers, File 23/32]' note signed 'Sur/ 24/8/82'].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 70Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I have seen your rocksRBVBMS_119A IMG 33 [no number in ms, ms contains Stray Birds , note in different ink: 'To Admiral Habayama'].________________[not in EW]
I have sought out the cave of the primitiveRBVBMS_180A IMG 75. RBVBMS_387B IMG 22____________bismritajuge guhaabaseeder man____
I have stilled my restless mindRBVBMS_113 IMG 19 'I have made my restless mind immovable' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 48____I. 107. calat mansaa acal keenhee: KS Kabir____
I have sufferedRBVBMS_119A IMG 38.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 323Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I have sung the songsRBVBMS_119A IMG 32.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 266Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I have thanked the flame for its lightRBVBMS_119A IMG 33 [no number, ms contains Stray Birds ].________________[not in EW]
I have thanked the treesRBVBMS_248A IMG 27 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 29 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 7. EMSF_009 ts IMG 18, IMG 58.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 45____gaacher kathaa mane raakhi (RBVBMS_248B)____
I have the prayer to the sunRBVBMS_008 IMG 33 'I hear the prayer'. RBVBMS_027 IMG 46 'I hear the prayer'. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 17 'I hear the prayer'. RBVBMS_388 IMG 21 [1st line as above]____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 128. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 187. Begins 'Listen to the prayer of the forest'____oi shuno bane bane (RBVBMS_388)____
I hear some rustleRBVBMS_119A IMG 22.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 131.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I hear the knockings at my heartRBVBMS_219 IMG 28. EMSF_001 ts IMG 52.________________[not in EW].
I hear the melody of His fluteRBVBMS_113 IMG 24 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 68____III. 102. ham se rahaa na jaay: KS Kabir____
I hid myself to evade youRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 28. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 28. RBVBMS_060 IMG 14 'I hide myself to evade you'. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 34 'Yes, yes, strike me again, yet again.' RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 26 'I h[a]{i}d myself'. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 25, IMG 26 'Yes, yes, strike me more, yet more'. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 62 [1st line as above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 52 'Yes, yes, strike me [more] {again}, yet [more] {again}.' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 25Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aaro aaro prabhu, prayashcitta, geetabitaan pujaa 228____
I hold her hands and press her to my breastRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 114, IMG 115. HRVD_014 ts IMG 8.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 49Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)kaache jaai dhari haat: hridayer daan (maanasee: 1297, 1890)____
I hunt for the golden stagRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 158 'I seek after the golden stag.' RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 21 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4].____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 69Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)toraa je jaa balis bhaai (raajaa: 1317, 1910)____
I I know you will win my heartRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 34. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 34. RBVBMS_060 IMG 20. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 32. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 33 'Thou wilt steal my heart some day, my lover.' RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 32 [1st line as above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_018 ts IMG 1 [1st line as RBVBMS_369(ii) above].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 32____________
I know my flowers open in answer to invisible kissesRBVBMS_027 IMG 45____________aami jaani mor phulguli (RBVBMS_027)[not in EW].
I know not from what distant timeHRVD_001 IMG 33 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 8. HRVD_003 ts IMG 8.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 46Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aamaar milan laagi tumi (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
I know not how thou singest, my master!HRVD_001 IMG 105.HRVD_002 ts IMG 25-6. HRVD_003 ts IMG 25-6.VBN September 1967, VBN, February 1973. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 3Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tumi keman kore gaan koro he guni (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
I know not how to place my offerings before youRBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 15 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 72 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4].RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________aami ki bale kariba nibedana, geetabitaan pujaa 478EW Vol. IV
I know not what wineRBVBMS_210, IMG 28. BMSF_078 ts IMG 28.VBQ New Series, Vol XIV, part III: November 1948-January 1949________aami ki jena korechi paan from maayaar khelaaEW Vol. IV
I know that at the dim end of some dayRBVBMS_001 IMG 72 [full text crossed out]. RBVBMS_103 IMG 6. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 128. EMSF_011 IMG 2 [1st line illegible and cropped out in image, very faint manuscript, written in pencil, but identifiable as this poem. Many differences with the printed version. First para as follows: 'The wild wanderer[?] [...] tunes by the wayside, the cattle will graze at the slope of the river's bank, the children with careless clamour will play in their courtyards and birds sing but my days will come to their end.'], IMG 16 'I know my days will end and the last dim sunset of my life will bid me a faint farewell from the edge of the sea'. HRVD_019 IMG 57 ts.MR, December 1914, along with two other songs under the title, Poems [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 51Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jaanigo din jaabe, geetimaalya 40____
I know that I have my seat by your side.RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 28. RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 14 'I have my seat by your side I know' IMG 16 [Contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 88 'I have my seat' [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 42 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].ms note: 'Rabeendra beeksha-17' RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987) ['I have my seat by your side I know']________ms note: 'Tr aamraa basba tomaar sane / bhule jaai theke theke'. Prayascitta and geetabitaan naatyageeti 85EW Vol. IV
I know that the day will come when my sightHRVD_005 IMG 113.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 92Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ekdin ei dekha hoye jaabe shesh: durlabh janma (caitaalee: 1303, 1896): 1303, 1896)____
I know that the flower one dayRBVBMS_103 IMG 7. HRVD_019 IMG 58 ts. RBVBMS_229MR, December, 1914, along with two other songs under the title, Poems. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 54aamaar sakal knaataa, geetimaalya 49____
I know that this lifeRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 18.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 18Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jeebane jata pujaa, geetaanjali 147____
I know thee as my god and stand apartHRVD_001 IMG 47 'God' .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 11 'God'. HRVD_003 ts IMG 11 [as above].____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 77Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)debta jene dure roi dnarhiye (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
I know thee, thou maiden of the strange landEMSF_040 IMG 6 [Contents sheet files item under 'Unpublished', written on hotel stationery, Tokyo].RBKSH Vol. 21 (1989)________aami cini go cini tomaare ogo bideshinee, geetabitaan prem 86EW Vol. IV
I laugh when I hearRBVBMS_113 IMG 18 'It makes me laugh when I hear' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 43____I. 82. paanee vic meen piyaasee: KS Kabir____
I leave my songs behind meRBVBMS_026 IMG 37. RBVBMS_248A IMG 133 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 135 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 21.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 246____________
I leave you to yourRBVBMS_210, IMG 39. BMSF_078 ts IMG 26, 27.VBQ New Series, Vol XIV, part III: November 1948-January 1949________tabe sukhe thaako from maayaar khelaaEW Vol. IV
I lingered on my wayRBVBMS_008 IMG 16. RBVBMS_026 IMG 17. RBVBMS_219 IMG 30. RBVBMS_248A IMG 47 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 49 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 7. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 12. EMSF_001 ts IMG 52. RBVBMS_375 IMG 17 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 11VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 47. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 83____pathe hala deri____
I live in thisRBVBMS_119A IMG 27.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 257Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I lived on the shady side of the roadRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 49. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 49. RBVBMS_060 IMG 35. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 47.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 47Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I long for the Island of SongsRBVBMS_119A IMG 38.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 319Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I long to go over there [See 'The Further Bank', The Crescent Moon no. 21]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I long to speak the deepest wordsRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 96, IMG 97. HRVD_006 ts IMG 46-7 'I long to [tell you] {speak}'. HRVD_007 ts IMG 44-5 [changes as above].____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 41Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)gabheer sure gabheer kathaa: bheerutaa (kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)____
I lose thee, to find thee back again and againEMSF_007 IMG 17 ts [no title, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring']____________tomaay natun kare paaba bale, phaalgunee[not in EW].
I love you, belovedRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 80, IMG 81.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 33Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ogo priyatamaa aami tomaare je: maarjana (kalpanaa: 1307, 1900)____
I loved the sandy bank where, in the lonely poolsRBVBMS_001 IMG 58 . RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 17, IMG 27. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 23, IMG 27. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XVII IMG 9. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 17 IMG 17. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 17. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XVII IMG 15-16. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 19. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 23 [Lover's Gift] IMG 27. RBVBMS_305H ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 13. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 51. HRVD_005 IMG 73 [part of a letter dated Calcutta, June 2. 1915: 'My dearest Friend, The following are the translations of some poems of my early days. Don't imagine that I send these to you for publication. Keep them in 'deep-delved earth' to mature till we meet'] HRVD_019 IMG 10 ts.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 23____dui teere, kshanikaa____
I made for her a bed of flowers____MR January 1937 (footnote says reprinted from VBQ) [IMG in Bichitra archive]____________[not in EW]
I make toys for TimeRBVBMS_005 IMG 13____________bholaanaather khelaar tare____
I miss the meaningRBVBMS_026 IMG 39. RBVBMS_248A IMG 132 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 134 [Printed book pages]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 53.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 244____________
I missed my star throughout the dayRBVBMS_217 IMG 12VBN, May 1964 [IMG in Bichitra archive].____________[not in EW].
I must have all, I cannot restRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 39-40. RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 17, IMG 18 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 78 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 60 'I must have {win} all' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].ms note: 'Rabeendra beeksha-7'. RBKSH Vol. 7 (1982)________aami sab nite chaai, acalaayatan, geetabitaan bicitra 45EW Vol. IV
I must launch out my boatHRVD_001 IMG 89 Bengali on IMG 88.HRVD_002 ts IMG 21-2. HRVD_003 ts IMG 21-2.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 21Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ebaar bhasiye dite habe aamaar ei tari (geetimaalya: 1321, 1914)____
I must not defile thy feet____VBQ, Vol. 44, nos. 3 and 4________dayaa diye dhute habe go morEW Vol. IV
I neglected to appraise your worthRBVBMS_256 IMG 4-6.________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 95sthir jenechilem, shesh shaptak 1____
I obey not law, I am freeRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 206, IMG 207 [ms note 240, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.]. HRVD_006 ts IMG 51. HRVD_007 ts IMG 49.MR, April 1912, along with other poems of Kanikaa, under the heading 'Sparks from the Anvil.'[IMG in Bichitra archive]________satyer sangjam, kanikaa[not in EW]
I often wonder where lie hiddenRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 159, IMG 184. HRVD_005 IMG 111-13 'where lies hidden' HRVD_006 ts IMG 17-18. HRVD_007 ts IMG 18-19.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 79Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)murha pashu bhaashaaheen: dui bandhu (caitaalee: 1303, 1896)____
I only said, 'When in the evening [See 'The Astronomer', The Crescent Moon no. 13]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I opened my bud when April breathed her last [See 'Champa']________________________
I paced alone [See 'The Home', The Crescent Moon no. 1]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I played day and nightRBVBMS_113 IMG 9 'I played all day and night' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 11____I. 131. nish din khelat rahee sakhiyaan sang: KS Kabir____
I plucked your flower, O worldRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 130 'O world!', IMG 131 [as above]. HRVD_006 ts IMG 27. HRVD_007 ts IMG 28.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 57Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tulechilem kusum tomaar: staayee-asthaayee (kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)____
I promised myself that I would keep to my houseRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 16. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 202 'I promised myself that I should keep to my house' [first line crossed out: 'O my heart, the tuneful call comes to me!'], IMG 203 'O my heart, the tuneful call comes to me!' RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 100 [ms note on folio IMG: 'mari lo mari aamaay bnaashite dekeche ke' 'Sanyasi'. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 21 'I promised [to] myself that I [sh]{w}ould keep' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____________ms note: mari lo mari aamaay bnaashite dekecheRBVBMS_308A ms note: 'Cf Oh my heart the tunefull call. Sannyasi/ Sacrifice & Other Plays'. See drama list for ms/ts instances of the full text.
I remember a day in my childhoodRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 160 'I remember a day when I was a child', IMG 161 [as above]. HRVD_006 ts IMG 27 'I remember the day when I was a child, and I floated'. HRVD_007 ts IMG 28 [as above].____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 70Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)mane parhe sei aasharhe: khela (kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)____
I remember my childhoodRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 72. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 72. RBVBMS_077 IMG 25. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 70. RBVBMS_309B ts IMG 6. EMSF_040 ts IMG 10, IMG 11 [Contents sheet files item under 'Unpublished'. Ts title: 'Gurudev asks me to send you his latest poems, not translations.' Ms note on folio: '[From- Pearson's letter of 5 Jan 1917 to C.F.A. (last page) vide Andrews papers, File 23/32]' note signed 'Sur/ 24/8/82'].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 71Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I remember the day________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 3Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ekti din, lipikaa____
I remember the scene on the barren heathRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 71. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 32.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 49. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 15Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)sangee, caitaalee____
I run as a musk-deer runs in the shadow of the forestRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 44 'musk deer runs in the shad[e]{ow of the forest', IMG 45 'I run as the musk deer runs in the shade of the forest'. HRVD_006 ts IMG 33-4 [1st line as IMG 45 above]. HRVD_007 ts IMG 34-5.MR, September 1912, titled Youth. [IMG in Bichitra archive]The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 15Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)pagal haiya bane bane phiri (utsarga: 1321, 1900)____
I said to thee: O queen [See 'To Italia']________________________
I see an unseen kissRBVBMS_008 IMG 20. RBVBMS_026 IMG 23 . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 11. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 18. RBVBMS_388 IMG 13____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 65____aami jaani mor phulguli (RBVBMS_008)____
I seek and seek on my harp stringsRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 200 'in my harp strings'. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 14 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 16 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_018 ts IMG 3.________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 40bicched, kheyaa____
I shall bear all blame for love of theeEMSF_022 IMG 13 [folio written upside down, marked as no. 4, in pencil]____________aami tomaar preme: geetabitaan, prem 91[not in EW].
I shall crown you with my garlandEMSF_007 IMG 15 ts [no title, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring']____________aami bidaay niye jaaba naa go cale, phaalgunee (only in MS)[not in EW].
I shall die againEMSF_035 ts IMG 41.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 282Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I shall gladly suffer the pride of culture to die out in my houseRBVBMS_001 IMG 135-6 'I will gladly let my pride of culture perish and my claim to be the leader of a new age in new Bengal.' RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 63, IMG 79-80 'I am fain to let my pride of culture perish'. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 22, IMG 25-6. RBVBMS_305B [Lover's Gift] IMG 18-16 [in ms, reverse order, 1st line as EM 40]. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 61-2 [1st line as EM 40, first stanza crossed out leaving 1st line as 'I shall gladly suffer the light of culture']. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 22 [Lover's Gift] IMG 25-6. EMSF_022 IMG 2-3 'I am fain to let my pride of culture perish'.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 22Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)janmaantar, kshanikaa____
I shall not wait and watch in the houseRBVBMS_111 IMG 59.MR, January 1918, titled Adventure, along with other poems under the heading 'Four Poems.' [IMG in Bichitra archive]________kabe tumi aasbe bale, geetabitaan prem 290____
I shut my doors and keep watch day and nightRBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 81 [text crossed out]________________[not in EW].
I sit at my windowRBVBMS_119A IMG 8. EMSF_035 ts IMG 6.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 16Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I sit here on the road [See 'Translations: Baul Songs 2']________________________
I spent my day on the scorching hot dust of the roadRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 144, IMG 145. HRVD_005 IMG 97 'I spent my day in the fierce sun, on the scorching dust of the road' HRVD_006 ts IMG 18-19 [1st line as above]. HRVD_007 ts IMG 19-20 [as above].____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 64Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bhaangaa atithishaalaa: dinashesh (kheyaa: 1313, 1906)____
I spill waterRBVBMS_119A IMG 27.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 175Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I thank theeRBVBMS_119A IMG 31.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 49Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I think I shall stop startledRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 34. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 16.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 22. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 9Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)maanas sundaree: jaani aami jaani sakhi, sonaar taree lines 266f____
I think of other agesRBVBMS_119A IMG 32 'other [days] {ages}'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 97Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I thought I had something to say to herRBVBMS_077 IMG 24. RBVBMS_112 IMG 7. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 29, IMG 33. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 29 [Lover's Gift] IMG 33. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 179, IMG 180 [variant].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 29____kata kathaa taare chila balite, geetabitaan prem 37____
I thought I should ask of theeHRVD_001 IMG 159-60 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 41-2. HRVD_003 ts IMG 41-2.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 52Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bhebechilem ceye neba: daan (kheyaa: 1313, 1906)Variants: 'Shy and soft demeanour' [IS] 'Coyness and Sweetness of demeanour' [M]
I thought I would write love's wordsRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 28. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 13.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 16. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 16Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tomaar rangeen paataay likhba, geetabitaan prem 131____
I thought that my voyage had come to its endHRVD_001 IMG 169 'I thought that my voyage was at its end' .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 45. HRVD_003 ts IMG 45.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 37Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bhebechinu mone jaa habar taari shese (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
I threw away my heart in the worldRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 63-4. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 186. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 60 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 101 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 19purnakaam, kalpanaa____
I throw ashes into the face of stars. [see Stray Birds 240 'Rockets, your insult']RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 216 [First line ''Just think of my great daring,' said the rocket' moved to line 2. ms note 267, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.]. HRVD_018 ts IMG 23.____________spardhaa, kanikaa[not in EW].
I touch God in my songRBVBMS_026 IMG 13. RBVBMS_219 IMG 31. RBVBMS_248A IMG 26 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 28 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 3. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 7. RBVBMS_388 IMG 8 EMSF_001 ts IMG 53 'I touched God'. EMSF_009 ts IMG 16, IMG 58.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 27. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 42____mor gaane gaane prabhu____
I travelled the old road every dayRBVBMS_001 IMG 81. RBVBMS_040 ts[Lover's Gift], no. 5, IMG 15. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 47, IMG 54. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] V IMG 3-4. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 5 IMG 5. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 7. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. V IMG 6-7. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 7. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 47 [Lover's Gift] IMG 54. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 65. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 8-9 'The best luck of my life was losing my path one morning.' RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 169 'It was the best luck of my life that I lost my path one morning.' RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 22 [1st line as above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 9-10 '[It was] the best luck of my life [that I lost] {was losing} my path one morning.' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 48Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bhaagye aami path haaraalaam, geetimaalya 5____
I trreasure in my songs the moments that were not for death. [My songs are the signals in my life's path of the moments that never can die]RBVBMS_371 IMG 2r [crossed out].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988). Titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________[not in EW].
I try to weave a wreath all the morning but the flowers slip and they drop out.RBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 92, IMG 93. HRVD_006 ts IMG 45-6 'I try to weave a wreath but the flowers drop out.' HRVD_007 ts IMG 43-4 [as above].____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 39Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jatabaar aaj gnaathnu maalaa: apatu (kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)____
I wander about and sing in many an assembly of menRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 49. HRVD_004 ts IMG 77 'I [go] {wander} about' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].ms note: 'Rabeendra beeksha-17'________ms note: 'naanaa gaan geye phiri (utsarga)'.[not in EW].
I want to give you something, my child [See 'The Gift', The Crescent Moon no. 37]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I was like the night to you, little flower.RBVBMS_089(i) IMG 67 'I was like the night to you, little flower.' RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 30 'I [was]{am} like the night'.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 45____shesh upahaar, maanasee____
I was musing last night on my spendthrift daysRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 60. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 60. RBVBMS_060 IMG 45. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 50 'musing last night in bed'. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 58. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 59, IMG 60 [1st line as RBVBMS_308A above]. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 40 [1st line as RBVBMS_308A above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 78 [1st line as 308A above] [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_006 ts IMG 1 'I was musing last night, in bed, of my past days'. HRVD_007 ts IMG 1 [as above].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 58____nirjan shayan maajhe, naibedya 32____
I was not aware of the momentHRVD_001 IMG 145 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 36. HRVD_003 ts IMG 36.MR, September, 1912. This poem along with 'In the deep shadows of the rainy July' was reprinted in 'Notes' from a report in The Times of a dinner held in the honour of the poet on July 10, 1912 in London. [Sen]Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 95Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jeebaner singhadware pashinu je kshane and mrityu agnataa mor (naibedya: 1308, 1901, poems no. 89 and 90)Sen notes that of 'Mrityu agnataa mor' only the concluding lines ('Mritur prabhaate…sthaanaantare') is part of the translation.
I was one among many womenRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 128, IMG 129. HRVD_005 IMG 83.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 56Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)kena tabe kerhe nile: byakta prem (maanasee: 1297, 1890)____
I was to go away________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 6____baahu, karhi o komal____
I was walking along a path overgrown________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 27Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)pratham shok, lipikaa____
I was walking by the road, I do not know whyRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 42 'I was walking by the road without reason', IMG 43 'I was walking by the road [without reason]{I know not why}'.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 14Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)gnaayer pathe calechilem akaarane: pathe (kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)____
I was with the crowd when I was in the roadRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 52. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 52. RBVBMS_060 IMG 38. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 59 'I was with the crowd on the road.' RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 55 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306B IMG 57 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306C no. XLVIII IMG 37 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 59 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 54, 55 [1st lines as above, imgs rotated]. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 50. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 51 [1st line as RBVBMS_070 above]. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 27 [1st line as above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 94 [as RBVBMS_070 above] [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_007 ts IMG 56 [as above].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 50____samaapti, kshanikaa____
I will close every doorRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 206, IMG 207 [ms note 237, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.]. HRVD_006 ts IMG 50. HRVD_007 ts IMG 48.EMSF_029 IMG 111 [title: 'Sparks from the Anvil [From the Bengali of Rabindranath Tagore].' MR, April 1912, p. 351, printed page, no corrections].____________[not in EW].
I will deck thee with trophiesHRVD_001 IMG 13 'I will deck thee with trophy-garland' Bengali on IMG 12 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 2-3 'with trophy-garlands'. HRVD_003 ts IMG 2-3 [as above]. HRVD_003 ts IMG 2-3 [as above].____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 98Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)haarmaanaahaar paraaba tomaar gale (geetimaalya: 1321, 1914)____
I will meet one day the Life within meRBVBMS_001 IMG 40 'I will meet one day the Ever living {life within me} that'. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 25 'I will soon meet one day the Everlife within me that'. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 22 [1st line as RBVBMS_070 above]. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 23 'I will meet one day the [Everlife]{Life} within me'. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XXI IMG 14 [1st line as RBVBMS_070 above]. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 13 'I will meet one day the Ever life within me'. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 34 [1st line as above].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 21Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jeeban aamaar je amrita, geetaali 96____
I will utter your nameRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 89. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 84, IMG 85. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 87. RBVBMS_306C ts no. LXXVI IMG 56. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 55. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 33. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 144. HRVD_019 IMG 25 ts. in 25 ts. poem no. is 83____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 82Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tomaari naam balba naanaa chale, geetimaalya 32____
I wish I could take quiet corner [See 'Baby's World', The Crescent Moon no. 8]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
I woke and found his letter with the morningRBVBMS_001 IMG 80. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 7. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 5. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 5. RBVBMS_306C ts no. IV IMG 3-4. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 64. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 3-4 'With the morning came his letter.' RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 104-5 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 6 [1st line as above] [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 3 [1st line as above] [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_005 IMG 79 'With the morning [I got] {came} his letter' HRVD_019 IMG 49-50 ts [title: 'The Letter'].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 4Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)naa jaani kaare, utsarga 11____
I would ask for still moreRBVBMS_001 IMG 102. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 29, IMG 40. RBVBMS_305A ts[Lover's Gift], no. 5, IMG 6.RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XXIX IMG 16. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 28 IMG 30. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 30. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XXIX IMG 26. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 33. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 5 [Lover's Gift] IMG 6.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 5Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aashaar seema, caitaalee____
I, the night, pour out of my eternal bagRBVBMS_077 IMG 17.____________________
I. I feel that all the stars shine in me II. When the world sleeps I come to your door III. Keep me at your door ever attendingI. RBVBMS_001 IMG 129 'I feel, it is in me that all the stars shine'. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 59, IMG 74 [text crossed out]. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 61, IMG 76 [text crossed out]. RBVBMS_305B [Lover's Gift] IMG 24 [in ms, reverse order, 1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 18 'I feel, it is in me that all the stars of your infinite sky shine.' RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 145, IMG 146 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 101 [1st line follows RBVBMS_308A above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 25 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_018 ts IMG 2 'All the stars of your infinite sky shine in my soul tonight.' II. RBVBMS_001 IMG 130. RBVBMS_305B [Lover's Gift] IMG 23 [in ms, reverse order]. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 29 'I have mentioned to no soul that you have shown me the secret path to your house.' RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 147 'That you have made known to me your secret path yourself I have mentioned to no soul.' HRVD_004 ts IMG 44 '[That you {yourself} have made known [to me] your secret path [yourself] {to me} I have {not} mentioned to [no] {a} soul] {I have not mentioned to a soul that you have shown me the secret path to your abode}' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. III. RBVBMS_001 IMG 131. RBVBMS_305B [Lover's Gift] IMG 22 [in ms, reverse order].The third poem appeared in MR, May 1916, titled 'A Prayer.' [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 83Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)I. aaji jata taaraa taba, brahma sangeet 2, geetabitaan pujaa 66; II. antaratama, kshanikaa ; III. duyaare daao more raakhiyaa, brahma sangeet 1, geetabitaan pujaa 117____
Idly my mind follows the sinuous sweep of the Padma roaming under a distant skyRBVBMS_185, IMG 60-58 'Padma flows on under a distant sky' [written upside down in notebook, therefore scanned in reverse order]. EMSF_029 IMG 33-35 ms 'On [her]{the} further side {of the Padma stretches} [has] the sandbank, [indifferent] {insensitive} to the living world, [?] fearless in [her] {its} sublime indigence.' [title: The Kopai] IMG 36-39 ts {Idly my mind follows the [?] {sinuous sweep} of the Padma roaming under a distant sky. On the further side of the Padma {hers} stretches the sandbank, insensitive to the living world' [title: The Kopai] [dated 'Santiniketan,/ March 17, 1935.']VBQ New Series, Vol I, part I: May-July 1935, titled Kopai____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 90kopaai, punascha____
If baby only wanted to, he could fly [See 'Baby's Way', The Crescent Moon no. 4]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
If feet were pointedRBVBMS_077 IMG 18.____________________
If God be within the mosqueRBVBMS_113 IMG 24 'If thy God be in the mosque' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 69____III. 2. jo khodaa masjid vasat hai: KS Kabir____
If I am impatient to-day, forgive me, my love.RBVBMS_001 IMG 98 'If I am impatient today forgive me, my peerless one!' RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 31, IMG 42-3. RBVBMS_305A ts[Lover's Gift], no. 15, IMG 15. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XXXI IMG 17 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 30 IMG 32 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 32. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XXXI IMG 27-8 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 35-6 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 14 [Lover's Gift] IMG 15. RBVBMS_305H ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 10 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 85-6 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 40 [1st line as above]. EMSF_022 IMG 19-20 'Forgive me, my peerless one, if I forget myself'.ms note: VBQ XXIV 3 Winter 1958-59. VBN Sept. 1935 'Forgive me, my peerless one' [very different version from the one published in the book] [IMG in Bichitra archive].Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 14____abinay, kshanikaa / he nirupamaa, Gitabitaan, Prem 39MS note:'Tr. anek hala deree bilambita: kshanikaa'
If I ever go seeking for this self of mineRBVBMS_005 IMG 6 'I ever go seeking for the fugitive'. RBVBMS_024, IMG 98 'I ever go about seeking for this self of mine'. RBVBMS_123 IMG 33 'I ever go'.MR, January 1932, under the heading 'Poems.'____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 78aapni aamaar kon khaane, geetabitaan pujaa 582Berlin. EW Vol. IV.
If I were born in the royal town of UjjainRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 18-19. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 8-9. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 8.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 7. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 9. Begins 'If I were living in the royal town of Ujjain'____sekaal, kshanikaa____
If I were living in the royal town of Ujjain________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 9Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)sekaal, kshanikaa____
If I were only a little puppy [See 'Sympathy', The Crescent Moon no. 24]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
If it is not my portion to meet theeHRVD_001 IMG 25 'If it is not my [part in?] portion to [see] {meet} thee' .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 6. HRVD_003 ts IMG 6.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 79Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jadi tomaar dekhaa naa paai prabhu (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
If it is thy will let us rush into the thick of conflicts and hurts____MR, January 1920, along with two other poems under the heading 'Prayer.' [IMG in Bichitra archive]____________EW Vol. IV
If love be denied meRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 32. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 32. RBVBMS_060 IMG 18. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 30.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 30Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jadi prem dilenaa praane, geetimaalya 42____
If now and again, my master, I take down the burdenRBVBMS_027 IMG 56____________________
If pain could be got rid of altogetherRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 217 [ms note 271, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.]. HRVD_018 ts IMG 22.________________[not in EW].
If people came to know where my king's palace is [See 'Fairyland', The Crescent Moon no. 16]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
If the bud of my heart opens notEMSF_022 IMG 15 [in pencil, marked as no. 8].____________aamaay bhulte dite: gitabitaan, puja 292[not in EW].
If the day is done, if birds sing no moreHRVD_005 IMG 129.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 24Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)dibas jadi saanga holo naa jadi gaahe paakhi (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
If the ragged villager [See Fugitive 1921 III.17]RBVBMS_089(i) IMG 73. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 33____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 51. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 17Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)saamaanya lok, caitaalee____
If there is nothing but pain in lovingRBVBMS_210, IMG 22. EMSF_029 ts IMG 41.________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 5bhaalobese jadi sukh naahi, maayaar khelaa, geetabitaan prem 355____
If they answer not to thy call walk aloneRBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 51, IMG 64 'If there is none who comes when you call, then walk alone'. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] LI IMG 30 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 41 IMG 44 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 50 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XLVII IMG 43 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 55 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 53 'If there is none who comes when you call, walk alone [IMG rotated], IMG 56 [1st line as IMG 53]. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 193, IMG 194 [1st line as RBVBMS_308B above].Harijan, January 26, 1951; titled Walk Alone. The Nation, 20 September 1913 [Begins 'If there is none who comes when you call, walk alone']____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 35jaadi tor daak shune, geetabitaan swadesh 3____
If thou speakest not I will fill my heartHRVD_001 IMG43 'If thou speak{st} [not] {not}' .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 10 'speakst'. HRVD_003 ts IMG 10 [as above].____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 19Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ogo mauna, naa jadi kao (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
If you kick the dustRBVBMS_008 IMG 47. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 11 [entire page crossed through]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 35 EMSF_001 IMG 6 'Kick the dust' [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 229____dhulaay maarile laathi (RBVBMS_008)____
If you must fully pay with blameRBVBMS_102 IMG 77____________manda jaahaa____
If you must see evil in its truthEMSF_001 IMG 7 [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
If you must walk the path of truthRBVBMS_119A IMG 39 [item crossed out, ms contains Stray Birds ].________________[not in EW]
If you shed tears when you miss the sunRBVBMS_077 IMG 14. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 217 'If you shed tears for the missing sun you also miss the stars' [ms note 272]. HRVD_018 ts IMG 22 [as above].A variant, 'If you at night shed tears for the lost daylight' appeared in MR, November 1913, under the heading 'Poems.' [IMG in Bichitra archive]Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 6Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)dhruvaani tasya nashyanti, kan____
If you shutRBVBMS_077 IMG 15.Another reading of the poem, 'I will close every door to shut out all possible errors' appeared in MR, April 1912 along with other poems of Kanikaa, under the heading 'Sparks from the Anvil.' [IMG in Bichitra archive].Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 130.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ek-i path, kanikaa____
If you would be busy and fill your pitcher, comeRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 38 'If you must be busy', IMG 39 [as above]. 369(ii) ts IMG 95 [folio verso, upside down. 1st 4 lines only, entire text crossed out].____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 12Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jadi bhariyaa laibe kumbha: hriday-jamunaa (sonaar taree: 1301, 1894)____
If you would have it so, I will end my singingRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 110, IMG 111.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 47Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jadi baarana kara tabe gaahiba naa: sangkoc (kalpanaa: 1307, 1900)____
If your flood comes down to wash away my houseEMSF_001 IMG 8 [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5. English follows Bengali original on folio].____________jekhaane ghar bnaadhba aami aase aasuk baan[not in EW].
If, by chance you think of me, I shall sing to you when the rainy evening loosens her shadowsRBVBMS_001 IMG 097. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 38, IMG 50. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 26, IMG 30. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XXXVIII IMG 23-4. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 33 IMG 36. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 39. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XXXVI IMG 33-4. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 43. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 26 [Lover's Gift] IMG 30. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 84. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 41. EMSF_011 IMG 15 'I will sing to you if you ask me when the day grows dim with clouds'. EMSF_022 IMG 7-8 '[If you must hear my song] I will sing to you {if you ask me} when the daylight [wanes dim] {grows dim} with clouds' [in pencil].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 26____gaan sonaa, kheyaa____
If, by chance, you think of me and ask I shall singRBVBMS_001 IMG 97 If, by chance, {you} think of me and ask I shall sing________________[not in EW].
Imagine, mother [See 'The Merchant', The Crescent Moon no. 23]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
In a dim distant unrecorded age [See 'To Java By a Pilgrim from India']________________________
In baby's world, the trees shake their leavesExpanded versions of this item derived from the same original appear in the following ms: RBVBMS_001 IMG 117 'Baby lives with the World-Mother, who sings to him rhymes without meaning' [verso pg]. RBVBMS_098 IMG 54 'Baby's world is the Mother world where the sky and the earth play with him with their changing colours'. RBVBMS_312 ts IMG 8 [1st line as above, ms note: 'Cf. The Crescent Moon P. 17']. HRVD_005 IMG 17-19 'The child dwells in the World-mother's chamber where songs are sung in ancient tunes' [running prose translation] HRVD_015 ts IMG 12-13 'Thy child lives in the house of the world mother'. HRVD_016 ts IMG 12-13 [as above].____The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 5Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bhitare baahire, ss____
In darkness the One appears [see also Lekhan 227 'Darkness smothers the one']RBVBMS_008 IMG 47. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 10 'Darkness smothers the one'. RBVBMS_388 IMG 34 'Darkness [smothers the One] {obscures One}'____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 90Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aandhaar ekere dekhe, lekhanSlight variation in Lekhan
In death the many becomes one [see also Fireflies 64 and Lekhan 226, 'The spirit of death is one']RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 10 'The spirit of death is one'. RBVBMS_388 IMG 34 'The spirit of death is one' EMSF_001 IMG 6 'In death Many becomes one' [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 60 [1st line as above]'. EMSF_035 ts IMG 19 'In death the many become one'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 84Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)mrityur dharma-i ek, lekhanDas mentions [EW Vol. 1 p. 406] that versions of this item also found in Lekhan and fireflies but does not specify which.
In desperate hope I go and search for herHRVD_005 IMG 127.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. PoRBVBMS_087Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aamaar gharete aar naai se je naai (smaran: 1310, 1903)Variants: 'my Lord' [IS], 'My lord' [M]
In heart's perspectiveRBVBMS_077 IMG 18. RBVBMS_119A IMG 9.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 233Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
In its swelling prideRBVBMS_008 IMG 20 'In the swelling pride'. RBVBMS_026 IMG 24 'In the swelling pride of its own truth'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 70 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 72 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 11 'In the swelling pride of its own truth'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 18. RBVBMS_388 IMG 13 '[In the swelling pride of itself] the bubble doubts the truth of the sea'VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 129____budbud se to baddhaVariant in Lekhan poem 66
In love I payRBVBMS_008 IMG 40. RBVBMS_026 IMG 13 'In my love I pay'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 32 'In my love I pay'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 29 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 31 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 4 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 8 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 28. EMSF_001 ts IMG 52 [as RBVBMS_219 above]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 19, IMG 58 'In my love I pay'.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 153. Begins 'In my love I pay'. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 49.____tumi je tumi aacho (RBVBMS_008)____
In love the aim is neither pain [See 'Translations: Baul Songs 5']________________________
In Memory of Ziauddin: Time was when at moments of leisure____VBN August 1938. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____________[not in EW].
In my life's gardenRBVBMS_008 IMG 46. RBVBMS_026 IMG 39. RBVBMS_248A IMG 128 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 130 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 32. RBVBMS_388 IMG 34 'In [my] life's garden'VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 220. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 237________the' in l. 2 deleted in Lekhan
In my solitude of heartRBVBMS_119A IMG 20.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 72Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
In my youth, my mind was fedRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 95. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 45. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 21. RBVBMS_315(ii) ts IMG 14.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 73____maatrisneha bigalita, naibedya 46; and aaghaat sanghaat maajhe, naibedya 47____
In one salutation to thee, my GodHRVD_001 IMG 73.HRVD_002 ts IMG 17-18. HRVD_003 ts IMG 17-18.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 103Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ekti namaskaare prabhu ekti namaskaare (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
In pity for the desolate branchRBVBMS_008 IMG 18 'Spring in pity'. RBVBMS_026 IMG 19 'Spring in pity '. RBVBMS_219 IMG 66 'Spring in pity for the desolate branch'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 56 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 58 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 9 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 15 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_375 IMG 5 'If, thou spring, by mistake hast stepped upon my withered branch, give it a flower.' [MS titled 'sphulinga'. This translation follows the original basanta tumi eshecha hethaay in the ms]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 12 EMSF_001 ts IMG 56 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 102____basanta tumi esechaVariant in Lekhan
In Realism the sands find theirRBVBMS_027 IMG 55____________________
In that early dusk of a distracted ageEMSF_029 IMG 16-17 [ms note in Bengali: ''aafrikaa' kabitaar anubaad', dated 17/3/37 on IMG 17], IMG 27-8 ts [dated 'Santiniketan,/ 17.3.37'], IMG 99-100 [photocopy of ms folios above].EMSF_029 ts IMG 27 ms note: 'Sent to 'The Spectator' for publication/ 21.3.37']. VBQ New Series, Vol III, part I: May 1937, titled To Africa. MR, June 1937. [MR IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 98udhbhraanta sei aadim juge, patraput 16____
In the beginning of time there roseRBVBMS_001 IMG 8. RBVBMS_040 ts[Lover's Gift], no. 8, IMG 18. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 51, IMG 60 'God's dream'. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] VIII IMG 5-6 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 8 IMG 8. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 10 [1st line as EM 305A and B above]. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. VIII IMG 10 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 10 [ist line as above]. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 53 [Lover's Gift] IMG 59 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305H ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 25. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 5. HRVD_005 IMG 61 HRVD_019 IMG 17 ts.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 54Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)kon kshane srijaner samudra manthane, balaakaa 23____
In the beginning was He aloneRBVBMS_113 IMG 27 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 81____III. 74. pratham ek jo aapai aap____
In the bounteous time of rosesRBVBMS_008 IMG 15. RBVBMS_026 IMG 25. RBVBMS_027 IMG 53 'In the time of bounteous'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 33. RBVBMS_248A IMG 78 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 80 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_388 IMG 10. BMSF_091 IMG 8 [Titled 'likhan'. English follows Bengali original, each bilingual item autographed. IMG 10-16 duplicates of IMG 8]. EMSF_001 ts IMG 53.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 42. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 143____phule phule jabe phaagun atmahaaraa (RBVBMS_008)____
In the chink of the garden wallRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 210, IMG 211 [ms note 250, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.].____________praaceerer paashe ek naamgotraheen, udaaracharitaanam, kanikaa[not in EW].
In the dark when brother fails to seeRBVBMS_387C IMG 5. RBVBMS_388 IMG 36____________je aandhaare bhaaike dekhite naahi paay (RBVBMS_388)____
In the darkness One appears as uniformEMSF_001 IMG 6 '[The] {In the} darkness [of night makes] One { appears as} uniform, {in} the [day] light [makes it appear manifold.] {One appears as manifold.}' [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
In the dawn of a new age why waver, wise foolRBVBMS_173(ii) IMG 19 'In the dawn of a new life'. RBVBMS_387B IMG 9.The Statesman, May 1937. V.B.N, May 1937. MR June 1939. [IMG in Bichitra archive]________ore nutan juger bhore, geetabitaan swadesh 41EW Vol. IV
In the deep shadows of the rainy JulyHRVD_001 IMG 23 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 5. HRVD_003 ts IMG5MR, September, 1912. This poem along with 'I was not aware of the moment' was reprinted in 'Notes' from a report in The Times of a dinner held in the honour of the poet on July 10, 1912 in London. [Sen]. VBN, September 1938 [variant version, titled 'A Song' begins 'In my room where the shadows of July have deepened']Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 22Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aaji shraabana ghana gahana mohe (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
In the depths of the forest the ascetic________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 23Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)siddhi, lipikaa____
In the drowsy dark cavesRBVBMS_008 IMG 8. RBVBMS_026 IMG 7. RBVBMS_248A IMG 6 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 8 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 1. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 2. RBVBMS_375 IMG 13 'In the dark hole of sleep dream birds build their nest. They pick up broken bits of language dropped from the day's mouth.' [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 5. EMSF_009 ts IMG 2.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 4. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 3____ghumer aandhaar kotarer tale____
In the dumb desert formless, colourless and still [possibly another version: across the illimitable hush of time rings the march music of Man]RBVBMS_024 IMG 57. RBVBMS_028, IMG 219 . RBVBMS_371 IMG 7. EMSF_001 IMG 18 ts [Item crossed out] IMG 40 ts, IMG 44 ts [second line deleted: from 'where death…ever keeps watch'] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988) Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.________jayee, beethikaaEW Vol. IV
In the dusk of the eveningRBVBMS_119A IMG 25.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 164.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
In the dusky path of a dream I went to seek the loveRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 140 'In the dusky path of draem[sic, corrected in ms] I went to seek my love', IMG 141 [as above].____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 62Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)dure bahudure swapnaloke (kalpanaa: 1307, 1900)____
In the endless paths of the world____VBQ New Series, Vol. VI, part III: November 1940, along with three other poems from Rogashajyay under the title Four Poems.____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 112sangsaarer naanaa kshetre, rog shajyaay 18____
In the evening after they have brought________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 4____ei je aanginaate, geetimaalya 13____
In the evening my little daughter________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 13Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)haariye jaaoyaa, palaatakaa____
In the evening, my little girl [See Fugitive 1921 III.13]RBVBMS_089(i) IMG 65-6. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 29.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 44. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 13. Begins 'In the evening my little daughter'____haariye jaoyaa, palaatakaa____
In the evening, when they have brought [See Fugitive 1921 III.4]RBVBMS_089(i) IMG 97. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 46. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 23. RBVBMS_315(ii) ts IMG 16 'In the evening, why they have brought'.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 75. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 4. Begins 'In the evening after they have brought'____ei niye aanginaate, geetimaalya 13____
In the light of this thriftless day of springRBVBMS_001 IMG 96. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 66, IMG 66. RBVBMS_305A ts[Lover's Gift], no. 6, IMG 7. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] LIII IMG 31. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 43 IMG 46. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 52. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. L IMG 44-5. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 57. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 6 [Lover's Gift] IMG 7. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 83.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 6____shudhu akaaran pulake, kshanikaa____
In the lightning flash of a momentRBVBMS_001 IMG 41 'I have seen in the lightning flash of a moment'. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 58 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 54 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 56 [correction indicates the transposition of the first and second parts of the line]. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XLVII IMG 36-7. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 36 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 35 [1st line as above].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 50Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)keman kore tarhit aaaloy, geetaali 104____
In the midday I walked across the sands.RBVBMS_217 IMG 13 '[The sun was in the mid sky; when]{In the midday} I [travelled]{walked} across the sands.'RBKSH Vol. 21 (1989)________ektimaatraEW Vol. IV
In the moon________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 124.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
In the morning I awoke at the flutter of thy boat-sailsRBVBMS_217 IMG 5.____________niruddesh yaatraa, sonaar taree[not in EW].
In the morning I cast my net into the seaRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 18, IMG 19. HRVD_006 ts IMG 25 'When in the morning the young sun stood with its offerings before the eastern gate of the golden temple, I cast my net into the sea.' HRVD_007 ts IMG 26 [as above].____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 3Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)takhan tarun rabi prabhatakaale: anaadritaa (sonaar taree: 1301, 1894)____
In the morning when the dew glistenedRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 89. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 42 [1st line as above].____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 67. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 35____ei duyaarti khola, geetimaalya 12____
In the mountain, stillnessRBVBMS_008 IMG 38. RBVBMS_026 IMG 10. RBVBMS_248A IMG 13 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 15 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_219 IMG 34 'In the mountain the stillness'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 4. RBVBMS_388 IMG 26. EMSF_001 ts IMG 53 [as RBVBMS_219 above]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 10.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 132. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 19.____stabdhataa ucchwaashi uthe, sphulinga 249, Bengali not in Lekhan____
In the night of weariness let me give myself upHRVD_001 IMG 147 'Let me never lose [hope] hold of hope' .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 37 'Let me never lose hold of hope when mist of depression steals upon me.' HRVD_003 ts IMG 37 [as above].____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 25Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)maajhe maajhe kabhu jabe abasaad aasi (naibedya 98: 1308, 1901)____
In the night the earth whispersRBVBMS_077 IMG 14.____________________
In the night the song came upon meRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 29. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 14.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 17. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 17Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)kaal raater belaay, geetabitaan prem 9____
In the night when noise is tired [see also Poems no. 31 'The night is upon me']RBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 16. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 16. RBVBMS_060 IMG 6. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 14 'when the noise is tired'.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 14____gabheera rajanee naamila hridaye, brahma sangeet 1, geetabitaan pujaa 256____
In the shady depth of lifeRBVBMS_008 IMG 15. RBVBMS_027 IMG 52 [many doodles]. RBVBMS_219 IMG 35. RBVBMS_248A IMG 106 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 108 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 27. RBVBMS_388 IMG 10 RBVBMS_388 IMG 10 EMSF_001 ts IMG 53.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 39. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 196____nibhrita praaner nibirh chaayaayVariant in Lekhan
In the springtime of wistful hours they cameEMSF_030 IMG 2, IMG 3.EMSF_030 IMG 2, IMG 3: 'VBN, March 1936'. Sen: VBQ New Series Vol I part IV: February-April 1936. VBN, March 1936. MR, October 1936. MR, August 1937________EMSF_030 IMG 2, IMG 3: 'rwitu abasaan (beethikaa)' Rwitu abasaan, bithikaa.EW Vol. IV
In the springtime the breeze wafts to us the cage birds faint greetings of flowers [See 'No rent is made there in the mist by the doubtful dawn']________________________
In the stillness of twilightRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 55. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 25.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 40____________
In the swelling pride [See Fireflies 129 'In its swelling pride']RBVBMS_008 IMG 20. RBVBMS_026 IMG 24 . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 11. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 18 'In its swelling pride'. RBVBMS_388 IMG 13 '[In the swelling pride of itself] the bubble doubts the truth of the sea'____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 66____budbud se baddha aapan ghere (RBVBMS_008)____
In the temple courtyard children have comeRBVBMS_375 IMG 20 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________________
In the thrill of little leavesRBVBMS_026 IMG 21 'I see the air's great dance in the thrills of little leaves'. RBVBMS_119A IMG 12 'The grass blade'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 64 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 66 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 10 'I see the air's great dance in the thrills of little leaves'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 17 'I see the air's invisible dance in the thrills of little leaves'.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 117____________
In the upper sky, lamped by scienceRBVBMS_191 IMG 45 [variant version, 'They throng in the Church', traced by Sankha Ghosh]. EMSF_029 IMG 82-3.VBQ New Series, Vol IV, part III: November 1938, titled Retribution____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 105praayashcitta, nabajaatakDas EW: This poem was sent to Professor V. Lesney in Czechoslovakia as Tagore's reaction to the Munich Pact.
In the world flourish the worlds that have failed.RBVBMS_077 IMG 16.____________________
In the world's audience hallRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 172, IMG 173. HRVD_006 ts IMG 24. HRVD_007 ts IMG 25.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 74Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)kshudra ei trinadal: aishwarjya (caitaalee: 1303, 1896)____
In the world's dusty roadRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 51. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 51. RBVBMS_060 IMG 37. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 49.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 49____purnakaam, kalpanaa____
In the youth of the world, Himalaya [See Fugitive 1919(?) 61]________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 31Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)kshaanta kariyacha tumi and aaji heritechi aami, utsarga 25 and utsarga 26____
In thine own self is forged a chain [Title in MS: Fireflies 151]RBVBMS_026 IMG 27 . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 21.________________[not in EW].
In this moment I see you seated upon the morning's golden carpetRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 47. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 47. RBVBMS_060 IMG 33. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 66 'I see you seated upon the white carpet of the morning'. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 45. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 45, IMG 46 'I see you seated upon the white carpet of the morning' IMG 47 'Ceaseless is the fountain of your joy' [ms note: 'Cf Crossing 45']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 92 [1st line as 308A above] IMG 93 'Ceaseless is the fountain of your joy' [ms note: 'Crossing 45' and 'bahe nirantara ananta aananda dhaaraa'. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 45____________
In your Kiss, my love, all my Tomorrows mergeEMSF_001 IMG 16 ms 'In your kiss, my love, all my Tomorrows merge in an endless Today.' IMG 19 ts 'to-morrows' IMG 25 ts, [as above] IMG 31 ts [as above] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
Infinite is your wealth____________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 53aseem dhan to aache tomaar, geetimaalya 33____
Infinite wealth is not yoursRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 170, IMG 171. HRVD_014 ts IMG 15.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 73Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jekhane esechi aami: akshamaa, daridra baliyaa tore beshi bhaalobaasi: daridraa and tomaar anandagaane: atmasamarpan (all sonaar taree: 1301, 1894)____
Iran, all the roses in thy garden and all their lover birds [See 'Two Poems Written in Iran II']________________________
Is it a gust from some tempestuous eyesRBVBMS_005 IMG 10. RBVBMS_024, IMG 97 'Is it the breeze of some clamorous eyes'. RBVBMS_123 IMG 47.MR, January 1932, under the heading 'Poems.'________kaar cokher caaoaar haaoaay, geetabitaan prem 146EW Vol. IV
Is it an illusionRBVBMS_210, IMG 49.VBQ New Series, Vol XIV, part III: November 1948-January 1949________eki swapna eki maayaa from maayaar khelaaEW Vol. IV
Is it beyond thee to be gladHRVD_001 IMG 35 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 8. HRVD_003 ts IMG 8.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 70Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)paaribi na ki jog dite ei chande re (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
Is it the Destroyer who comes?RBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 24. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 24. RBVBMS_060 IMG 11. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 22-3.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 22____ebaar je ai elo, balaakaa 2____
Is not this mountainRBVBMS_119A IMG 24.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 253Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Is summer's festival only for fresh blossomsRBVBMS_001 IMG 76 'Is festival of summer only for fresh blossoms and not also for [withered] {dead} leaves and [faded] {dying} flowers?' RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 6. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 4 'Is {summer's} festival [of summer] only for fresh blossoms'. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 4. RBVBMS_306C ts no. III IMG 3. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 60 [1st line as above]. EMSF_022 IMG 12 'Is [it merely] {the glad summer} a festival [fair, this spring] {[glad summer]} {of only fresh} blossoms? [flowers?]' [in pencil, marked as no. 2].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 3____basante ki shudhu, raajaa____
Is that your call againRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 146, IMG 147.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 65Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aabaar aahwaan: ashesh (kalpanaa: 1307, 1900)____
Is there any wise manRBVBMS_113 IMG 29 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 89____koee suntaa hai jnaani raag gagan men: KS Kabir____
It comes from you, this impulse of song in my heart [see also Crossing 65].RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 70. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 13 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_005 IMG 125 'To make me sing thou [hast] {hadst} lured me from smiles to tears', IMG 135 '[It comes from thee this impulse of song in my heart. Like the flowering rapture of spring] To make me sing thou hadst lured me from smiles to tears.' HRVD_006 ts IMG 38 'comes from thee'. HRVD_007 ts IMG 39 [as above]. HRVD_019 IMG 33 ts [as above]. HRVD_019 IMG 52 ts [as above].VBQ, Vol. 44, nos. 3 and 4 [Begins 'To make me sing thou hadst lured me from smiles to tears.']________gaan gaaoaale aamaay tumi, geetaanjali 154EW Vol. IV
It decks me only to mock meRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 11. RBVBMS_306B IMG 12. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XI IMG 7. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 7. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 4. EMSF_011 IMG 10.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 11Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)e manihaar aamaay naahi saaje, geetimaalya 34____
It has fallen upon meRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 75. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 75. RBVBMS_077 IMG 25. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 73. RBVBMS_309B ts IMG 9.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 74Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
It is a desert where truth is a terrorRBVBMS_371 IMG 5. EMSF_001 IMG 21 ts, IMG 33 ts, IMG 39 ts, IMG 43 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988) Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
It is a far away land for you to come to O woman [See 'Translations from the Vaishnava poets XI']________________________
It is an affront to God when brother fights brotherRBVBMS_387C IMG 5.____________se larhaai eeshwarer biruddhe (RBVBMS_387C)____
It is easy to make faces at the sunRBVBMS_008 IMG 42. RBVBMS_026 IMG 25. RBVBMS_248A IMG 74 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 76 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 12. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 19. RBVBMS_388 IMG 29VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 171. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 136____________
It is late, yet the road has not come to its end.RBVBMS_001 IMG 99. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 50, IMG 63 'It is late; but yet the long road has not come to its end.' RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 35 IMG 38 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XLVII IMG 42-3 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 54 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 69 'It is late;{but} yet the long road'.ms note RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 69: 'VBQ XXIV (3)/ Winter 1958-59'. Published in the volume noted in ms.________ms note: 'anek hala deree/ bilambita. Kshanikaa'EW Vol. IV
It is little that remains now [Another version 'Not much is left, it is little, very little.']RBVBMS_001 IMG 104. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 47, IMG 60. RBVBMS_305A ts[Lover's Gift], no. 7, IMG 8. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XLVII IMG 28-9. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 38 IMG 41. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 48. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XLIV IMG 40-1. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 51. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 7 [Lover's Gift] IMG 8. RBVBMS_369(ii) IMG 160-1. HRVD_006 IMG 31.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 7____swalpashesh, kshanikaa____
It is my shadow that I see in the mirror.EMSF_001 IMG 7 'in [my] {the} mirror. [and] I am vain of my shadow.' [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
It is needless to ask of a saintRBVBMS_113 IMG 7 'It is [use]{need}less to know {question} the {saint as to the} castle a saint belongs to' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 2____1. 16. santan jaat na pucho nirguniyaan: KS Kabir____
It is night: ['The Child' 6]RBVBMS_223 IMG 8-9, IMG 28-9 ts [title: The Babe]. EMSF_002 IMG 11-12 ts 'It is night.' [Title: The Babe, no. 6], IMG 43-4 ts [title: He is Eternal, He is Newly Born, no numbering or part division, running prose] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2].____The Child (London: Allen and Unwin, 1931)____Not translation____
It is said that in the forest________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 27Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)pareer pariicay, lipikaa____
It is the first springRBVBMS_210, IMG 9 'Is it the first spring'. BMSF_078 ts IMG 24 'Is it the first spring that {has come to mingle[s] in} [has come to] my [life] {being}, IMG 25 'Is it the first spring that has come to mingle in my being'.VBQ New Series, Vol XIV, part III: November 1948-January 1949. A translation of the same song also appeared in Hindusthan standard Puja Annual, 1946, titled Spring in Life, but it cannot be ascertained whether this is the same translation because Sen does not provide the first line.________jeebane aaji ki pratham elo from maayaar khelaaEW Vol. IV
It is the little things________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 178.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
It is the mercy of my true GuruRBVBMS_113 IMG 15 'It is [his great] {the} mercy {of my true Master}' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 27____II. 81. satgur soee dayaa kar deenha: KS Kabir____
It is the pang of separationHRVD_001 IMG 93 'pang of [separation] {severance}'.HRVD_002 ts IMG 22-3 'pang of severance'. HRVD_003 ts IMG 22-3 [as above].____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 84Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)heri aharaha tomara biraha ((geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
it is the tears of the earth________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 4Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
It is time for me to go, mother [See 'The End', The Crescent Moon no. 32]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
It is well that ages pass awayRBVBMS_102 IMG 45-6RBKSH Vol. 21 (1989)________sei bhaalo, prati jug aane naa aapan abasaan, ateetkaal, poorabeeEW Vol. IV
It is written in the ancient bookRBVBMS_001 IMG 106. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 35, IMG 47.____________shaastra, kshanikaa[not in EW].
It is written in the bookRBVBMS_001 IMG 106. RBVBMS_40 IMG 47. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 20, IMG 21. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XXXV IMG 20-1 'It is written in the ancient book'. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 36 'It is written in the [ancient] book'. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XXXIV IMG 31 [1st line as 305(B) above]. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 40 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 20 [Lover's Gift] IMG 21.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 19Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)shastra, kshanikaa____
It may be that your loved ones will forsake youRBVBMS_111 IMG 83 'Thy own kindred [will]{shall} forsake thee' [verso], '[It may be that your own kindred will forsake thee]' [verso, full text crossed out]. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 38 'It may be your loved ones will forsake you'. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 196, IMG 197 'It may {be} that'. EMSF_029 IMG 23. HRVD_004 ts IMG 58 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].MR, March 1918 as 'Despair Not: Thy kindred shall forsake thee.' The Manchester Guardian, 28 March 1918 beginning 'Thy kindred shall forsake thee'. Also as 'Let them desert thee who are thine own' in VBN, October 1934 and MR, July 1940. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 37tor aapan jane, geetabitaan swadesh 4____
It was growing dark when I asked her________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 3Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)dina sheshe, citraa____
It was in MayRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 182, IMG 183. HRVD_005 IMG 111 [Numbered I] HRVD_006 ts IMG 16-17. HRVD_007 ts IMG 17-18.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 78Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)caitrer madhyaahnabelaa kaatite naa cahe: puntu (caitaalee: 1303, 1896)____
It was mid-day when you went awayRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 126 'midday', IMG 127 [as above].____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 55Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tumi jakhan cale gele: biraha (kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)____
It was only the budding of leaves in the summerRBVBMS_001 IMG 9. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 54, IMG 67. RBVBMS_305A ts[Lover's Gift], no. 12, IMG 12. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] LIV IMG 31-2. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 44 IMG 47. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 53. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. LI IMG 45. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 58. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 11 [Lover's Gift] IMG 12. RBVBMS_305H ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 9. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 6. HRVD_005 IMG 65.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 11____ebaare phaalguner dine, balaakaa 26____
It was only the other day that I came to your earthRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 83. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 79 'I came to [this]{your} earth'. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 81. RBVBMS_306C ts no. LXX IMG 52. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 50 'this earth'. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 60 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 31 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 142 [1st line as above]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 95 [1st line as above] [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 75Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)se to sediner kathaa, utsarga 46____
It was the month of December, the wind blew cold and the water of the Varuna shivered as it ran.RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 59-60, IMG 61-2. RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 19-20 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. HRVD_018 ts IMG 16-17. HRVD_019 IMG 66-7 ts.RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________bahe maagh maase sheeter baatas-saamaanya kshati, kathaa o kaahineeEW Vol. IV
It was the time of dusk when she came out of her house [See 'Translaions from the Vaishnava poets VIII']________________________
Its store of snowRBVBMS_008 IMG 32. RBVBMS_026 IMG 31. RBVBMS_219 IMG 36. RBVBMS_248A IMG 101 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 103 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 17. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 26. RBVBMS_388 IMG 21. EMSF_001 ts IMG 53 [ms note: 'Greeting Card'].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 126. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 186____giri je tushaar nije raakhe____
Jewel-like the immortalRBVBMS_008 IMG 39 'the immortal, like a jewel'. RBVBMS_026 IMG 11 'The immortal, like a jewel'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 17 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 19 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 2 'The immortal, like a jewel'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 5 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 27 '[The] [immortal {eternal}] {Truth} like a jewel'. EMSF_009 ts IMG 11.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 29________Slight variant in Lekhan poem 139.
Jnanadas: O why this struggle to rise up above the water?RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 4] IMG 17 'Why is this struggle to raise your head above the water?' RBVBMS_327B ts ['From the Hindi of Jnanadas' no. III] IMG 10-11 [1st line as above].RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984)________knyore ladak knyore maynaEW Vol. IV
Jnanadas: Thy command is supreme in all worldsRBVBMS_061 ts [no. 5] IMG 18-19 'The command is supreme in all worlds and all times'. RBVBMS_327A no. [no number] IMG 13 [1st line as above].RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984)________lok lok mein yug mein yug meinEW Vol. IV
Jnanadas: What hast thou come to beg from this beggarRBVBMS_061 ts[no. 6] IMG 19 ''What hast thou come to beg from this beggar[...]'' [Section title: 'From the Hindi of Jnanadas']RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984)________iyehna sraban maataaloEW Vol. IV
Joy freed from the bond of earth's slumberRBVBMS_008 IMG 9. RBVBMS_026 IMG 8. RBVBMS_248A IMG 7 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 9 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 1. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 2. RBVBMS_388 IMG 5VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 10. Begins 'Joy freed from the bound'. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 5____maatir supti bandhan hote____
Kabir ponders and saysRBVBMS_113 IMG 27 [printed first lines are a later insertion] [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 82____III. 76. kaahinee ain Kabeer vicaar ke: KS Kabir____
Kabir says: 'O Sadhu! hear my deathless wordsRBVBMS_113 IMG 26 [Printed first lines are later insertions on top of page] [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 78____III. 63. kaahinee ain Kabeer, shuno ho saadho: KS Kabir____
Kacha and Devayani [See Drama list]________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 20____bidaay-abhishaap, 1301, 1894____
Karna and Kunti [See Drama list]________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 28____karna kunti sangbaad, kaahinee____
Keep watch India [See 'The Sunset of the Century']RBVBMS_077 IMG 23.____The Sunset of the Century,' Nationalism (London: Macmillan, 1917)____se udaar pratyusher, naibedya 68____
Kicks only raise dustRBVBMS_077 IMG 16 'Kicks {only} raise'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 228Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Kisses, they are lips' own wordsRBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 21, IMG 22 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. HRVD_014 ts IMG 5.RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________cumban, karhi o komalEW Vol. IV
Kohistan____The Illustrated Weekly of India, Oct. 5, 1958________[No first line in Sen][not in EW]. Sen, source unchecked
Krishnakali: I call her my Krishna flowerRBVBMS_170 IMG 150-1VBN January 1934. MR, February 1934. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936), p. 456Krishnakali, kshanikaaDifferent version: Lover's Gift 15
Lady of Lines, these words are notRBVBMS_180A IMG 18 '[Lady of lines] {Lady of lines}, these words are not'. RBVBMS_387B IMG 12.____________[Identified by Sankha Ghosh as a translation attempt of 'ayee citralekhaa debee' in citralipi]____
Lamps burn in every houseRBVBMS_113 IMG 13 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 21____II. 33. ghar ghar deepak barai: KS Kabir____
Languor is upon your heartHRVD_001 IMG 109 'Langour [sic] is in thy heart' Bengali on IMG 108.HRVD_002 ts IMG 27 'Langour'. HRVD_003 ts IMG [as above].____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 55Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ekhana ghor bhaange naa tor je (geetimaalya: 1321, 1914)____
Last night clouds were threatening and amlak branches struggled in the grips of the gusty wind.RBVBMS_001 IMG 57 '{Last night clouds were ominous} and mango branches struggled in the {grips of the} gusty wind.' RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 43, IMG 55 'and mango branches'. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 34, IMG 39. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XLIII IMG 26 [variation as RBVBMS_040 above]. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 36 IMG 39 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 44. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XL IMG 37 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 47 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 34 [Lover's Gift] IMG 39. RBVBMS_305H ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 14 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 50 'clouds were ominous and mango branches'. HRVD_005 IMG 73 [part of a letter dated Calcutta, June 2. 1915: 'My dearest Friend, The following are the translations of some poems of my early days. Don't imagine that I send these to you for publication. Keep them in 'deep-delved earth' to mature till we meet'] HRVD_019 IMG 10 ts [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 35____nashta swapna, kshanikaa____
Last night I dreamt that she sat by my headRBVBMS_001 IMG 101. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 48, IMG 61. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XLVIII IMG 29.____________swapna, caitaali[not in EW].
Last night in the garden I offered you my youth's foaming wine.RBVBMS_001 IMG 110 'Last night in the garden, when the sky overflowed with the moonlight,/ I offered you my youth's foaming wine.' RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 27, IMG 38 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305A ts[Lover's Gift], no. 14, IMG 14. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XXVII IMG 15-16 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 and RBVBMS_040 above]. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 28. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XXVII IMG 25. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 31 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 13 [Lover's Gift] IMG 14.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 13Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)raatre o prabhaate, citraa____
Lay down your lute________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 10Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)maanas sundaree, sonaar taree lines 19f____
Lead me in the centre________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 286Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Leader: Like Heaven and Earth that neither fear nor are injured, my life, never fear!/ Response: Never fearRBVBMS_291 IMG 6.________________[not in EW].
Leave her heart aloneRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 45. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 22.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 33____acenaa, kshanikaa____
Leave me, oh let me go. (Speech heading: 'Winter sings')EMSF_007 IMG 4 [in Tagore's hand] [text from the Cycle of Spring, titled Phalguni].Sen p. 536: 'MR, Feb 1916, The Cycle of Spring, a synopsis of Phalguni together with translations of 13 songs from the play. For photographs of the performance of the play (1916) see plates facing pp. 343 and 354 in MR March 1916.'________chaarh go toraa chaarh go, phaalgunee[not in EW].
Leave out my nameRBVBMS_008 IMG 38. RBVBMS_026 IMG 9. RBVBMS_248A IMG 11 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 13 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 3. RBVBMS_388 IMG 26. EMSF_009 ts IMG 6.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 129. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 14____gaankhaani mor, sphulinga 72, Bengali not in Lekhan____
Leave the helm and hold my hand, my CaptainRBVBMS_001 IMG 34. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 48. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 45. RBVBMS_306B IMG 46. RBVBMS_306C no. XXXIX IMG 30. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 28. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 63.Note on page of RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 45, RBVBMS_306B IMG 46, RBVBMS_306C no.XXXIX IMG 30: 'V.B. Quarterly Autumn 1958']. Note on pg in RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 28, RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 63: 'V. B. Quarterly XXIV (2), Autumn 1958'. VBQ Autumn 1958.________kaandaaree go, jadi ebaar, geetaali 66EW Vol. IV
Leave this chanting and singingHRVD_001 IMG 61 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 14-15. HRVD_003 IMG 14-15 ts.VBN, December 1959 [IMG in Bichitra archive]Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 11Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bhajan pujan saadhan aaraadhanaa (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
Leave your lute, my loveRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 24. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 11.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 12____maanas sundaree: beenaa phele diye eso, sonaar taree____
Leaves are masses of silenceRBVBMS_008 IMG 28. RBVBMS_026 IMG 29. RBVBMS_219 IMG 37. RBVBMS_248A IMG 92 'Leaves are silences' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 94 'Leaves are silences' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 15. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 24. RBVBMS_388 IMG 14. EMSF_001 ts IMG 53 [ms note: 'Greeting Card'].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 74. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 171. Begins 'Leaves are silences'.____phulguli jena kathaaSlight variation of 1st line in Lekhan
Leisure in its activity________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 132.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)abakaash karme khele, lekhan____
Lest I should know you too easily, you play with meRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 84, IMG 85. HRVD_005 IMG 91 'Lest I easily know you' HRVD_006 ts IMG 5 'Lest I too easily know you.' HRVD_007 ts IMG 5 [as above]. HRVD_014 ts IMG 1.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 35Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tomaare paache sahaje bujhi (utsarga: 1321, 1914)____
Let all the strains of joy mingle in my last songHRVD_001 IMG 171 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 45. HRVD_003 ts IMG 45.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 58Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jena shes gaane mor sab raaginee pure (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
Let any who will, ponder with eyelids closedRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 204, IMG 205 [ms note 230, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.]. HRVD_006 ts IMG 57. HRVD_007 ts IMG 53.____________tattwajnanheen, caitaali[not in EW].
Let him only see the thorns [see also Lekhan 228 'Let him take note of the thorn']RBVBMS_008 IMG 47 'Let him take note of the thorn'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 38 'Let him take note of the thorn'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 11 [text crossed out, entire page crossed through]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 35 'Let him take note of'. EMSF_001 IMG 7 'Only let him see the thorns', IMG 53 ts [as RBVBMS_219 above].____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 230Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)phul dekhibaar cakshuSlight variation in Lekhan
Let him take note of the thorn [See Stray Birds 230 'Let him only see the thorns']RBVBMS_008 IMG 47. RBVBMS_219 IMG 38. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 11 [text crossed out, entire page crossed through]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 35. EMSF_001 IMG 7 'Only let him see the thorns', IMG 53 ts [as RBVBMS_219 above].____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 228____________
Let honour come to me from Thee____VBQ New Series, Vol II part IV: February-April 1937, titled A Prayer. VBN, March 1937. MR, April 1937. [MR and VBN IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 24reminiscent of naibedya 47 and 48, not a translationDas EW: With this poem Tagore concluded his address delivered at the convocation of the University of Calcutta in 1937.
Let life be beautifulRBVBMS_119A IMG 34.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 82Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Let me feelRBVBMS_119A IMG 40.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 301Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Let me give my all to him, before I am askedEMSF_007 IMG 15 ts [no title, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring']____________sabaai jaare sab diteche, phaalgunee[not in EW].
Let me lie down upon the groundRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 45. RBVBMS_312 ts IMG 12, IMG 13 'Let me lay myself down at the last step of thy throne'. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 201 'I will lie down upon the ground'. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 61 [1st line as above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 69 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 41aasantaler maatir pare, geetaanjali 46____
Let me light my lampRBVBMS_248A IMG 137 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 139 [Printed book pages].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 255____________
Let me live truly________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 316Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Let me love you day and night [Another version in EW Vol. IV 'My days and nights are for thoughts of you, my love' titled Song]RBVBMS_217 IMG 15MR, October 1923. RBKSH Vol. 21 (1989)____A Government College Miscellany, Mangalore (no date in EW Vol. IV)aami nishidin tomaay bhalobaasi, raajaa o raani. Also geetabitaan prem 143EW Vol. IV
Let me not gropeRBVBMS_008 IMG 45. RBVBMS_026 IMG 36. RBVBMS_248A IMG 117 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 119 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 30. RBVBMS_388 IMG 33 [item crossed out]VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 208. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 217____________
Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangersRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 37-8 'Let it not be my prayer to be sheltered from dangers'. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 143 'To be sheltered from dangers is not my prayer'. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 76 [1st line as above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4. Ms note: 'Written after seeing Mr Ghose imprisoned & making light of his persecutions']. HRVD_004 ts IMG 57 'Let it be not' 'be' and 'not' transposed [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_005 IMG 107 [as 369(ii) above] HRVD_006 ts IMG 10 [1st line as RBVBMS_369(ii) above]. HRVD_007 ts IMG 10 [as above].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 79Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bipaade more, geetaanjali 4____
Let me not put myselfRBVBMS_119A IMG 27.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 206Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Let me not shame theeRBVBMS_119A IMG 41.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 307Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Let me own my defeat to thee my sweetEMSF_001 IMG 22 ts, IMG 28 ts, IMG 34 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
Let me think________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 142.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Let my doing nothingRBVBMS_119A IMG 31.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 208Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Let my love feel its strengthRBVBMS_008 IMG 31. RBVBMS_026 IMG 33. RBVBMS_219 IMG 39. RBVBMS_248A IMG 106 'find its strength' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 108 'find its strength' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 18. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 27 [1st line as above, ms note: 'feel> fill> find/ lekhan drashtabya VBQ.']. EMSF_001 ts IMG 53.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 118. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 197. Begins 'Let my love find its strength'____diner karme mor prem jena (RBVBMS_008)____
Let my love, like sunlight, surround youRBVBMS_008 IMG 9. RBVBMS_026 IMG 9. RBVBMS_248A IMG 9 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 11 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_219 IMG 40. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 3. RBVBMS_388 IMG 5 'let my love' EMSF_001 ts IMG 53.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 11____aamaar prem rabi kiran hena____
Let my song be simple as the waking in the morningRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 70 'Let my songs be simple as the waking in the morning'. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 70. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 68.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 69Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bicched, kheyaa____
Let my thoughtsRBVBMS_119A IMG 36 [written twice, first item crossed out]. EMSF_035 ts IMG 39.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 273Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Let not my love be a burdenRBVBMS_008 IMG 19. RBVBMS_026 IMG 20. RBVBMS_119A IMG 34. RBVBMS_219 IMG 41. RBVBMS_248A IMG 61 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 63 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 10. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 16. RBVBMS_388 IMG 13. EMSF_001 ts IMG 54 [ms note: 'Greeting Card']. EMSF_009 ts IMG 25. EMSF_035 ts IMG 21.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 62. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 111____he bandhu, jena mor bhaalobaasaa (RBVBMS_008)____
Let not my thanksRBVBMS_008 IMG 46. RBVBMS_026 IMG 39. RBVBMS_219 IMG 50 'May not my thanks to thee', IMG 131 'May not the thanks' [incomplete, crossed out, note: 'See no. 48/ Let not my thanks to thee/ lekhan '81'/ FF. No. 236']. RBVBMS_248A IMG 127 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 129 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 32. RBVBMS_388 IMG 34 EMSF_001 ts IMG 55 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 217. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 234____________
Let not my to-day leave its tattered remnants to narrow the passage of my to-morrow.EMSF_001 IMG 24 ts, IMG 30 ts, IMG 36 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
Let not the busy river decry the clouds as unpractical.RBVBMS_371 IMG 4. EMSF_001 IMG 15 ts '[Let not] {Gods are amused when} the busy river[decry] [decries] {condemns} the cloud[s] {as an} [as] unpractical {dreams[s].}' IMG 20 ts 'Gods are amused when the busy river condemns the cloud as an unpractical dream.' IMG 27 ts [as above], IMG 33 ts [as above] IMG 38 ts, IMG 43 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988) Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
Let not the sword-bladeRBVBMS_119A IMG 34 'sword-blade'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 250Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Let only that little be left of meHRVD_001 IMG 67 'Let only that {little} remain of me' .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 16 [as above]. HRVD_003 ts IMG 16 [as above].____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 34Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tomaay aamaar prabhu kare rakhi (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
Let the dead________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 280Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Let the deserted path finds its veil in the grass that designs to decorate neglect.RBVBMS_371 IMG 3r. EMSF_001 IMG 14 ts '[Let] {t}he deserted path', IMG 23 ts 'The deserted path finds its veil in the grass that decorates its neglect.' IMG 29 ts [as above], IMG 35 ts [as above] IMG 38 ts, IMG 42 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988). Titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
Let the dust take awayRBVBMS_387C IMG 5. RBVBMS_388 IMG 37____________maati jaa diyeche (RBVBMS_388)____
Let the earth and the waterRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 66. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 198. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 106 [ms notes on folio IMG: 'Just before Swadeshi Movement 8 yrs ago'. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 104 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 38baanglaar maati, geetabitaan swadesh 20____
Let the evening forgiveRBVBMS_008 IMG 28. RBVBMS_026 IMG 28. RBVBMS_219 IMG 42. RBVBMS_248A IMG 91 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 93 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 15. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 23. RBVBMS_388 IMG 15. EMSF_001 ts IMG 54.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 75. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 168.____dibaser aparaadh (RBVBMS_008)____
Let the golden crown float away on the twilight clouds.RBVBMS_375 IMG 12 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________sonaar mukut bhaasaaiyaa daao sandhyaamegher tareete____
Let the lamp of our separation ever burnRBVBMS_375 IMG 29 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________biraha pradeep jwaluk (RBVBMS_375)____
Let the links of my shacklesEMSF_029 ts IMG 45 [title: 'Rituranga'].VBQ Vol. V No. 3, October 1927, under Rituranga: The Dance of the Seasons____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 82nrityera taale taale, geetabitaan bicitra 1____
Let them live________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 287Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Let them rule this world who wouldRBVBMS_119A IMG 32 [numbered 175, ms contains Stray Birds , item crossed out].________________[not in EW]
Let there be no break in your merrriments, my friends!RBVBMS_001 IMG 56. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 49, IMG 62. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XLIX IMG 29-30 'break in your merriment[s]'. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 40 IMG 43. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XLVI IMG 42. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 53. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 49. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 66. HRVD_005 IMG 76 [part of a letter dated Calcutta, June 2. 1915: 'My dearest Friend, The following are the translations of some poems of my early days. Don't imagine that I send these to you for publication. Keep them in 'deep-delved earth' to mature till we meet'] HRVD_019 IMG 15-16 ts.ms note: 'V. B. Q XXIV (2)/ Autumn 1958'. Published in the volume noted in ms.________ms note: 'tomraa nishi jaapan kara/ 'bidaay', kshanikaa'EW Vol. IV
Let this be my last wordRBVBMS_119A IMG 39. EMSF_035 ts IMG 44.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 326____________
Let this darkness of mine be merged in thy fathomless darknessEMSF_022 IMG 13-14 'Let this darkness of mine {be} merge{d} in thy fathomless darkness' [IMG 13 folio written upside down, marked as no. 5, in pencil].____________e andhakaare dubao tomaar: gitabitaan, puja 93[not in EW].
Let this day bring blessings upon the bond of our comradeship____VBN, January 1933. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____________[not in EW]
Let thy love play upon my voiceRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 57. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 57. RBVBMS_060 IMG 43. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 55.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 55Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aamaar mukher kathaa, geetimaalya 44____
Let thy touch thrillRBVBMS_008 IMG 43. RBVBMS_026 IMG 34 'Let [thy finger's] {the} touch {of thy finger} thrill'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 109 'Let the touch of thy finger' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 111 'Let the touch of thy finger' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 19 'Let the touch of thy finger thrill'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 28 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 31 [item crossed out]VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 187. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 203. Begins 'Let the touch of thy finger thrill'____________
Let your love see meRBVBMS_008 IMG 33. RBVBMS_026 IMG 31. RBVBMS_219 IMG 43 'Let your love find me' IMG 51 'May your love find me'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 102 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 104 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 17. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 26. RBVBMS_388 IMG 21. EMSF_001 ts IMG 54 [as RBVBMS_219 IMG 51 above, ms note: 'Greeting Card']. EMSF_009 ts IMG 40.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 127. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 188____kaache thaakaar aarhaal khaanaa____
Let your music________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 261Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Let your stormy winds strike my sailsEMSF_001 IMG 8 [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5. English follows Bengali original on folio].____________tomaar kholaa haaoaa laagiye paale[not in EW].
Let your work be, brideRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 34 '[Leave off your works]{Let your work be}, bride', IMG 35 'Leave off your works, bride'. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 107-8 [1st line as above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4].____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 10Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)oi shono go atithi bujhi aaj: atithi (kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)____
Life Began its Dubious ChapterRBVBMS_180A IMG 75. RBVBMS_387B IMG 16VBQ New Series, Vol. XVIII, No. 1: May-July, 1952. VBQ Tagore Centenary Number 1961________eseche pratham juge, sphulinga addition 8EW Vol. IV
Life chained to an imperfect mind sends its agonised cry.RBVBMS_387B IMG 14 [another version on same page crossed out: 'Life fettered by an incomplete mind sends its cry']____________aapanaare jaane naa se____
Life finds its wealthEMSF_035 ts IMG 11.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 33Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Life has become richer________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 223Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Life is a constellationRBVBMS_371 IMG 3r. EMSF_001 IMG 14 ts, IMG 19 ts, IMG 25 ts, IMG 31 ts, IMG 42 ts [item crossed out] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988). Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
Life is given to usRBVBMS_119A IMG 35 'The life is given'. EMSF_035 ts IMG 14.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 56Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Life is multipliedRBVBMS_077 IMG 17.____________________
Life of my life, I shall ever tryHRVD_001 IMG 139.HRVD_002 ts IMG 35. HRVD_003 ts IMG 35.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 4Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)amar sakal ange tomar parash (naibedya: 1308, 1901)____
Life seeks its veil, to conceal from critical contemptRBVBMS_371 IMG 3v. EMSF_001 IMG 13 ts, IMG 23 ts, IMG 29 ts IMG 35 ts , IMG 37 ts, IMG 41 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988). Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
Life sends upRBVBMS_008 IMG 43. RBVBMS_026 IMG 33. RBVBMS_248A IMG 107 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 109 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 18. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 27. RBVBMS_388 IMG 30VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 185. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 198____________
Life speaks in whisper, 'O sweet Death'HRVD_019 IMG 37 ts.________________[not in EW].
Life's aspiration comesRBVBMS_008 IMG 46. RBVBMS_026 IMG 39. RBVBMS_248A IMG 127 'aspirations come' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 129 'aspirations come' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 32. RBVBMS_388 IMG 34 [item crossed out]VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 218. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 235. Begins 'Life's aspirations come'.____________
Life's errors cryRBVBMS_008 IMG 40. RBVBMS_026 IMG 13. RBVBMS_248A IMG 28 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 30 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 3. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 8. RBVBMS_388 IMG 28. EMSF_009 ts IMG 58.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 151. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 47____________
Life's play runs fastRBVBMS_008 IMG 13. RBVBMS_026 IMG 14. RBVBMS_219 IMG 44. RBVBMS_248A IMG 33 'Life's play is swift' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 35 'Life's play is swift' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 4. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_388 IMG 9. EMSF_001 ts IMG 54. EMSF_009 ts IMG 59.____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 31. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 56. Begins 'Life's play is swift'.____calite calite____
Life's spies are we lurking in all places [Speech heading: 'Spring's heralds sing']EMSF_007 IMG 4 [in Tagore's hand] [text from the Cycle of Spring, titled Phalguni].Sen p. 536: 'MR, Feb 1916, The Cycle of Spring, a synopsis of Phalguni together with translations of 13 songs from the play. For photographs of the performance of the play (1916) see plates facing pp. 343 and 354 in MR March 1916.'________aamraa nutan praaner char (phaalgunee)[not in EW].
Life's toys cannot keep pace with life's playRBVBMS_375 IMG 30 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________calite paarenaa khelaar putul (RBVBMS-375)____
Light accepts DarknessRBVBMS_008 IMG 15. RBVBMS_026 IMG 26. RBVBMS_219 IMG 46. RBVBMS_248A IMG 82 'darkness' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 84 'darkness' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 21 'darkness'. RBVBMS_388 IMG 10 EMSF_001 ts IMG 54 [as RBVBMS_342B above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]. Another reading, 'Fierce rages the storm and wages war,' appeared in MR, April 1912, along with other poems of Kanikaa under the heading 'Sparks from the Anvil.' [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 40. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 151____aalo jabe bhaalobese (RBVBMS_008)____
Light finds her treasureRBVBMS_248A IMG 26 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 28 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 7. EMSF_009 ts IMG 58.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 43____________
Light in my heartRBVBMS_119A IMG 27 '[Give me] {Light [for] in my heart} the evening star'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 274Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Light is young, the ancient lightRBVBMS_008 IMG 46. RBVBMS_026 IMG 39. RBVBMS_219 IMG 68 'The ancient light is ever young'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 130 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 132 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 33. RBVBMS_388 IMG 34 'Light is {ever} young'. EMSF_001 ts IMG 56 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 221. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 240____________
Light leaves no footprintRBVBMS_048 IMG 2 'footprints'. RBVBMS_102 IMG 78 'footprints' [appears to be the same folio as RBVBMS_048 IMG 2, including doodle].____Alokranjan Dasgupta, sundarer abhyarthanaa*From a photocopy of Tagore's autograph ms____sphulinga 33, aalo taar padachihnaEW Vol. IV
Light thy signal, Father____MR, January 1920, along with two other poems, under the heading 'Prayer.' [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 25aamra kothaay aachi, naibedya 59____
Light, my light, the world-filling lightHRVD_001 IMG 119.HRVD_002 ts IMG 30. HRVD_003 ts IMG 30.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 57Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aalo aamaar aalo ogo aalo bhuban bharaa (acalaayatan: 1319)____
Light, oh where is the lightHRVD_001 IMG 103.HRVD_002 ts IMG 25. HRVD_003 ts IMG 25.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 27Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)kothay aalo kothay ore aalo (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
Lightnings flash when she turns her face [See 'Translations from the Vaishnava poets VI']________________________
Like a child that frets and pushes awayRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 30. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 14.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 18. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 12Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)asamay and mauna, caitaalee [2 poems condensed into one]____
Like a fruit shaken free by an impatient wind____EMSF_029 IMG 108 [The Spectator, Jan. 10, 1931, p. 50. printed page, no corrections].____________[not in EW].
Like a pair of doves, nestling in the leafy seclusionRBVBMS_077 IMG 8-9.RBKSH Vol. 29 (1996) [based on RBVBMS_077]________Michael Madhusudan Dutt, meghnaadbadh kaabya, stanza 4, lines 118-156EW Vol. IV
Like fruit, shaken free [See 'The New Year']________________________
Like my heart's painRBVBMS_026 IMG 37. RBVBMS_248A IMG 121 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 123 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 21. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 31.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 225____________
Like the meeting of the seagullsRBVBMS_119A IMG 36.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 54Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Like the tree its leaves [See Fireflies 207 'As the tree its leaves']RBVBMS_008 IMG 44. RBVBMS_026 IMG 34 . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 19. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 28. RBVBMS_388 IMG 31 [item crossed out]____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 191____________
Listen to the cry of your children, fatherRBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 23 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 65 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4].RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________sakaatare ai knaadiche sakale, geetabitaan pujaa o prarthana 18EW Vol. IV
Listen to the prayer of the forestRBVBMS_008 IMG 33 'I hear the prayer' [MS notebook titled 'lekhan'. English version follows the Bengali original]. RBVBMS_027 IMG 46 'I hear the prayer'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 101 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 103 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 17 'I hear the prayer'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 26. RBVBMS_388 IMG 21 'I hear the prayer to the sun'VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 187____(based on) oi shuna bane baneVariant in Lekhan
Listen, my heartRBVBMS_119A IMG 37.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 13Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Listen, my heart, in his flute is the musicRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 14 'Listen, ah listen, my heart'. RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 24 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations', 1st line as RBVBMS_308A above]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 18 [1st line as above] [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 66Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ogo ke baajaay, bnaashi, karhi o komal____
Literature is the passenger boatRBVBMS_077 IMG 18.____________________
Little flowers come carryingRBVBMS_027 IMG 42____________pusper mukul____
Little songs and little thingsRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 183 'It is little songs and little things'. HRVD_014 ts IMG 17 [as above].________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 13dharaatal, caitaalee____
Long have we waited for you, beloved [Speech heading: 'Spring's followers surround him and sing']EMSF_007 IMG 6 [in Tagore's hand] [text from the Cycle of Spring, titled Phalguni], IMG 14 ts 'We waited by the wayside counting moments' [title: 'The Song of Fresh Beauty', running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring'] .Sen p. 536: 'MR, Feb 1916, The Cycle of Spring, a synopsis of Phalguni together with translations of 13 songs from the play. For photographs of the performance of the play (1916) see plates facing pp. 343 and 354 in MR March 1916.'________etadin je base chilem, phaalgunee[not in EW].
Lord of my being, has your wish been fulfilled in me?RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 64. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 181-2 'Lord of my inmost being'. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 25-6 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 102 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_007 ts IMG 56-7 'Lord of my innermost being'.________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 11jeeban debataa, citraaFuller translation to be found in 'The Religiion of Man'
Loud rumbles the cloud in the sky. [Another version 'The rain fell fast', The Fugitive I. 17]RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 149-50, IMG 151-2. HRVD_005 IMG 95 HRVD_006 ts IMG 7. HRVD_007 ts IMG 7.____________sonaar taree, sonaar taree[not in EW].
Love attracts and unitesRBVBMS_008 IMG 28. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 24. RBVBMS_388 IMG 15____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 76____aakarshangune prem (RBVBMS_008)____
Love came to the house.RBVBMS_001 IMG 89 [5 lines crossed out]. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 73.ms note: VBQ XXIV 3 Winter 1958-59. Published in the volume noted in ms.________ms note: Tr. Prem esechila cale gela: smaran, 3[not in EW].
Love comes smiling with empty hands____MR, November 1913, along with other poems of Kanikaa, under the heading 'Poems.' [Note: 'Englished by the poet himself'] [IMG in Bichitra archive]________bhakti o atibhakti, kanikaa[not in EW]
Love creates with the soul which can attract and unite [Title in MS: Fireflies 169]RBVBMS_026 IMG 29 'which attracts and unites' . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 16.________________[not in EW].
Love dwelt in my houseRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 85. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 40.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 63____prem esechila, smaran 3____
Love had come to the houseRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 61. RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 25, IMG 26, IMG 27 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. HRVD_004 ts IMG 97 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].ms note: 'Rabeendra beeksha-17' RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________ms note: 'prem esechila cale gela (smaran-3)'EW Vol. IV
Love is an endless mysteryRBVBMS_248A IMG 71 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 73 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 19 'mystry' [sic]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 27.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 130____________
Love is life________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 284Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Love punishes when it forgivesRBVBMS_008 IMG 24. RBVBMS_026 IMG 18. RBVBMS_219 IMG 47 'Love punishes in its forgiveness.' RBVBMS_248A IMG 50 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 52 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 7. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_388 IMG 16 EMSF_001 ts IMG 54 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 89. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 90____he prem jakhan kshamaa kara____
Love remains a secretRBVBMS_248A IMG 74 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 76 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 19. EMSF_009 ts IMG 29.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 137____________
Love signs his name in flowersRBVBMS_027 IMG 47____________phuler akshare prem____
Love tells me that death is some misunderstanding of life.RBVBMS_371 IMG 5. EMSF_001 IMG 16 ts, IMG 19 ts, IMG 25 ts, IMG 31 ts IMG 39 ts, IMG 44 ts [item crossed out] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988) Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
Love walks with empty handsRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 210, IMG 211 [ms note 248, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.].________________[not in EW].
Love watches his antics from afarEMSF_001 IMG 6 [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
Love whose loss is forgottenRBVBMS_219 IMG 48, 112 'The loss whose memory is missed is like the dumb hours that has no bird's songs but only crickets chirp' [crossed out, note 'See no. 46]. EMSF_001 ts IMG 54.________________[not in EW].
Love, my heart longs day and nightRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 116 'yearns day and night', IMG 117 [as above]. HRVD_014 ts IMG 10 'Love, my heart yearns day and night'.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 50Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)nishidin kandi sakhi: purna milan (karhi o komal: 1293, 1886)[not in EW].
Love, thou hast made great my lifeRBVBMS_217 IMG 7. EMSF_029 ts IMG 18 'Love, thou hast made {great} my life' [ms note: 'cf Lover's Gift 43'].________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 28tumi mor jeebaner maajhe, smaran 13____
Love! When you comeEMSF_001 IMG 7 'Love, when you come' [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].MR, June 1928 along with another poem under the heading 'Fire-Flies.' [IMG in Bichitra archive]Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 162.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Love's gift cannot be givenRBVBMS_026 IMG 40. RBVBMS_248A IMG 136 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 138 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 33 'can not'. EMSF_009 ts IMG 54.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 253____________
Love's pain________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 288Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Love's Price: Tempt me not to load my boat with debtRBVBMS_048, IMG 27, 28 [autograph poems]VBQ, August-October 1943. VBQ New Series, Vol XIV, part II: August-October 1948________aashankaa, purabee [identified by Sankha Ghosh]EW Vol. IV
Lovers come to you, my QueenRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 37. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 18.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 25. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 20____saadhanaa, citraa____
Lucky was my awakening this morning [See 'Translations: Vaishnava Songs 2']________________________
Maiden, your simplicityRBVBMS_342B ts IMG 4 'Maiden, thy beauty'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 14 [Printed book pages] [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 16 [Printed book pages] [1st line as above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 209. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 21. Begins 'Maiden, thy beauty'.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)apaakaa kathhin phaler matan, sphulinga 11____
Make me thy cupRBVBMS_119A IMG 35.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 220Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Make me thy poet, O NightRBVBMS_001 IMG 93. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 24. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 21. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 22. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XX IMG 13-14. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 78. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 9-10. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 113. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 9 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 11 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_014 ts IMG 12.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 20Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)raatri, kalpanaa____
Make way, O bud [See 'Translations: Baul Songs 9']________________________
Man barricades against himself.RBVBMS_119A IMG 22.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 79Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Man claims God's flowersRBVBMS_248A IMG 120 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 122 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 30.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 223____________
Man discovers his own wealthRBVBMS_008 IMG 20. RBVBMS_219 IMG 49 'Man discovers his riches'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 72 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 74 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 12. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 19. RBVBMS_388 IMG 14. EMSF_001 ts IMG 54 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 69. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 132____bhikshu beshe dwaare taar (RBVBMS_008)____
Man does not reveal himself________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 52Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Man goes into the noisy crowdRBVBMS_119A IMG 10.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 110Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Man is a born childRBVBMS_077 IMG 18. RBVBMS_119A IMG 11. EMSF_035 ts IMG 8.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 25Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Man is poor when he comes to beg from God, he discovers his own wealth when God comes to ask gifts of him.RBVBMS_026 IMG 24 .________________[not in EW].
Man is worseRBVBMS_119A IMG 34.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 248Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Man's history is waitingRBVBMS_119A IMG 37.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 317Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Many a day and night through many a winding riverRBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 28-9 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. HRVD_004 ts IMG 30-1 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________kata dibaa, kata bibhaabaree, utsarga (sangjojan 3)EW Vol. IV
Many a time when the spring day knocked at our doorRBVBMS_112 IMG 7. RBVBMS_217 IMG 6 'Once when we were both together, Spring came to our [courtyard]{cottage}'. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 31 [Lover's Gift] IMG 36. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 163, IMG 164 'Many a time when the frenzied day of spring stood before our house and called to us'. EMSF_022 IMG 23 ts 'Once when we [are] {were} both together, Spring came to our [courtyard] {cottage}.'Another translation of the same poem (Smaran, no. 19) appeared as 'When all my doors are open' in VBQ Vol II, No. 4: January 1925. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 32____je bhaabe ramanee rupe, smaran 22____
May be there is one house in this cityRBVBMS_001 IMG 38. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 75. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 71. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 73. RBVBMS_306C ts no. LXII IMG 48. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 46. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 32.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 65Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)edin aaji kon ghare go, geetaali 90____
May the desolate ghost of the forgotten cease cryingEMSF_001 IMG 20 ts, IMG 26 ts, IMG 32 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
Memory leaves its touchesRBVBMS_387B IMG 27____________pathe pathe aranye parbate____
Memory, the priestessRBVBMS_008 IMG 38. RBVBMS_026 IMG 9. RBVBMS_248A IMG 12 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 14 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_219 IMG 52. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 3. RBVBMS_388 IMG 26. EMSF_001 ts IMG 55, RBVBMS_229VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 130. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 16____smrwiti kaapaalinee, sphulinga 251 / ogo smrwiti kaapaalikaa, sphulinga 75/ smrwiti, se je nishidin (RBVBMS_248A)____
Men are cruel________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 219Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Men begin to gather from all quarters ['The Child' 4]RBVBMS_223 IMG 6-7, IMG 17-18 ts [running prose, title: The New Comer 4], IMG 26-7 ts [title: The Babe]. EMSF_002 IMG 9-10 ts [Title: The Babe, no. 4], IMG 21-2 ts [Title: The new Comer IV], IMG 32-3 ts [Title: The New Comer, IV], IMG 42-3 ts 'The pilgrims set out from all quarters' [title: He is Eternal, He is Newly Born, no numbering or part division, running prose] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2].____The Child (London: Allen and Unwin, 1931)____Not translation____
Men form constellationsRBVBMS_008 IMG 46 'Men from [sic] constellations'. RBVBMS_026 IMG 40 . RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 33. RBVBMS_388 IMG 34 [item crossed out]____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 223____________
Men may be proud of their misdeedsRBVBMS_371 IMG 7. EMSF_001 IMG 17 ts, IMG 21 ts, IMG 27 ts, IMG 33 ts, IMG 39 ts, IMG 44 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988) Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
Messenger, morning brought you [See 'Translations: From Hindi songs of Jnanadas 2.']________________________
Methinks, my love, before the daybreak of lifeRBVBMS_077 IMG 9-10 [no title]. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], IMG 24 [Title: 'Laughter. (From the Bengali of Devendranath Sen)']. RBVBMS_305G ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 24 'day break of life' [Title as above].MR, March 1916, titled The Maiden's Smile [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 21____From the Bengali of Devendranath Sen (in Ashok Guccha, 1910)____
Migrant bird, thou hast thy nestRBVBMS_375 IMG 27 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________he paakhi calecha chaarhi (RBVBMS_375)____
Migratory songs from my heartRBVBMS_008 IMG 23. RBVBMS_026 IMG 18. RBVBMS_219 IMG 56 'My migratory songs are on wings'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 130. RBVBMS_248A IMG 49 'Migratory songs wing' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 51 'Migratory songs wing' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 7. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_388 IMG 16. EMSF_001 ts IMG 55 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 85. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 88. Begins 'Migratory songs wing from my heart'.____aamaar praaner gaaner paakhir dal____
Mind's underground mothsRBVBMS_008 IMG 11. RBVBMS_026 IMG 8. RBVBMS_248A IMG 8 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 10 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 1. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 2. RBVBMS_375 IMG 15 'Moths of my thoughts, dwellers of the underground dark, The time has come for your last flight in the twilight; lose yourselves borne by trembling wings.' [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 7. EMSF_009 ts IMG 4.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 19. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 7____aamaar baaneer patanga guhaacar____
Mistakes live in the neighbourhood of truthRBVBMS_008 IMG 44. RBVBMS_026 IMG 36. RBVBMS_248A IMG 116 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 118 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 29. RBVBMS_388 IMG 32 EMSF_001 ts IMG 55.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 205. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 215____________
Moon, for what do you waitRBVBMS_077 IMG 18. RBVBMS_119A IMG 11.A variant of this poem, 'In the morn the moon is to lose her sovereignty' appeared in MR, November 1913 along with other poems of Kanikaa under the heading 'Poems.' [IMG in Bichitra archive]Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 30Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)nati sweekaar, kanikaa____
More life, my lord, yet moreHRVD_001 IMG 121.HRVD_002 ts IMG 30-1. HRVD_003 ts IMG 30-1.VBQ, Vol. 43, nos. 3 and 4. RBKSH Vol. 21 (1989)________praana bhariye trishaa hariye, geetimaalya 28EW Vol. IV
More than all else do I cherishRBVBMS_113 IMG 14 'That love is what I cherish most at heart' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 24____II. 48. jis se rahani apaar jagat men: KS Kabir____
Mother with her ancient treesRBVBMS_008 IMG 40. RBVBMS_026 IMG 15 'Mother Earth' . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 5 'Mother Earth'. RBVBMS_388 IMG 28 'Mother {Earth}'____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 157____________
Mother, I do want to leave off my lessons [See 'Twelve O'clock', The Crescent Moon no. 28]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Mother, I have seen your face in the first flush of the dawn this morning.RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 65. RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 30, IMG 31 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 35 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4].RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________jananee tomaar karun caranakhaani, geetaanjali 14, geetabitaan, puja, 464EW Vol. IV
Mother, I shall weave a chain of pearlsHRVD_001 IMG 165 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 44. HRVD_003 ts IMG 44.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 83Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tomaar sonaar thaalaay saajaaba aaj (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
Mother, let us imagine we are travelling [See 'The Hero', The Crescent Moon no. 31]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Mother, the folk who live up in the clouds [See 'Clouds and Waves', The Crescent Moon no. 14]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Mother, the light has grown grey [See 'The Land of the Exile', The Crescent Moon no. 17]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Mother, those stars that greedily gaze at the earth all night [See 'Those stars mother, with their greedy stare']________________________
Mother, your baby is silly [See 'Superior', The Crescent Moon no. 26]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Much have you given to meRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 54. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 54. RBVBMS_060 IMG 40. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 63 'You have given me much'. . RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 52. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 52, IMG 53 'You have given me much'. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 89 [1at line as above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 100 'You have given me much.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 52____anek diyecha naath, brahma sangeet 1, geetabitaan pujaa 407____
Music floats from the beyondRBVBMS_387B IMG 18 [Another version on same page crossed out 'The music comes from the beyond'].____________aakaashe charhaaye banee____
Must you come stealthily to gaze at meRBVBMS_098 IMG 52.____________ata cupi cupi kena kathaa kao, utsarga[not in EW].
My anger has burnt the body of Love GodRBVBMS_123 IMG 64 'When the fire-burst of thine anger killed the god of love'. RBVBMS_217 IMG 2 [p. crossed out]RBKSH Vol. 21 (1989) ['Thy anger has burnt the body of Love God']________madanbhasmer purbe, kalpanaaEW Vol. IV
My beloved, I am proud with the pride [See 'Translations from the Vaishnava poets XIII']________________________
My birthday!EMSF_029 IMG 73-4, IMG 75-9 [many ms changes, ts note on IMG 75, asterisked, corresponding with title: 'BIRTHDAY': 78th birthday of the Poet. The poem was written in last May at Kalimpong.- Ed.'], IMG 89-92 [copy of IMG 75. Editorial note transcribed from IMG 75 first crossed out and then 'stet' added to margin. New ms note: 'Refers to the poet's experience of his recent serious illness, when he {lay} unconscious for sixty-four hours, hovering [between] {between} life and death. - Ed.', ms note at top of page: 'With corrections by Gurudeva.'].EMSF_029 IMG 89 ts, ms note: 'VBQ 1938 Aug. (N. K. Roy?)'____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 104janmadin, snejuti (aaj mama janmadine)sj has 2 poems titled 'Janmadin'
My boat is too frail for crossing wild wavesRBVBMS_001 IMG 104________________[not in EW].
My boat sinks.RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 32, IMG 33 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations'].RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________taree aamaar, , geetabitaan, bicitra 67EW Vol. IV
My body and my mind are grievedRBVBMS_113 IMG 17 My body and mind [are disconsolate without] {grieve for the want of} thee' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 35____II. 113. vaalam, aawo hamaare geh re: KS Kabir____
My bonds are cut, my debts are paidRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 82. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 78. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 80. RBVBMS_306C ts no. LXIX IMG 52. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 36-7 'No more, ah no more of this./ No more fear and doubt./ My bonds are cut'. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 141 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 75 [1st line as above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 56 [as 308A above] [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 74Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aar nahe aar nay, geetabitaan pujaa 383____
My clouds sorrowing in the darkRBVBMS_008 IMG 20. RBVBMS_026 IMG 24. RBVBMS_248A IMG 71 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 73 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 12. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 19. RBVBMS_388 IMG 14 EMSF_009 ts IMG 28.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 68. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 131____megher dal bilaap kare (RBVBMS_008)____
My companions of the road wistfully turn back their heads--they hamper me in my onward journey.EMSF_001 IMG 9 [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5. English follows Bengali original on folio].____________jete jete cayna jete phire phire caay[not in EW].
My day has been spent as well as could beHRVD_019 IMG 20 ts.________________[not in EW].
My day is doneRBVBMS_119A IMG 31.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 55Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
My desires are many and my cry is pitifulHRVD_001 IMG 15 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 3. HRVD_003 ts IMG '{Many are} my desires [are many]'.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 14Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aami bahu baasanaay praanpane chaai (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
My dumb desire tells its beads in the duskEMSF_001 IMG 30 ts, IMG 36 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
My evening cameRBVBMS_119A IMG 27.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 212Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
My evening lamp salutesRBVBMS_027 IMG 50____________sandhyaar pradeep mor taaraare (RBVBMS_027)[not in EW]
My eyes feel the deep peaceRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 79. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 36.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 57. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 33Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)basundharaa, sonaar taree: mane mane anubhab kari (only a few lines)____
My eyes have lost their sleepRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_060 IMG 3. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 11.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 11____prabhu tomaa laagi, geetaanjali 28____
My faith in truthRBVBMS_008 IMG 44. RBVBMS_026 IMG 35. RBVBMS_248A IMG 113 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 115 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 19. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 28. RBVBMS_388 IMG 31 [item crossed out] EMSF_009 ts IMG 46.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 192. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 208.____________
My fancies are firefliesRBVBMS_008 IMG 7. RBVBMS_026 IMG 7. RBVBMS_248A IMG 5 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 7 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 1. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 2. RBVBMS_388 IMG 4. BMSF_091 IMG 8 [Titled 'likhan'. English follows Bengali original, each bilingual item autographed. IMG 10-16 duplicates of IMG 8].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 1. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 1____swapna aamaar jonaakiLekhan: Bilingual. Printed in Tagore's own handwriting. No numbering in Das EW Vol 1. Order follows 1926 edition. Fireflies: Verses not numbered in first ed. Numbering follows Das EW for convenience. Bengali versions of most of these poems were published in Lekhan (1926) and posthumously in 1946 as 'Sphulinga'. All originals, unless otherwise mentioned, from 'Lekhan'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 1: 'The lines in the following pages had their origin in China and Japan where thoughts were very often claimed from me in my handwriting on fans and pieces of silk./ Rabindranath Tagore/ S. S. Fulda/ Dec. 12. 1926'.
My fetters, you made music in my heartRBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 41, IMG 53. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 35, IMG 40. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XLI IMG 25. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 42. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 35 [Lover's Gift] IMG 40. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 40-1. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 165. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 81 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 62 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 36____ore shikal tomaay, prayashcitta____
My flower of the dayRBVBMS_119A IMG 9.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 181Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
My flower, mighty be the stormRBVBMS_371 IMG 4. EMSF_001 IMG 15 ts [item crossed out], ms 'The storm [has] {that} shattered my flower [and] {has} vanished but the flower has not died in its death.' [item crossed out], IMG 24 ts 'The storm that shattered my flower has vanished but the flower has not died in its death.' IMG 30 ts [as above], IMG 36 ts [as above] IMG 38 ts, IMG 43 ts ['My flower' transferred to end of line] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988) Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
My flower, seek not thy paradiseRBVBMS_008 IMG 13. RBVBMS_026 IMG 14. RBVBMS_219 IMG 54, 101 'My flower, seek not thy paradise in a pool's p[incomplete, crossed out, note: 'See no. 53' i.e. IMG 54], IMG 55. RBVBMS_248A IMG 33 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 35 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 4. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_375 IMG 19 'seek not your' [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 8 EMSF_001 ts IMG 55 [ms note: 'Greeting Card']. EMSF_009 ts IMG 59.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 30. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 57____he aamaar phul (RBVBMS_008)____
My flowers were like milk and honey and wine [Titled 'A Posy'. See entry]________________________
My friend, your great heart shone with the sunriseRBVBMS_119A IMG 30 'Your great heart shone'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 224Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
My friend's chariot stopped at my doorEMSF_001 IMG 8 [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5. English follows Bengali original on folio].____________duhkher barashaay caksher jal jei naamla[not in EW].
My guest has come to my doorRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 48. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 48. RBVBMS_060 IMG 34. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 20-1 'Rejoice, my heart, the guest of our autumn has come.' RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 46. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 48, IMG 49 'the guest of my autumn'. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 94 'Rejoice, my heart, the guest of my autumn has come' [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 28 'Rejoice, my heart, the guest of [my] {our} autumn has come.' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 46____sharate aaj kon atithi, geetaanjali 38____
My heart beatsRBVBMS_119A IMG 29.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 29Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
My heart cries aloudRBVBMS_113 IMG 28 'His palace has a million gates' [both Tagore's printed text and Ajit Kumar Chakravarty's ms end with 'Remember me early in the morning'][ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 85____III. 90. naihar se jiyaraa phaat re: KS Kabir____
My heart feels shyEMSF_029 IMG 30.VBQ New Series Vol. I part II: August-October 1935____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 67aanmanaa, purabee____
My heart has spreadRBVBMS_119A IMG 12.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 218Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
My heart is a flute [See 'Translations: Baul Songs 4']________________________
My heart is homesickRBVBMS_119A IMG 25.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 244Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
My heart is likeRBVBMS_119A IMG 10.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 196Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
My heart is on fireEMSF_029 IMG 12.MR, January 1915. VBN December 1964. [IMGs in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 55tumi je surer aagun, geetimaalya 89____
My heart longs to carress [sic] this green worldRBVBMS_119A IMG 31.________________[not in EW]
My heart sings at the wonder of my placeRBVBMS_185 IMG 27 '[Oh] My heart [wakes up] {sings at the} wonder'VBN November 1934. VBN, May 1942. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 65aakaash bharaa surjya taaraa, geetabitaan prakrwiti 8____
My heart today smilesRBVBMS_008 IMG 40. RBVBMS_026 IMG 13. RBVBMS_248A IMG 27 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 29 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 3. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 7. RBVBMS_388 IMG 28. EMSF_009 ts IMG 17 'My heart to-day', IMG 58.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 150. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 44. Begins 'My heart to-day'.____________
My heart waits for loveEMSF_001 IMG 23 ts, IMG 29 ts, IMG 35 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
My heart, like a peacock on a rainy dayEMSF_029 IMG 59-60 'My heart dances, it dances like a peacock', IMG 61 ts 'My heart {,} [dances, it dances] like a peacock, {on a rainy day}'.VBN, June-August, 1985. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 20nababarsha, kshanikaa [hriday aamaar naace re aajike]____
My heart, the bird of the wildernessRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 75 'My heart, the bird of {the} wilderness', IMG 77 'My [Heart]{love}, the bird of wilderness'. HRVD_014 ts IMG 5 'bird of wilderness'.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 31Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aami dhara diyechi go: hriday-aakaash (karhi o komal: 1293, 1886)____
My heart, with its lapping________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 259Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
My King was unknown to meRBVBMS_001 IMG 7. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 34. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 31. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 32. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XXX IMG 20. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 4.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 32Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aamaar kaache raajaa aamaar, balaakaa 27____
My King, thou hast called me to play my fluteRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 68. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 68. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 10-11 'My King, you have charged me with the task of playing the flute'. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 66. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 71, IMG 72 [1st line as RBVBMS_308A above]. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 10 'My King, you have charged me with the task of playing the flute' [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 12 [1st line as above] [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_005 IMG 89 'charged me with playing flute' HRVD_006 ts IMG 12 [1st line as RBVBMS_446 above]. HRVD_007 ts IMG 13 [as above].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 66____he raajan tumi aamaare, utsarga 19____
My King's road that lies stillRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 65. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 65. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 40 'The red road that passes by our village makes me restless.' RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 63. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 68 'The {red} road that passes', IMG 69 'The road that passes '. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 80 [1st line as EM RBVBMS_369(ii) IMG 69 above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 61 [1st line as 308A above] [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 63____graam charhaa ai raangaa maatir path, prayashcitta, geetabitaan bicitra 14____
My lamp goes out, thy stars remain to show me the path. [Title in MS: Fireflies 218]RBVBMS_026 IMG 36 . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 21.________________[not in EW].
My last salutationsRBVBMS_248A IMG 136 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 138 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 33.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 252____________
My life has its play of coloursRBVBMS_008 IMG 46. RBVBMS_026 IMG 38. RBVBMS_248A IMG 126 'My life like the reed' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 128 'My life like the reed' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 32. RBVBMS_388 IMG 33 [item crossed out].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 216. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 233. Begins 'My life like the reed'.________Variant in Lekhan
My life when young was like a flowerRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 5. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 3. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 3. RBVBMS_306C ts no. II IMG 2. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 2. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 108.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 2Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jeeban jakhan chila phuler mato, geetimaalya 37____
My life's empty fluteRBVBMS_008 IMG 45 'Vacancy in my life's flute'. RBVBMS_026 IMG 37 'The vacancy in my life's flute'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 122 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 124 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 31 'The vacancy in my life's flute'. RBVBMS_388 IMG 33 [1st line as above]VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 226________Variant in Lekhan
My Lord hides HimselfRBVBMS_113 IMG 14 '[The charmer of my soul] {Hari} hides himself' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 25____II. 45. Hari ne apnaa aap chipaayaa: KS Kabir____
My love brought flowers to deck me [See 'Translations from the Vaishnava poets XII']________________________
My love is but the seekingRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 40. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 19.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 28____________
My love longs to offer its worship in splendourEMSF_001 IMG 20 ts, IMG 26 ts, IMG 32 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].VBQ New Series, Vol. XI. part I: May-July 1945____________Sen, source unchecked. [not in EW].
My love of today finds herself homelessRBVBMS_008 IMG 25. RBVBMS_026 IMG 19 'My bird of today'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 57 'My new love feels herself homeless', IMG 84 'My new love today feels herself homeless' [incomplete, crossed out]. RBVBMS_248A IMG 54 [Printed book pages] [marked as 106a in the margin]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 56 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 8 'My bird of to-day finds herself homeless in yesterday's deserted nest.' RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_388 IMG 17 'My {new} love of today' EMSF_001 ts IMG 55 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 92. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 98. Begins 'My love of to-day finds no home'.____nutan prem seSlight variant in Lekhan
My love smiles and speaks softly looking in [See 'Translations from the Vaishnava poets I']________________________
My love, I will keep you hidden in my eyes [See 'Translations: Vaishnava Songs 4']________________________
My love, once upon a time your poet launched a great epicRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 90, IMG 91.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 38Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tomaar tare sabai more: kshatipuran (kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)Sen notes 'Only the portion beginning at 'Aami nabya mahaakaabya'
My mind has its true unionRBVBMS_008 IMG 45. RBVBMS_026 IMG 37. RBVBMS_248A IMG 120 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 122 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 21. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 30. RBVBMS_388 IMG 33. EMSF_009 ts IMG 49.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 209. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 222____________
My mind starts upRBVBMS_008 IMG 38. RBVBMS_026 IMG 10. RBVBMS_248A IMG 13 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 15 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_219 IMG 53 'Mind, like a brook'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 4. RBVBMS_388 IMG 26 '[My] [m]{M}ind starts up'. EMSF_001 ts IMG 55 [as RBVBMS_219 above]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 9.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 131. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 18____kshanik dhwanir swata-ucchwaase, sphulinga 64, Bengali not in Lekhan____
My mind still buzzed with the cares________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 8____sunya chila man, utsarga 23____
My mind the traveller builds its own shrine of pilgrimageRBVBMS_387B IMG 24 [another version, crossed out]____________bhramankaree man____
My moments signed by God need not be appraised at the market.RBVBMS_371 IMG 6. EMSF_001 IMG 17 ts, IMG 26 ts, IMG 32 ts IMG 39 ts, IMG 44 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988) Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
My nest-weary wings fluttered [possibly Another version, see: The vast silence breathlessly waits through the night for the flutter of wings in a bird's nest.]RBVBMS_460 IMG 1 [Accompanied by a letter from Kshitish Roy regarding provenance on IMG 13].VBQ Vol.I part I: April 1923 [IMG in Bichitra archive].________abridged translation of the song pratham aalor carandhwani, geetabitaan pujaa 342[not in EW].
My new love comesRBVBMS_008 IMG 32. RBVBMS_248A IMG 118 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 120 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 21. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 30. RBVBMS_388 IMG 21.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 122. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 219____puraano maajhe jaa kichu chila____
My night has passed on the bed of sorrowRBVBMS_001 IMG 88 [same pg as Fruit Gathering 25]. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 54. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 50. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 52. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XLIII IMG 34-5. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 15. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 72. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 55 'has been passed'. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 122, IMG 123 'in the bed of sorrow' . RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 50 [1st line as above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 88 [as 308A above] [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_006 ts IMG 37 'my night passed'. HRVD_007 ts IMG 38 [as above]. HRVD_019 IMG 34 ts 'My night {has} passed in the bed of sorrow', IMG 39 'night passed in the bed'.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 45Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aaji praabhaateo sraanta nayane, smaran 1____
My Offence: When you smilingly held up to me, my sweet [Translation by Tagore of a poem by Devendranath Sen]RBVBMS_077 IMG 10.MR, March, 1916.________Debendranath Sen's poem ashokguccha beginning 'sohaaginee ithe tor abhimaan'EW Vol. IV
My offerings are not for the templeRBVBMS_008 IMG 29. RBVBMS_026 IMG 29. RBVBMS_219 IMG 58 'My offerings are spent at the wayside shrines'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 93 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 95 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 16. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 24. RBVBMS_388 IMG 15 EMSF_001 ts IMG 55 [as RBVBMS_219 above]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 35.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 78. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 173____pather praante aamaar teertha nay (RBVBMS_008)____
My offerings are too timidRBVBMS_008 IMG 9. RBVBMS_026 IMG 9. RBVBMS_248A IMG 10 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 12 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 3. RBVBMS_388 IMG 6VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 12. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 13____bhiru mor daan____
My paper boats sail away in play [See Fireflies 87 'These paper boats of mine']RBVBMS_026 IMG 18 . RBVBMS_219 IMG 130 'These paper boats of mine'. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 7 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 13 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 16 EMSF_001 ts IMG 60 [as RBVBMS_219 above, ms note: 'Greeting Card'].____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 87____________
My portion of the best in this worldRBVBMS_001 IMG 39. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 17. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 15. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 9-10. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 33.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 14Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jaa debe taa debe tumi, geetaali 93____
My Prayer for India: What is my longing, my dream____MR, August 1930____________EW Vol. IV
My sad thoughtsRBVBMS_119A IMG 22.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 216Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
My self's burden is lightened [See Fireflies 61 'The burden of self']RBVBMS_008 IMG 41. RBVBMS_026 IMG 15 . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 5. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_388 IMG 28 EMSF_009 ts IMG 60.____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 158____________
My shadow dances in your waves, ever streaming riverRBVBMS_001 IMG 55. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 16, IMG 26 [text crossed through]. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XVI IMG 8-9 'ever[streaming]{flowing} river!'. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 16 IMG 16. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XVI IMG 15. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 18. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 48 'everstreaming'. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 67. EMSF_007 IMG 3 [in Tagore's hand] 'The blossoming Champak sings: My shadow dances in your waves, everflowing river!' [text from the Cycle of Spring, titled Phalguni], IMG 8 ts [title: 'Song of the Blossoming Champak' crossed out, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring'], IMG 38 ts [title: 'Song of the Blossoming Champak', running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring''].Sen p. 536: 'MR, Feb 1916, The Cycle of Spring, a synopsis of Phalguni together with translations of 13 songs from the play. For photographs of the performance of the play (1916) see plates facing pp. 343 and 354 in The Modern Review March 1916.'________ms note: 'ogo nadee aapan bege phaalgunee/ The Cycle of Spring'.Ms note RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 67: 'Cycle of Spring'. [not in EW]. Not by Tagore . This song by Tagore .
My song has put off her adornmentsHRVD_005 IMG 123 'all her adornments' IMG 135.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 7Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aamar e gaan cherheche taar sakal alankaar (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
My song seeks its price not in loud praise, but in love's whisper.RBVBMS_005 IMG 10MR, January 1932, under the heading 'Poems.'____________EW Vol. IV
My Song: This song of mine________The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 38Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aamaar e gaan maa go: mangalageet iii (shishu: 1310, 1903), karhi o komal (parts)____
My songs are like beesRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 26. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 12. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_315(ii) ts IMG 9.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 14. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 7Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)kalpanaa madhup, karhi o komal____
My songs are the same as spring flowers [Another version 'It comes from you, this impulse of song in my heart']RBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 67 'My songs are the same as are the spring flowers'. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 67. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 65. HRVD_019 IMG 33 ts and IMG 52 ts 'It comes from thee.'____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 65____phuler matan aapni phutaao gaan, geetaanjali 97____
My songs are to own my debt to priceless hours.RBVBMS_371 IMG 5. EMSF_001 IMG 16 ts, IMG 19 ts 'to the priceless hours' IMG 25 ts [as above] IMG 31 ts [as above] IMG 39 ts, IMG 43 ts [item crossed out] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988) Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
My songs are to singRBVBMS_008 IMG 46. RBVBMS_026 IMG 39. RBVBMS_248A IMG 135 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 137 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 33. RBVBMS_388 IMG 34 [item crossed out]VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 222. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 250.____________
My soul tonight loses itselfRBVBMS_008 IMG 45. RBVBMS_026 IMG 38. RBVBMS_248A IMG 124 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 126 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 31. RBVBMS_388 IMG 33 '[My soul tonight loses itself in] [t]{T}he silent [heart of a] tree [standing] {stands}' [resultant first line 'The silent tree stands alone among the whispers of immensity']VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 214. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 230. Begins 'My soul to-night loses itself'.____________
My thoughts shimmerRBVBMS_119A IMG 32.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 150Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
My thoughts, like sparksRBVBMS_008 IMG 9. RBVBMS_026 IMG 9 'My thoughts{,} [are] {like} sparks'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 9 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 11 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 3. RBVBMS_388 IMG 5VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 7. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 9.____sphulinga taar paakhaay____
My unquiet spirit yearns for the unexplored____VBN, December 1938. [IMG in Bichitra archive]________aamaar man keman kare, geetabitaan prem 214[not in EW]
My untuned stringsRBVBMS_008 IMG 15. RBVBMS_026 IMG 26. RBVBMS_027 IMG 51 [much doodling]. RBVBMS_219 IMG 59. RBVBMS_248A IMG 80 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 82 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_388 IMG 9. EMSF_001 ts IMG 55 'Thy untunes [sic] strings]'.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 38. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 146____gaaner kaangaal e binaar taar (RBVBMS_008)____
My Vina breaks out in strange disquiet measure____________Letters from Abroad (Madras: S. Ganesan, 1924), enlarged and revised edition Letters to a Friend (London: Allen and Unwin, 1928). Chapter VIII, letter dated Berlin June 4th, 1921.mor beenaa othe kon sure baaji, arupratanSee Prose List.
My wishes are foolsRBVBMS_119A IMG 26.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 19Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
My words that are slightRBVBMS_008 IMG 8. RBVBMS_026 IMG 8. RBVBMS_248A IMG 7 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 9 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_219 IMG 60. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 1. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 2. RBVBMS_388 IMG 5 EMSF_001 ts IMG 56. EMSF_009 ts IMG 3.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 5. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 6____bhaaree kaajer bojhaai taree____
My work is rewardedRBVBMS_008 IMG 26. RBVBMS_026 IMG 25. RBVBMS_219 IMG 63 'Reward of my work is in daily wages'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 76 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 78 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 12. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_388 IMG 18. EMSF_001 ts IMG 56 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 101. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 139____dine dine mor karma (RBVBMS_008)____
My world is lostRBVBMS_210, IMG 42.VBQ New Series, Vol XIV, part III: November 1948-January 1949________aamaar nikhil bhuban from maayaar khelaa, geetabitaan prem 201EW Vol. IV
My world, when I was a child________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 6____maanas sundaree, sonaar taree lines 83f____
My world, you were like a neighbouring girlRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 74. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 33.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 52. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 6. Begins 'My world, when I was a child'____maanas sundaree, sonaar taree (only a few lines)____
Neither mother nor daughter are youRBVBMS_098 IMG 48-9. EMSF_012 ts IMG 2-3.____The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 11Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)urbasee, citraa____
Never be afraidRBVBMS_119A IMG 30.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 59Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Never can One be truly an oneEMSF_001 IMG 7 '[One can never] {Never can One} be truly [a] {an} one' [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
Night, the poet of silenceRBVBMS_077 IMG 16.____________________
Night's darkness is a bagRBVBMS_119A IMG 21.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 213Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
No guest had come to my houseRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 41. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 41. RBVBMS_060 IMG 27. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 32-3 'Did you come when the night was dark'. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 39. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 34-5, IMG 35-6 'Did you come [at] {[in}] [The depth of the night] {when the night was dark}. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 31 'Did you come when the night was dark, you who walk in secret?' [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 48-9 [1st line as 308A above] [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 39Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)muktipaash, kheyaa____
No more noisy, loud words from meHRVD_001 IMG 9 'No more {noisy} loud words' Bengali on IMG 8 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 1-2 'noisy loud'. HRVD_003 ts IMG 1-2.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 89Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)kolaahal to baaran hala (geetimaalya: 1321, 1914)____
No night is there where the sun shines.HRVD_020 IMG 1-2 [title on folio: 'Kabir' 'Part I'. 'no. 8' on IMG 1, nos. 6 and 7 on IMG 2]. Not by Tagore .________________Not by Tagore ? [Not in EW]
No rent is made there in the mist by the doubtful dawnRBVBMS_217 IMG 17.The first version appeared in VBQ April 1926. Title The Message. Reprinted in VBN August 1939 and MR, November 1939. Title A Message [All IMGs in Bichitra archive].________ajike gahan kaalimaa, utsargaEW Vol. IV
No, my friends, I shall never be an asceticRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 102, IMG 103.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 43Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ami haba naa taapas, haba naa haba naa: prateejnaa (kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)____
No: it is not yours to open buds into blossomsRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 21. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 18. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 19. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XVIII IMG 11-12. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 12. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 26 'No, it is not yours'. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 6. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 110, IMG 111 [1st line as RBVBMS_308A above. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 29 'No, it is not for you to open the bud into a blossom.' [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 39 'No, it is not' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_005 IMG 102 'No, it is not for you to open the bud' HRVD_006 ts IMG 11-12 [as above]. HRVD_007 ts IMG 11-13 [as above, IMG 12 is duplicate of IMG 11, i.e. folio of IMG 11 scanned twice].First printed version in 'The Nation' (7 Feb. 1914) titled 'Fulfilment'Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 18Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)phul photaano, kheyaa____
Noisy hours I spent in crowded roadsRBVBMS_217 IMG 10 '[I spent] noisy hours {I spent} in crowded roads'.A slight variant of this poem, 'I spent noisy hours' was printed under Two Poems in VBQ New Series, Vol. IX, part II: August-October 1943.________tomaay kichu deba bale, geetabitaan pujaa 92EW Vol. IV
None lives for ever, brotherRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 154-5, IMG 156-7.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 68Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)thakba naa bhaai thakba naa keu: shesh (kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)____
None needs[sic] be thrust asideRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 61. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 61. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 50 'None need be'. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 59. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 61, IMG 62. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 41 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 79 'None need[s] be' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_006 ts IMG 1 'No one you put aside.' HRVD_007 ts IMG 1 [as above].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 59____kaare dur naahi kara, naibedya 34____
Not for me is the love that knows no restraintRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 71. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 68. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 69. RBVBMS_306C ts no. LX IMG 45. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 43. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 65. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 28. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 138. HRVD_004 ts IMG 103 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 63Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)je bhakti tomaare laye, naibedya 45____
Not hammerstrokesRBVBMS_119A IMG 10 'Not hammer strokes'. EMSF_035 ts IMG 23 'hammer-strokes'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 126Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Not much is left, it is little, very little.RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 160, IMG 161. HRVD_006 ts IMG 31. HRVD_007 ts IMG 32.____________swalpashesh, kshanikaa[not in EW].
Not my way of Salvation, to surrender the world!HRVD_006 ts IMG 56-7. HRVD_007 ts IMG 52-3.____________bairaagyasaadhane mukti, naibedya 8[not in EW].
O Beauty, find thyself in loveRBVBMS_119A IMG 20.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 28Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
O brother, my heart yearnsRBVBMS_113 IMG 13-14 'O Brother' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 22____II. 38. saadho, so satgur mohi bhaawai: KS Kabir____
O brother! When I was forgetfulRBVBMS_113 IMG 23 'When I was forgetful' [item crossed out] [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 65____I. 22. jab main bhulaa, re bhaaee: KS Kabir____
O Death, hads't thou been but emptinessRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 204, IMG 205 [ms note 232, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.]. HRVD_006 ts IMG 58. HRVD_007 ts IMG 54.________________[not in EW].
O Fire, my brother, I sing victory to youRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 45. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 42 'O fire'. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 43 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XXVII IMG 28 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 30 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 41 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 18 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 118, IMG 119 [1st line as above]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 63 [as above] [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 40Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aagun aamaar bhai, prayashcitta____
O fool, to try to carry thyselfHRVD_001 IMG 51 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 12. HRVD_003 ts IMG 12.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 9Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aar aamaay aami nijer shire baiba naa (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
O friend, awakeRBVBMS_113 IMG 17 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 36____II. 126. jaag piyaaree, ab kaan sowai: KS Kabir____
O friend, dear heart of mineRBVBMS_113 IMG 30 'O friend, o dear heart of mine' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 96____I. 75. samajh dekh man meet piyarwa: KS Kabir____
O friend! Hope for Him whilst you liveRBVBMS_113 IMG 7 'O friend [seek] {hope for} him while you [have this life] {live.} [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 3____I. 57. Saadho bhaai, jeevat hee karo aashaa: KS Kabir____
O friend! This body is His lyreRBVBMS_113 IMG 17 'Friend, this body is his vina' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 39____I. 59. saadho, yah tan thaath tanvure ka: KS Kabir____
O how may I ever expressRBVBMS_113 IMG 9 'How shall I ever express that solemn word?' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 9____I. 104. aisaa lo naheen taisaa lo: KS Kabir____
O Lord Increate, who will serve TheeRBVBMS_113 IMG 10 'O Lord [unrecognised] {[unimaged]} {uncreated} who will serve thee?' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 13____II. 37. angadhiyaa devaa: KS Kabir____
O mad, superbly drunkRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 98-9 'O you mad, you superbly drunk;', IMG 100-1 'O [you] mad, [you] superbly drunk;'. 369(ii) ts IMG 99 [folio verso, upside down, entire text crossed out]. HRVD_005 IMG 97-99 'O you mad, you superbly drunk' HRVD_006 ts IMG 21-2 [1st line as above]. HRVD_007 ts IMG 22-3 [as above].____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 42Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ore maataal duyaar bhenge diye: maataal (kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)____
O man divine, sanctify our efforts____VBN, July 1937. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 16eso he griha debataa, geetabitaan aanushthaanik 14____
O man, if thou dost not know thine own LordRBVBMS_113 IMG 22 '{O mad, you do not know your own lord of what are you proud?}' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 59____I. 52. khasm na ceenhai baawaree: KS Kabir____
O mother, the young Prince is to pass by our doorRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 30, IMG 31. HRVD_005 IMG 101 'O mother, King's darling is to pass by [my] our door' [title: 'To my Prince'] HRVD_006 ts IMG 14. HRVD_007 ts IMG 15.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 7Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ogo maa, raajaar dulaal jaabe aaji mor: subhakshan and ogo maa, raajaar dulaal jaabe aji mor: tyag (both kheyaa: 1313, 1906)____
O my child, my infant ShivaEMSF_029 ts IMG 42 [title: '[SHIVA]{The Child Shiva}'], IMG 94 [title: 'The Child Shiva'].________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 61shishu bholaanaath, shishu bholaanaath____
O my heart! Let us go to that countryRBVBMS_113 IMG 26 'O my [mind] {heart} let us go to that country' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 77____III. 60. cal hamsaa waa desh jahaan: KS Kabir____
O my heart! The Supreme SpiritRBVBMS_113 IMG 13 'The supreme spirit, the great guru is near you' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 19____II. 20. paramaatam guru nikat viraajain: KS Kabir____
O my heart! You have not knownRBVBMS_113 IMG 25 'My heart, you have not known' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 74____III. 30. are dil, prem nagar kaa ant na paayaa: KS Kabir____
O preacher, do not preach to usRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 47. RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 34 'O preacher, [why] do [you] {not} preach to us' [First line crossed out: 'On the last day of the departing year'. Contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. HRVD_004 ts IMG 72 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].ms note: 'Rabeendra beeksha-7'. RBKSH Vol. 7 (1982)________ms note: 'Tr aaji barsha shesh dine: aashray: caitaalee' RBVBMS_369(iii) notes the title as 'sabhay'EW Vol. IV
O sadhu! My land is a sorrowless landRBVBMS_113 IMG 30 '{O Sadhu} My land' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 94____I. 92. avadhu begam desh hamaaraa: KS Kabir____
O sadhu! Purify your bodyRBVBMS_113 IMG 19 [printed first line is a later insertion in pencil] [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 46____I. 98. saadho, sahajai kaayaa shodho: KS Kabir____
O sadhu! The simple union is the bestRBVBMS_113 IMG 18 '{O sadhu, the easy union is the best.}' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 41____I. 76. santo, sahaj samaadh bhalee: KS Kabir____
O servant, where dost thou seek Me?RBVBMS_113 IMG 7 'O servant, where do you seek me?' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 1____I. 13. mo ko kaahinee aan dhunro baande: Khsitimohan Sen, Kabir (Brahmacharyashrama, Bolpur: Santiniketan, 1910-11, 4 parts). Subsequently 'KS Kabir.'Nos. 132-144 of the Poems printed in EW Vol IV collectively titled 'Kabir's Dohas' not included in Masterlist or Bibliography.
O that I were stored with a secret________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 4Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)olo sai, geetabitaan prem 81____
O the time comes, it has come (Speech heading: 'They [spring's heralds] tease him and sing')EMSF_007 IMG 4 [in Tagore's hand] [text from the Cycle of Spring, titled Phalguni].Sen p. 536: 'MR, Feb 1916, The Cycle of Spring, a synopsis of Phalguni together with translations of 13 songs from the play. For photographs of the performance of the play (1916) see plates facing pp. 343 and 354 in MR March 1916.'________aar naai je deree, phaalgunee[not in EW].
O the waves, the sky-devouring wavesRBVBMS_001 IMG 85. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 79. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 75. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 77. RBVBMS_306C ts no. LXVI IMG 50. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 68. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 17. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 139, IMG 140 'sky devouring'. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 96 [ms note on folio IMG: 'Written on a stormy day, in the Mediterranean.' Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts ts IMG 23 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 71____bipul tarangare, brahma sangeet 3, geetabitaan pujaa 322____
O thou the last fulfilment of lifeHRVD_001 IMG 57 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 13-14. HRVD_003 ts IMG 13-14.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 91Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ogo aamaar ei jeebaner shesh paripurnata (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
O troupe of little vagrantsRBVBMS_119A IMG 16. EMSF_035 ts IMG 2.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 2Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
O why this struggle to rise up above the water? [See Jnanadas]________________________
O woman, you are not merely the handiwork of godRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 134 'God', IMG 135 [as above]. HRVD_006 ts IMG 58. HRVD_007 ts IMG 54.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 59Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)shudhu bidhaataar srishti naha tumi naaree: maanasee (caitaalee: 1303, 1896) first published kaabya granthaabalee, 1896)____
O you, shaggy-headed banyan tree [See 'The Banyan Tree', The Crescent Moon no. 35]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Obstinate are the trammelsHRVD_005 IMG 131.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 28Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jarhaye ache baadha (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
Of all days you have chosen thisRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 50. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 24.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 37. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 15____durdin, kshanikaa____
Of the union of two beings____________Rabindranath Tagore: An Anthology of One Hundred Songs in Staff Notation, Vol. 2 (New Delhi: Sangeet Natak Akademi, 1967)premer milan dine: gitabitaan, aanusthaanik 10EW Vol. IV
Oh Narad! I know that my LoverRBVBMS_113 IMG 31 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 99____II. 111. Naarad, pyar so antar naahee: KS Kabir____
Oh Sakhi, my sorrow knows no bounds [See 'Translations: Vaishnava Songs 1']________________________
On many an idle day have I grievedHRVD_001 IMG 125.HRVD_002 ts IMG 31. HRVD_003 ts IMG 31.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 81Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)majhe majhe katabaar bhaabi karmaheen (naibedya: 1308, 1901)____
On my way to recovery____VBN December 1940. Reprinted MR, January 1941. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 113aarogyer pathe, rog shajyaay 23____
On that night when the storm brokeRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 23. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 23. RBVBMS_060 IMG 10. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 21.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 21____je raate mor duyaarguli, geetimaalya 67____
On the Birthday of Lord Buddha____The Maha Bodhi May-June 1933________No first line in Sen. Translation of he mahaajeeban[not in EW]. Sen, source unchecked
On the day thou breakst through this my name, my master, I shall be freeHRVD_001 IMG 71.HRVD_002 ts IMG 17. HRVD_003 ts IMG 17.VBQ, Vol. 43, nos. 3 and 4. RBKSH Vol. 21 (1989)________naamta jedin ghucaabe, naath, geetaanjali 144EW Vol. IV
On the day when death will knock at thy doorHRVD_001 IMG 55 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 13. HRVD_003 ts IMG 13.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 90Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)maran jedin diner sheshe asbe tomaar duaare (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
On the day when the lotus bloomedHRVD_001 IMG 83 Bengali on IMG 82.HRVD_002 ts IMG 20. HRVD_003 ts IMG 20.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 20Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jedin phutla kamal (geetimaalya: 1321, 1914)____
On the seashore of endless worlds [See 'On the Seashore', The Crescent Moon no. 2]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
On the seashore of endless worlds children meetHRVD_001 IMG 173-4 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 46. HRVD_003 ts IMG 46.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 60Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jagatpaaraabaarer teere chelera kare melaa (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
On the Seashore: On the seashore of endless worlds________The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 2Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jagatpaaraabaarer teere chelera kare melaa (shishu: 1310, 1903)Sen notes: Published before in Gitanjali (no. 60 ) with a slight difference: Gitanjali, 'Ships get wrecked,' The Crescent Moon: 'ships are wrecked.'
On the shore smile gems thrown up by anguished waves of tearsRBVBMS_375 IMG 31 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________bedanaar ashru urmiguli (RBVBMS-375)____
On the slope of the desolate river among tall grassesHRVD_002 ts IMG 48-9 [title: 'Inutile']. HRVD_003 ts IMG 48-9 [title and 1st line as above].MR, November 1912, titled 'Inutile' [Image in Bichitra archive]Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 64Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)kaasher bane shunya nadeer teere: anaabashyak (kheyaa: 1313, 1906)____
On this side of the waterRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 53-4. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 25.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 39. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 19Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)kule, kshanikaa____
On this tree is a birdRBVBMS_113 IMG 15 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 30____II. 95. yaa tarvar men ek pakheru: KS Kabir____
Once again I wake upEMSF_029 IMG 9, IMG 70 ts [title; 'Translation', dated 'Santiniketan, 20th April, 1935.'].VBQ New Series, Vol I part II August-October 1935, titled And this is an endless wonder____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 88bismay, parishesh____
Once we dreamtRBVBMS_119A IMG 28 '[We wake up from our dreams] {Once we [on] dreamt that}'. EMSF_035 ts IMG 4.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 9Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Once you had lent to my eyesEMSF_029 IMG 49 [dated 7.12.40].MR, January 1941. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 108ajasra diner aalo, rog shajyaay 4____
Once, when we were both together, Spring came to our cottage [see also Lover's Gift 32: 'Many a time when the spring day knocked at our door']RBVBMS_217 IMG 6 'Once when we were both together, Spring came to our [courtyard]{cottage}'. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 31 [Lover's Gift] IMG 36. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 163, IMG 164 'Many a time when the frenzied day of spring stood before our house and called to us'. EMSF_022 IMG 23 ts 'Once when we [are] {were} both together, Spring came to our [courtyard] {cottage}.'____Edward J. Thompson, Rabindranath Tagore, His Life and Work (Calcutta: Association Press, YMCA, 1921), pp. 269-70. Poem 3____Not translation____
One morning in the flower garden a blind girl cameRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 132, IMG 133. HRVD_006 ts IMG 45. HRVD_007 ts IMG 43.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 58Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ekadaa praate kunjataale andha baalikaa: naareer daan (citraa: 1303, 1896)____
One sad voice________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 144.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
One who was distantRBVBMS_008 IMG 10. RBVBMS_026 IMG 11. RBVBMS_248A IMG 19 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 21 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_219 IMG 82 'The distant came near to me'. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 2. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 5. RBVBMS_388 IMG 6 EMSF_001 ts IMG 58 [as RBVBMS_219 above]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 12.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 17. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 30____dur esechila kaache / milan prabhaate durer maanush (RBVBMS_248A)____
One word keep for meRBVBMS_119A IMG 26.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 278Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Only a portion of my gift is in this worldRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 33. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 33. RBVBMS_060 IMG 19. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 30 'Some portion of my wealth is in this world'. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 31. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 29, IMG 30. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 30 [1st line as 308A above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 45 [1st line as 308A above] [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_005 IMG 99 [1st line as above] HRVD_006 ts IMG 19-20 [1st line as above]. HRVD_007 ts IMG 20-1 [as above].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 31____mor kichu dhan aache sangsaare, utsarga 3____
Open thy doorRBVBMS_008 IMG 31. RBVBMS_026 IMG 33. RBVBMS_102 IMG 77. RBVBMS_248A IMG 108 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 110 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 19. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 27. RBVBMS_388 IMG 21.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 120. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 200____jaabaar jaa se jaabei____
Open your eyes of loveRBVBMS_113 IMG 26 'The different paths to the realisation of Brahma' [Tagore version significantly different, much longer but the ending is similar] [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 76____III. 48. tu surat nain nihaar: KS Kabir____
Our desire lends the coloursRBVBMS_119A IMG 35.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 214Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Our hair shall never turn grey, Never.EMSF_007 IMG 9 ts [no title, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring'], IMG 39 ts [no title, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring''].____________aamaader paakbe naa cul, phaalgunee[not in EW].
Our lane is tortuous________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 21Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)gali, lipikaa____
Our life sails on the uncrossed seaRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 91. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 43.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 69. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 28Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aakaash sindhu maajhe, utsarga 15____
Our master is a workerRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 43. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 65. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 85 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 66 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 43jini sakal kaajer kaaji, acalaayatan, geetabitaan pujaa 81____
Our names are the light that glowsRBVBMS_119A IMG 36 'Our names are like the phosphorescence that flashes'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 229Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Our voyage is begun, CaptainRBVBMS_111 , IMG 84.MR January 1918, Titled India's Prayer (together with 'Thou hast given us to live')____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 45aamaader jaatraa hala shuru, geetabitaan swadesh 13____
Over the green and yellow rice-fieldsRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 191 'ricefields'. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 83 'ricefields' [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_018 ts IMG 6 [this poem inserted by Tagore hand in the ts].____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 84Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aaj dhaaner khete raudrachaayaay (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
Over the relic of Lord BuddhaRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 50-2. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 47-8. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 48-50. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XLI IMG 31-4. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 31-2. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 21-2. HRVD_018 ts IMG 12-13 'The autumn day was dying. The evening hour of worship was near. Shrimati, the maid of the queen, bathed in holy water' [text begins from para 2 of the printed version].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 43Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)pujaarinee, kathaa____
Paper Boats: Day by day I float my paper boatsRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 92 'I float my paper boats one by one, day by day' [no title]. HRVD_005 IMG 35 [no title, 1st line as above]] HRVD_015 ts IMG 6 [no title, 1st line as above]. HRVD_016 ts IMG 6 [no title, 1st line as above].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 19Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)chuti hale roj bhaasaai jale: kaagajer naukaa (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
Pardon me, if in my prideRBVBMS_102 IMG 45. EMSF_029 IMG 101 ts.____________bhaabi kaal, purabee____
Peace, my heart, let the time for the parting be sweetRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 138, IMG 139. 369(ii) ts IMG 87 'the time for parting' [folio verso, upside down, entire text crossed out].____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 61Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)kshamaa kara, dhairjya dhara (kalpanaa: 1307, 1900)____
Peaceful be all motives and peaceful our works [See 'A Peace Hymn from the Atharva Veda']________________________
Pearl shells cast up by the seaRBVBMS_008 IMG 46. RBVBMS_026 IMG 38 '[The] {Pearl-} [s]{S}hells'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 61. RBVBMS_248A IMG 124 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 126 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 32. RBVBMS_388 IMG 33 EMSF_001 ts IMG 56.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 215. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 231____________
Pebbles do not knowRBVBMS_077 IMG 17.____________________
Perhaps the crescent moon smilesRBVBMS_008 IMG 49. RBVBMS_248A IMG 90 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 92 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 23. EMSF_009 ts IMG 34.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 167____________
Pick up this life of mineRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 19. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 19. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 17. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 13 'Pick up from the dust this life of mine'. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 67 [1st line as above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 17Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)laha laha tuli laha, geetamaalikaa 2, geetabitaan pujaa 412____
Pilgrim, the night of the weary old yearEMSF_029 IMG 7.VBN, December 1966. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 58puraatan batsarer, balaakaa 45____
Pitiless darts of fire strike a thirst____VBQ Vol I No. 2: July 1923. [IMG in Bichitra archive]. Sen p. 546: 'Included in 'A Masque of Earth and Man' by Arthur Geddes, published in this issue [i.e. VBQ Vol1, No.2 Jul 1923]. These 'songs were specially translated by the poet himself for this article' [Sen does not provide sources for his quotation]'.____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 64daarun agnibaane re, geetabitaan prakrwiti 11____
Playthings: Child, how happy you are sitting in the dustRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 87 [ms title: 'The player']. HRVD_005 IMG 31 [no title] HRVD_015 ts IMG 3-4 [no title]. HRVD_016 ts IMG 3-4 [no title].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 12Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)baachaa re mor baachaa: nirlipta (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
Pluck this little flowerHRVD_001 IMG 45 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 11. HRVD_003 ts IMG 11.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 6Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)chinna kore lao he more (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
Power came to the world and saidRBVBMS_077 IMG 15.____________________
Power said to the world________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 93Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Power takes as ingratitudeRBVBMS_119A IMG 16. EMSF_035 ts IMG 26.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 158Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Praise shames me________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 207Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Preface: Most of the lyrics of love and life________The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913)Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Pride engraves his frownsRBVBMS_008 IMG 41. RBVBMS_026 IMG 23. RBVBMS_248A IMG 68 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 70 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 11. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 18. RBVBMS_388 IMG 29VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 166. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 124____________
Prisoner, tell me, who was itHRVD_002 ts IMG 52-3 [1st line within double quotes. Title: 'The Captive']. HRVD_003 ts IMG 52-3 [title and 1st line as above].____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 31Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bandi tore ke bnedheche: bandi (kheyaa: 1313, 1906)____
Profit laughs at goodnessRBVBMS_008 IMG 42. RBVBMS_026 IMG 24. RBVBMS_219 IMG 62 'Profit chuckles at goodness.' RBVBMS_248A IMG 70 'Profit smiles' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 72 'Profit smiles' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 11. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 18. RBVBMS_388 IMG 29. EMSF_001 ts IMG 56 [as RBVBMS_219 above]. EMSF_035 ts IMG 24.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 170. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 128. Begins 'Profit smiles on'.____________
Proud arithmetic is offended at the insolenceRBVBMS_371 IMG 3v. EMSF_001 IMG 14 ts 'offended at the {shocking} insolence of [all profits outside its own calculations] {incalculable profits.}' IMG 21 'Proud arithmetic is offended at the shocking insolence of incalculable profits' IMG 27 ts [as above], IMG 33 ts [as above] IMG 38 ts, IMG 42 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988). Titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
Put out the lamp________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 289Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Put out the lamps, my heartRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 42. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 42. RBVBMS_060 IMG 28. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 14 'Put out [the]{your} lamps'. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 40. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 38, IMG 39. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 15 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 17 'Put out the [lights] {[lights of the] lamps}' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_014 ts IMG 14.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 40____aandhaare aasite rajaneer deep, naibedya 15____
Quiet cabin of the ship, across the tumultuous seaRBVBMS_375 IMG 26 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________kshubhita sagare nibhrita teerer geha____
Raidas, the sweeper, sat still [See 'Raidas, the Sweeper']________________________
Raidas, the Sweeper: Raidas, the sweeper, sat still____A different version appeared in Harijan May 27, 1933, titled Love's Gold. VBN July 1933. [VBN IMG in Bichitra archive]____Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936), p. 454premer sonaa, punascha 1932____
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa: Diverse courses of worship from varied springsRBVBMS_164 IMG 81Prabuddha Bharat [n.d.]________parahamsa raamkrishnadebEW Vol. 3 Appendix. Centenary celebration in Dec. 1935.
Realism boasts of its burden of sandsRBVBMS_008 IMG 41. RBVBMS_026 IMG 19 . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 8. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_388 IMG 28 'its [burden of] {gain in} sands'____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 160____________
Receive that WordRBVBMS_113 IMG 21-2 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 57____I. 66. saadho, shabd saadhanaa keejai: KS Kabir____
Regulation, with its shears is shockedRBVBMS_371 IMG 3v. EMSF_001 IMG 13 ts, IMG 21 ts, IMG 27 ts, IMG 33 ts, IMG 37 ts, IMG 41 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988). Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
Rejoice!/ For Night's fetters have broken [Another version: 'Dreams of dark night have vanished. The chain of sleep has snapped.' See below]RBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 46. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 46. RBVBMS_060 IMG 32 'Rejoice!/ For night's fetters have broken'. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 44.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 44____nishaar swapan chutlare ai, geetaanjali 37____
Release me fromRBVBMS_119A IMG 39.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 325Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Remove the blackness of all sins (See 'Waisakha Purnima Song')________________________
Rescue me! From my past deedsRBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 35 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 66 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4].RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________rakshaa kara he, geetabitaan pujaa o prarthana, 60EW Vol. IV
Respect differences if you must find unityEMSF_001 IMG 6 'Respect differences [and you will] {if you must} find unity' [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
Rest belongs to the work________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 24Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)biraam, kanikaa____
Rest is part if the work as the eyelids of the eyesRBVBMS_077 IMG 14.____________________
Reverend sir, forgive this pair of sinnersRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 104, IMG 105.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 44Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)thakur, taba paaye namonamah: jugal (kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)____
Rockets, your insultRBVBMS_077 IMG 15. RBVBMS_119A IMG 18.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 240Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)spardhaa, kanikaa____
Roots are the branchesRBVBMS_077 IMG 15.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 103.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Run to his side as his comradesRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 63. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 63. RBVBMS_060 IMG 47. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 61.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 61____jini sakal kaajer kaaji, acalaayatan, geetabitaan pujaa 81____
Said the beggar's wallet, 'Come, my brother purse____MR, November 1913, along with other poems of Kanikaa, under the heading 'Poems.' [Note: 'Englished by the poet himself'] [IMG in Bichitra archive]________saamyaneeti, kanikaa[not in EW]
Said the Bottom to the powerful TopRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 216 [ms note 265, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.]. HRVD_018 ts IMG 23 'Said the Bottom to the scornful Top'.________________[not in EW].
Sailing across the dark nightRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 90. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 42.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 68____________
Sailing through the nightRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 38. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 38 'Travelling through the night'. RBVBMS_060 IMG 24. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 36 '[When travelling]{[Travelling]} {Sailing} through the night'.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 36____________
Sanatan was telling his beads by the GangesRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 30. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 27 'Sanatan'. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 28. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XXVI IMG 17 [1st line as 306(A) above]. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 17 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 8. HRVD_018 ts IMG 21. HRVD_019 IMG 9 ts [title: 'The Gift'].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 27Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)nadeeteere brwindaabane sanaatan ekmane, sparsha mani, kathaa____
Santiniketan Song: She is our own____VBN March 1935. [IMG in Bichitra archive]. Another version 'Oh, The Santiniketan, the darling of our hearts!' titled 'Santiniketan' in MR, October 1915____Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936), p. 457aamaader shantiniketan (1911) geetabitaan bicitra 41____
Say of him what you please, but I know my child's failings. [See 'The Judge', The Crescent Moon no. 11]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Sea ever seeks his words from his sounds and silence [Title in MS: Fireflies 216]RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 21.________________[not in EW].
Seek thy dwelling by the sea came the callRBVBMS_460 IMG 1 [Accompanied by a letter from Kshitish Roy regarding provenance on IMG 13].________________[not in EW].
Serve your God, who has comeRBVBMS_113 IMG 28 'To the life temple the God has come.'' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 86____III. 96. jeev mahal men Shiv pahunwaa: KS Kabir____
Set bird's wingsRBVBMS_119A IMG 35.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 231Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)____[not in EW]
Shadow, with her veil drawnRBVBMS_119A IMG 19.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 47Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Shame not the flute if it fails as a stick for the war drum.RBVBMS_371 IMG 3r. EMSF_001 IMG 14 ts, IMG 23 ts IMG 29 ts IMG 35 ts IMG 38 ts, IMG 42 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988). Titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
She came for a momentRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 21. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 10. RBVBMS_111 , IMG 65. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 10. RBVBMS_315(ii) ts IMG 5.MR, January 1918, tilted 'Elusive' along with three other poems under the heading 'Four Poems.' [IMG in Bichitra archive]The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 9____o dekha diye je cale gela, geetabitaan prem 295____
She did not speakRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 25. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 12. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_315(ii) ts IMG 8.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 13____baahu, karhi o komal____
She dwelt here by the pool with its landing-stairs in ruinsRBVBMS_001 IMG 113 'She dwelt here whom I love on the roadside by the tank with its landing-stairs in ruins.' RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 44, IMG 56-57. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 17, IMG 17. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XLIV IMG 26-7 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 45 'She dwelt here, whom I love, [on the roadside] by the tank with its landing-stairs in ruins.' RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XLI IMG 38-9 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 48 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 16 [Lover's Gift] IMG 17.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 16Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aami jaare bhalobaasi, utsarga 34____
She dwelt on the hillside________The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 83Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aamaader ei pallikhaani (utsarga: 1321, 1914)____
She is an apparition, elusiveRBVBMS_210, IMG 46.VBQ New Series, Vol XIV, part III: November 1948-January 1949________je chila aamaar, saanaai. Also geetabitan prem 205EW Vol. IV
She is near to my heartRBVBMS_001 IMG 103. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 28, IMG 39. RBVBMS_305A ts[Lover's Gift], no. 4, IMG 5. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XXVIII IMG 16. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 27 IMG 29. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 29. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XXVIII IMG 26. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 32. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 4 [Lover's Gift] IMG 5.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 4Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)palligraame, caitaalee____
She is our own [See 'Santiniketan Song']________________________
She is still a child, my lord.RBVBMS_001 IMG 85. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 69. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 66. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 67. RBVBMS_306C ts no. LVIII IMG 44. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 69. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 27-8. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 135-6. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 17-18 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 40-1 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_018 ts IMG 4.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 61Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)baalikaa badhu, kheyaa____
She is the spirit of an Autumn eveningEMSF_029 IMG 14 [dated '22nd Early morning'].VBQ New Series, Vol. VI, part III: November 1940, along with three other poems from Rogashajyay under the title Four Poems.____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 110abasanna aaloker, rog shajyaay 16____
She is the woman ever strange to meRBVBMS_180A IMG 74 'She is/ You are the woman {who is} ever [strange to me]'. RBVBMS_387B IMG 23 [another version, crossed out].____________pasaraate kee ache taa____
She left me her flower of smileRBVBMS_163 IMG 55 [dated Baroda 31 January 1930].VBN, February 1934. MR, March 1934. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 70badal, purabee____
She was bathing while the love-god waited on the bankRBVBMS_040 ts [Lover's Gift], no. 9, IMG 19. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] IX IMG 6. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 9 IMG 9. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. IX IMG 10-11. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 11. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 57, Img 58 'while love-god waited'.____________bijayinee, citraa[not in EW].
She went away when the night was about to wane________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 22Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)kritaghna shok, lipikaa____
She who ever had remained in the depthHRVD_005 IMG 123-5 'She, who ever remained' IMG 135.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 66Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jeebane jaa cirodin raye geche aabhaashe (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
She will come, I wait for that hope.RBVBMS_102 IMG 68-9. EMSF_029 IMG 103 ts.VBQ, July 1923. RBKSH Vol. 21 (1989)________aasibe se, aachi sei aashaate, adekhaa, poorabeeEW Vol. IV
She will have no denial.RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 36, IMG 37 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations'].RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________o je maane naa maanaa, praayascitta + geetabitaan prem 119EW Vol. IV
Shouts merely increases the noise of the marketRBVBMS_119A IMG 37 [item crossed out, ms contains Stray Birds ].________________[not in EW]
Shyamali: I have built with mud a shelter for my last hours____VBN August 1935 [IMG in Bichitra archive]________aamaar sheshbelaakaar gharkhaani: shesh saptak 44[not in EW]
Silence will carry________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 155.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Since the first day-break of human ageEMSF_029 IMG 31-2 [note: 'Translated {by the author} from his unpublished Bengali poem'].VBQ New Series, Vol II, part II: August to October, 1936, titled Along Time's Chariot Path, Reprinted in MR, October 1936. [MR IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 97cira jaatree, shyamalee____
Since thou hast vanished [See Fireflies 101 'Thou hast vanished from my reach']RBVBMS_008 IMG 25. RBVBMS_219 IMG 64 'Since she had vanished'. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 8 'Since thou hast for ever vanished'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 15 'Thou hast vanished'. RBVBMS_388 IMG 17. EMSF_001 ts IMG 56 [as RBVBMS_219 above].____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 95____cale jaao jabe ekaa (RBVBMS_008)____
Sing the song of the moment in careless carolsRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 106 [more than half text crossed out leaving first line as 'Take to your bosom'], IMG 107 [1st line 'Sing the song of the moment']. HRVD_014 ts IMG 8-9.________________[not in EW].
Sire,' announced the servant to the KingRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 36-7. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 33-4 [double quotes]. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 34-5 [as above]. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XXXII IMG 21-2 [as above]. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 22-3 [as above]. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 10-11 [as above]. HRVD_018 ts IMG 9. HRVD_019 IMG 7 ts [title: 'Temple of Gold'].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 34Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)deen daan, kaahinee____
Sit still my heartRBVBMS_119A IMG 19. EMSF_035 ts IMG 35.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 190Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Sleep-Stealer: Who stole sleep from baby's eyesHRVD_005 IMG 39-41 [no title] HRVD_015 ts IMG 18-19 [no title]. HRVD_016 ts IMG 18-19 [no title].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 6Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ke nila khokaar ghum hariyaa: ghumcoraa (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
Smoke boasts to the skyRBVBMS_119A IMG 15.A variant reading, 'The ashes whisper, 'The fire is our brother'' appeared in MR, November 1913, along with other poems of Kanikaa, under the heading, Poems.Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 236Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)(based on) paro aatmeeya, kanikaa____
So tenderly as the morning/ Wakens the valleyHRVD_019 IMG 41 ts.________________Not by Tagore ? [Not in EW]
Somaka and Ritvik [see Drama list]________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 25____narak baas, kaahinee____
Some day I shall________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 291Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Some fallen star has struck my heart todayRBVBMS_375 IMG 11 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________kon khase'-paraa taaraa____
Some have thought deepRBVBMS_008 IMG 44. RBVBMS_248A IMG 114 'thought deep' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 116 'thought deep'[Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 29. RBVBMS_388 IMG 32 [item crossed out] EMSF_009 ts IMG 47 'Some have thought deeply'.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]. VBN June 1965, August 1968 [IMG in Bichitra archive].Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 202. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 210. Begins 'Some have thought deeply'.____________
Some know truth and proudly gatherRBVBMS_008 IMG 49.____________satyere je jaane (RBVBMS_008)____
Some one has secretly left in my handRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 35. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 35. RBVBMS_060 IMG 21. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 21 'A trance of delight steals over my limbs.' RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 33 'Someone'. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 31, IMG 32. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 33 [1st line as 308A above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 29 [as RBVBMS_308A above] [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_018 ts IMG 1 [1st line as 308A above]____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 33____________
Some travellers, carrying their lanternRBVBMS_077 IMG 18.____________________
Some unseen fingersRBVBMS_119A IMG 37.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 11Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Someone goes by in the roadRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 20. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 9 'Some one'. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_315(ii) ts IMG 4 'on the road'.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 8____ogo ke jaay, karhi o komal, geetabitaan prem 300____
Sometimes when I lie awakeRBVBMS_217 IMG 14________________[not in EW].
Sorrow is hushedEMSF_035 ts IMG 5.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 10Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Sorrow that has lost its memoryRBVBMS_008 IMG 39. RBVBMS_026 IMG 10. RBVBMS_248A IMG 15 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 17 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 4. RBVBMS_388 IMG 27.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 135। Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 22____je byathaa bhuleche aapanaar itihaas, Sphulinga 214, Bengali not in Lekhan____
Speak to me of him my friend [Another version 'Speak to me, my friend' in MR, see listing below]RBVBMS_089(i) IMG 96 'Speak to me, my friend, of him'. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 45 [word order edited]. RBVBMS_111 IMG 86 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 22. RBVBMS_315(ii) ts IMG 15.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 74____balo balo bandhu balo, geetabitaan III puja o praarthanaa 74____
Speak to me, my friend, of him [Another version privately published Fugitive, no. 74, in EW Vol. 1 Appendix]____MR, April 1918. VBN, October 1936. MR, November 1936. VBN January 1968 [All IMG in Bichitra archive].________balo balo bandhu balo, geetabitaan III puja o praarthanaa 74EW Vol. 3 Appendix
Speak to me, my loveRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 72, IMG 73. HRVD_014 ts IMG 2.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 29Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ogo bhalo kare bale jaao: bhalo kare bale jao (maanasee: 1297, 1890)____
Spread my heart as thy carpet, my MasterRBVBMS_040 ts [Lover's Gift], no. 68, IMG 86 'Spread [in] my heart [your] {as thy} carpet, my Master' [many changes, then crossed through]. EMSF_022 IMG 24 ts [ms note: 'unpublished?']. EMSF_030 ts IMG 4 [marked as no II, ms note: '(for original pl see 'Lover's Gift and Crossing' File No. MsF 119' and 'II-Unpublished']. EMSF_040 ts IMG 9 [Contents sheet files item under 'Unpublished', ms note on folio: '(2) (Unpublished) ?/ For Original - See -'Lover's Gift and Crossing.' MS.F. No. 119'].RBKSH Vol. 21 (1989)________bhuban jorhaa aasankhaani, geetabitaan pujaa 352EW Vol. IV
Spread thine anguished heartRBVBMS_005 IMG 5 'Spread thine anguished heart'.MR, January 1932 [collectively titled 'Poems']____________EW Vol. IV
Spring hesitates at winter's doorRBVBMS_008 IMG 24. RBVBMS_026 IMG 17. RBVBMS_248A IMG 45 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 47 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 6. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 12. RBVBMS_388 IMG 16VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]. VBQ New Series, Vol VII, parts I and II: May-October 1941, reprinted in facsimile from Fireflies (1928) p.88 [IMG in Bichitra archive].Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 88. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 79____akaale jakhan basanta aase / sheeter duaare basanta jabe (RBVBMS_248A)____
Spring in pity [See Fireflies 102 'In pity for the desolate branch']RBVBMS_008 IMG 18. RBVBMS_026 IMG 19 . RBVBMS_219 IMG 66. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 15. RBVBMS_388 IMG 12 EMSF_001 ts IMG 56 [as RBVBMS_219 above].____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 54____basanta, tumi esechho hethaay (RBVBMS_008)____
Spring scatters the petals of flowersRBVBMS_008 IMG 8. RBVBMS_026 IMG 8. RBVBMS_248A IMG 6 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 8 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_219 IMG 67. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 1. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 2. RBVBMS_388 IMG 5 EMSF_001 ts IMG 56.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 6. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 4____basanta se knurhi / phagun kaanane abatirna (RBVBMS_248B)____
Stand aside, do not soil her with your touch!RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 38, IMG 39 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. HRVD_014 ts IMG 7.RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________pabitra prem, karhi o komalEW Vol. IV
Stand before my eyesRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 56. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 56. RBVBMS_060 IMG 42. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 54. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 54 'Stand before me.' RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 70 [1st line as above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 54Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)dnaarhaao aamaar aankhir aage, brahma sangeet 2, geetabitaan pujaa 101____
Stand still, my heart, only watch!RBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 80. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 80. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 78 [Crossing].RBKSH Vol. 21 (1989)________jaasne kothao dheye, geetaali, 106EW Vol. IV
Stars of nightRBVBMS_008 IMG 31. RBVBMS_026 IMG 33. RBVBMS_248A IMG 107 'The stars' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 109 'The stars' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 19. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 27. RBVBMS_388 IMG 20.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 119. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 199. Begins 'The stars of night'.____bhorer phul giyeche jaara____
Stars, torches in hand, walk along the uncharted shore of Time.RBVBMS_371 IMG 4. EMSF_001 IMG 15 ts [item crossed out], ms 'Stars burn their paths across uncharted shores of / stars step along creation torch in hand, by [rest crossed out with a doodle]' IMG 38 ts, IMG 43 ts [item crossed out] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988) Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
Storm of midnight________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 136.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Strange ways has my guest [See 'Translations: Baul Songs 7']________________________
Stranger, my eyes seem to find in the dark of thine eyes Some familiar vision of a far-away past.RBVBMS_375 IMG 7 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________he acenaa, taba aankhite (lekhan 143)____
Stray birds of summerRBVBMS_119A IMG 6.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 1Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Strifes of Peace: Voices come swarming from the past____VBN, December 1949, along with two other poems under the heading, 'Poems of Peace' [IMG in Bichitra archive]____________[not in EW]
Struck with the curse in mid-waveRBVBMS_001 IMG 120 'Struck with the curse, Ahalya, in {mid wave of your} tumultuous passion' [verso pg. recto pg contains note: '(Ahalya, sinning against the purity of married love, incurred the curse of her husband, and was turned into a stone, to be restored to her humanity by the touch of Ramchandra)']. RBVBMS_040 ts [Lover's Gift], no. 71, IMG 90-91 [note above printed as headnote, then entire text crossed out]. RBVBMS_305B [Lover's Gift] IMG 34-33 'Struck with the curse, Ahalya, in mid wave' [in ms, reverse order, headnote as above]. EMSF_029 IMG 98 headnote: '(Ahalya, sinning against the purity of married love, incurred [the curse] {her} husband's curse, turning into a stone to be restored to her humanity by the touch of Ramchandra)' 'Struck with the curse in midwave of your tumultuous passion your life stilled into a stone, clean, cool and impassive.' [Photocopy of ms page].MR February 1916, titled Ahalya____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 8ahalyaar prati, maanasee____
Subtle is the path of loveRBVBMS_113 IMG 21 'The path of [Bhakti] {love} is subtle' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 55____I. 73. bhakti kaa maarag jheenaa re____
Sudas, the gardener, plucked from his tankRBVBMS_001 IMG 95. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 22-23. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 19-20. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 20-21. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XIX IMG 12-13 'Sudas'. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 81-2. HRVD_005 IMG 121 ts [fragment, beginning: 'Then thought Sudasa in his mind'] HRVD_018 ts IMG 10 'Only one lotus braved the blast of winter and bloomed in the pond of Sudas the gardener.' HRVD_019 IMG 8 ts [1st line as above, title: 'The Price'].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 19Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)mulya praapti, kathaa____
Suddenly the window of my heartRBVBMS_001 IMG 54. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 76. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 72. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 74. RBVBMS_306C ts no. LXIII IMG 48-9. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 47. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 47.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 68____aamaar maner jaanaalaati, balaakaa 34____
Sullen clouds are gathering fast [See 'The Rainy Day', The Crescent Moon no. 18]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Sunlight through forest leaves breaks into gems like Truth through lover's dreamsRBVBMS_371 IMG 3r. EMSF_001 IMG 15 ts IMG 38 ts [item crossed out] IMG 42 ts 'like Truth through [l]{L}ove[r]'s dreams' [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988). Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
Superior: Mother, your baby is sillyHRVD_005 IMG 19-20 [no title] 'baby is so silly' [running prose translation].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 26Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)khuki tomar kicchu bojhenaa maa: bijna (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
Supposing I became a champa flower [See 'The Champa Flower', The Crescent Moon no. 15]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Surpass the great by your greatness if you canRBVBMS_077 IMG 13.____________________
Sweet Honey-suckle comes of a sudden sailing on the floodtide of spring daysRBVBMS_217 IMG 11 '[My] sweet Honey-suckle [has come]{comes} of a sudden sailing on the floodtide of springdays'. EMSF_040 IMG 7 'Honeysuckle comes borne on the floodtide of April hours' [Contents sheet files item under 'Unpublished', ms note: 'Cf. MS 217 (page 11)', written on hotel stationery, Tokyo].VBN Apr. 1963 'Honeysuckle comes borne on the floodtide of April hours' [IMG in Bichitra archive]. RBKSH Vol. 21 (1989) [2 variants printed. version 2 titled 'First draft' begins 'Sweet honey-suckle comes of a sudden sailing']________maadhabee hathaat kothaa hate ela, geetabitaan prakrwiti 261EW Vol. IV
Sweet is the pain [Another version 'Trust love even if it brings sorrow']BMSF_078 ts IMG 16, 17.VBQ New Series, Vol XIV, part III: November 1948-January 1949________bhaalobese dukh seo sukh from maayaar khelaaEW Vol. IV
Sweetness of thy nameRBVBMS_119A IMG 39.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 297Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Sympathy: If I were only a little puppyRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 94 [no title]. HRVD_005 IMG 33 [no title] 'Were I only a little puppy' HRVD_015 ts IMG 4 [no title]. HRVD_016 ts IMG 4 [no title].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 24Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jadi khokaa naa haye: samabyathee (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
Take back you coins, King's Councillor.RBVBMS_001 IMG 124-5 'Take back your coins, King's Councillor!' RBVBMS_040 ts [Lover's Gift], no. 69, IMG 87-89. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 57, IMG 67-9. RBVBMS_305B [Lover's Gift] IMG 29-27 [in ms, reverse order, 1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 68-70. HRVD_019 IMG 28-30 ts 'King's minister!'____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 60Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)patitaa, kaahinee____
Take my wineRBVBMS_119A IMG 21'The wine while passing from one cup to another loses its wreath of foam' [crossed out], IMG 22.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 61Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Take to your bosom with a smile what is easy and simple and near [See 'Sing the song of the moment in careless carols']________________________
Take your holiday, my boy________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 12Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)thhakur daadaar chuti, palaataka____
Teach me your language, my heart, if I must singRBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 40 [text crossed through], IMG 41 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. HRVD_014 ts IMG 16.RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________hriday kena go more chalicha, hridayer bhaashaa, karhi o komalEW Vol. IV
Tell me if this be all true, my loverRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 78 'Tell me if this is all true', IMG 79 [as above]. HRVD_006 ts IMG 59 [1st line as above]. HRVD_007 ts IMG 55.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 32Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)eki tabe sabi satya: pranayprashna (kalpanaa: 1307, 1900)[not in EW].
Tell me, Brother, how can I renounce Maya?RBVBMS_113 IMG 8 'Tell me brother how I can renounce Maya.' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 5____I. 63. abadhu, maayaa tajee na jaay: KS Kabir____
Tell me, mango, what you wish to be?RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 216 [ms note 266, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.]. HRVD_018 ts IMG 23.________________[not in EW].
Tell me, O Swan, your ancient taleRBVBMS_113 IMG 10 'O crane, tell me all your old tale' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 12____II. 24. hamsaa, kaahinee o puraatan baat: KS Kabir____
Tempt me not to load my boat with debt [See 'Love's Price']________________________
Terrible is the bosom of the seaRBVBMS_375 IMG 27 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________rudra samudrer bakksha kshudra e taraneer kakksha____
Thank the flame________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 64Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Thanksgiving: Those who walk on the path of prideRBVBMS_077 IMG 21. HRVD_019 IMG 6 ts.VBN December 1949, Along with two other poems, titled Poems of Peace. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 86Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)Thanksgiving (probably originally written in English: Das)____
That I existRBVBMS_119A IMG 37. EMSF_035 ts IMG 7.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 22Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
That I should make much of myselfHRVD_001 IMG 107.HRVD_002 ts IMG 26-7. HRVD_003 ts IMG 26-7.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 71Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aami aamaay karba barha (geetimaalya: 1321, 1914)____
That I want thee, only theeHRVD_001 IMG 167 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 44-5. HRVD_003 ts IMG 44-5.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 38Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)caai go aami tomare caai (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
That love can everEMSF_035 ts IMG 42.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 312Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
That old day when history was not crowded with news____Hindusthan standard Daily, 23 Dec. 1940, concluding poem Santiniketan Anniversary Adress. MR, January 1941, titled That Old Day. VBN January 1941. [MR and VBN IMG in Bichitra archive].________sei puraatan kaale itihaas jabe, janmadine 17EW Vol. IV
That which ends________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 111.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
That which I neglected in the dayRBVBMS_375 IMG 19 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________________
That which oppresses me________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 168Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
That which you see is notRBVBMS_113 IMG 20 'What you see is [not] {nought}' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 49____I. 105. jo deesai, so to hai naahin: KS Kabir____
The agony was great when the harp was being tuned.EMSF_001 IMG 8 [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5. English follows Bengali original on folio].____________jakhan tumi bnaadhchile taar se je bisham byathaa[not in EW].
The ancient whispers shut in a stony gestureRBVBMS_387B IMG 19 [another version, crossed out].____________bhule jaaoaa itihaaser____
The arrow thinks it is free [See Stray Birds 191 'The bow whispers']RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 212, IMG 213 [ms note 255, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.].________________[not in EW].
The artist is the loverRBVBMS_077 IMG 17 'The artist is not a slave'. EMSF_035 ts IMG 20.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 85Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The Astronomer: I only said, 'When in the eveningRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 88 'I [just] {only} said' [no title]. HRVD_005 IMG 29-31 [no title] HRVD_015 ts IMG 2 'I just said' [no title]. HRVD_016 ts IMG 2 [no title, 1st line as above].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 13Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aami shudhu balechilem: jyotish shastra (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
The Bamboo sings: O South Wind, O Wanderer, push me and rock meEMSF_007 IMG 3 [in Tagore's hand] [text from the Cycle of Spring, titled Phalguni], IMG 7 ts [title: 'Song of the Bamboo' crossed out, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring'], IMG 36 ts 'O South Wind, the Wanderer, come and rock me, rouse me into the rapture of new leaves' [title: 'Song of the Bamboo', running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring''].Sen p. 536: 'MR, Feb 1916, The Cycle of Spring, a synopsis of Phalguni together with translations of 13 songs from the play. For photographs of the performance of the play (1916) see plates facing pp. 343 and 354 in MR March 1916.'________Ogo dakhin haoya, phaalgunee[not in EW]. EMSF_007 IMG 18: Colour print, possibly souvenir of performance of Phalguni. Cover has: 'Phalguni: A Musical Play/ Performed in aid of the distressed at Bankura. Jan. 1916./ Price 8 as.' IMG 19-33: synopsis and cast of the play with songs mostly as in Tagore's ms on previous images of MSF_English 7. This is the printed souvenir text. IMG 34-5, Bengali and English cast list [possibly single page souvenir leaflet, unbound, printed by A. B. Samaj Press.] of bairaagya-saadhaan/ Vairagya-Sadhan and phaalguni/ Phalguni. Pulinbihaari p. 536 indicates that this was published in MR, March 1916.
The Banyan Tree: O you, shaggy-headed banyan tree________The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 35Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)lutiye parhe jatil jataa: purono bat (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
The battle is overRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 191. HRVD_005 IMG 81.________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 50saanga hayeche ran, utsarga 43____
The bee is to come and the bee is to hum [Another version 'The bee returns again and again'].EMSF_23 IMG 2.____George Calderon, The Maharani of Arakan (London: Francis Griffiths, 1915)____Originally written in English at the request of Calderon. Play based on short story Daaliyaa. EMSF_23 IMG 3 ms note: 'Maharani of Arakan p. 43/ ali baarbaar [aase] phire {jaay}'.See Das EW, Vol 1, p. 618.
The bee returns again and again [Another version 'The bee is to come and the bee is to hum']____VBQ New Series, Vol XIV, part III: November 1948-January 1949________ali baar baar phire ase from maayaar khelaa, geetabitaan prem 317EW Vol. IV
The beggar goes a-beggingRBVBMS_113 IMG 28 '[Ah-what did the beggar beg of me?] {The Beggar goes abegging}' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 84____III. 89. mor phakeerwaa maangi jaay: KS Kabir____
The beggar in me lifted his lean handsRBVBMS_001 IMG 90. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 29. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 26. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 27. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XXV IMG 16. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 74. EMSF_011 IMG 3 'The beggar in my heart lifted his lean hands', IMG 8 [incomplete] begins with: 'My glad greetings to thee, Morning Sun, and [thee] to thee, fragrant Breeze!', IMG 11-12 'The beggar in my heart lifted his lean hands'.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 26Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)shaarthak nairaashya, kheyaa____
The Beginning: Where have I come fromRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 83 [no title].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 7Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)khokaa maake sudhaay deke: janmakathaa (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
The best does not come alone________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 210Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The big growls, the small sneers, the great smilesRBVBMS_005 IMG 15____________________
The bird of the morning singsRBVBMS_001 IMG 88 [entire text crossed out]. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 2-3. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 115, IMG 116. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 5 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 1-2 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].An earlier and fuller version of this poem appeared in VBQ New Series, Vol. XXV, No. I: Summer 1959, VBQ, summer 1959Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 25Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bhorer paakhi daake kothaay, utsarga 1____
The bird says, "I wish I were a cloud."RBVBMS_077 IMG 15.____________________
The bird thinks it is an act of kindnessRBVBMS_077 IMG 16. RBVBMS_119A IMG 21.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 123Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The bird wishes________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 35Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)(based on) aakaankshaa, kanikaa____
The bird-song is the echoRBVBMS_119A IMG 9.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 245Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The birds of the fairy landRBVBMS_387B IMG 21____________je roopkathar bihanga____
The birth and deathRBVBMS_077 IMG 17. RBVBMS_119A IMG 10.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 92Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The birth brought Life to the primal mystery of lightRBVBMS_005 IMG 10MR, January 1932, under the heading 'Poems.'____________EW Vol. IV
The black and white threadsRBVBMS_180A IMG 75. RBVBMS_387B IMG 15____________ghatanaar bedanaay maanushe maanushe cirakaal____
The black fear is creeping in the skyRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 54. RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 42, IMG 43 'The black fear is creeping in the sky' [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 48 [1st line as above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 86 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].ms note: 'Rabeendra beeksha-17' RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________pracanda garjane aasila, geetabitaan pujaa 226EW Vol. IV
The blocks of stone gagged the earth's voiceRBVBMS_180A IMG 75. RBVBMS_387B IMG 17 'The blocks of stupid stones gagged the earth's voice'____________bipul prastar pinda____
The blue of the skyRBVBMS_008 IMG 14. RBVBMS_026 IMG 15. RBVBMS_248A IMG 37 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 39 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 5. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 10. RBVBMS_388 IMG 9 EMSF_009 ts IMG 60.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 34. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 65____aakaasher neel baner shyaamaleRBVBMS_248A and RBVBMS_248B both split this item resulting in 'Day's pain is muffled' as the next poem both numbering the resultant item 73a.
The boat has sailed awayRBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 44 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 63 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_005 IMG 107 HRVD_006 ts IMG 8-9. HRVD_007 ts IMG 8-9.VBQ, Vol. 44, nos. 3 and 4. RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________oi re taree dila khule, geetaanjali l 69EW Vol. IV
The boat of the boatman Madhu [See 'The Sailor', The Crescent Moon no. 20]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The boatman is out crossing the wild seaRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 46-7 'The Boatman'. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 43-4 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 44-5 [as above]. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XXXVIII IMG 28-30. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 19-20 [as above]. EMSF_011 IMG 7 [as above]. EMSF_022 IMG 17-18 [IMG 17 folio written upside down, in pencil, marked as no. 11].Indian Ink (annual), Calcutta, 1914 titled CrossingFruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 41Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)matta saagar dila paarhi, balaakaa 5____
The boisterous springRBVBMS_001 IMG 6. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 46, IMG 59. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 32, IMG 37. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XLVI IMG 28. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 37 IMG 40. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 47. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XLIII IMG 40. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 50. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 32 [Lover's Gift] IMG 37. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 3. HRVD_005 IMG 59.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 33____je basanta ekdin, balaakaa 25____
The bottom of the pond [F 50]RBVBMS_008 IMG 40. RBVBMS_026 IMG 14 . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 4. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 8. RBVBMS_388 IMG 28 [item crossed out]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 59.____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 154____________
The bow whispersRBVBMS_119A IMG 18.A variant of this poem, 'The arrow thinks to himself, 'I fly, I am free' appeared in MR, November 1913 along with other poems of Kanikaa under the heading 'Poems.' [IMG in Bichitra archive]Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 191Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)swaadheenataa, kanikaa____
The breeze from the forest startles the leaves of my book and asks if the buds have blossomed in their words [Title in MS: Fireflies 65]RBVBMS_026 IMG 16 . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 5.________________[not in EW].
The breeze whispers to the lotusRBVBMS_008 IMG 39. RBVBMS_026 IMG 12. RBVBMS_248A IMG 22 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 24 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 2. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 6. RBVBMS_388 IMG 27 [item crossed out]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 14, IMG 57.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 143. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 35____baataas sudhaay balota kamal, Sphulinga 257____
The brooding blue eternal listens to the bubbling blue of the earthEMSF_001 IMG 10 [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5. Holograph].________________[not in EW].
The bubble doubts the seaRBVBMS_027 IMG 54 'The bubble shut within'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 69. EMSF_001 ts IMG 56.________________[not in EW].
The burden of selfRBVBMS_008 IMG 41 'My self's burden'. RBVBMS_026 IMG 15 'My self's burden is lightened'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 35 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 37 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 5 'My self's burden'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 9 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 28 'My self's burden'. EMSF_009 ts IMG 21, IMG 60 [1st line as RBVBMS_342A above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 61________Slight variant in Lekhan
The buried city, laid bareRBVBMS_248A IMG 121 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 123 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 31 'The buried city uncovered'.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 224____________
The burning log bursts in flameRBVBMS_077 IMG 14 'The burning log [sai] cried'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 200Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The business man claims from the tree its plan and laughs when the tree looks foolish.RBVBMS_371 IMG 3v. EMSF_001 IMG 14 ts 'man {of} of business claims from the tree its {building} plan{,} and laughs', IMG 21 ts 'The man of business claims from the tree its building plan' IMG 27 ts [as above], IMG 33 ts [as above], IMG 38 ts, IMG 42 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988). Titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
The butterfly does not countRBVBMS_008 IMG 8 'The butterfly counts not'. RBVBMS_026 IMG 8 'counts not'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 8 [Printed book pages] [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 10 [Printed book pages][1st line as above]. RBVBMS_219 IMG 70. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 1 'counts not'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 3 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 4. EMSF_001 ts IMG 57 [as RBVBMS_219 above]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 5 'The butterfly counts not'.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 3. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 8. Begins 'The butterfly counts not years'.____prajaapati seto____
The butterfly flittingRBVBMS_026 IMG 40 'The butterfly [freely] flitting'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 131 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 133 [Printed book pages]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 52.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 242____________
The butterfly has the leisureRBVBMS_008 IMG 27. RBVBMS_026 IMG 28. RBVBMS_219 IMG 71. RBVBMS_248A IMG 87 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 89 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 15. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 22. EMSF_001 ts IMG 57 [as RBVBMS_219 above]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 19. EMSF_001 ts IMG 57. EMSF_009 ts IMG 5.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 108. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 161____prajaapati paay abakaash____
The call of the sea never reaches [see also 'Great Ocean, the music of your depths']RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 48. RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 45 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. HRVD_004 ts IMG 74 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].ms note: 'Rabeendra beeksha-7'. RBKSH Vol. 7 (1982)________ms note: 'kata naa tushaar punja aache mukta haye (naibedya)'[not in EW].
The canal loves to thinkRBVBMS_077 IMG 17 [item crossed out]. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 208, IMG 209 both 'What costly preparations are for me, says the canal.' [ms note 243, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.].____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 166.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)(based on) nadeer prati khaal, kanikaa____
The captive flowerRBVBMS_248A IMG 100 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 101 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 17. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 26. EMSF_009 ts IMG 39.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 185____________
The car is cumberousRBVBMS_077 IMG 18.____________________
The centre is still and silentRBVBMS_008 IMG 32. RBVBMS_026 IMG 31. RBVBMS_219 IMG 72. RBVBMS_248A IMG 98 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 100 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 17. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 25. RBVBMS_388 IMG 21. EMSF_001 ts IMG 57 'is still in the dance'. EMSF_009 ts IMG 37.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 124. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 183____stabdha haye kendra aache____
The ceremony over, they blankly look at each other and know not what to doRBVBMS_223 IMG 10-11 [part of The Child]. RBVBMS_223 ts IMG 20 [running prose title: The New Comer 8]________________This item not in the printed version of The Child in Das EW.
The Champa Flower: Supposing I became a champa flowerRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 90 'Supposing just for fun I became a champa flower' [no title]. HRVD_005 IMG 29 [no title] 'Supposing just for a fun I become a champa flower' HRVD_015 ts IMG 1 [no title, 1st line as RBVBMS_369(ii) above]. HRVD_016 ts IMG 1 [no title, 1st line as RBVBMS_369(ii) above].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 15Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aami jadi dushtumi kare: lukocuri (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
The chandelier flared up in angerRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 204, IMG 205 'The chandelier fla[shed]{red} up' [ms note 233, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.]. HRVD_006 ts IMG 50 'The chandelier flashed up'. HRVD_007 ts IMG 48.EMSF_029 IMG 111 'The chandelier flashed up' [title: 'Sparks from the Anvil [From the Bengali of Rabindranath Tagore].' MR, April 1912, p. 351, printed page, no corrections].____________[not in EW].
The cherry that blossoms in your gardenRBVBMS_387C IMG 4. RBVBMS_388 IMG 21 [translation inserted in pencil].____________oye ceri phul (RBVBMS_388)____
The child ever dwellsRBVBMS_008 IMG 39. RBVBMS_026 IMG 11. RBVBMS_248A IMG 18 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 20 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 2. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 5. RBVBMS_388 IMG 27.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 140. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 26____________
The Child-Angel: They clamour and fight________The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 39Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)eta barho e dharanee mahaasindhu ghera (shishu: 1310, 1903) mangalgeet ii and vSen: Only one stanza ('ananter majhkhane') has been used. This is the concluding stanza of the translation. English title not hyphenated in Sen. Das traces it to: 8th stanza of mangalgeeti and ii, karhi o komal.
The child, who is decked with prince's robesHRVD_005 IMG 123.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 8Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)raajaar mata beshe tumi saajaao je shishure (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
The Child: Come, moon, come downRBVBMS_077 IMG 10-11. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], IMG 56 [Title: The Child (Translated from the Bengali of Dwijendralal Roy)]. RBVBMS_305G ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 56 [title as above, first line within double quotes]. EMSF_022 IMG 26 [title: 'The Young Mother/ From/ Dwijendra Lall Roy. (Alekhya)']MR, December 1915, titled The Young Mother [IMG in Bichitra archive].Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 50____Translated from the Bengali of Dwijendralal Roy (from Nutan Maataa, in Aalekhya, 1907)____
The Cleanser: Why do they shun your touch, my friend____MR (Jul. 1955) [IMG in Bichitra archive], VBQ (Jul. 1925/55) [IMG in Bichitra archive]. Harijan, Feb. 11, 1933________methar, by Satyandrenath Datta, kuhu o kekaa, 1912EW Vol. 3 Appendix
The cloud gives all its gold [Another version 'You spend yourself, evening cloud', unpublished]RBVBMS_008 IMG 16. RBVBMS_026 IMG 16. RBVBMS_219 IMG 73. RBVBMS_248A IMG 38 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 40 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 5. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 10. RBVBMS_375 IMG 8 'You spend yourself, evening cloud in the extravagance of colours. When the call comes for the meeting with the moon your time is past.' [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 10 EMSF_001 ts IMG 57 .VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 45. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 68____ranger kheyaale aapanaa khoyaale / astarabire dila meghamaalaa (RBVBMS_248A)____
The cloud has its prideRBVBMS_077 IMG 17.____________________
The cloud laughed at the rainbowRBVBMS_008 IMG 45. RBVBMS_026 IMG 36. RBVBMS_248A IMG 117 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 119 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 29. RBVBMS_388 IMG 33 'cloud [laughed at] {called} the rainbow'VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 207. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 216____________
The cloud said to me, 'I vanish'RBVBMS_001 IMG 33 'The Cloud said to me, 'I vanish,''. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 62. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 58. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 63. RBVBMS_306C ts no. LI IMG 39 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 37. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 27.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 54Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)megh baleche jaaba jaaba, geetaali 65____
The cloud stood humblyRBVBMS_119A IMG 14.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 100.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The clouded sky to-day bears the visionRBVBMS_026 IMG 26. RBVBMS_248A IMG 81 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 83 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 21. RBVBMS_388 IMG 18 'The clouded sky [today]'.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 106. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 148.____ananta kaaler bhaaleSlight variant in Lekhan
The clouds fill the watercupsRBVBMS_119A IMG 33 'The clouds that fill the watercups'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 174Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The clouds part, the morning star appears in the East ['The Child' 3]RBVBMS_223 IMG 5-6, IMG 16-17 ts [running prose, title: The New Comer 3], IMG 25-6 ts 'east' [title: The Babe]. EMSF_002 IMG 7-8 ts [Title: The Babe, no. 3], IMG 20 ts [Title: The New Comer III], IMG 31 ts [Title: The New Comer, III], IMG 41-2 ts 'The clouds have gone, the morning star has risen' [title: He is Eternal, He is Newly Born, no numbering or part division, running prose] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2].____The Child (London: Allen and Unwin, 1931)____Not translation____
The clouds thicken till morning light________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 9Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)baanee, lipikaa____
The clumsiness of powerRBVBMS_008 IMG 23. RBVBMS_026 IMG 17.RBVBMS_219 IMG 74. RBVBMS_248A IMG 48 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 50 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 7. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_388 IMG 16 EMSF_001 ts IMG 57 [ms note: 'Greeting Card'].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]. Reprinted from VBQ in MR, October 1939, along with other poems of Fireflies, under the title, stray Thoughts Recalled [IMG in Bichitra archive].Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 83. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 85____gnoyaar kebal gaayer jorei____
The cobweb pretends________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 161.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)prajaapati paay abakaash____
The command is supreme in all worlds [See Jnanadas]________________________
The conquering Spirit of Life has only small blades of grassRBVBMS_460 IMG 2 [Accompanied by a letter from Kshitish Roy regarding provenance on IMG 13].________________[not in EW].
The coward is terribly indiscriminate.RBVBMS_005 IMG 14. EMSF_001 IMG 22 ts, IMG 28 ts, IMG 34 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
The crickets chirpRBVBMS_119A IMG 10 'crickets' chirp'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 198Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The crimson glow of life ['The Sunset of the Century']RBVBMS_077 IMG 22.____The Sunset of the Century,' Nationalism (London: Macmillan, 1917)____ei pashcimer kone, naibedya 66____
The crowd came hurrying from KashiRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 57-62. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 26-8.RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 28 ms note: 'maalaa/ cf. The young pilgrim's eyes/ VQ 4.26. p 338' [The young pilgrim's eyes IMG in Bichitra archive].The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 42. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 30. Begins 'The crowd listens in wonder to Kashi'____maalaa, palaataka____
The crowd listens in wonder to KashiRBVBMS_098 IMG 46-7 'The crowd listens in restless wonder to Kashi'. RBVBMS_312 ts IMG 14-15, IMG 16-17 [1st line as above].____The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 30Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)gaanbhanga, kathaa o kaahinee____
The current in which I drifted ran rapid and strong when I was young.RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 55, IMG 68 'The current of my life-stream ran rapid and strong when I was young.' RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 37, IMG 42. RBVBMS_305B ts 'The current of my life-stream'. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 54 'The current [of my life-stream]{in which I drifted} ran rapid and strong'. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. LII IMG 45-6 [1st line as RBVBMS_040 above]. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 59 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 37 [Lover's Gift] IMG 42. RBVBMS_305H ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 16 [1st line as RBVBMS_040 above]. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 43, IMG 44 [1st lines as above]. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 168 'The current in my life-stream ran rapid and strong when I was young.'____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 38____praurha, citraa____
The cymbals that ring____VBQ Vol.I No.2: July 1923 [IMG in Bichitra archive].Sen p. 546: 'Included in 'A Masque of Earth and Man' by Arthur Geddes, published in this issue [i.e. VBQ Vol1, No.2 Jul 1923]. These 'songs were specially translated by the poet himself for this article' [Sen does not provide sources for his quotation]'.____kaaler mandiraa je, geetabitaan bicitra 5[not in EW].
The dark root is sure that the branch is a foolRBVBMS_005 IMG 14____________________
The dark takes form in the heartRBVBMS_180A IMG 75. RBVBMS_387B IMG 19____________aseem saadaay kaalo____
The dark Unseen plays on his flute and the rhythm of light eddies into stars and suns, into thoughts and dreams. [Title in MS: Fireflies 195]RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 18.________________[not in EW].
The darkly veiled June has come once againRBVBMS_256 IMG 3-6VBN, July 1935. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 42aabaar eseche aashaarh, geetaanjali 99____
The darkness has died away [See 'Translation: Jnanadas']________________________
The darkness of night is in harmonyRBVBMS_008 IMG 26. RBVBMS_026 IMG 25. RBVBMS_027 IMG 49 'Darkness is in harmony'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 78 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 80 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_388 IMG 18.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 102. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 142____aaloker saathe mele (RBVBMS-388)____
The darkness of night, like pain, is dumbRBVBMS_008 IMG 41. RBVBMS_026 IMG 23. RBVBMS_219 IMG 75. RBVBMS_248A IMG 67 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 69 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 11 'like pain, is dumb'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 17 [no. 133, incomplete, erased], IMG 18 [no. 133]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 29 EMSF_001 ts IMG 57.____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 165. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 123____________
The day came for the image from the temple to be drawn round the holy town in its chariot. The Queen said to the King, 'Let us go and attend the festival.' [see also Car of Time in Drama list]EMSF_012 ts IMG 4-5 'The Car-festival is nigh. The {King and the Queen leave the palace to attend it.} [Queen tells the King, 'Let's go to see it.']' [title: 'The Car-Festival'].____The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 19Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)rathajaatraa, lipikaa____
The day grew dim________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 36____paaye calaar path, lipikaa____
The day has been spent watching for you!RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 46 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 64 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4].RBKSH Vol. 7 (1982)________bela gela tomaar patha ceye, geetabitaan pujaa 148EW Vol. IV
The day is dim with rainRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 22. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 22. RBVBMS_060 IMG 9. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 53-4 'The sky is darkening my love. The day is dim with the rain.' RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 18, IMG 19 [1st line as RBVBMS_308A above]. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 47 [1st line as 308A above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 85 'The sky is darkening, my love. The day is dim with rain.' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_006 ts IMG 4 [1st line as RBVBMS_308A above]. HRVD_007 ts IMG 4 [as above].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 20Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)durdin ghanaaye elo, naibedya 85____
The day is no more, the shadow is upon the earthHRVD_001 IMG 27 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 6-7. HRVD_003 ts IMG 6-7.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 74Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aar naibedya re bela naamla chaayaa (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
The day is not done, the fair is not overRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 162-3 'The day is not yet done', IMG 164-5 [as above]. HRVD_005 IMG 137 [1st line as above] HRVD_006 ts IMG 35-7 'and the fair is not over'. HRVD_007 ts IMG 36-8.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 71Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ekhano bhaangeni bhaangeni melaa: kritaartha (kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)____
The day is spent, and silent is the dark; my comrades are awayRBVBMS_001 IMG 74 [4 lines of text, crossed out]____________belaa gelo tomaar path ceye: gitabitaan, puja 148[not in EW].
The day of workRBVBMS_119A IMG 25.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 276Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The day that stands between you and me [Another version 'The light will wane before my eyes'].RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 53. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 49. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 51. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XLII IMG 34. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 33. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 23. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 120, IMG 121 'The light that will wane before my eyes'.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 44Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)krame mlaana haye aase, naibedya 29____
The day was doneRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 12-13. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 6-7. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 4. RBVBMS_315(ii) ts IMG 3.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 4____dinasheshe, citraa____
The day was when I did not keep myselfHRVD_001 IMG 131.HRVD_002 ts IMG 33. HRVD_003 ts IMG 33.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 43Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)takhan kari ni naath kono ayojan (naibedya: 1308, 1901)____
The day, with the noise________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 203Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The day's cup that I have emptiedRBVBMS_008 IMG 30. RBVBMS_027 IMG 46 'The day's [?] {golden cup} is emptied and flung away'.____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 117____sandhyaay diner paatra (RBVBMS_008)____
The day's gains and lossesRBVBMS_180A IMG 75. RBVBMS_387B IMG 20____________prati dibaser jata khsati____
The daylight is dimmed and shadows deepenRBVBMS_217 IMG 21.VBN, September 1962 [IMG in Bichitra archive]. RBKSH Vol. 21 (1989)________aalo naai din shesh hala, utsarga 42EW Vol. IV
The days were lengtheningRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 5-7. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 3-4.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 1____palaatakaa, palaatakaPrivate circulation. Date conjectured by Sen. Not all poems of this volume were included in the 1921 Fugitive. The ones that occur only in Fugitive 1919 [?] are listed below. Numbering following Sen. [BICHITRA digitised images: RBVBMS_089(ii) IMG-2-49, many changes on printed book pages, especially in poem arrangement]
The departing night's one kissRBVBMS_008 IMG 38. RBVBMS_026 IMG 10. RBVBMS_248A IMG 14 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 16 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 4. RBVBMS_388 IMG 26.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 133. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 20____nimeela-nayan bhorbelaakaar, sphulinga 125, Bengali not in Lekhan____
The desert is imprisoned in the wallRBVBMS_008 IMG 26. RBVBMS_026 IMG 21. RBVBMS_219 IMG 78, IMG 79 'The desert is the prisoner'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 64 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 66 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 10. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 17. RBVBMS_388 IMG 17. EMSF_001 ts IMG 57, IMG 58 'The desert is the prisoner'.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 98. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 116____apan aseem nisphalataar paake / bandee haye rahe marusthal (RBVBMS_248A)____
The desert is there where truth is an ugly terrorRBVBMS_024 IMG 57____________marutal kaare bale? (RBVBMS_024)____
The devil has his advantage over the divine powers for, it is easy to hurt and bafflingly hard to heal.RBVBMS_005 IMG 15. EMSF_001 IMG 22 ts, IMG 28 ts, IMG 34 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
The Devil's wares are expensiveRBVBMS_008 IMG 41. RBVBMS_026 IMG 20 . RBVBMS_219 IMG 11 'Devil's wares are expensive', IMG 80. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 16. RBVBMS_388 IMG 29 EMSF_001 ts IMG 50 [as RBVBMS_219 above], IMG 58 ts.____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 162____________
The dewdrop knows the sunRBVBMS_008 IMG 25. RBVBMS_026 IMG 21. RBVBMS_219 IMG 81. RBVBMS_248A IMG 63 'dew-drop' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 65 'dew-drop' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 10 'dew-drop'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 16 [as above]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 17. EMSF_001 ts IMG 58 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 97. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 114. Begins 'The dew-drop knows'.____shishir rabire shudhu____
The dewdrops unlike the King's jewelsRBVBMS_027 IMG 50____________shishir se cirantan____
The dim silenceRBVBMS_119A IMG 23 '{The dim silence of} My mind'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 239Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The diver dives into the bottomEMSF_001 IMG 6 [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
The dry river-bedRBVBMS_077 IMG 17 'river bed'. RBVBMS_119A IMG 15 'river bed'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 34Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The dumb earth looks into my faceRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 19 'looks to my face'. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 187 'The earth gazes at me'. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 102 [1st line as above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 26 'looks to my face' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_005 IMG 93 'The earth, clad in green and gold, gazes at me with gladness' HRVD_006 ts IMG 5-6 [1st line as Harvard 5 above]. HRVD_007 ts IMG 5-6 [as above].________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 47sab thnaai mor ghar aache, utsarga 14____
The dust of the dead________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 147.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The dust receives insultRBVBMS_119A IMG 33.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 101Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The eager cry of the sea begs kisses from the mute skyRBVBMS_375 IMG 24 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________utal saagarer adhir krandan (RBVBMS_375)____
The early autumn day is cloudlessRBVBMS_040 ts[Lover's Gift], no. 10, IMG 20. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 49, IMG 57. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] X IMG 6-7. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 10 IMG 10. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 11. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. X IMG 11. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 12. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 50 [Lover's Gift] IMG 57. RBVBMS_305H ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 23. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 47]. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 170.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 51____sukh, citraa____
The earth gazes at the moonRBVBMS_248A IMG 119 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 121 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 30. RBVBMS_388 IMG 21. EMSF_009 ts IMG 48.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 123. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 220____milan nishite dharanee bhaabiche____
The earth has its flowers to offerRBVBMS_375 IMG 28 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________dharani kaanan kusum upahaar (RBVBMS_375)____
The earth humsRBVBMS_119A IMG 31. EMSF_035 ts IMG 22.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 116Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The Earth is endowed with the privilege of the GodsEMSF_040 IMG 2, IMG 4 [ms note on IMG 2: 'Poet's own translation is being sent to you by today's post', contents sheet files item under 'Unpublished'].Betar Jagat, 16 August 1938. RBKSH Vol. 21 (1989) [prints 2 versions, first line identical, second version titled 'First draft']________dharaar aanginaa hate ai shono uthila aakaashbaanee [Bangali poem on EMSF_040 IMG 3].EW Vol. IV
The earth's sacrificial fireRBVBMS_008 IMG 26. RBVBMS_026 IMG 21. RBVBMS_248A IMG 65 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 67 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 10. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 17. RBVBMS_388 IMG 18.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 99. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 119____dharaneer yajna agni____
The echo always mocks the sound to conceal that she is his debtor. [Another version Stray Birds 107]RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 208, IMG 209 [ms note '246', ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but is not identical to the Stray Birds text of this no.].________________[not in EW].
The echo mocks her origin to prove that she is the original. [Another version 'The echo always mocks the sound']RBVBMS_077 IMG 13. RBVBMS_119A IMG 7.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 107Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)akritajna, kanikaa____
The End: It is time for me to go, motherRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 100 [no title]. HRVD_005 IMG 37 [no title] HRVD_015 ts IMG 7-8 [no title]. HRVD_016 ts IMG 7-8 [no title].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 32Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tabe aami jai go tabe jaai: bidaay (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
The Eternal Dancer dancesRBVBMS_008 IMG 30. RBVBMS_026 IMG 30 . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 17. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 25. RBVBMS_388 IMG 20.____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 114____nataraaj nritya kare (RBVBMS_008)____
The eternal Dream borne on the wings of ageless Light (From 'The Religion of Man')RBVBMS_123 IMG 21 'The Eternal Dream is borne'.Original version appeared in VBQ Vol. VII No. 2: October 1929, opens 'We are borne in the arms of ageless light'. This version came out in MR, February 1931 titled The Vision of Life and Love. [MR IMG in Bichitra archive]The Religion of Man (New York: Macmillan, 1931)________Santiniketan, 16 Sept. 1929. Composed for the Opening Day Celebrations of the Indian College, Montpelier, France. Not in 1930 London edition.
The evening beckonsRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 87. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 41. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 18. RBVBMS_315(ii) ts IMG 11.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 65. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 18____shesh kheyaa, kheyaa____
The evening sky to meRBVBMS_119A IMG 24. EMSF_035 ts IMG 29.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 183Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The evening stood bewilderedRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 70. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 31.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 48. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 14Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)karunaa, caitaalee____
The evening was lonely for meRBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 12, IMG 22. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 53, IMG 62. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XII IMG 7-8. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 12 IMG 12 'The evening was lonely '. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 13. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XII IMG 12-13 [1st line as RBVBMS_305C]. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 14 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 55 [Lover's Gift] IMG 61. RBVBMS_305H ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 26 [1st line as 305C above]. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 48 [1st line as above]. HRVD_019 IMG 31 ts [1st line as above, ms title: 'Behind the Candle'].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 56Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)purnimaa, citraa____
The eyes are not________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 256Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The eyes seeking for the enigma of thingsRBVBMS_387B IMG 26 [another version, crossed out]____________aseem shoonye eka____
The faded champa sheds her petalsRBVBMS_026 IMG 11 .________________[not in EW].
The faded flower sighsRBVBMS_248A IMG 128 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 130 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 32. RBVBMS_375 IMG 22 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 236____jhare-parhaa phul (RBVBMS_375)____
The fair was on before the templeRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 176, IMG 177. HRVD_006 ts IMG 44-5. HRVD_007 ts IMG 42-3.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 76Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)baseche je rather talaay: sukh-duhkkha (kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)____
The faith waiting in the heartRBVBMS_008 IMG 48. RBVBMS_248A IMG 44 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 46 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 12. EMSF_009 ts IMG 23.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 78____________
The false can never________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 258Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The famished, the homeless [See 'Appeal for Relief']________________________
The father came back________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 21Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)prashna, lipikaa____
The favorite [sic] damsel said, 'Sire, that other wretched queen of thine____MR, November 1913, along with other poems of Kanikaa, under the heading 'Poems.' [IMG in Bichitra archive]________curi nibaaran, kanikaa[not in EW]
The ferry-boat pliesRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 72. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 32.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 50. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921)The Fugitive III, no. 3Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)kheyaa, caitaalee____
The fight is ended [See 'Woman']________________________
The fire of painRBVBMS_026 IMG 19. RBVBMS_248A IMG 54 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 56 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 8. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_388 IMG 17.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 94. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 99____duhkher aagun____
The fire restrained in the treeRBVBMS_008 IMG 21. RBVBMS_026 IMG 27. RBVBMS_027 IMG 37. RBVBMS_219 IMG 85. RBVBMS_248A IMG 85 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 87 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 22. RBVBMS_388 IMG 31. EMSF_001 ts IMG 58. EMSF_009 ts IMG 33.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]. Indian Literature, Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi, Oct. 1958-March 1959.Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 194. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 157____banhi jabe bnaadhaa thaake (RBVBMS_008)____
The fireflies, twinkling among leavesRBVBMS_248A IMG 58 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 60 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 15.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies ( New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 105____________
The first appearance of the morningBMSF_042 IMG 10.____________prabhaater pratham aabhaas____
The first flowerRBVBMS_008 IMG 22. RBVBMS_248A IMG 31 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 33 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 4. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 8. RBVBMS_388 IMG 15 [Both Bengali and English text crossed out] EMSF_009 ts IMG 59.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 79. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 52____dharaay jedin pratham jaagila____
The first flush of dawn glistens on the dew-dripping leaves of the forest ['The Child' 9]RBVBMS_223 IMG 13-14, IMG 21-2 ts [running prose, title: The New Comer 10], IMG 31-2 ts [title: The Babe]. EMSF_002 IMG 15-16 ts [Title: The Babe, no. 10], IMG 26-7 ts 'The first flush of dawn spreads in the sky' [Title: The New Comer, X], IMG 37-8 ts [Title: The New Comer, X], IMG 46 ts 'Dawn. Pearls scattered during the night are glittering on every blade of grass.' [title: He is Eternal, He is Newly Born, no numbering or part division, running prose] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2].____The Child (London: Allen and Unwin, 1931)____Not translation____
The First Jasmines: Ah, these jasmines________The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 34Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)sei chnaapaa sei bel phul: snehasmriti (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
The First takes the hand of the Last [See Stray Birds 156 'The Great walks']RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 208, IMG 209 'the [l]{L}ast' [ms note 241, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.].________________[not in EW].
The fish in the waterRBVBMS_077 IMG 17. EMSF_035 ts IMG 12.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 43Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The fish invitesRBVBMS_077 IMG 16 [item crossed out].____________________
The fist that has doubt of its wisdom throttles the voice that would cry.RBVBMS_219 IMG 86 'The fist [in a doubt of its wisdom] throttles truth to silence the doubt of its own wisdom', 87 . RBVBMS_388 IMG 28 'The [muscle] {fist} that [has a doubt of its wisdom] {is soulless}' EMSF_001 ts IMG 58 [two versions typed on same page. 2nd version: 'The fist throttles truth to silence the doubt of its own wisdom'] .________________[not in EW].
The flame met the earthen lampRBVBMS_026 IMG 36. RBVBMS_248A IMG 116 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 118 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 29.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 214____________
The flaming fire________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 145.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The flashing scimitar of the hill streamRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 81. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 37.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 59____sandhyaaraage jhilimili, balaakaa 29According to Sen a translation of the poem Sandhyaaraage jhilimili, of which this is a translation appeared in The March of India, Vol, I, No.3, Feb 1949 and again in Kashmir, December 1, 1950 under the title Flying Cranes. But it cannot be ascertained whether this is the same translation because Sen does not provide the first line.
The floating flower ever runs away before the importunate waves raised by my own eager arms. [possibly Another version: The importunate wave pushes away the fruit it longs to capture]RBVBMS_371 IMG 2v [crossed out versions on same page]. EMSF_001 IMG 13 ts [item crossed out] IMG 37 ts, IMG 41 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988). Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
The flood, at last, has come uponRBVBMS_028, IMG 89VBN, September 1936. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 34ebaar tor maraa gaange, geetabitaan swadesh 5____
The flower grieves to think that her perfume goes out.RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 210, IMG 211 [ms note 251, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.].________________[not in EW].
The flower in the King's wreathRBVBMS_027 IMG 57____________________
The Flower School: When storm clouds rumble in the skyHRVD_005 IMG 43-5 [no title] 'When [the] rainclouds rumble in the sky' HRVD_015 ts IMG 20-1 'stormclouds rumble' [no title]. HRVD_016 ts IMG 20-1 [no title, 1st line as above].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 22Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jemni maa go guruguru: baijnaanik (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
The flower sheds all its petalsRBVBMS_026 IMG 39. RBVBMS_248A IMG 132 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 134 [Printed book pages].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 245____________
The flower which is singleRBVBMS_248A IMG 42 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 44 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 11 [entire page crossed through].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 74____knaatar sangkhyaa eersha bhare, sphulinga 51____
The flower's beauty loses itself in the sweetness of the fruit.RBVBMS_375 IMG 9 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________phuler madhuree____
The flute knows it is the breath that gives birth to its music.RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 212, IMG 213 [ms note 258, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.].________________[not in EW].
The flute of the InfiniteRBVBMS_113 IMG 20 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 50____I. 126. muralee bajat akhand sadaaye: KS Kabir____
The flute-sound of a holiday musicRBVBMS_024 IMG 95. EMSF_029 IMG 97 [1st 3 linse crossed out and then marked 'stet' in red pencil, ms note: 'Duplicate'].________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 72chutir bnaashi baajlo, geetabitaan prem 23Place of composition: Munich. Composed during a tour of Europe in 1921.
The foundation of a mountain is solidRBVBMS_371 IMG 3v. EMSF_001 IMG 13 ts [item crossed out] IMG 37 ts, IMG 41 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988). Titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
The fountain of deathRBVBMS_077 IMG 17. RBVBMS_119A IMG 24.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 225Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The freedom of the windRBVBMS_008 IMG 39. RBVBMS_026 IMG 12 'freedom of the storm'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 23 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 25 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 6 'The freedom of the storm'. RBVBMS_388 IMG 27. EMSF_009 ts IMG 57.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 144. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 36. Begins 'The freedom of the storm'.____baayu caahe mukti dite (RBVBMS_248B)____
The friend remains hiddenRBVBMS_387C IMG 5. RBVBMS_388 IMG 37____________________
The frolic of light is the play of DarknessRBVBMS_026 IMG 35 .________________[not in EW].
The fruit that I have gainedRBVBMS_008 IMG 46. RBVBMS_026 IMG 39. RBVBMS_248A IMG 129 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 131 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 32.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 219. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 238____________
The fruits come in crowds into my orchardRBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 30, IMG 41. RBVBMS_305A ts[Lover's Gift], no. 3, IMG 4. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XXX IMG 16. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 29 IMG 31. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 31. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XXX IMG 26-7. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 34. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 3 [Lover's Gift] IMG 4. RBVBMS_305H ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 5. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 23 'The eager fruits crowd crushing one another'. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 34. HRVD_004 ts IMG 34 'The {eager} fruits [come in crowds] {crowd, [jostling] crushing one another} in[to] my vineyard' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 3____aaji mor draakshakunja bane, caitaalee____
The Further Bank: I long to go over there________The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 21Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aamaar jete icche kare: maajhi (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
The general came before the silent and angry King________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 31Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bidushak, lipikaa____
The generous laughter of the morningRBVBMS_005 IMG 14____________________
The Gift: I want to give you something, my childHRVD_005 IMG 45, 41 [no title] 'Something to give you is my wish, my child' HRVD_015 ts IMG 21-2 [no title, 1st line as above]. HRVD_016 ts IMG 21-2 [no title, 1st line as above].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 37Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)sneha-upahaar ene dite cai: upahaar (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
The girls are out to fetch waterRBVBMS_001 IMG 91. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 18, IMG 28-9. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 40, IMG 45-6. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XIX IMG 10-11. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 19 IMG 19-20. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 18-19. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XIX IMG 17-18. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 21-2. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 40 [Lover's Gift] IMG 45-6. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 75-6. EMSF_011 IMG 12-13. EMSF_022 IMG 10-11 '[I hear the tinkling of their bracelets.] {The sound of [their] {their} laughing voice comes to me thorugh [the trees.] The girls [go to fill their jars] {are out to fetch water from the lake.' [in pencil].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 41____ghaater path, kheyaa____
The glow-worm while exploring the dustRBVBMS_008 IMG 17. RBVBMS_026 IMG 18. RBVBMS_219 IMG 88 'The glow worm explores the dust'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 52 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 54 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 8. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_388 IMG 11 EMSF_001 ts IMG 58 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 51. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 94____jonaaki se dhuli khnuje saaraa____
The god of the weak is a tyrant.RBVBMS_005 IMG 14. EMSF_001 IMG 22 ts, IMG 28 ts, IMG 34 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
The gold raises its value by its rarenessRBVBMS_005 IMG 13____________________
The grass seeks her crowdRBVBMS_077 IMG 17 'The grass has its power'. RBVBMS_119A IMG 20 'The grass [in her] loves and seeks her crowd'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 78Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The grass survives the hillRBVBMS_008 IMG 48. RBVBMS_248A IMG 55 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 57 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 15.V.B.Q January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 100____juge juge sada kshay (RBVBMS_248B)____
The grass-blade________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 117.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The great earth makes herself hospitable with the help of the grassRBVBMS_119A IMG 33 'The great earth has made herself hospitable with the help of her lowly grass'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 91Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The great is a born childRBVBMS_119A IMG 17 'The Great is born as a child'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 125Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The Great walksRBVBMS_077 IMG 14. RBVBMS_119A IMG 8.A variant reading of this poem, 'The highest goes hand in hand with the lowest' appeared in MR, November 1913 along with other poems of Kanikaa under the heading 'Poems.' [IMG in Bichitra archive].Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 156.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)maajhaarir satarkataa, kanikaa____
The greed for fruitRBVBMS_008 IMG 27. RBVBMS_026 IMG 27. RBVBMS_248A IMG 84 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 86 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 22. RBVBMS_388 IMG 18.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 105. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 155____aakaashe man kena taakaay (RBVBMS_008)____
The harp gives forth murmurous musicRBVBMS_113 IMG 28 'The harp sounds in [sweet] murmur' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 83____III. 84. jhee jhee jantar baajai: KS Kabir____
The heart, like a mountain stream breaking strong barriersRBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 49, IMG 50 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. HRVD_005 IMG 111 'like a mountain stream that breaks stony barriers' [Numbered II] HRVD_006 ts IMG 17 [1st line as Harvard 5 above]. HRVD_007 ts IMG 18.RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________hriday paashaanbhedee nirjharerpraay: hriday dharmma, caitaaleeEW Vol. IV
The heat-scorched garden of my heart stands like a beggar spreading its haggard arms to the angry sky [ms note: 'Cf Crossing 27']RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 52-3. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 27, IMG 28. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 56 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 83 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_006 ts IMG 4-5 'My heat-scorched garden stands like a beggar spreading its lean arms to the angry sky.' HRVD_007 ts IMG 4-5 [as above].____________ms note: 'aamaar e maanaser kanan kangaal (naibedya 87)'[not in EW].
The Hero: Mother, let us imagine we are travellingRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 98-9 [no title]. HRVD_005 IMG 25-27 [no title] [running prose translation] HRVD_015 ts IMG 16-17 [no title]. HRVD_016 ts IMG 16-17 [no title].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 31Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)mane karo jena bidesh ghure: beer purush (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
The hidden BannerRBVBMS_113 IMG 19 'The hidden banner' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 44____I. 93. gagan math gaib nisaan gade: KS Kabir____
The hill does not lose its heightRBVBMS_371 IMG 3v. EMSF_001 IMG 14 ts IMG 23 ts, IMG 29 ts, IMG 35 ts, IMG 37 ts, IMG 42 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988). Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
The hill in its longingRBVBMS_008 IMG 42. RBVBMS_026 IMG 23. RBVBMS_248A IMG 69 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 71 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 11. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 18. RBVBMS_375 IMG 30 'The dream of the hills to fly takes shape in clouds' [variant of same source] [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 29VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 168. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 126____girir duraashaa urhibaare, p. 21 of 1st ed. (not preceding the English according to usual practice)____
The hill veiled by a tender mist seems like God's whisper.RBVBMS_371 IMG 4. EMSF_001 IMG 16 ts 'by [a tender] mist' […] God's {great} whisper.' IMG 21 ts 'The hill veiled by mist seems like God's great whisper.' IMG 27 ts [as above], IMG 33 ts [as above] IMG 39 ts, IMG 43 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988) Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
The hills are likeRBVBMS_119A IMG 11.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 113Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The Home: I paced alone________The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 1Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)dheere dheere bistaariche: shaishab sandhya (sonaar taree: 1301, 1894)____
The house, lingering on after its wealth has vanished________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 22Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)purono baarhi, lipikaa____
The hungry self of the Nations ['The Sunset of the Century']RBVBMS_077 IMG 22.____The Sunset of the Century,' Nationalism (London: Macmillan, 1917)____swarther samaapti apaghhaate, naibedya 65____
The hurricane seeks________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 60Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The immortal like a jewel [See Fireflies 29 'Jewel-like the immortal']RBVBMS_008 IMG 39 'immortal, like a jewel'. RBVBMS_026 IMG 11 'The immortal, like a jewel' . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 2. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 2. RBVBMS_388 IMG 27 '[The] [immortal {eternal}] {Truth} like a jewel'. EMSF_009 ts IMG 11 'Jewel-like the immortal'.____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 139____________
The importunate wave pushes away the fruit it longs to capture. [possibly Another version: The floating flower ever runs away before the importunate waves raised by my own eager arms.]EMSF_001 IMG 16 ms, IMG 23 ts, IMG 29 ts, IMG 35 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
The infant flower opens its budRBVBMS_119A IMG 11. EMSF_035 ts IMG 15.RBVBMS_077 IMG 14 'flower[s] opens'.Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 66Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)moher aashangka, kanikaa[not in EW].
The inner world keeps its things secret [See 'Translation: Jnanadas']________________________
The inner world rounded in my lifeRBVBMS_008 IMG 43. RBVBMS_026 IMG 34. RBVBMS_248A IMG 110 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 112 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 19. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 28. RBVBMS_388 IMG 31 EMSF_009 ts IMG 44.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 188. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 204________comma after 'life', line 2 begins with 'like a fruit' in Lekhan
The jasmine knowsRBVBMS_342B ts IMG 32. RBVBMS_027 IMG 46 'The jasmine bud gazes at the sun' [unclear, text doodled over]. RBVBMS_248A IMG 129 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 131 [Printed book pages].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 239____________
The jasmine's lisping of loveRBVBMS_008 IMG 40. RBVBMS_026 IMG 12. RBVBMS_248A IMG 23 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 25 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 3. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 6. RBVBMS_388 IMG 27 [item crossed out]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 57.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 145. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 37____________
The jewel is lost in the mudRBVBMS_113 IMG 25 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']Also in VBQ, New Series, Vol III, part I, May 1937 (the Address at the parliament of Religions: 'When I was asked to address this distinguished gathering I was naturally reluctant' See Prose list).One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 72____III. 26. tor heeraa hiraailwaa keecarh men: KS Kabir____
The joy ran from all the worldRBVBMS_001 IMG 47 'The joy rushed from all the world to build my body.' RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 80 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 76 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 78 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306C ts no. LXVII IMG 50 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 49 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 40 [1st line as above].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 72Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)taar anta naai go, geetimaalya 99____
The judge thinksRBVBMS_008 IMG 32. RBVBMS_248A IMG 100 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 101 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 17. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 25. RBVBMS_388 IMG 21 'judge [thinks that he is] {considers himself} just'. EMSF_009 ts IMG 38.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 125. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 184____dibaser deepe shudhu thaake tel____
The Judge: Say of him what you please, but I know my child's failings.RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 86 [no title]. HRVD_005 IMG 13 [no title] 'Never think I know not my child's failings because I confess them not to you.' HRVD_015 ts IMG 9-10 'Never think I know not my child's failings.' [no title]. HRVD_016 ts IMG 9-10 [no title, 1st line as above].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 11Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aamaar khokaar kata je dosh: bicaar (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
The King of the Dark Chamber [13 songs] See Drama list.____________________[not in EW].
The king-fisher sits stillRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 75 'The kingfisher sits still'. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 34.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 53. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 10Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)madhyaahna, caitaalee____
The king's son roamedRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 9-11. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 5-6. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 3.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 3____nidritaa, sonaar taree____
The lake lies low by the hillRBVBMS_008 IMG 11. RBVBMS_219 IMG 89. RBVBMS_248A IMG 20 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 22 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 2. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 6. RBVBMS_388 IMG 7. EMSF_001 ts IMG 58 [as RBVBMS_219 above]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 57.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 20. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 33____dnaarhaaye giri shir meghe tule____
The lamp had gone out in the desolate house____VBN April 1933, titled The Meeting. MR, May 1940. [IMG in Bichitra archive]________antarhita, parisheshEW Vol. IV
The lamp is trimmedRBVBMS_111 , IMG 74.RBKSH, no. 4, Shraavan, 1385, 1978, p. 128.________Not translationDate of composition Jan 31, 1918. See Das EW, Vol. 1, p. 621.
The lamp of meetingRBVBMS_119A IMG 35.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 277Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The lamp waits throughRBVBMS_008 IMG 14. RBVBMS_026 IMG 16. RBVBMS_219 IMG 90. RBVBMS_248A IMG 41 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 42 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 6. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 11 [entire page crossed through]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 9 EMSF_001 ts IMG 59 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 36. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 72____maateer pradeep saaraa dibaser / pradeep thaake saaraataa din (RBVBMS_248A)____
The Land of the Exile: Mother, the light has grown grey________The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 17Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)oi dekho maa aakaash cheye: chutir dine (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
The land, where the sun's early kissRBVBMS_077 IMG 9.RBKSH Vol. 29 (1996) [based on RBVBMS_077]________Michael Madhusudan Dutt, caturdashpadee kabitaabaliEW Vol. IV
The lantern which I carry in my hand________Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 8Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)gharer theke enechilem, geetaali 76____
The large laughter of the morning is blurredEMSF_001 IMG 21 ts, IMG 27 ts, IMG 27 ts, IMG 33 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
The Last Bargain: 'Come and hire me,' I criedRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 101-2 ''Come and buy me''. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 105 [ms note on IMG 105: 'July 1912 Hampstead', 'Crescent Moon', 'ke nibi go kine aamaay, geetimaalya'. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_014 ts IMG 10-11 [as RBVBMS_369(ii) above].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 40Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ke nibi go kine aamaaySen sources this piece from Geetimaalya: 1321, 1914
The last sun of the century ['The Sunset of the Century']RBVBMS_077 IMG 22.MR, June 1917, titled The Sunset of the Century. Also in MR, March 1928.The Sunset of the Century,' Nationalism (London: Macmillan, 1917)____shataabdir surjya aaji, naibedya 64Group of 5 naibedya poems translated with a separate title viz. Last Sunset of the Century, appended to the three lectures of the book. See prose list..
The leaf becomes flowerRBVBMS_077 IMG 15 'becomes the flower'. RBVBMS_119A IMG 12 'becomes [a] flower'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 133Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The learned say that your lightsRBVBMS_077 IMG 15 'The learned [man] says'. RBVBMS_119A IMG 13 'The learned says'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 163.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)(based on) asampurna sangbaad, kanikaa____
The light of the sun, the moon, and the starsRBVBMS_113 IMG 11-12 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 17____II. 61. grah candra tapan jot barat hau: KS Kabir____
The light that fills the skyRBVBMS_008 IMG 22. RBVBMS_026 IMG 27. RBVBMS_027 IMG 44 'The infinite glory of the light that fills the sky'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 86 [Printed book pages][marked as 171 in margin]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 88 [Printed book pages][marked as 170a in margin]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 22. RBVBMS_388 IMG 32VBQ January 1927.Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 199____samasta aakaash bharaa (RBVBMS_008)____
The light that playsRBVBMS_119A IMG 22.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 27Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The light that will wane before my eyes [Another version 'The day that stands between you and me', Fruit Gathering 44]RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 120, IMG 121.________________[not in EW].
The lines that are writtenRBVBMS_077 IMG 15 '{T}he lines that are written [are indebted] {blossom upon} the lines that are rejected'.____________________
The Little Big Man: I am small because I am a little child [see 'When I am as old as my father and much bigger than my elder brother' RBVBMS_312 ts IMG 4 for Another version]RBVBMS_098 IMG 55 'When I am as old as my father and much bigger than my elder brother'. RBVBMS_312 ts IMG 4 [1st line as above].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 27Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ekhano to barha haini aami: choto barho (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
The little clock keepsRBVBMS_077 IMG 19.____________________
The little flowerRBVBMS_119A IMG 19.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 264Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)____[not in EW]
The lock of errorRBVBMS_113 IMG 17 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 38____I. 50. bhram kaa taalaa lagaa mahal re: KS Kabir____
The lonely light of the skyRBVBMS_008 IMG 38. RBVBMS_026 IMG 10 . RBVBMS_388 IMG 27 [text crossed out].____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 134____________
The longing is for the oneRBVBMS_119A IMG 9 'This longing'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 87Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The longing to meet in the play of love [See 'Translations: Baul Songs 1']________________________
The looking glass to the bewildered sparrow is a prohibition that ceaselessly invites.RBVBMS_371 IMG 2r. EMSF_001 IMG 13 ts 'The [looking] glass {pane} to the bewildered sparrow {offers} [is a] prohibition that ceaselessly invites.' IMG 23 ts 'The glass-pane to the bewildered sparrow offers prohibition that ceaselessly invites.' IMG 29 ts [as above], IMG 35 ts [as above] IMG 37 ts 'looking-glass', IMG 41 ts [as above] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988). Titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
The Lord is in meRBVBMS_113 IMG 31 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 97____II. 90. saahab ham men, saahab tum men: KS Kabir____
The lotus blossoms for fewRBVBMS_375 IMG 18 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________kamal phute, tulibe taare kebaa (RBVBMS_375)____
The lotus bud has bloomed. It rocks in my heart kissed by the fluttering ripples. The sky brims over with its perfume, the winds languish in rapture at its side. The bees hover round around it murmuring praise and the heart of the world is ravished.EMSF_022 IMG 12 'The lotus bud has bloomed. It rocks in my [heaving] heart[s] kissed by [dancing] {the fluttering} ripples. The sky brims over with its perfume, the winds languish in [joy] {rapture} at its side. The bees hover round {a}round it murmuring praise and the heart of the world is ravished.' [in pencil, marked as no. 1].____________aaji kamalamukuladal khulilo: gitabitaan, prakrwiti 272[not in EW].
The lotus offers its beautyRBVBMS_008 IMG 44. RBVBMS_026 IMG 40. RBVBMS_219 IMG 91. RBVBMS_248A IMG 115 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 117 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 29. RBVBMS_388 IMG 32 EMSF_001 ts IMG 59.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 203. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 212____________
The man had no useful work________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 26Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bhul swarga, lipikaa____
The man of faith moves on along ['The Child' 5]RBVBMS_223 IMG 7-8, IMG 18-19 ts [running prose, title: The New Comer 5],IMG 27-8 ts [title: The Babe]. EMSF_002 IMG 10-11 ts [Title: The Babe, no. 5], IMG 22-3 ts [Title: The New Comer V], IMG 33-4 ts [Title: The New Comer, V] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2].____The Child (London: Allen and Unwin, 1931)____Not translation____
The man proud of his sectRBVBMS_008 IMG 43. RBVBMS_219 IMG 92. RBVBMS_248A IMG 105 'sectarian thinks' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 107 'sectarian thinks' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 18. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 27. RBVBMS_388 IMG 30 EMSF_001 ts IMG 59 [ms note: 'Greeting Card']. EMSF_009 ts IMG 42 'The sectarian thinks'.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]. Reprinted from VBQ in MR, October 1939, along with other poems of Fireflies, under the title stray Thoughts Recalled. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 184. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 195. Begins 'The sectarian thinks'.____________
The man says, 'I am strong, I do whatever I wish,'____MR, November 1913, along with other poems of Kanikaa, under the heading 'Poems.' [Note: 'Englished by the poet himself'] [IMG in Bichitra archive]________saundarjyer sangjam, kanikaa[not in EW]
The marigold bud watches the sun opening out from the dark and longs to rival it.RBVBMS_371 IMG 3r. EMSF_001 IMG 15 ts 'The [marigold bud] {daisy}', IMG 20 ts 'The daisy watches the sun opening out from the dusk and longs to rival it.' IMG 26 ts [as above] IMG 32 ts [as above] IMG 38 ts, IMG 42 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988) Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
The mediocre in power barricades himself with wholesale suspicion against risks which his stupidity cannot define.RBVBMS_005 IMG 14. EMSF_001 IMG 22 ts, IMG 28 ts, IMG 34 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
The meeting of hearts leaves its trace on the screen of silenceRBVBMS_387B IMG 13____________mauna bhangee sane____
The Merchant: Imagine, mother________The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 23Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)mane karo tumi thakbe ghare: duhkhahaaree (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
The middle region of the skyRBVBMS_113 IMG 13 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 18____II. 77. madh aakaash aap jahaan baithe: KS Kabir____
The mighty desertRBVBMS_119A IMG 15.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 5Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The Milky way is the laughter of the desolate night to defy its own fear.RBVBMS_371 IMG 3r. EMSF_001 IMG 15 ts 'laughter of the [desolate] {lonely} night', IMG 20 ts 'milky way is the laughter of the lonely night' IMG 26 ts [as above] IMG 32 ts [as above] IMG 38 ts 'Milky Way', IMG 42 ts [as above] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988). Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
The mind ever seeks its wordsRBVBMS_248A IMG 134 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 136 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_026 IMG 36.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 248____________
The mind, sharp but not broadRBVBMS_119A IMG 8.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 50Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The mist is likeRBVBMS_119A IMG 19.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 94Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The mist weaves her netRBVBMS_008 IMG 27. RBVBMS_026 IMG 28. RBVBMS_219 IMG 93 'The mist tries to capture the morning'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 89 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 91 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 15. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 23. RBVBMS_388 IMG 17. EMSF_001 ts IMG 59 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 109. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 164____maayaajaal diyaa kuaashaa jarhaay____
The mist, like loveRBVBMS_119A IMG 11.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 74Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The moment of our meeting is afraid of its own gladnessRBVBMS_005 IMG 13____________________
The month of March draws nearRBVBMS_113 IMG 31 'The [spring] {month of March} is near' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 98____II. 98. rwitu phaagun niyar aanee: KS Kabir____
The moon has her lightRBVBMS_077 IMG 13. RBVBMS_119A IMG 8.A different reading, 'The moon gives light to the whole creation' appeared in MR, November 1913, along with other poems of Kanikaa, under the heading, Poems. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 234Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)(based on) nijer o saadhaaraner, kanikaa____
The moon scatters light all over the worldRBVBMS_375 IMG 25 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________bishwe charaay chnaad aalore (RBVBMS-375)____
The moon shines in my bodyRBVBMS_113 IMG 8 'The moon shineth in my body' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 6____I. 83. candaa jhalkai yahi ghat maaheen: : KS Kabir____
The moon waits for the greater orb of lightRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 217 [ms note 274, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.]. HRVD_018 ts IMG 22.________________[not in EW].
The Morning Song of India: Thou art the ruler of the minds of all peopleRBVBMS_119B IMG 6-7 [pages torn, typed note attached to binding: ''The Morning Song of India' --- Rabindranath's translation of his 'Jana gana mana' song, the National Anthem of India', signed by Tagore , dated 'Feb. 28. 1919'. ms note in different hand: 'Translated at Madanapalle']. RBVBMS_123 IMG 23-4MR, February 1918 [different version, titled 'Victory to Thee, Builder of India's Destiny']. VBQ, Vol. IX, part 2. MR, May 1931, titled 'Rabindranath Tagore's National Anthem'. Also VBN, October, 1934, titled Thou Dispenser of India's Destiny. Another translation by the author, varying slightly from this one, appeared in VBQ New Series, Vol. XV, part I: May-July 1949 under the title The Morning Song of India. [MR February, 1918, May 1931 and VBN 1934 IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 46janaganamana, geetabitaan swadesh 14EW Vol. IV
The morning came but my servant appeared not.RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 51, IMG 52 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. HRVD_005 IMG 109 [title: 'Pitiless work'] HRVD_006 ts IMG 15. HRVD_007 ts IMG 16.RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________bhrityer naa paai dekhaa: karma, caitaaleeEW Vol. IV
The morning lampRBVBMS_008 IMG 42. RBVBMS_026 IMG 25. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_388 IMG 30____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 175____________
The morning light achesRBVBMS_005 IMG 7+RBVBMS_024 IMG 94. RBVBMS_123 IMG 37.MR, January 1932 [collectively titled 'Poems'].____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 75sakaal belaar aaloy baaje, geetabitaan prem 166Nuremberg
The morning sea of silence broke into ripplesHRVD_002 ts IMG 49-50 [title: 'The end of the quest']. HRVD_003 ts IMG 49-50 [title and 1st line as above].____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 48Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)takhan aakaashtale dheu tuleche: nirudyam (kheyaa: 1313, 1906)____
The Morning Star whispers to DawnRBVBMS_008 IMG 28. RBVBMS_026 IMG 28. RBVBMS_027 IMG 43 'The morning star is allowed to think that the dawn is only for her'. RBVBMS_102 IMG 76 'The {morning} star cried'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 94. RBVBMS_248A IMG 89 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 91 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 15. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 23. RBVBMS_388 IMG 14. EMSF_001 ts IMG 59 [ms note: 'Greeting card'].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]. VBN July 1968. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 71. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 165____shuktaaraa mane kare / eso mor kaache (RBVBMS_102)The Bengali version of this does not precede the English as in the system followed in the original Lekhan, but occurs a few pages later [Das, EW, Vol 1, p. 583]
The morning with its virgin gold veiled in a mist of dewRBVBMS_111 IMG 16 '[The red [sky]{[golden] [of gold]} of the dawn] The morning [sky] with its [red]{virgin} gold veiled in a mist of dew'.____________tarun praater arun aakaash shishir chalachal [7-i kaartik, sreenagar, kaashmeer][not in EW].
The Mother's Prayer [see Drama list]________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 32____gaandhaareer aabedan, kaahinee____
The mountain dreams of a golden ageRBVBMS_005 IMG 13____________________
The mountain firRBVBMS_008 IMG 43. RBVBMS_026 IMG 32. RBVBMS_248A IMG 104 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 106 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 18. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 26. RBVBMS_388 IMG 30VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 182. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 193________Variant in Fireflies
The mountain remains unmovedRBVBMS_008 IMG 19. RBVBMS_026 IMG 20. RBVBMS_219 IMG 95. RBVBMS_248A IMG 59 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 61 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 15. RBVBMS_388 IMG 13 EMSF_001 ts IMG 59 [ms note: 'Greeting Card'].____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 59. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 106____kuyaashaa jadi baa phele (RBVBMS_008)____
The mountains dream of a golden age when they were birds with wings and a voice.EMSF_001 IMG 24 ts, IMG 30 ts, IMG 36 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
The movement of lifeRBVBMS_119A IMG 14.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 227Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The muscle that hasRBVBMS_008 IMG 41. RBVBMS_026 IMG 14. RBVBMS_248A IMG 32 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 34 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 4. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 9. EMSF_009 ts IMG 59.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 156. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 54____________
The music of the far-away summerRBVBMS_008 IMG 18. RBVBMS_026 IMG 19. RBVBMS_119A IMG 21 'far away summer'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 29. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 15. RBVBMS_388 IMG 12 EMSF_001 ts IMG 52.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 104.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The mystery of creationRBVBMS_119A IMG 37.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 14Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The name she called me by, like a flourishing jasmine, covered the whole seventeen years of our love.RBVBMS_312 ts IMG 11 'For seventeen years I was known to her before she left me./ And the name by which she called me grew in the air of our solitary meetings'.____The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 24Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)satero bachar, lipikaa____
The neighbouring stars are pilgrimsRBVBMS_387C IMG 5. RBVBMS_388 IMG 36____________aakaashe jugal taaraa cale saathe saathe (RBVBMS_387C)____
The New Year: Like fruit, shaken free____VBN May 1939. VBN April 1976. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936), p. 455translation of 2 stanzas of barsha she, kalpanaa : he durdam, he nishcit and ebaar aasoni tumi____
The news of my loveRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 175. HRVD_014 ts IMG 5.________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 3geetocchwaas, karhi o komalAnother version Lover's Gift 30
The night darkenedHRVD_001 IMG 157-8 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 40-1. HRVD_003 ts IMG 40-1.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 51Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)takhan raatri aandhaar hala: aagaman (kheyaa: 1313, 1906)Variants: 'Someone has said' [IS] 'Some one has said' [M]
The night deepens [See Fugitive 1919(?) 20]RBVBMS_089(i) IMG 32. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 15.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 20. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 18Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)maanas sundaree, sonaar taree: rajanee gabheer hola, lines 314f____
The night has dawned, the road is ended.EMSF_022 IMG 14 [in pencil, marked as no. 6].________________[not in EW].
The night has ended./Put out the light of the lamp____VBN January 1933. [IMG in Bichitra archive].Appendix of paarashya jaatree (1985 ed.), address no. VIII. Reply to the Welcome by the Emperor of Persia: I heartily thank your Majesty for the kind invitation to your kingdom 25 May 1932. Rabeendra-Racanaabalee, Vol. 16, West Bengal Government edition____bhor halo bibhaabari: gitabitaan, puja 270See Prose List.
The night has the silence of all worldsRBVBMS_077 IMG 19.____________________
The night is dark and your slumber is deepRBVBMS_001 IMG 35 'The night is dark and [you sleep alone] {your slumber is deep} in the [secret] {hush} of my being.' RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 28. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 25. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 26. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XXIV IMG 15-16. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 16. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 29.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 24Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)mor hridayer gopan bijan ghare, geetaali 50____
The night is nearly spent waiting for himHRVD_002 ts IMG 52 [title: 'Awakening']. HRVD_003 ts IMG 52 [title and first line as above].____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 47Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)path cheye to kaatlo nishi: jaagaran (kheyaa: 1313, 1906)____
The night is upon me. [see also Crossing No. 14 'In the night when noise is tired']RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 62. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 12. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 59 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 99 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 31gabheera rajanee naamila, geetabitaan pujaa 256____
The night kisses the fading day whispering to his ear, 'I am death, your mother. I am to give you fresh birth.'RBVBMS_119A IMG 24. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 214 'The night kisses the face of the fading day and gently says, 'I am death, your mother. Do not fear me, I am to give you fresh birth.'', IMG 215 'The night kisses the face of the fading day and [gently says]{whispers to its ears}, 'I am death, your mother. [Do not fear me], I am to give you fresh birth [ms note 259].A variant readingof this poem , 'The night kissed the departing day and whispered' appeared in MR, November 1913 along with other poems of Kanikaa under the heading 'Poems.' [IMG in Bichitra archive].Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 119.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)cira nabeenataa, kanikaa____
The night of love has come into my house, O thou Beautiful!RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 18. RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 47 'The festive night has come into my house, O thou Beautiful!' IMG 48 'The [festive] night {of love} has come into my house, O thou Beautiful!' [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 95 [1st line as RBVBMS_369(iii) above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 24 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].ms note: 'Rabeendra beeksha- 17.' RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987) .________ohe sundara mama grwihe aaji, geetabitan prem 187EW Vol. IV
The night opensRBVBMS_119A IMG 13. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 214, IMG 215 both 'The night comes secretly to open the buds' [ms note 259, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.].____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 157.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The night though near is not knownRBVBMS_102 IMG 76____________kaacher baati dekhite____
The night was dark when she went away [See 'The Recall', The Crescent Moon no. 33]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The night's flowerRBVBMS_119A IMG 7.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 270Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The night's lonelinessRBVBMS_008 IMG 40. RBVBMS_388 IMG 28.____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 149____________
The night's silenceRBVBMS_119A IMG 22.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 251Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The noise of the moment________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 96Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The noonday air is quivering, like gauzy wings of a dragon-fly.RBVBMS_001 IMG 78 'In the midday sun the air is quivering, like gauzy wings of a monster moth' [full text crossed out]. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 14, IMG 24 'dragon fly'. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 52, IMG 61 [1st line as RBVBMS_040 above]. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XIV IMG 8. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 14 IMG 14. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 15. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XIV IMG 14. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 16 [1st line as RBVBMS_040 above]. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 54 [Lover's Gift] IMG 60. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 62 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 171 [only stanza 2, 'Ah, these bird songs--for ages they are passing into our beings', IMG 172 'In the midday sun the hot air is quivering'. HRVD_019 IMG 32 ts 'In the midday sun the hot air is quivering, like the gauzy wings of a monster moth', with the title 'Bird-songs.'____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 55____kuhu dhwani, maanasee____
The nose thinks, 'Poor ears can never smell, they are for hanging ear-drops.'RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 216 [ms note 269, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.]. HRVD_018 ts IMG 23.________________[not in EW].
The Oarsmen: Do you hear the tumult of death afarRBVBMS_001 IMG 121-123 'Do you hear the roar of death through the listening hush of distance, and that awful call midst the fire-flood' [no title]. RBVBMS_305B [Lover's Gift] IMG 32-30 [in ms, reverse order, 1st line as above, no title].First printed version in 'The Times' (28 Jan. 1916) titled 'The Oarsmen'Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 84Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)dur hote ki shunis, balaakaa 37____
The obsequious brushRBVBMS_008 IMG 42. RBVBMS_026 IMG 23. RBVBMS_027 IMG 56 'The brutal brush curtails truth'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 96. RBVBMS_248A IMG 68 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 70 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 11. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 18 'obse[a]qious' [sic]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 29 EMSF_001 ts IMG 59.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 167. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 125____________
The odour cries in the budRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 68. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 65. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 66. RBVBMS_306C ts no. LVII IMG 43. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 41. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 25 'From the bud the odour cries'. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 26. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 133, IMG 134. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 8 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 37-8 'From in the bud, the odour cries' [words transposed] [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_005 IMG 85.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 60Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)knurhir bhitar knaadiche gandha, utsarga 9____
The One moves towards the ManyRBVBMS_077 IMG 19.____________________
The one without secondRBVBMS_008 IMG 47. RBVBMS_219 IMG 97 'The one in its solitude is emptiness'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 28 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 30 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 8. RBVBMS_388 IMG 34 EMSF_001 ts IMG 59 [as RBVBMS_219 above]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 58.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 224. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 46____ekaa ek shunya maatra____
The Outcast: They are turned away from the temple-gatesEMSF_036 ts IMG 2-9.____________EMSF_036 ts IMG 2 note: 'patraput-panero'.by Tagore ? Many changes in Tagore's hand. [Not in EW]. Possibly by Khitish Roy, The VBQ, November 1938 [reference provided by Sankha Ghosh].
The overflowing bounty of thy grace [See 'Fulfilment']________________________
The owl takes every opportunity to proclaimRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 206, IMG 207 [ms note 236, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.]. HRVD_006 ts IMG 50. HRVD_007 ts IMG 48.EMSF_029 IMG 111 [title: 'Sparks from the Anvil [From the Bengali of Rabindranath Tagore].' MR, April 1912, p. 351, printed page, no corrections. Printedalong with other poems of Kanikaa, under the heading 'Sparks from the Anvil.'] [IMG in Bichitra archive]________shatrutaa gaurab, kanikaa[not in EW].
The pain was greatRBVBMS_001 IMG 43. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 57. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 53. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 55. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XLVI IMG 36. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 35. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 37.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 49Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jakhan tumi bnaadhchile taar, geetaali 17____
The palanquin came to take me awayRBVBMS_113 IMG 25 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 73____III. 26. aayau din gaune kaa ho: KS Kabir____
The path is the same, for that which goesRBVBMS_102 IMG 77____________jaawa aasaar ek-i se path____
The perfect decks itself________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 62Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The pet dog suspectsEMSF_035 ts IMG 34.RBVBMS_077 IMG 14 'The dog suspects'.Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 189Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The phantoms of facesRBVBMS_387B IMG 25 [another version, crossed out]____________baaul bale____
The picture - a memory of lightRBVBMS_008 IMG 15. RBVBMS_026 IMG 24. RBVBMS_027 IMG 51.RBVBMS_219 IMG 98 'The picture--a magic of light'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 73 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 75 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 12. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 19. RBVBMS_388 IMG 10 'The picture - a [memory] {magic} of light' EMSF_001 ts IMG 59 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 41. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 135____aaloker smriti (RBVBMS_008)____
The pictures of the tenderRBVBMS_387B IMG 22 [another version, crossed out]____________kathiner buke____
The pilgrim achieved his journey to a garrulous successRBVBMS_024 IMG 57____________siddhipaare gelen jaatri (RBVBMS_024)____
The pilgrims are afraid ['The Child' 7]RBVBMS_223 IMG 9-10, IMG 19-20 ts [running prose, title: The New Comer 7], IMG 29-30 ts [title: The Babe]. EMSF_002 IMG 12-13 ts [Title: The Babe, no. 7], IMG 23-5 ts [title: The new Comer VII [sic]. This section also has the no. 'VIII' typed above the text on IMG 24 which begins with 'and men hide their faces in their hands'. Error], IMG 34-6 ts [Title: The New Comer, VII. Same numbering error as above], IMG 44-5 ts 'The pilgrims are pale with fear.' [title: He is Eternal, He is Newly Born, no numbering or part division, running prose] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2].____The Child (London: Allen and Unwin, 1931)____Not translation____
The Piper pipes in the centre, hidden from sightEMSF_007 IMG 9 ts [no title, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring'], IMG 40 ts [no title, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring''].____________?moraa chalbo naa (phaalgunee)[not in EW].
The poet broke out singing, O listen to meRBVBMS_001 IMG 64________________[not in EW].
The poet thinks aloneRBVBMS_077 IMG 19.____________________
The poet windRBVBMS_119A IMG 11.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 76Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The poet's mind floats and dancesRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 27. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 24. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 25. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XXIII IMG 15. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 7. EMSF_011 IMG 11 'Clasping the drifting pen to its breast the poet's mind floats and dances'.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 23____bhelaar mato buke taani, geetimaalya 38____
The pond sends upRBVBMS_008 IMG 40. RBVBMS_026 IMG 14 'The bottom of the pond'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 30 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 32 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 4 'The bottom of the pond'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 8 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 28 [1st line as above, item crossed out]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 59 [1st line as above]..VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 50________Slight variant in Lekhan
The power that boasts________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 115.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The prelude of the nightRBVBMS_119A IMG 38.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 320Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The prudent bee must have honey from the flowerRBVBMS_371 IMG 2v, IMG 2r [crossed out]. EMSF_001 IMG 13 ts 'The prudent bee [must have] {draws out} honey' [item crossed out.], IMG 37 ts IMG 41 ts [item crossed out][folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988). Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
The rain fell fast [Another version 'Loud rumbles the cloud in the sky']RBVBMS_098 IMG 45.____The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 17Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)sonaar taree, sonaar taree____
The rain has held back for days and daysHRVD_001 IMG 143.HRVD_002 ts IMG 36. HRVD_003 ts IMG 36.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 40Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)dirghakaal anaabrishti ati dirghokaal (naibedya: 1308, 1901)____
The rainbow among the cloudsRBVBMS_008 IMG 49 [MS notebook titled 'lekhan'. English version follows the Bengali original]. RBVBMS_248A IMG 88 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 90 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 23.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 163____jata barha hok indradhanu, sphulinga 201____
The raindrop whisperedRBVBMS_119A IMG 15.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 237Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The raindrops kissed the earthRBVBMS_119A IMG 8 'The raindrops kiss the earth'. EMSF_035 ts IMG 27.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 160Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The rains sweep the sky from end to endRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 36. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 36. RBVBMS_060 IMG 22. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 34 'The rain sweeps the sky'.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 34____________
The Rainy Day: Sullen clouds are gathering fast________The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 18Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)neel nabaghane aashaarh-gagane: aashaarh (kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)____
The razor blade is proudRBVBMS_008 IMG 22. RBVBMS_026 IMG 28. RBVBMS_027 IMG 44 'The glitter on the razor blade laughs at the morning sun' [two other attempts at translation doodled over on the same page]. RBVBMS_248A IMG 87 'razor-blade' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 89 'razor-blade' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 15. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 22 'razor-blade'. RBVBMS_388 IMG 32VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 200. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 160. Begins 'The razor-blade'.____prabhaat aalore bidrup kare____
The real with its meaningRBVBMS_119A IMG 34.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 254Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The Recall: The night was dark when she went away________The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 33Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)sandhye hala griha andhakaar: aakul aahwaan (shishu: 1310, 1903)Sen: The translation begins at the third stanza ('Aandhaar raate chale geli tui')
The reed asks the lake to keep strict account of the dews he contributes.RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 208, IMG 209 [ms note 244, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.].________________[not in EW].
The reed waits for his Master's breathRBVBMS_008 IMG 21. RBVBMS_026 IMG 26. RBVBMS_027 IMG 43. RBVBMS_219 IMG 100. RBVBMS_248A IMG 83 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 85 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 21 'Masters'. RBVBMS_388 IMG 14. EMSF_001 ts IMG 60 'waits for Master's breath'.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 70. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 152____guneer laagiyaa bnaashi (RBVBMS_008)____
The right to possess foolishlyRBVBMS_008 IMG 43. RBVBMS_026 IMG 30. RBVBMS_219 IMG 102. RBVBMS_248A IMG 96 'The right to possess boasts foolishly' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 98 'The right to possess boasts foolishly' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 16. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 25. RBVBMS_388 IMG 30 EMSF_001 ts IMG 60.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 179. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 179____________
The river and its wavesRBVBMS_113 IMG 10 'The river and its waves are one, {Sir,}' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 14____II. 56. dariyaa kee lahar dariyaao hai jee: KS Kabir____
The river changes its bedRBVBMS_027 IMG 55____________nadee bahe jaay____
The river divided in to two streamsEMSF_001 IMG 12 [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
The river is grey and the air dazedRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 27. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 13.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 15. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 23Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aakaankshaa, maanasee____
The road is lonelyRBVBMS_077 IMG 18.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 114Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The road is my wedded companionRBVBMS_001 IMG 32. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 20, IMG 30. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 46, IMG 53. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XX IMG 11. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 20 IMG 21. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 20. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XX IMG 18. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 23. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 46 [Lover's Gift] IMG 53. RBVBMS_305H ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 21. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 26.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 47Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aami pathik, path aamaari saathee, geetaali 83____
The roots below the earth________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 134.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The rose is a great deal moreRBVBMS_008 IMG 43. RBVBMS_026 IMG 30. RBVBMS_219 IMG 103. RBVBMS_248A IMG 97 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 99 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 16. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 25. RBVBMS_388 IMG 30 EMSF_001 ts IMG 61 [ms note: 'Greeting Card']. EMSF_009 ts IMG 36.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 180. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 180____________
The rose no longer belongsRBVBMS_102 IMG 78____________baataase taar pratham paaprhi____
The sacrifice of leaves blossoms in flowersRBVBMS_460 IMG 2 [Accompanied by a letter from Kshitish Roy regarding provenance on IMG 13].________________[not in EW].
The sadness of my soulRBVBMS_119A IMG 23.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 98Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The Sailor: The boat of the boatman MadhuRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 93 [no title]. HRVD_005 IMG 23 [no title] [running prose translation] HRVD_015 ts IMG 15 [no title]. HRVD_016 ts IMG 15 [no title].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 20Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)madhu maajhir ai je naukaakhaanaa: naukaajaatraa (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
The same lotus of our climeRBVBMS_119A IMG 28.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 232Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)sei aamaader desher padma, sphulinga 245____
The same stream of life that runs through my veinsHRVD_001 IMG 127 'The same stream of life that courses through my veins'.HRVD_002 ts IMG 32 [as above]. HRVD_003 ts IMG 32 [as above].____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 69Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)e aamaar shareerer shiraay shiraay (naibedya: 1308, 1901)Sen lists line as 'Thy same stream of life'. This version in Das EW.
The same sun is newly bornRBVBMS_008 IMG 17. RBVBMS_026 IMG 18. RBVBMS_219 IMG 104. RBVBMS_248A IMG 51 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 53 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 8. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_388 IMG 11 EMSF_001 ts IMG 60.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]. VBN April 1962, May 1967, November 1968, May 1972 [IMG in Bichitra archive].Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 50. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 92____gagane gagane naba naba deshe____
The same voice murmurs [See Fireflies 2 'The voice of wayside pansies']RBVBMS_008 IMG 7. RBVBMS_026 IMG 7 . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 1. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 2. RBVBMS_388 IMG 4____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 2____aamaar likhan phute (RBVBMS_388)____
The same voice that finds form in leaves and flowers sings and dances in my lifeRBVBMS_375 IMG 16 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________he banaspati, je baanee____
The sands in your way beg for your songRBVBMS_119A IMG 19 'The [lame and mute] sands in [your] {[the]} {your} way[side]'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 7Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The Santal woman hurries up and downRBVBMS_185, IMG 31 [written on the margins of the Bengali original on folio]. EMSF_029 IMG 24-5.VBQ New Series, Vol I, part I: May-July 1935, titled The Santal Woman, MR, June 1935. [MR IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 96snaaotaal meye, bithikaa____
The savagery of slander poisons with liesRBVBMS_005 IMG 15. EMSF_001 IMG 22 ts, IMG 28 ts, IMG 34 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
The savour of wanderingRBVBMS_113 IMG 22 'The taste of wandering' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 60____I. 56. sukh sindh kee sair kaa: KS Kabir____
The scabbard is contentRBVBMS_077 IMG 15. RBVBMS_119A IMG 17 'The scabbard [sic] is content'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 89Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The scouts of a distant stormRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_077 IMG 24. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 7. RBVBMS_309B ts IMG 2.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 5Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The sea of dangerRBVBMS_008 IMG 17. RBVBMS_026 IMG 18. RBVBMS_219 IMG 130. RBVBMS_248A IMG 50 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 52 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 7. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_388 IMG 11VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 49. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 89____he mahaasaagar bipader lobhSlight variant in Lekhan
The sea raves and rages____VBN, March 1939. Reprinted in MR, May 1939. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____________[not in EW]
The sea smites his own barren breastRBVBMS_008 IMG 21. RBVBMS_026 IMG 27. RBVBMS_219 IMG 105. RBVBMS_248A IMG 84 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 86 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_388 IMG 31 EMSF_001 ts IMG 60.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 195. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 154____kaanan kusum-upahaar (RBVBMS_008)____
The sea writes in foam the cry of its wavesRBVBMS_048 IMG 2. RBVBMS_102 IMG 78 [appears to be the same folio as RBVBMS_048 IMG 2, including doodle]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 21 'The sea writes in foam again and again'.____Alokranjan Dasgupta, sundarer abhyarthanaa*From a photocopy of Tagore's autograph ms____sphulinga 102EW Vol. IV
The seat is not ready for her who is your life's fulfilmentEMSF_001 IMG 9 [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5. English follows Bengali original on folio].____________lakshmee jakhan aasbe takhan kothaay taare dibire thnaai?[not in EW].
The service of the fruitRBVBMS_119A IMG 33.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 217Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The shade of my tree is for passersbyRBVBMS_008 IMG 21. RBVBMS_026 IMG 26. RBVBMS_027 IMG 56. RBVBMS_219 IMG 106, IMG 107. RBVBMS_248A IMG 81 'trees' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 83 'trees' [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_388 IMG 31 EMSF_001 ts IMG 60 [item typed twice].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 193. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 149____nimeshkaaler atithi jaahaaraa (RBVBMS_388)____
The shadows of evening fallRBVBMS_113 IMG 14 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 23____II. 40. tinwir saanjh kaa gahiraa aawai: KS Kabir____
The shore whispersRBVBMS_008 IMG 31. RBVBMS_026 IMG 33. RBVBMS_248A IMG 109 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 111 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 28. RBVBMS_388 IMG 21 [Both Bengali and English text crossed out].VBQ January 1927. MR, June 1928 along with another poem under the heading 'Fire-Flies.'. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 121. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 202____saagarer kaane joyaar belaay____
The shy little pomegranate bud [See Fireflies 84 'Thy shy little pomegranate bud'. Another version 'While I stand here, a traveller' unpublished]RBVBMS_008 IMG 17. RBVBMS_026 IMG 17 'The {shy little}' .RBVBMS_219 IMG 99 'The pomegranate bud [that hides herself]{hidden} behind her veil'. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 7. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_388 IMG 11 EMSF_001 ts IMG 59 'The pomegranate bud hidden behind her veil'.____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 48____________
The shy shadow in the gardenRBVBMS_008 IMG 18. RBVBMS_026 IMG 19. RBVBMS_219 IMG 108 'The shy shadow among the whis tries [incomplete]. RBVBMS_248A IMG 56 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 58 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 15. RBVBMS_388 IMG 12. EMSF_001 ts IMG 60 'The shy shadow among the tries' [incomplete].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 57. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 103____laajuk chaayaa baner tale (RBVBMS_008)____
The sigh of the shoreRBVBMS_008 IMG 29. RBVBMS_026 IMG 29. RBVBMS_102 IMG 77 'The sorrow of the shore'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 109. RBVBMS_248A IMG 95 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 97 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 16. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 24. RBVBMS_388 IMG 19. EMSF_001 ts IMG 60.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 112. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 176____paarer tareer paaler haoyaar piche____
The sight of your face gives me life [See 'Translations from the Vaishnava poets IX']________________________
The signet ring of a primaeval friendship [See 'Farewell to Siam']________________________
The silent nightRBVBMS_119A IMG 40.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 298Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The sky gazes on its own endless blueRBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 52, IMG 65. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 45, IMG 52. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] LII IMG 30-1. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 42 IMG 45. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 51. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XLIX IMG 44. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 56. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 45 [Lover's Gift] IMG 52. RBVBMS_305H ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 20. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 46. EMSF_011 IMG 16 'The sky gazes upon its {own} endless blue'. EMSF_022 IMG 9 'The [great] sky gazes upon his {own} endlessness and dreams.' [in pencil].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 46____megh, kheyaa____
The sky keeps its page vacantRBVBMS_027 IMG 37____________aseem aakaash shunya prasaar raakhe____
The sky offers its infinity for the earthRBVBMS_219 IMG 111. EMSF_001 ts IMG 60.________________[not in EW].
The sky pours light into my heart [Speech heading: 'The Bird sings']EMSF_007 IMG 3 [in Tagore's hand] [text from the Cycle of Spring, titled Phalguni] IMG 7 ts [title: 'Song of the Bird' crossed out, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring'], IMG 36 ts 'The sky pours its light into our hearts' [title: 'Song of the Bird', running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring''].Sen p. 536: 'MR, Feb 1916, The Cycle of Spring, a synopsis of Phalguni together with translations of 13 songs from the play. For photographs of the performance of the play (1916) see plates facing pp. 343 and 354 in MR March 1916.'________aakaash aamaay bharla aaloy (phaalgunee)[not in EW].
The sky rains kisses, The earth returns it is flowersRBVBMS_375 IMG 29 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________aakaasher cumbanbrishtire (RBVBMS_375)____
The sky remains infinitely vacantRBVBMS_008 IMG 28. RBVBMS_026 IMG 28. RBVBMS_248A IMG 90 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 92 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 15. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 23. RBVBMS_388 IMG 14VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 72. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 166____aseem aakaash shunyaprasaari thaake (RBVBMS_008)____
The sky sets no snareRBVBMS_027 IMG 56. RBVBMS_219 IMG 113, IMG 114. RBVBMS_248A IMG 86 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 88 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 22. RBVBMS_375 IMG 10 'The sky never sets snare to capture {the} moon. The moon owns its bondage to the sky in freedom.' [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 32. EMSF_001 ts IMG 60 'sets no share [sic]' IMG 61.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 198. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 158____aakaash kabhu paatenaa phnaad (RBVBMS_388)Item split into two, the resultant item 'The light that fills the sky' marked as 171 and 170a in RBVBMS_248A and RBVBMS_248B respectively.
The sky tells its beadsRBVBMS_008 IMG 26. RBVBMS_026 IMG 23. RBVBMS_248A IMG 67 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 69 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 11. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 17. RBVBMS_388 IMG 18 [both Bengali and English text crossed out].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 100. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 122.____phuraaile dibaser paalaa (RBVBMS_008)____
The sky though holding in his arms his bride, the earth, is ever immensely away. [Title in MS: Fireflies 25]RBVBMS_008 IMG 10. RBVBMS_026 IMG 10 . RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 5.____________aakash dharaare bakshe (RBVBMS_008)[not in EW].
The sky, though holding in his [See Fireflies 24 'Though he holds in his arms']RBVBMS_388 IMG 6____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 16____________
The slave is busy making whips for his master.RBVBMS_005 IMG 14. EMSF_001 IMG 22 ts, IMG 28 ts, IMG 34 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
The sleep that flits on baby's eyes [See 'The Source' The Crescent Moon no. 3]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The sleep that flits on baby's eyes [see also 'Crescent Moon' poem title 'The Source']HRVD_001 IMG 175-6 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 47. HRVD_003 ts IMG 47.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 61Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)khokaar cokhe je ghum aase: khokaa (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
The small bird cries out in the nest of my heartRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 53. RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 53, IMG 54 [correction in both instances: 'The [wee] {small} bird cries out'], IMG 55 'The wee bird cries out' [Contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. HRVD_004 ts IMG 84 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].ms note: 'Rabeendra beeksha-17' RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________ke uthe daaki, geetabitaan prem 299EW Vol. IV
The small comes to the earth with heaven's hope of greatnessRBVBMS_005 IMG 13____________________
The small: Who is there but the sky, O sun____MR, September, 1912 [IMG in Bichitra archive]________haay gagan nahile, utsarga 12[not in EW]. Sen, source unchecked
The smell of the wet earth________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 311Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The Snapped Chain: With the piece of a snapped chainRBVBMS_210, IMG 53. BMSF_078 ts IMG 13 [no title].VBQ New Series Vol. IX, part I: May-July 1943. Reprinted in MR, October 1943 [MR IMG in Bichitra archive]. VBQ New Series, Vol XIV, part III: November 1948-January 1949 'With the piece of the snapped chain'.________chinna shikal paaye niye, mayaar khelaa. Only title in Sen]EW Vol. IV
The soil feeds the treeRBVBMS_387C IMG 4____________________
The soil in returnRBVBMS_008 IMG 39. RBVBMS_026 IMG 11. RBVBMS_248A IMG 17 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 19 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 5. RBVBMS_388 IMG 27 'The soil [in return for her service] {feeds the tree}'.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 138. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 28____mrwittikaa khoraakee diye, sphulinga 197, Bengali not in Lekhan____
The Son of Man: From His eternal seatEMSF_005 ts IMG 3VBN, December 1934. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936), p. 453maanabputra, punascha 1932____
The song feels the infiniteRBVBMS_119A IMG 14.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 204Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The song in its tuneRBVBMS_077 IMG 16.____________________
The song is for a few momentsRBVBMS_375 IMG 21 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________________
The Song of the Defeated: My Master has bid meRBVBMS_077 IMG 21 'My master has asked of me'. HRVD_019 IMG 5 ts 'My master bids me' [ms note. 'These have been sent to The Times'].Original version appeared in MR, October 1916Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 85Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)The Song of the Defeated (probably originally written in English: Das)____
The song that I came to sing remains unsungHRVD_005 IMG 131.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 13Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)hetha je gaan gaaite ashaa aamaar (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
The sorrow that I have forgotten are starsRBVBMS_375 IMG 11 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________je byathaa bhuliyaa gechi paraanera tale (RBVBMS_375)____
The Source: The sleep that flits on baby's eyesHRVD_001 IMG 175-6 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 47. HRVD_003 ts IMG 47.____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 3Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)khokaar cokhe je ghum aase: khokaa (shishu: 1310, 1903)Sen notes: Published before in Gitanjali (no. 61) with the following difference: Gitanjali 'timid buds of enchantment,; The Crescent Moon: 'Shy buds of enchantment.'
The sparrow is sorryRBVBMS_077 IMG 14. RBVBMS_119A IMG 11.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 58Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bhaar, kanikaa____
The spirit of death is one [See Stray Birds 84 'In death the many becomes one']RBVBMS_008 IMG 47. RBVBMS_248A IMG 37 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 39 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 10. RBVBMS_388 IMG 34. EMSF_001 IMG 6 'In death Many becomes one' [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 60.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 226. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 64____mrityur dharmai ek, sphulinga 84____
The spirit of work in creationRBVBMS_026 IMG 32. RBVBMS_248A IMG 102 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 104 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 17. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 26. EMSF_009 ts IMG 41.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 189____________
The spotless white sails are unfurled and the breeze blows gently.RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 6. RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 56, IMG 57 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 20 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 6 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________RBVBMS_369(iii) ms note IMG 56r: 'legeche amala dhabala paale (?)/ (geetaanjali: 12)'EW Vol. IV
The spring comes out in hot gushesRBVBMS_375 IMG 15 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____Rabeendra-Racanaabalee, Vol. 16, West Bengal Government edition____jharanaa uthale dharaar hriday hate, sphulinga 97EW Vol. IV
The Spring Day like a sun-flower opened its heart [Title in MS: Fireflies 167]RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 15.________________[not in EW].
The spring day opened its heart like a sunflowerRBVBMS_026 IMG 28 .________________[not in EW].
The spring flowers break outRBVBMS_112 IMG 7. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 30, IMG 34. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 30 [Lover's Gift] IMG 34. HRVD_014 IMG 005.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 30____geetocchaas, karhi o komalFor a different version see Poems, no. 2 (Das EW)
The Spring flowers have woven my wreath of victoryEMSF_007 IMG 16 ts [no title, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring']____________basante phul gnaathla, phaalgunee[not in EW].
The spring with its leaves and flowersRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 81. RBVBMS_113 IMG 34 'In my body has come the spring with all its leaves and flowers'[written on flipped page] [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 77. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 79. RBVBMS_306C ts no. LXVIII IMG 51. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 21-2 'The spring has come into my body with its leaves and flowers.' HRVD_004 ts IMG 32-3 '{The spring has come into} [Into] my body [has come the spring]' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 73Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)utsab, citraa____
The stars are not afraidRBVBMS_077 IMG 19. RBVBMS_119A IMG 17.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 48Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The stars crowd roundRBVBMS_026 IMG 13'The crowd of stars in the night [points out] her loneliness'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 38 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 40 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 3 'The crowd of stars in the night point to her loneliness' [variant, ms note: 'cf. no 68*/ le. 21']. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 10. EMSF_009 ts IMG 60.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 67____________
The storm is like the cryRBVBMS_119A IMG 10.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 221Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The storm of the last nightRBVBMS_119A IMG 39.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 294Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The storm seeks the shortest roadRBVBMS_119A IMG 19.________________[not in EW]
The stream of truthRBVBMS_077 IMG 17.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 243Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)eki path, kanikaa____
The sun breaks out from the cloudsRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 5. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 5. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 3.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 1____ebaar aamaar jaabaar samay holo, geetabitaan pujaa 577____
The sun brings from across the darkRBVBMS_371 IMG 8.RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988) Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.Rabeendra-Racanaabalee, Vol. 16, West Bengal Government edition. Variant version.____sphulinga 7EW Vol. IV
The sun goes to crossRBVBMS_119A IMG 28.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 39Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The sun had set on the western margin of the river among the tangle of the forest.RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 72-4. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 69-70. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 70-2. RBVBMS_306C ts no. LXI IMG 46-8. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 44-5. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 29-30. HRVD_005 IMG 115-119 'On the western margin of the Saraswati among dense tangle of dark forest shades the sun had set.' [title: 'The Brahmin'] HRVD_006 ts IMG 47-49 [1st line as above]. HRVD_007 ts IMG 45-7 [as above].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 64Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)braahman, kathaa____
The sun has his simpleRBVBMS_119A IMG 35.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 112.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The sun shines, the rain pours downEMSF_029 ts IMG 46.VBQ Vol I No. 2: July 1923, VBN September 1939, VBN, September 1978. [IMG in Bichitra archive]. Sen p. 546: 'Included in 'A Masque of Earth and Man' by Arthur Geddes, published in this issue [i.e. VBQ Vol1, No.2 Jul 1923]. These 'songs were specially translated by the poet himself for this article' [Sen does not provide sources for his quotation]'.____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 44aamraa cash kari aanande, acalaayatan____
The sun shone on a far-away morning [See 'Boro Budur']________________________
The Sun stands at the gate of the east, his drum of victory sounding in the sky. [Speech heading: 'Last quatrain of the Wise Man']EMSF_007 IMG 6 [in Tagore's hand] [text from the Cycle of Spring, titled Phalguni], IMG 17 ts 'Victory to thee, victory for ever' [no title, almost another version, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring'].Sen p. 536: 'MR, Feb 1916, The Cycle of Spring, a synopsis of Phalguni together with translations of 13 songs from the play. For photographs of the performance of the play (1916) see plates facing pp. 343 and 354 in MR March 1916.'________soorjya ela poorbadwaare, phaalgunee[not in EW].
The sun went down in a blaze of blushRBVBMS_305G ts no. 18 [Lover's Gift] IMG 19.________________[not in EW].
The sun's kissRBVBMS_008 IMG 44. RBVBMS_026 IMG 35. RBVBMS_219 IMG 115. RBVBMS_248A IMG 115 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 117 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 20. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 29. RBVBMS_388 IMG 32 EMSF_001 ts IMG 61.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 204. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 213____________
The sunflower blushedRBVBMS_119A IMG 21 'The [rose] {sunflower} blushed'. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 16.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 172.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)(based on) kutumbitaa bicaar, kanikaaStray Birds 53 'While the glass lamp' based on the same Bengali original, more faithful translation.
The sunlight opens for me the world's gateRBVBMS_026 IMG 38 'The sunlight opened for me the gate of this world'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 126 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 128 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 32.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 232________[not in EW].
The suns have floated up, like definite bubbles from the deep of the infinite vague.RBVBMS_371 IMG 3v. EMSF_001 IMG 13 ts, IMG 23 ts 'from the infinite vague' IMG 29 ts [as above] IMG 35 ts [as above], IMG 37 ts, IMG 41 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988). Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
The sunshine greets meRBVBMS_119A IMG 17.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 180Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The tame bird was in a cageRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 26-7, IMG 28-9. RBVBMS_391 IMG 2 'The wild bird was in the forest' [written on the flyleaf of The Gardener, Macmillan 1919]. HRVD_006 ts IMG 32. HRVD_007 ts IMG 33.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 6Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)khnachaar paakhi chila: dui paakhi (sonaar taree: 1301, 1894)____
The tapestry of life's storyRBVBMS_008 IMG 45. RBVBMS_026 IMG 40. RBVBMS_219 IMG 45 'Life's tapestry is woven'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 123 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 125 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 31. RBVBMS_388 IMG 33. EMSF_001 ts IMG 54 [as RBVBMS_219 above]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 51.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 212. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 228____________
The things that get lost I watch them with sleepless eyes, with my doors shut.RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 58 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 55 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4].RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________jaa haariye jaay taa aagle base, geetaanjali 40EW Vol. IV
The thirsty ass went to the brink of the lake____MR, November 1913, along with other poems of Kanikaa, under the heading 'Poems.' [Note: 'Englished by the poet himself'] [IMG in Bichitra archive]________alpa jaanaa o beshi jaanaa, kanikaa[not in EW]
The Thorn in his point has a logic of fact [Title in MS: Fireflies 72]RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 11 [ms insertion with cross alongside, entire page crossed through].________________[not in EW].
The thunder grumbled, 'Clouds get credit for my roarsRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 210, IMG 211 [ms note 247, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.].________________[not in EW].
The time is past when I could repay herRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 55. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 51. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 53. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XLIV IMG 35.RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 34. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 55. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 24. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 124, IMG 125. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 51 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 89 'is past {when} I could' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_006 ts IMG 37. HRVD_007 ts IMG 38. HRVD_019 IMG 36 ts, IMG 53 ts.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 46Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)se jakhan bnecechila go, smaran 2____
The time that my journey takes is longHRVD_001 IMG 101 'The time of my journey is vast and the way long'.HRVD_002 ts IMG 24-5 [as above]. HRVD_003 ts IMG 24-5 [as above].____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 12Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)anek kaaler jaatraa aamaar (geetimaalya: 1321, 1914)____
The touch of the nameless days________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 106.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)kuyaashaa jadi baa phele____
The tree bears its thousand yearsRBVBMS_008 IMG 29. RBVBMS_026 IMG 29. RBVBMS_248A IMG 93 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 95 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 16. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 24 'thousands of years'. RBVBMS_388 IMG 15VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 77. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 172____mahaataru bahe bahu barsher bhaar (RBVBMS_008)____
The tree gazes in loveRBVBMS_008 IMG 9. RBVBMS_026 IMG 9. RBVBMS_248A IMG 9 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 11 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_219 IMG 116. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 3. RBVBMS_388 IMG 5 EMSF_001 ts IMG 61.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 8. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 10____sundaree chaayaar paane / taru caahe bhaalobese (RBVBMS_248B)Printed as part of no. 9 in 1st ed. of Fireflies (wrongly, according to Das EW). Separated in ms, with nos. 17 and 16a assigned by hand in RBVBMS_248A and RBVBMS_248B respectively.
The tree is a winged spiritRBVBMS_008 IMG 49 [MS notebook titled 'lekhan']. RBVBMS_248A IMG 114 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 116 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 29.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 211____________
The tree is of todayRBVBMS_008 IMG 24. RBVBMS_026 IMG 18 'The branch is of today'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 53 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 55 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 8 'The branch is of to-day'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_388 IMG 17VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 91. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 95. Begin 'The tree is of to-day'.____briksha se to aadhunik____
The tree keeps secret its debt to the dustRBVBMS_371 IMG 6. EMSF_001 IMG 17 ts, IMG 22 ts, IMG 28 ts, IMG 34 ts IMG 39 ts, IMG 44 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
The tree pursues a purposeEMSF_025 ts IMG 5, IMG 6 [contents note on IMG 1 gives title as 'On Art and Aesthetic', IMG 5 dated 'Santiniketan/ September 11, 1938.', autographed].____Rabindranath Tagore on Art and Aesthetics: A Selection of Lectures, Essays and Letters (Inter-National Cultural Centre, 1961) [Titled 'My Mistress of the Line']____parechi aaj rekhaar maayaay, sesh saptak 16EW Vol. IV
The trees come upRBVBMS_119A IMG 27. EMSF_035 ts IMG 9.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 31Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The trees, like longings of the earthRBVBMS_119A IMG 20 'like the longings'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 41Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The trembling leavesRBVBMS_119A IMG 30.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 262Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The true Name is like none other nameRBVBMS_113 IMG 27 'The true name is like none other' [printed first lines are later insertions at top of page] [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 80____III. 69. satta naam hai sab ten nyaaraa: KS Kabir____
The trumpet lies in the dustRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 38-9. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 35-6 'Thy trumpet'. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 36-7. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XXXIII IMG 22-3. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 24-5 [1st line as 306(A) above]. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 12-13 [1st line as above]. HRVD_019 IMG 51 ts 'Let the shafts of awakening fly piercing the heart of night and a thrill of dread shake the palsied blindness. I have come to raise thy trumpet from the dust.' IMG 54 [title: 'The Trumpet'].First printed version in 'The Times' (26 Oct. 1914) titled 'The Trumpet'Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 35Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tomaar shankha, balaakaa 4____
The two separated shoresRBVBMS_008 IMG 12. RBVBMS_026 IMG 17. RBVBMS_027 IMG 37 'The sea separates the shores'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 46 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 48 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 6. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 12. RBVBMS_388 IMG 8VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 25. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 81____dui teere taar biraha ghataaye____
The tyrant claims freedomRBVBMS_008 IMG 40. RBVBMS_026 IMG 12. RBVBMS_219 IMG 117, IMG 118. RBVBMS_248A IMG 24 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 26 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 3. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 6. RBVBMS_388 IMG 28. EMSF_001 ts IMG 61 [item typed twice]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 15, IMG 57.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 147. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 38____________
The Unheeded Pageant: Ah, who was it coloured that________The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 5Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tomaar katitater dhati: khela (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
The Unnamed Child: She is a child of six months [Translation by Tagore of a poem by Devendranath Sen]____MR, May 1916 [IMG in Bichitra archive]____________EW Vol. IV
The unseen darkRBVBMS_026 IMG 33. RBVBMS_248A IMG 134 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 136 [Printed book pages].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 249____________
The vast silence breathlessly waits through the night for the flutter of wings in a bird's nest [Possibly another version: 'My nest-weary wings fluttered']EMSF_001 IMG 15 ms 'The vast silence {breathlessly} waits through the night for the flutter[ing] {of} wings [of a small] {in a} bird's nest.' IMG 19 ts, IMG 25 ts, IMG 31 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
The Vedas say that the UnconditionedRBVBMS_113 IMG 25 'that the [unrelated] {immanifest}' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 75____III. 55. ved kaahinee e sargun ke aage: KS Kabir____
The voice of the deep does not reachRBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 82 [text crossed out]________________[not in EW].
The voice of wayside pansiesRBVBMS_008 IMG 7 'same voice murmurs'. RBVBMS_026 IMG 7. RBVBMS_248A IMG 5 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 7 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 1 'The same voice murmurs'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 2 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 4 [1st line as above]VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 2____aamaar likhan phute (RBVBMS_248A, RBVBMS_248B)/je jhumkophul phote pather dhaare (RBVBMS_248B)____
The wall breaks asunder, light, like divine laughter, bursts in.RBVBMS_001 IMG 46 'The wall [is broken,] {breaks asunder,} [the] light {like divine laughter bursts} in' [full text crossed out]. EMSF_029 IMG 15 'The wall breaks asunder, the light bursts in with the laughter of fearless life' [dated 'Feb. 2. 1916'].VBN May 1961. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 39Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bhengecha duyaar, geetaali 101____
The war drums are soundedEMSF_029 IMG 29, IMG 84 ts [dated 'Santiniketan, translated on 5.1.38', ms note: 'See the revised version'], IMG 85.EMSF_029 IMG 85 ms note: 'To 'New statesman' and 'Nation''. VBQ New Series, Vol IV, part I: May 1938, titled Worshippers of Buddha, Reprinted in MR, June 1938. [MR IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 103juddher daamaamaa uthla beje, patraput 17____
The wasp thinksRBVBMS_077 IMG 13. RBVBMS_119A IMG 7. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 208, IMG 209 both 'The wasp murmured in contempt' [ms note 242, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.].____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 201Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)____[not in EW].
The water in a vessel is sparklingRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 217 [ms note 275]. HRVD_018 ts IMG 22.A variant of this poem, 'The water in the pitcher is bright and transparent' appeared in MR, November 1913 along with other poems of Kanikaa under the heading 'Poems.' [IMG in Bichitra archive]Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 176Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)asphuta o Parisphuta, kanikaa____
The waterfall singsRBVBMS_077 IMG 17 'The waterfall says'. RBVBMS_119A IMG 15.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 36Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The weak can be terribleRBVBMS_008 IMG 41. RBVBMS_026 IMG 15. RBVBMS_219 IMG 119, IMG 120. RBVBMS_248A IMG 36 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 38 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 5. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_388 IMG 28 EMSF_001 ts IMG 61 [item typed twice]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 60.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 159. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 62____________
The wedding hour is in the twilightRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 15. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 15. RBVBMS_060 IMG 5. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 30-1 'The twilight hour of the wedding is near'. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 10-11 [1st line as RBVBMS_308A above]. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 28 [1st line as 308A above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 46-7 [1st line as 308A above] [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 13____godhuli lagna, kheyaa____
The Wicked Postman: Why do you sit there on the floor so quiet and silent, tell me, mother dear?RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 97 [no title]. HRVD_005 IMG 19-21 [no title] 'Why do you sit so quiet and silent, mother dear?' [running prose translation] HRVD_015 ts IMG 13-14 [no title, 1st line as above]. HRVD_016 ts IMG 13-14 [no title, 1st line as above].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 30Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aman kare aachis kena maa go: byaakul (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
The wind brings the callRBVBMS_219 IMG 121. EMSF_001 ts IMG 62.________________[not in EW].
The wind is out on the seaRBVBMS_077 IMG 19.____________________
The wind is up, I set my sail of songsRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 7. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 7. RBVBMS_103 IMG 9 'The breeze of the night stirs my sails, my songs'. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 5. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 5 [1st line as RBVBMS_103 above]. EMSF_022 IMG 15 [in pencil, marked as no. 9]. HRVD_019 IMG 63 ts [1st line as RBVBMS_103 above].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 3____haoya laage gaaner paale, geetimaalya 76____
The wind of heaven blowsRBVBMS_008 IMG 14 'Breezes come from the sky'. RBVBMS_026 IMG 15. RBVBMS_248A IMG 36 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 38 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 5 'Breezes come from the sky'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 10 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 9 'Breezes come from the sky'. EMSF_009 ts IMG 60 [1st line as above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 63____aakaashe uthila baataas____
The wine can pass from one cup to anotherRBVBMS_077 IMG 16.____________________
The wise know how to teachRBVBMS_026 IMG 31. RBVBMS_248A IMG 98 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 100 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 17. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 25 'wise knows' [sic].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 182____________
The wise man mournfully shakes his headRBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 59 'The wise [old] man' [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations'. First line crossed out: '[I [wander]{go about} and sing many a song in many an assembly of men]].RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________naanaa gaan geye phiri, utsarga (sangjojan 7)EW Vol. IV
The woman who is parted from her lover spinsRBVBMS_113 IMG 32 'The woman {separated from her lover} spins' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 92____III. 110. carkhaa calai surat virahin kaa: KS Kabir____
The woodcutter's axeRBVBMS_077 IMG 15 'The {woodcutter's} axe'.A variant reading of this poem, 'The axe begged humbly,'O thou mighty oak'' appeared in MR, November 1913 along with other poems of Kanikaa under the heading 'Poems.' [IMG in Bichitra archive]Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 71Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)raashtraneeti, kanikaa____
The word takes its life from the hidden thought.RBVBMS_077 IMG 15.____________________
The words of the lost age shut in stoneRBVBMS_180A IMG 75 'lost age [are] shut in the stone'.____________________
The work finds its fulfilment in the depth of a leisure like the river in the sea. [Title in MS: Fireflies 88]RBVBMS_008 IMG 48. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 12. EMSF_001 IMG 6 '{True} Work is the activity of leisure as the waves are that of the stillness of the sea.' [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
The workman and his wife from the west countryRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 178-9, IMG 180-1 'The workman from the west country is busy digging, with his wife'. HRVD_005 IMG 109-11 'The workman from the west country {with his wife} [was] {are} digging'[divided into two parts, this line is no. I, No. II starts with 'One day I saw this naked boy'] HRVD_006 ts IMG 15-16 [poem divided into 2, separately numbered, as in Harvard 5 above]. HRVD_007 ts IMG 16-17 [poem division as above].____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 77Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)nadeeteere maati kaate saajaaite paanja: didi and ekdin dekhilaam ulanga se chele: parichay (both caitaalee: 1303, 1896)____
The world does not leakRBVBMS_119A IMG 10. EMSF_035 ts IMG 36.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 222Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The world ever knows [See Fireflies 110 'The world knows that the few']RBVBMS_008 IMG 19. RBVBMS_026 IMG 20 'The world ever knows' . RBVBMS_219 IMG 123 'The world hardly knows'. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 16. RBVBMS_388 IMG 13 EMSF_001 ts IMG 62 [as RBVBMS_219 above].____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 63____swalpa seo swalpa nay (RBVBMS_008)____
The world has kissed my soulRBVBMS_119A IMG 18.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 167.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The world has opened________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 149.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The world is an eternal question ever unfolding its answer from within itself.RBVBMS_371 IMG 7. EMSF_001 IMG 17 ts, IMG 44 ts [Item crossed out] IMG 40 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988) Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
The world is the ever changing foamRBVBMS_008 IMG 23. RBVBMS_026 IMG 17 'The world is {the everchanging} foam'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 125 'The world is the surging foam'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 45 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 47 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 6. RBVBMS_388 IMG 15 EMSF_001 ts IMG 62 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 81. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 80____stabdha atal shabdabiheen____
The world is yours at once and foreverRBVBMS_001 IMG 30. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 85. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 81. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 83. RBVBMS_306C ts no. LXXII IMG 53. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 52. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 24.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 77Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)nitya tomaar paayer kaache, balaakaa 31____
The world knows that the fewRBVBMS_008 IMG 19 'The world ever knows'. RBVBMS_026 IMG 20 'The world ever knows'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 123 'The world hardly knows'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 61 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 63 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 9 'The world ever knows'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 16 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 13 [1st line as above] EMSF_001 ts IMG 62 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 110____swalpa seo swalpa nayVariant in Lekhan poem 63
The world loved manRBVBMS_119A IMG 40.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 299Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The world puts off its maskRBVBMS_119A IMG 6. EMSF_035 ts IMG 3.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 3Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The world rushesRBVBMS_119A IMG 28.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 44Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
The world speaks the truth. [See Stray Birds 75 'We read the world wrong']RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 214, IMG 215 [ms note 260, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.].________________[not in EW].
The world speaks to meRBVBMS_026 IMG 23. RBVBMS_248A IMG 66 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 68 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 11. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 17.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 121____________
The world suffers mostRBVBMS_008 IMG 22. RBVBMS_026 IMG 16. RBVBMS_219 IMG 110 [crossed out, note: 'See nos. 120+121'], 126, 127. RBVBMS_248A IMG 43 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 45 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 6. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 12. RBVBMS_388 IMG 15 EMSF_001 ts IMG 62 [item typed twice, second instance has ms note: 'Greeting Card'].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]. Reprinted from VBQ in MR, October 1939 along with other poems of Fireflies under the title stray Thoughts Recalled [IMG in Bichitra archive].Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 80. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 75____hitaisheer swarthabeheen atyaacaar____
The world today is wild with the delirium of hatredRBVBMS_008, IMG 50-1 'The world seized by the fury'. RBVBMS_024 IMG 13-14 'The world seized by the fury of carnage' [another version of same original]. EMSF_029 ts IMG 47-8 [title: To Buddha].The original version, 'The world seized by the fury of carnage' appeared in VBQ Vol. V No.1: April 1927, titled To Buddha on His Birthday as well as MR, April 1927 as 'On the Birth Day of the Buddha.' VBN, July 1934. MR, August 1934, titled To Buddha. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 84buddhajanmotsab: hingsaay unmatta prithwee, parishesh, geetabitaan pujaa 406EW Vol. IV
The world's high roads are crowded,/ resounding with the roar of thy chariot wheels.RBVBMS_111 IMG 56.____________janagana-patha taba jayarathachakramukhara aaji[not in EW].
The worm thinks it strangeRBVBMS_008 IMG 26. RBVBMS_026 IMG 26. RBVBMS_219 IMG 128 'The worm thinks it foolish'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 80 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 82 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 21. RBVBMS_388 IMG 18. EMSF_001 ts IMG 62 [as RBVBMS_219 above, ms note: 'Greeting Card'].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 104. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 147____pnuthi-kaataa oi pokaa____
The wrong is in my thorns, not in my flowersRBVBMS_375 IMG 10 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________knaatate aamaar aparaadh aache____
The yellow bird sings in their treeRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 48 'We both live in the same village and that is our one place of joy./ The yellow bird', IMG 49 [as above]. HRVD_005 IMG 87 'in the same little village and that is our only happiness' HRVD_006 ts IMG 20-1 [1st line as above]. HRVD_007 ts IMG 21-2 [as above].____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 17Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aamra dujan ekti gnaaye thaki: ek gnaaye (kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)____
The yogi dyes his garmentsRBVBMS_113 IMG 23 'The yogi colours his robes' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 66____I. 20. man na rangaaye: KS Kabir____
The young pilgrim's eyes shone like the lamp in a lonely temple while he sat silent at the foot of the throne and picked up casual petals dropped from the rose in Queen's hair. [see also Fugitive 42 'The crowd came hurrying from Kashi']RBVBMS_217 IMG 15-16 'The young pilgrim's {eyes shone like the lamp in a lonely temple} {while he} sat silent at the foot of the throne and picked {up} casual petals dropped from the rose in Queen's hair.'VBQ, January 1926, titled 'The Wreath of Victory' [IMG in Bichitra archive]. VBN February, 1948, titled 'The Wreath of Victory'________maalaa, palaatakaaEW Vol. IV
Then finish the last song and let us leaveRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 118, IMG 119.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 51Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tabe shesh kore daao shesh gaan (gaaner bahi and baalmeeki pratibhaa: 1300, 1894)Sen gives source as Geetabitaan
There are numerous strings in your luteRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 69. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 69. RBVBMS_060 IMG 50. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 12-13 'There are many strings of varied pitch in your vina'. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 67. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 73 There are [numerous] {many} strings of many pitches in your vina', IMG 74 'There are numerous strings of many pitches in your vina'. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 12 [1st line as IMG 74 above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 15 'There are many strings of [many] {varied} pitch[es] in your vina' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_005 IMG 99 HRVD_006 ts IMG 20 [1st line as RBVBMS_369(ii) IMG 74 above]. HRVD_007 ts IMG 21 [1st line as above].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 68Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tomaar beenaay kata taar aache, utsarga 18____
There are seekers of wisdomRBVBMS_008 IMG 44. RBVBMS_026 IMG 34. RBVBMS_248A IMG 111 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 113 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 19. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 28. RBVBMS_388 IMG 31 [item crossed out]VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]. VBQ New Series, Vol VII, parts I and II: May-October 1941, reprinted in facsimile from Fireflies (1928) p. 220.Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 190. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 206____________
There are some who go through life like a child who turns pages of a book and believes he is reading.RBVBMS_371 IMG 5. EMSF_001 IMG 16 ts '{Why} [Many] go through life […] and believes [he] {that this} is reading.' IMG 19 ts 'Why go through life like a child who turns the pages of a book and believes that this is reading?' IMG 25 ts [as above], IMG 31 ts [as above] IMG 39 ts, IMG 44 ts '[There are some] {Many} go through' [item crossed out] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].RBKSH Vol. 18 (1988) Collectively titled 'Short (Autograph) Poems in English'.____________EW Vol. IV
There are tractsRBVBMS_119A IMG 38.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 324Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
There is a light laughter [See Fireflies 27 'A light laughter in the steps of creation']RBVBMS_008 IMG 39. RBVBMS_026 IMG 11 . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 2. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 5. RBVBMS_388 IMG 27.____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 141____________
There is a looker-on who sits behind my eyesRBVBMS_040 ts '[You the] {There is a} looker on'. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 38, IMG 43. RBVBMS_305D ts IMG 60. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 38 [Lover's Gift] IMG 43.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 39Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)eikshane mor hridayer praante, balaakaa 40____
There is a strange treeRBVBMS_113 IMG 19 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 47____I. 102. tarvar ek mul bin thaada: KS Kabir____
There is nothing but waterRBVBMS_113 IMG 18 'There is only water' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 42____I. 79. teerath men to sab paanee hai: KS Kabir____
There is only one string in your harpRBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 60 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 38 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_018 ts IMG 2.RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________ekmane tor ektaaraate, geetabitaanEW Vol. IV
There is room for youRBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 21, IMG 31. RBVBMS_305A ts[Lover's Gift], no. 8, IMG 9. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XXI IMG 11-12. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 21 IMG 22. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 21. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XXI IMG 19. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 24. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 8 [Lover's Gift] IMG 9. RBVBMS_305H ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 6. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 35.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 8Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jaatri, kshanikaa____
There on the crest of the hill ['The Child' 2]RBVBMS_223 IMG 4-5, IMG 16 ts'The Man of faith sits alone on the crest of the hill' [running prose, title: The New Comer 2], IMG 24-5 ts [title: The Babe]. EMSF_002 IMG 7 ts [Title: The Babe, no. 2], IMG 19 ts 'The Man of faith sits alone' [title: The New Comer, II], IMG 30 ts [1st line as above, Title: The New Comer, II], IMG 41 ts 'The devotee sits in the silence and whiteness of the mountain top' [title: He is Eternal, He is Newly Born, no numbering or part division, running prose] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2].VBN, February 1948 [Titled 'Victory to Victim']The Child (London: Allen and Unwin, 1931)____Not translation____
There smiles the Divine ChildRBVBMS_008 IMG 11. RBVBMS_026 IMG 12. RBVBMS_219 IMG 129. RBVBMS_248A IMG 22 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 24 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 2. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 6. RBVBMS_388 IMG 7. EMSF_001 ts IMG 61 [as RBVBMS_219 above]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 57.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 21. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 34____bhaasiye diye megher bhela (RBVBMS_008)____
There sounded a voice in the ancient forest-shade of IndiaRBVBMS_111 , IMG 69The Manchester Guardian, 28 March 1918________naibedyaEW Vol. IV
There where walks my beloved [See 'Translations from the Vaishnava poets V']________________________
These are hidden flames of flower in the branches of the treeRBVBMS_375 IMG 14 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________he taru, tomaar bahnir shikhaa____
These little thoughtsRBVBMS_119A IMG 16.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 17Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
These paper boats of mineRBVBMS_008 IMG 24 'My paper boats'. RBVBMS_026 IMG 18 'My paper boats sail away'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 130. RBVBMS_248A IMG 49 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 51 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 7 'My paper boats sail away in play with the burden of my empty hours.' RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 13. RBVBMS_388 IMG 16 'My paper boats sail awauy in play' EMSF_001 ts IMG 60 [ms note: 'Greeting Card'].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 87____mor kaagajer khelaar naukaaVariant in Lekhan poem 87
They are turned away from the temple-gates [See 'The Outcast', possibly not by Tagore ]________________________
They blame the fish for having bonesRBVBMS_460 IMG 3 [Accompanied by a letter from Kshitish Roy regarding provenance on IMG 13].________________[not in EW].
They call me black who only look at me said the blackberry.RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 216 [ms note 265 [sic], ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.]. HRVD_018 ts IMG 23.________________[not in EW].
They call you madRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 195.________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 36je tore paagal bale, geetabitaan swadesh 26____
They clamour and fight [See 'The Child-Angel', The Crescent Moon no. 39]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
They come into the light and vanish in the darkRBVBMS_217 IMG 19 'They come on the stage / into the light and vanish in the dark'.RBKSH Vol. 21 (1989) [begins 'They come on the stage'. This version in EW Vol. IV]________aaloke aasiyaa era leelaa kare jaay, utsarga 37EW Vol. IV
They do not build high towersRBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 57, IMG 70-71. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 56, IMG 65-6. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] LVII IMG 32-3. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 56-7. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. LIV IMG 46-8. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 61-2. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 58 [Lover's Gift] IMG 64-7. RBVBMS_305H ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 29-30. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 49-50, IMG 51-2. EMSF_011 IMG 14-15. EMSF_022 IMG 5-7 'They do not build {high} towers' [in pencil].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 59____sab peyechir deshe, kheyaa____
They expect thanksRBVBMS_008 IMG 40. RBVBMS_026 IMG 13. RBVBMS_219 IMG 65 'They claim thanks for the banished nest' [note: 'See no. 125: They build a cage & claim thanks for the security it offers'], IMG 132 'They build {a} cage and claim thanks for the security it offers', IMG 142 'They build cage and claim' [incomplete, crossed out, note: 'See No. 125']. RBVBMS_248A IMG 29 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 31 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 4. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 8. RBVBMS_388 IMG 28 'they [expect] {claim} thanks'. EMSF_001 ts IMG 62 'They build a cage and claim thanks for the security it offers'. EMSF_009 ts IMG 58.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 152. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 48____________
They hated and killedRBVBMS_119A IMG 22. EMSF_035 ts IMG 33.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 186Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
They knew the way and went to seekRBVBMS_001 IMG 50 'They knew the path and went to seek you along the narrow lane'. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 19 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 16 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 17 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XVI IMG 10-11 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 10 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 43 [1st line as above].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 16Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jaani naai go saadhan tomaar, geetimaalya 72____
They light their own lamps________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 285Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
They said that Kabir, the weaverRBVBMS_098 IMG 50-51 'The rumour spread that Kabir was favoured of God, and men and women flocked around him'. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 155-6 'The rumour spread all around the country that Kabir was a man of God.' HRVD_018 ts IMG 19-20 'rumour spread {all} [a]round the country that Kabir was a man of God.'The Nation, 23 August 1913 [Titled 'Kabir and the Woman' beginning 'The rumour spread all around the country that Kabir was a man of God']The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 24Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)apamaan bar, kathaa o kaahinee____
They throw their shadows________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 21Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
They who are near to meRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 44. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 188. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 87 'Those who are near to me' [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 68 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 21jaaraa kaache aache, naibedya 10____
Things are ever only what they areHRVD_019 IMG 65 ts [only 2 sentences].________________[not in EW].
Things look phantasticRBVBMS_119A IMG 38.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 322Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Things throng and laugh loud in the skyRBVBMS_001 IMG 20-21. RBVBMS_040 ts[Lover's Gift], no. 6, IMG 16. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 55, IMG 64. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] VI IMG 4-5. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 6 IMG 6. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 8. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. VI IMG 7-8. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 8. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 57 [Lover's Gift] IMG 63. RBVBMS_305H ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 28. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 15. HRVD_005 IMG 63 HRVD_019 IMG 18 ts.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 58Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bishwer bipul basturaashi, balaakaa 16____
This autumn is mine for she was rocked in my heart.RBVBMS_001 IMG 44 'This autumn morning is mine'. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 13, IMG 23 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 53, IMG 63. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XIII IMG 8 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 13 IMG 13 'The autumn morning is mine'. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 14. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XIII IMG 13 [1st line as 305C above]. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 15 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 56 [Lover's Gift] IMG 62. RBVBMS_305H ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 27 [1st line as 305C above]. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 38 [1st line as above].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 57____ei sharat aalor kamal bane, geetaali 15____
This autumn morning is tiredRBVBMS_001 IMG 82 'Give me your flute awhile'. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 26. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 23 '[Give me your flute awhile]' [This is line 1, deleted. Line 2 as printed 1st line]. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 24. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XXII IMG 14-15. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 66 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 12-13 'Lend me your flute for awhile'. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 114 'Give me your flute awhile'. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 11 'Give me your flute for awhile' [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 13-14 '[Give] {Lend} me your flute for awhile.' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 22____bnaashi, kheyaa____
This day is dear to me above all other daysRBVBMS_113 IMG 29 '{ I am enamoured of this day of all days} The beloved lord is a guest to-day in my house' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 88____III. 118. aaj din ke main jaaun balihaaree: KS Kabir____
This Evil Day: Age after age hast Thou, O LordEMSF_005 IMG 2 [titled 'Questions/ By Rabindranath Tagore']MR, February 1932, titled Questions. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)prashna, parishesh, 1308, 1931Collected Poems and Plays omits several poems of the previous publications but prints 10 new poems, which are listed here following Das EW.
This is a dream________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 152.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
This is my delight, thus to wait and watchHRVD_001 IMG 6 with Bengali text on IMG 6-7.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 44Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aamaar ei path caaoyaatei ananda (geetimaalya: 1321, 1914)____
This is my prayer to thee, my lordHRVD_001 IMG 151 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 38. HRVD_003 ts IMG 38.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 36Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)taba kache ei mor shes nibedan (naibedya: 1308, 1901)____
This is no mere dallying of loveRBVBMS_001 IMG 92. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 44. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 41. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 42. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XXXVI IMG 27. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 77. EMSF_011 IMG 4, IMG 9 [in pencil].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 38Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)e nay madhur khelaa, geetimaalya 41____
This life is the crossingRBVBMS_119A IMG 36.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 242Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
This morning, which raises its gold-bordered veilRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 80 'This morning, raising its gold-bordered veil'. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 36 'This morning, [raising]{which raises} its gold bordered'.VBN , November 1968. [IMG in Bichitra archive].The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 58____aaj prabhaater aakaashti, balaakaa 35____
This my own heartRBVBMS_210, IMG 21. BMSF_078 ts IMG 18 '{If this} [This my own] heart { which is mine own could be} [is] a burden [enough] for me', IMG 19 'If this heart which is mine own could be a burden for me'.VBQ New Series, Vol XIV, part III: November 1948-January 1949________aapan man niye kandiye mari from maayaar khelaa, geetabitaan prem 356EW Vol. IV
This rainy evening________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 135.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
This sadness of my soul________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 263Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
This song of mine [See 'My Song', The Crescent Moon no. 38]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
This world is the worldRBVBMS_119A IMG 34.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 195Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Those stars mother, with their greedy stareRBVBMS_217 IMG 27 'Those stars, mother'RBKSH Vol. 21 (1989)________jyotishee, shishu bholaanaathEW Vol. IV
Those thoughts of mineRBVBMS_008 IMG 45. RBVBMS_026 IMG 40. RBVBMS_248A IMG 123 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 125 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 31. RBVBMS_388 IMG 33VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 213. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 229____mukta je bhaabana mor (RBVBMS_388)____
Those who frighten with threats of hellHRVD_006 ts IMG 'Those who frighten {with threats of hell fire} [the] timid hearts wanting in devotion'. HRVD_007 ts IMG 3.________________[not in EW].
Those who have everythingRBVBMS_119A IMG 26.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 226Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Those who struck Him onceRBVBMS_205, IMG 22 [two versions on same page]. EMSF_029 IMG 11 [dated 25/12/39].VBN January 1940 as Christams Day, 1939. Also MR, January 1940 titled Christmas 1939. Reprinted in VBN, December 1965, January-February 1975, December 1975, December 1977. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 107ekdin jaaraa merechila (Maanabputra, punascha and 'The Son of Man', Collected Poems and Plays____
Those who walk on the path of pride [See 'Thanksgiving', Fruit Gathering poem no. 86]____________Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Thou art a glimmer of goldRBVBMS_024, IMG 99. RBVBMS_123 IMG 43.________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 77tumi ushaar sonaar bindu, geetabitaan 2, bicitra 91Cologne
Thou art in the ditchRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 204, IMG 205 [ms note 234, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.]. HRVD_006 ts IMG 50. HRVD_007 ts IMG 48.EMSF_029 IMG 111 'Thou who art in the ditch' [title: 'Sparks from the Anvil [From the Bengali of Rabindranath Tagore].' MR, April 1912, p. 351, printed page, no corrections].____________[not in EW].
Thou art not afraid if I forget thee.RBVBMS_103 IMG 8. RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 61 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. HRVD_019 IMG 60 ts.RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________aamaay bhulte dite naaiko tomaar bhay, geetimaalya 71EW Vol. IV
Thou art the ruler of the minds of all people [See 'The Morning Song of India']________________________
Thou art the sky and thou art the nestHRVD_001 IMG 141.HRVD_002 ts IMG 35. HRVD_003 ts IMG 35.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 67Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ekaadhaare tumii aakaash tumi nirh (naibedya: 1308, 1901)____
Thou crossestRBVBMS_119A IMG 40.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 304Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Thou didst well to turn me backRBVBMS_217 IMG 9. EMSF_029 IMG 20 ts, IMG 21 ms, IMG 22 ms.VBQ Vol. IV. No.2: July 1926, titled Take My Lute, Master. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 51duyaare tomaar bhirh kare jaaraa aache, utsarga 20____
Thou hast come again to me____MR, December, 1914, along with two other songs under the title, Poems [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 56aabaar shraaban haye ele phire, geetaali 13____
Thou hast done wellRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 10. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 10. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 8. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 6 'You have done well' [1st two lines in ms]. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 57 [1st line as above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 6Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ei karecha bhaalo, geetaanjali 91____
Thou hast given me thy loveRBVBMS_077 IMG 25-6.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 10Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Thou hast given me thy seat at thy windowRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 74 'Thou hast given me my seat at thy window'. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 74 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 72 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_309B ts IMG 8 [1st line as above].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 73Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Thou hast given us to liveRBVBMS_111 , IMG 70MR, January 1918, titled India's Prayer(together with 'Our voyage is begun'). Harijan May 6, 1950 titled Prayer (reprinted from Poems)____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 60several verses of naibedya .Das EW: This was written on the occasion of the Calcutta Session of the Indian National Congress held in 1917 and recited by Tagore at its first meeting. Kripalani writes, 'though not a translation of any single poem of his, it is clearly reminiscent of several verses of 'Naivedya.' (Poems, p. 226)
Thou hast led meRBVBMS_119A IMG 26.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 241Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Thou hast left thy memory as a flame to my lonely lamp of separation [See Fireflies 133 'You leave your memory as a flame']RBVBMS_008 IMG 20. RBVBMS_026 IMG 24 'You have left your memory as a flame' . RBVBMS_219 IMG 134 'Thou hast left to the lonely lamp thy memory in a flame'. RBVBMS_388 IMG 14 EMSF_001 ts IMG 62 [as RBVBMS_219 above].____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 67____biraha pradipe jwaluk (RBVBMS_008)____
Thou hast made me endlessHRVD_001 IMG 11, Bengali on IMG 10 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 2. HRVD_003 ts IMG 2.VBN March 1965, May 1972, February 1973. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 1Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aamare tumi ashes karecha (geetimaalya: 1321, 1914)Gitanjali was published in 1912, 1319. Prashanta Kumar Pal (p.283): This poem was translated in Shantiniketan on 7 Baishakh 1319. Nityapriya Ghosh 'Ingreji Lekhay Rabeendranaath' (p.30): 16 of the English poems translated in Gitanjali were later published in Geetimaalya. See also, Rabeendra Racanaabalee Vol 16. p. 229 for a list of Geetimaalya poems published separately in various journals from 1318 (1911)-1321 (1914). Differences between the India Society [IS] and Macmillan [M] editions for poem numbers 30 , 51, 52, 87 indicated below.
Thou hast made me known to friendsHRVD_001 IMG 17 'Thou hast made known to me friends whom I know not' Bengali on IMG 16 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 3-4. HRVD_003 ts IMG 3-4.VBN, January 1965, March 1967.Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 63Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)kata ajaanaare jaanaaile tumi (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
Thou hast risen lateRBVBMS_008 IMG 14. RBVBMS_026 IMG 15. RBVBMS_219 IMG 133 'Thou art late, my crescent moon'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 34 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 36 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 5. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 9. RBVBMS_375 IMG 13 'Crescent moon, thou hast risen late, - for the petals of the tube-rose lie on the dust.' [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 9 [Thou] {you} ha[st]{ve} risen late'. EMSF_001 ts IMG 62 [as RBVBMS_219 above]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 59.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 32. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 58____bilambe uthecha tumi____
Thou hast sat by me, O beautiful!RBVBMS_103 IMG 7. RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 62 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. HRVD_019 IMG 59 ts.RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________ei labhinu sanga taba, geetimaalya 102EW Vol. IV
Thou hast summoned me to the homeless roadRBVBMS_217 IMG 20 'Thou hast / you have summoned me to the homeless road'.RBKSH Vol. 21 (1989) ['You have summoned me']________pather pathik karecha aamaay, utsarga 41EW Vol. IV
Thou hast taken him to thine armsRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 50. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 50. RBVBMS_060 IMG 36. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 48. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 50. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 53 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_006 ts IMG 38. HRVD_007 ts IMG 39. HRVD_019 IMG 35 ts, IMG 38 ts.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 48Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Thou hast vanished from my reachRBVBMS_008 IMG 25 'Since thou hast vanished'. RBVBMS_026 IMG 19 'Since thou hast for ever vanished'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 64 'Since she had vanished'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 55 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 57 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 8 'Since thou hast for ever vanished'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 15. RBVBMS_388 IMG 17 'Since thou hast vanished'. EMSF_001 ts IMG 56 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 101____phele jabe jaaoVariant in Lekhan
Thou Impossible Better, in what high heavenRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 217 [ms note 270, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.]. HRVD_018 ts IMG 22.________________[not in EW].
Thou ocean of thingsRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 184. HRVD_014 ts IMG 17 'Ocean'.________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 14tattwa o saundarjya, caitaalee____
Thou raisest thy waves vainly to follow thy loverRBVBMS_119A IMG 15.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 137____________
Thou raisest thy waves vainly to follow thy loverRBVBMS_119A IMG 15.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 137Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Thou shalt dwell in silenceRBVBMS_103 IMG 5. HRVD_019 IMG 56 ts.________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 15tumi rabe neerabe, geetabitaan prem 62____
Thou who art in the ditch, 'tis easy for thee to throw mud____MR, April 1912, along with other poems of Kanikaa, under the heading 'Sparks from the Anvil.'[IMG in Bichitra archive]________niraapad nicataa, kanikaa[not in EW]
Thou who art the innermost Spirit of my being [From 'The Religion of Man']EMSF_029 ts IMG 26.____The Religion of Man (London: Allen and Unwin, 1930). The Religion of Man (New York: Macmillan, 1931)____jibandebataa, citraaIn Ch. VI. Das EW Vol 3, p. 123.
Thou wilt findRBVBMS_119A IMG 40.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 306Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Though he holds in his armsRBVBMS_248A IMG 16 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 18 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 6 'The sky, though holding in his arms'VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 24____aakaash dharaare baahute berhiyaa raakhe / aakash ghiriyaa raakhe dharaa-badhure (RBVBMS_248A)____
Though I know, my friend, that we are differentRBVBMS_170 IMG 49-50VBN, December 1933. MR, January 1934. MR, June 1939. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 92prabhed, bicitritaa____
Though the evening comes with slow stepsRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 152, IMG 153.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 67Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)jadio sandhyaa aasiche manda manthare: duhsamay (kalpanaa: 1307, 1900)____
Though the thorn in thy flower pricked meRBVBMS_008 IMG 19. RBVBMS_026 IMG 20 'Though the thorn pricked me in thy flower'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 135 'Though the thorn pricked me'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 60 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 62 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 9 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 16 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_375 IMG 22 'You offered me your flower, its thorn pricked me' [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 13 'Though the thorn pricked me in thy flower' EMSF_001 ts IMG 63 [as RBVBMS_219 above].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 109. Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 61. Begins 'Though the thorn pricked me'. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 109.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ekdin phul diyechile haay____
Thought feeds________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 169.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)kundakali kshudra bali____
Thoughts pass in my mindRBVBMS_119A IMG 12.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 165Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Through death and sorrow____VBQ New Series, Vol. VI, part I: May 1940, along with another poem under the title Two Poems. VBN August 1959, VBN Oct-Dec 1984. [VBN IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 30aache duhkha aache mrityu, geetabitaan pujaa 248____
Through the sadnessRBVBMS_119A IMG 23.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 271Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Through the silent nightRBVBMS_008 IMG 16. RBVBMS_027 IMG 54. RBVBMS_248A IMG 118 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 120 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 30. RBVBMS_388 IMG 10VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 43. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 218____din hoye gela gata____
Through the troubled history of manRBVBMS_258 IMG 36VBN October 1939. MR, November 1939. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 106aahwaan, nabajaatakDas EW: addressed to Canada, was broadcast from Ottawa Radio station on 29 May 1939. The record is still preserved at the archives of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) in Toronto. (Source: Niladri Chaki, 'An Advocate of Multiculturalism', 'The Sunday statesman,' 17 May 1992)
Thus it is that thy joy in me is so fullHRVD_001 IMG 59 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 14. HRVD_003 ts IMG 14.VBN May 1963. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 56Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)taai tomaar aananda aamaar par (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
Thy call has sped over all countriesRBVBMS_111 , IMG 55.MR, September 1917, titled The Day is Come.____Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 59desha desha nandita kari, geetabitaan swadesh 16____
Thy farewell hour stands before theeRBVBMS_005 IMG 13____________________
Thy gift of the earliest flowerRBVBMS_059(i) ts IMG 43. RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 43. RBVBMS_060 IMG 29 'The gift of the earliest flower came to me this morning'. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 41.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 41____aaj pratham phuler paba prasaad khani, geetimaalya 2____
Thy gifts to us mortals fulfil all our needsHRVD_001 IMG 135.HRVD_002 ts IMG 34. HRVD_003 ts IMG 34.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 75Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)martabaaseeder tumi jaa diyecho prabhu (naibedya: 1308, 1901)Sen lists as 'fulfill'. This spelling in Das EW
Thy lamp, my love, with its fingerRBVBMS_102 IMG 77____________he priye, hothaay____
Thy love must ever draw me on to thy perfect bliss.RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 63 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 90 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_018 ts IMG 2.RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________tumi je aamaare cao, geetabitaan pujaa 298EW Vol. IV
Thy messsenger of death is at my doorHRVD_019 IMG 52 ts.________________[not in EW].
Thy motherland spreads the veil [See 'Deshabandhu Chittaranjan Das']________________________
Thy nature is to forget thyself [See 'W. W. Pearson']________________________
Thy rod of justice thou hast given to everyman on this earthHRVD_001 IMG 137.HRVD_002 ts IMG 34. HRVD_003 ts IMG 34.VBQ, Vol. 43, nos. 3 and 4. RBKSH Vol. 21 (1989)________tomaar nyayer danda protyeker kare, naibedya 70EW Vol. IV
Thy shy little pomegranate bud [Another version 'While I stand here, a traveller' unpublished]RBVBMS_008 IMG 17. RBVBMS_026 IMG 17 'The {shy little}'. RBVBMS_219 IMG 99 'The pomegranate bud [that hides herself]{hidden} behind her veil'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 47 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 49 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 7. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 13. EMSF_001 ts IMG 59 'The pomegranate bud hidden behind her veil'. RBVBMS_375 IMG 7 'While I stand here, a traveller, in the pomegranate shade two buds peep at me. They will open into flowers in summer, - and I shall be away.' [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original]. RBVBMS_388 IMG 11VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 84____jakhan pathik elem____
Thy sunbeam comes upon this earth of mineHRVD_002 ts IMG 53-4. HRVD_003 ts IMG 53-4.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 68Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)taba rabikar aase kar barhaiya (geetimaalya: 1321, 1914)____
Thy sunshine smilesRBVBMS_119A IMG 40.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 302Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Time after time I came to your gateRBVBMS_001 IMG 23. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 31. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 28. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 29. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XXVII IMG 18-19. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 17. HRVD_005 IMG 57.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 28Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)tumi debe tumi more debe, balaakaa 12____
Time and again I light my lampRBVBMS_308A ts IMG 34-5. RBVBMS_369(iii) ts IMG 64, IMG 65 [contents note: 'Unpublished Translations']. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 73 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 53 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_005 IMG 'The time and again I light my lamp' HRVD_006 ts IMG 9. HRVD_007 ts IMG 9.ms note: 'Rabeendra beeksha- 17'. VBQ, Vol. 44, nos. 3 and 4. RBKSH Vol. 17 (1987)________jatabaar aalo jwaalaate caai, geetaanjali 72EW Vol. IV
Time is endless in thy hands, my lordHRVD_001 IMG 133.HRVD_002 ts IMG 33. HRVD_003 ts IMG 33.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 82Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)he raajendra taba haate kaal antaheen (naibedya: 1308, 1901)____
Time is the wealth of change____A variant of this poem, 'Time says, 'It is I who create this world'' appeared in MR, November 1913 along with other poems of Kanikaa under the heading 'Poems.' [IMG in Bichitra archive].Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 139.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)(based on) upalaksha, kanikaa____
Time says, 'I create this world.' The clock says, 'Then I create you.'RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 216 [ms note 268, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.]. HRVD_018 ts IMG 23.MR, November 1913 along with other poems under the heading 'Poems.' [IMG in Bichitra archive]____________[not in EW].
Time was when at moments of leisure [See 'In Memory of Ziauddin']________________________
Timid thoughtsRBVBMS_119A IMG 17.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 238Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Timidly I cowered in the shadowRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 84. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 80 'in the [sleepy] shadow'. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 82. RBVBMS_306C ts no. LXXI IMG 53. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 51 'sleepy shadow'. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 32 [1st line as above]. EMSF_011 IMG 10-11 'Timidly I crept and cowered in the sleepy shadow of safety'.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 76Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)praane khushir tuphaan, geetimaalya 36____
Tiny grassRBVBMS_119A IMG 7.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 65Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Tired of waiting, you burst your bondsRBVBMS_001 IMG 10. RBVBMS_040 ts[Lover's Gift], no. 7, IMG 17. RBVBMS_305A ts [Lover's Gift], no. 50, IMG 58. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] VII IMG 5. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 7 IMG 7. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 9. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. VII IMG 9. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 9. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 51 [Lover's Gift] IMG 58. RBVBMS_305H ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 24. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 7. HRVD_005 IMG 77 [part of a letter dated Shilida, Bengal Feb. 9. 1915: 'My dear Friend, If the following translation of a Bengali poem of {of mine} be acceptable to any of your papers please have it published and out of its proceeds buy something for our soldiers in the trenches. With love.' note diagonaly written on top left hand corner of page: 'you know I am not sure of your English punctuation and grammer, please make corrections if needed. We sail for Japan early next month - I shall give you my address before starting. Give my love to all your dear people.' Title: Summer's Pioneers].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 52Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)ore toder twar sahena, balaakaa 21First version sent to Rothenstein in a letter, 9 Feb. 1915, entitled 'Summer's Pioneers'
Tiredness comes as a bride to the unyielding strength to kiss it into a surrender.RBVBMS_005 IMG 14. EMSF_001 IMG 22 ts, IMG 28 ts, IMG 34 ts [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2-5].________________[not in EW].
To be outspokenRBVBMS_077 IMG 19.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 128.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)(based on) spashtabhaashee, kanikaa____
To bear the cost of the instrumentRBVBMS_219 IMG 136. EMSF_001 ts IMG 63 [ms note: 'Greeting Card'].Reprinted from VBQ in MR, October 1939, along with other poems of Fireflies, under the title Stray Thoughts Recalled. [IMG in Bichitra archive].____________[not in EW].
To carry the burdenRBVBMS_008 IMG 43. RBVBMS_026 IMG 32. RBVBMS_248A IMG 103 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 105 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 18. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 26. RBVBMS_388 IMG 30VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 181. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 190____________
To Italia: I said to thee: O queen____VBQ Vol. III, No. 1: April 1925 [IMG in Bichitra archive].________itaaliaa in purabeeEW Vol. IV
To Java By a Pilgrim from India: In a dim distant unrecorded age [contains 4 numbered sections]____VBQ Vol. V, No. 3: October 1927, Also MR, October 1927.________shree bijaylakshmee, parishesh. No first line in SenEW Vol. IV
To justify their own spilling of inkRBVBMS_008 IMG 42. RBVBMS_026 IMG 23. RBVBMS_027 IMG 56. RBVBMS_219 IMG 137, 138 'To justify their spilling of ink'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 69 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 71 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 11. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 18. RBVBMS_388 IMG 29. EMSF_001 ts IMG 63.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 169. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 127____doyaatkhaanaa ulti pheli (RBVBMS_248A)____
To move is to meet you every momentRBVBMS_001 IMG 28-29 'To move and move is to meet you every moment, Fellow-traveller!' RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 16 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 13 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306B IMG 14 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XIII IMG 9-10 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 22 [1st line as above].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 13Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)paantha tumi, geetaali 95____
To Shakespeare: When by the far away sea your fiery disc appeared from behind the unseen, O poet____________Israel Gollancz, Humphrey Milford ed., A Book of Homage to Shakespeare (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1916).jedin udile tumi bishwakabi, balaakaa no. 39.EW Vol. 3 Appendix. Written at the request of the Shakespeare Tercentenary Celebration Committee.
To the birds you gave songsRBVBMS_001 IMG 22 '{To the birds you gave} [You have given] songs [to the birds]'. RBVBMS_070 ts IMG 86. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 82. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 84. RBVBMS_306C ts no. LXXIII IMG 54. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 53. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 16. HRVD_005 IMG 59.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 78Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)paakhire diyecha gaan, balaakaa 28____
To the blind penRBVBMS_008 IMG 21. RBVBMS_026 IMG 26. RBVBMS_027 IMG 49. RBVBMS_248A IMG 83 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 85 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 21. RBVBMS_388 IMG 31VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 196. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 153____lekhani jaane naa (RBVBMS_008)____
To the guests that must go bid God's speed________The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 45Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)shudhu akaaran pulake: udbodhan (kshanikaa: 1307, 1900)Sen notes: 'Only the last two stanzas chiefly have been used; for a translation of the first three stanzas, see Lover's Gift, poem 6.' First line version in Sen: 'To the guests that must go to God's speed.' Itemised version here from Das EW.
To the pilgrimage' calls the young ['The Child' 8]RBVBMS_223 IMG 11-13 [double quotes], IMG 20-1 ts [running prose, title: The New Comer 9], IMG 30-1 ts [title: The Babe]. EMSF_002 IMG 13-15 ts [Title: The Babe, no. 9 [sic]], IMG 25-6 ts [Title: The New Comer, IX], IMG 36-7 ts [Title: The New Comer, IX], IMG 45 ts 'The youths say: 'Let us set out for the temple of love and bliss and knowledge and endless treasure.'' [title: He is Eternal, He is Newly Born, no numbering or part division, running prose] [folder contains typed contents index on IMG 2].____The Child (London: Allen and Unwin, 1931)____Not translation____
To thee Thou hast drawn my love, O FakirRBVBMS_113 IMG 9 '[O Fakir what love of thine draws me to thee?] {to thee hast thou drawn my love, O Fakir}' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 10____I. 121. tohi mori lagan lagaaye re phakeer waa: KS Kabir____
To what shore would you crossRBVBMS_113 IMG 13 'O my heart, to what shore [do you want] {would you} cross' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 20____II. 22. man tu paar utar kaanh jaiho: KS Kabir____
To whom shall I goRBVBMS_113 IMG 30 [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 90____I. 108. main kaa se bujhaun: KS Kabir____
To-night there is________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 309Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Today at this sad time of partingRBVBMS_163 IMG 62____________________
Toes are the fingersRBVBMS_077 IMG 18. RBVBMS_119A IMG 9.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 187Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Too ready to blame the badRBVBMS_008 IMG 22. RBVBMS_026 IMG 27 . RBVBMS_219 IMG 139. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 14. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 22. RBVBMS_388 IMG 32 EMSF_001 ts IMG 63.____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 197____manda jaahaa nindaa taar (RBVBMS_008)____
Touch my life with magic of thy fire____VBQ New Series, Vol XII, part III: November 1946-January 1947________aaguner parashmani, geetaali 18EW Vol. IV
Translation: Jnanadas: The darkness has died away [not in EW]RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 1] IMG 15 'The darkness has died away'. RBVBMS_327A no. XIII IMG 9 [1st line as above, title 'From Jnanadas of Baghaili']. RBVBMS_327B ts ['From the Hindi of Jnanadas' no. I] IMG 8-9 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_327C ts [Baul Songs no. XIII] IMG 9, IMG 20 [1st line as above, title: 'From Jnanadas of Baghaili.'].____________________
Translation: Jnanadas: The inner world keeps its things secretRBVBMS_061 ts [no. 2] IMG 16 'The inner world keeps its things hidden fast'. RBVBMS_327A no. XIV IMG 10 'The inner world keeps its things secret'. RBVBMS_327C ts [Baul Songs no. XIV Jnanadas] IMG 10, IMG 21 [1st line as above].RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984)____________EW Vol. IV
Translations from the Vaishnava poets: XV. After so many days you have come to me at lastRBVBMS_001 IMG 70-1. RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 15] IMG 32. RBVBMS_327A ts [Translation from the Vaishnava poets no. 21] IMG XV 'After such days'. RBVBMS_327B ts [From Bengali Vaishnava Poets no. XV] IMG 17-18.RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984)________padaratnaabalee, compiled by Tagore and Srishchandra MajumdarSee Fugitive I no. 22 above. EW Vol. IV.
Translations from the Vaishnava poets: I. My love smiles and speaks softly looking inRBVBMS_001 IMG 65. IMG 65 'I. My love smiles and speaks softly{looking in}'. RBVBMS_061 ts[no. 1] IMG 20. RBVBMS_327A ts [Translation from the Vaishnava poets no. 1] IMG 14 'My love smiles and speaks softly while gazing at my face.' RBVBMS_327B ts [From Bengali Vaishnava Poets no. I] IMG 11 [1st line as RBVBMS_001 above].RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984)________padaratnaabalee, compiled by Tagore and Srishchandra MajumdarSee Fugitive I no. 22 above. EW Vol. IV.
Translations from the Vaishnava poets: II. What more shall I say, beloved?RBVBMS_001 IMG 65. RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 2] IMG 21. RBVBMS_327A ts [Translation from the Vaishnava poets no. II] IMG 14 'my beloved?' RBVBMS_327B ts [From Bengali Vaishnava Poets no. II] IMG 11.RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984)________padaratnaabalee, compiled by Tagore and Srishchandra MajumdarSee Fugitive I no. 22 above. EW Vol. IV.
Translations from the Vaishnava poets: IX. The sight of your face gives me lifeRBVBMS_001 IMG 68. RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 9] IMG 27. RBVBMS_327A ts [Translation from the Vaishnava poets no. IX] IMG 18. RBVBMS_327B ts [From Bengali Vaishnava Poets no. IX] IMG 14-15.RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984)________padaratnaabalee, compiled by Tagore and Srishchandra MajumdarSee Fugitive I no. 22 above. EW Vol. IV.
Translations from the Vaishnava poets: V. There where walks my beloved my body becomes the dust of the earthRBVBMS_001 IMG 66-7. RBVBMS_061 ts[no. 5] IMG 24. RBVBMS_327A ts [Translation from the Vaishnava poets no. V] IMG 16. RBVBMS_327B ts [From Bengali Vaishnava Poets no. V] IMG 13.RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984)________padaratnaabalee, compiled by Tagore and Srishchandra MajumdarSee Fugitive I no. 22 above. EW Vol. IV.
Translations from the Vaishnava poets: VI. Lightnings flash when she turns her faceRBVBMS_001 IMG 67 'where she turns her face'. RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 6] IMG 24. RBVBMS_327A ts [Translation from the Vaishnava poets no. VI] IMG 16[1st line as RBVBMS_001 above]. RBVBMS_327B ts [From Bengali Vaishnava Poets no. VI] IMG 13 [1st line as above].RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984) 'where she turns her face'________padaratnaabalee, compiled by Tagore and Srishchandra MajumdarSee Fugitive I no. 22 above. EW Vol. IV.
Translations from the Vaishnava poets: VII. He keeps me before himVII. RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 7] IMG 25. RBVBMS_327A ts [Translation from the Vaishnava poets no. VII] IMG 17. RBVBMS_327B ts [From Bengali Vaishnava Poets no. VII] IMG 13-14.RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984)________padaratnaabalee, compiled by Tagore and Srishchandra MajumdarSee Fugitive I no. 22 above. EW Vol. IV.
Translations from the Vaishnava poets: VIII. It was the time of dusk when she came out of her houseRBVBMS_001 IMG 67-8. RBVBMS_061 ts[no. 8] IMG 26. RBVBMS_327A ts [Translation from the Vaishnava poets no. VIII] IMG 17. RBVBMS_327B ts [From Bengali Vaishnava Poets no. VIII] IMG 14.RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984)________padaratnaabalee, compiled by Tagore and Srishchandra MajumdarSee Fugitive I no. 22 above. EW Vol. IV.
Translations from the Vaishnava poets: XI. It is a far away land for you to come to O womanRBVBMS_001 IMG 69. RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 11] IMG 28. RBVBMS_327A ts [Translation from the Vaishnava poets no. XI] IMG 19. RBVBMS_327B ts [From Bengali Vaishnava Poets no. XI] IMG 15-16.RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984)________padaratnaabalee, compiled by Tagore and Srishchandra MajumdarSee Fugitive I no. 22 above. EW Vol. IV.
Translations from the Vaishnava poets: XII. My love brought flowers to deck meXII. RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 12] IMG 29. RBVBMS_327A ts [Translation from the Vaishnava poets no. XII] IMG 19. RBVBMS_327B ts [From Bengali Vaishnava Poets no. XII] IMG 16.RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984)________padaratnaabalee, compiled by Tagore and Srishchandra MajumdarSee Fugitive I no. 22 above. EW Vol. IV.
Translations from the Vaishnava poets: XIII. My beloved, I am proud with the prideRBVBMS_001 IMG 69-70. RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 13] IMG 30. RBVBMS_327A ts [Translation from the Vaishnava poets no. XIII] IMG 20. RBVBMS_327B ts [From Bengali Vaishnava Poets no. XIII] IMG 16.RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984)________padaratnaabalee, compiled by Tagore and Srishchandra MajumdarSee Fugitive I no. 22 above. EW Vol. IV.
Translations: Baul Songs 1. The longing to meet in the play of loveRBVBMS_061 ts [no. 1] IMG 3 'My longing is to meet you in play of love, my lover'. RBVBMS_327A ts no. I IMG 2 'I want my sports with you, my playful lover!' RBVBMS_327B ts no. I IMG 2 [1st line as RBVBMS_061 above]. RBVBMS_327C ts [Baul Songs no. I] IMG 2, IMG 13 [1st line as above].RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984) [Begins 'I want my play with you']The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921) The Fugitive II, no. 34.____1. aaji tomaar sange aamaar hori17 items in ms, 9 printed. Variant reading in EW Vol. IV.
Translations: Baul Songs 2. I sit here on the roadRBVBMS_061 ts [no. 8] IMG 8. RBVBMS_327A ts no. VIII IMG 6. RBVBMS_327B ts no. VIII IMG 5. RBVBMS_327C ts [Baul Songs no. VIII] IMG 6, IMG 17 .RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984) [Begins 'If you call me when I am on the road']The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 34.____2. aamaay pather maajhe daako jadiVariant reading in EW Vol. IV.
Translations: Baul Songs 3. I am poured forth________The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 34.____________
Translations: Baul Songs 4. My heart is a fluteRBVBMS_061 ts [no. 11] IMG 9 'This flute has been played upon by him'. RBVBMS_327A ts no. XI IMG 7 'The flute ha[d]{s} been'. RBVBMS_327B ts no. XI IMG 5 [1st line as RBVBMS_061 above]. RBVBMS_327C ts [Baul Songs no. XI] IMG 7, IMG 18 [1st line and corrections as RBVBMS_327A above].____The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 34.____________
Translations: Baul Songs 9. Make way, O budRBVBMS_061 ts [no. 15] IMG 13 [titled 'Fragments of songs heard in the road.] 'Make way, O bud, make way'. RBVBMS_327B ts no. XV a IMG 7 [title and 1st line as above].____The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 34.____________
Translations: Baul Songs 5. In love the aim is neither painRBVBMS_061 ts [no. 4] IMG 5 'In love the end is only love, neither pain nor pleasure'. RBVBMS_327A ts IMG 3 'Where love is given love only is the prize'. RBVBMS_327B ts no. IV IMG 3.RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984) [Begins 'Where love is given love only is the prize']The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 34.____5. premer mol (besaat) premireVariant reading in EW Vol. IV.
Translations: Baul Songs 6. Eyes see only dust and earthRBVBMS_061 ts [no. 6] IMG 6 'Eyes can see'. RBVBMS_327A ts no. VI IMG 4 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_327B ts no. VI IMG 4 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_327C ts [Baul Songs no. VI] IMG 4, IMG 15 [1st line as above].RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984) [different version]The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 34.____6. nayan dekhe gaaye thekeEW Vol. IV.
Translations: Baul Songs 7. Strange ways has my guestRBVBMS_061 ts [no. 7] IMG 7 'Strange are the ways of my guest'. RBVBMS_327A ts no. VII IMG 5 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_327B ts no. VII IMG 4 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_327C ts [Baul Songs no. VII] IMG 5, IMG 16 [1st line as above].RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984) [different version]The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 34.____7. aamar aajab atithiEW Vol. IV.
Translations: Baul Songs 8. I am the boatRBVBMS_061 ts [no. 3] IMG 4. RBVBMS_327A ts no. III IMG 2-3. RBVBMS_327B ts no. III IMG 2. RBVBMS_327C ts [Baul Songs no. III] IMG 2-3, IMG 13-14.RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984) [Begins 'You are the sea, I am the boat']The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive II, no. 34.____8. ogo muladhaarVariant reading in EW Vol. IV.
Translations: From Hindi songs of Jnanadas 1. Where were your songs, my bird____RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984)The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 38.____1. khote me tu rain gavaayaa kaahinee aa rahaare gaanaDas, EW Vol. 1: These poems were collected by Kshitishmohan Sen and Tagore translated them from the Bengali renderings of Sen.
Translations: From Hindi songs of Jnanadas 2. Messenger, morning brought you2. RBVBMS_061 ts[no. 3] IMG 17 'When you, his messenger, came in the morning' [ts much longer than and very different from printed version]. RBVBMS_327B ts ['From the Hindi of Jnanadas' no. II] IMG 9-10 [1st line as above].RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984) [Variant reading: 'When you came, his messenger, in the morning']The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 38.____2. fajarme jav aayaa yalcee pusaak sunhlee taireeDas, EW Vol. 1: These poems were collected by Kshitishmohan Sen and Tagore translated them from the Bengali renderings of Sen. Also EW Vol. IV
Translations: From Hindi songs of Jnanadas 3. I had travelled____RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984) [Variant reading: 'Thy command is supreme in all worlds and all times']The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive III, no. 38.____3. lok lok meDas, EW Vol. 1: These poems were collected by Kshitishmohan Sen and Tagore translated them from the Bengali renderings of Sen. Also EW Vol. IV
Translations: Vaishnava Songs 4. My love, I will keep you hidden in my eyesRBVBMS_001 IMG 70 'XIV. My love, I will keep you hidden in my dark eyes'. RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 16] IMG 31. RBVBMS_327A ts [Translation from the Vaishnava poets no. XIV] IMG 20 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_327B ts [From Bengali Vaishnava Poets no. XIV] IMG 17 [1st line as above].RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984) [Different version]The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 22____bnadhu he nayane lukaaye thoba (Candidaasa)____
Translations: Vaishnava Songs 5. 'Fruit to sell, Fruit to sell,' cried the woman at the doorRBVBMS_001 IMG 68 'X. 'Buy fruits, buy fruits!' cried the woman at the door.' RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 10] IMG 27. RBVBMS_327A ts [Translation from the Vaishnava poets no. X] IMG 18 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_327B ts [From Bengali Vaishnava Poets no. X] IMG 15.RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984) [Different version]The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 22____phala leha phala leha (Ghanaaraaama Daasa)____
Translations: Vaishnava Songs 1. Oh Sakhi, my sorrow knows no boundsRBVBMS_001 IMG 65-66 'III. O sister, my sorrow knows no bounds!' RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 3] IMG 22. RBVBMS_327A ts [Translation from the Vaishnava poets no. III] IMG 15 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_327B ts [From Bengali Vaishnava Poets no. III] IMG 12 [1st line as above].RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984) [Different version, begins 'O sister, my sorrow'The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 22____sakhi hamaar dukhaka nahi or (Vidyaapati)____
Translations: Vaishnava Songs 2. Lucky was my awakening this morningRBVBMS_001 IMG 66 'IV. Lucky was my awakening from sleep this morning'. RBVBMS_061 ts [no. 4] IMG 23. RBVBMS_327A ts [Translation from the Vaishnava poets no. IV] IMG 15 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_327B ts [From Bengali Vaishnava Poets no. IV] IMG 12 [1st line as above].RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984) [Different version, begins 'from sleep this morning']The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 22____aaj rajanee ham (Vidyaapati) 3. jahaa pahu arun carane cali jaata (Gobindadaasa)____
Translations: Vaishnava Songs 3. I feel my body vanishing____RBKSH Vol. 11 (1984) [Different version]The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 22____________
Traveller, must you goRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 142, IMG 143. HRVD_018 ts IMG 6.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 63Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)pathik, ogo pathik, jabe tumi: pathik (kheyaa: 1313, 1906)____
Traveller, where do you go?'RBVBMS_059(ii) ts IMG 78. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 6-8. RBVBMS_309A ts IMG 76. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 77-8, IMG 79-80. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 103-4 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 7-9 ''Traveller, wh[ere]{ither} do you go?'' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections']. HRVD_014 ts IMG 13-14.____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Crossing 77Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)he pathik konkhaane, utsarga 1 supplement____
Trees are the earth's endlessRBVBMS_248A IMG 35 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 37 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 9. EMSF_009 ts IMG 20, IMG 60.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 60____________
True end is not in the reachingRBVBMS_008 IMG 43. RBVBMS_026 IMG 33 'The true end'. RBVBMS_248A IMG 108 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 110 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 19. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 27. RBVBMS_388 IMG 30. EMSF_009 ts IMG 43.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 186. . Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 201____________
Trust love even if it brings sorrow [Another version 'Sweet is the pain'].RBVBMS_210, IMG 26. RBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 68 [many corrections], IMG 57 [1st two lines within double quotes in both instances]. BMSF_078, IMG 16, 17 'Sweet is the pain'.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 27Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)bhaalobese dukh seo sukh (maayaar khelaa: 1295, 1888)____
Truth in her dress finds facts too tight.________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 140.Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Truth loves its limitsRBVBMS_008 IMG 30. RBVBMS_026 IMG 30. RBVBMS_219 IMG 140. RBVBMS_248A IMG 95 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 97 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 16. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 25. RBVBMS_388 IMG 20. EMSF_001 ts IMG 63.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 113. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 177____satya taar seema bhaalobase (RBVBMS_008)____
Truth raises itselfRBVBMS_119A IMG 39 'Truth raises [storm] against itself'.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 293Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Truth seems to comeRBVBMS_119A IMG 39.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 295Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
Truth smiles in beauty [See Fireflies 113 'Beauty is truth's smile']RBVBMS_008 IMG 20 'Truth's smile is beauty'. RBVBMS_026 IMG 21 'Truth's smile is beauty' .RBVBMS_219 IMG 141. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 10 'Truth{'s} smile[s] [in]{is} Beauty'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 16 'Truth's smile is beauty'. RBVBMS_388 IMG 13 'Truth smiles in beauty' EMSF_001 ts IMG 63 [as RBVBMS_219 above].____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 64____sangite jakhan satya (RBVBMS_008)____
Truth when abused becomes conscious of its triumphant self.RBVBMS_460 IMG 3 [Accompanied by a letter from Kshitish Roy regarding provenance on IMG 13].________________[not in EW].
Try to break the differenceRBVBMS_008 IMG 47. RBVBMS_219 IMG 5 'Break the difference and its multiplied'. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 10. RBVBMS_388 IMG 34 EMSF_001 ts IMG 50 [as RBVBMS_219 above]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 60.____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 225____prabhedere maano jadi (RBVBMS_008)____
Tulsidas, the poet, was wanderingRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 63. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 59 'Tulsidas, the poet, as was his custom, was wandering'. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 64 'Tulsidas, the poet, [as was his custom], was'. RBVBMS_306C ts no. LII IMG 39-40 'Tulsidas'. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 38 [1st line as 306(A) above]. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 25 [1st line as above]. HRVD_018 ts IMG 18 [as above].____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 55Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)swaameelaabh, kathaa____
Tumultuous streams of years bring their voice to your bosom, unfathomed Past.RBVBMS_217 IMG 18.____________kathaa kao, kathaa kao: kathaa[not in EW].
Tune my life, my Minstrel, and hold it in your bosom. Its strings will thrill from end to end under the spell of your fingers.EMSF_011 IMG 10 [identified as Fruit Gathering in ms but does not match the poems published in Fruit Gathering above].____________aamaare karo tomaar bina: gitabitan, prem 33[not in EW].
Turn your body round and roundRBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 210, IMG 211 [ms note 249, ts identified as Stray Birds in Contents note but does not match Stray Birds text of this no.].________________[not in EW].
Twelve O'clock: Mother, I do want to leave off my lessonsRBVBMS_098 IMG 53 'Mother, ask them to give me leave, for I have done a heap of lessons from the morning'. RBVBMS_312 ts IMG 2, IMG 3 [1st lines as above]. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 95 'Mother, I do so want' [no title]. HRVD_005 IMG 31 [no title] 'Mother, I want to leave my lessons now' HRVD_015 ts IMG 3 [no title]. HRVD_016 ts IMG 3 [no title].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 28Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)maa go, aamaay chuti dite bal: prashna (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
Two little bare feet flitRBVBMS_089(i) IMG 22. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 10. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 11. RBVBMS_315(ii) ts IMG 6.____The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 10. The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921). The Fugitive I, no. 6____caran, karhi o komal____
Two Poems Written in Iran I: I carry in my heart a golden lamp of remembrance____MR, August 1932 [IMG in Bichitra archive].________aamaar hrwidaye ateeta-smritirEW Vol. 3 Appendix. Presented with the original to the Shah of Iran.
Two Poems Written in Iran II: Iran, all the roses in thy garden and all their lover birds____MR, August 1932 [IMG in Bichitra archive].________Iraan tomaar jata bulbulEW Vol. 3 Appendix.
Unimpassioned benevolenceRBVBMS_008 IMG 40. RBVBMS_026 IMG 13 . RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 3. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 7. RBVBMS_388 IMG 28 [item crossed out]. EMSF_009 ts IMG 58.____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 148____________
Unity in Diversity:____MR, October 1915____________EW Vol. IV
Upagupta, the disciple of BuddhaRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 42-3. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 39-40. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 40-1. RBVBMS_306C ts no. XXXV IMG 25-7. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 28-9. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 16-17. HRVD_018 ts IMG 14-15. HRVD_019 IMG 26-7 ts.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 37Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)abhisaar, kathaa____
Vacancy in my life's flute [See Fireflies 226 'My life's empty flute']RBVBMS_008 IMG 45. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 31 'The vacancy'. RBVBMS_388 IMG 33____Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 210____________
Victory be to you, O Death!RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 62. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 20, IMG 21, IMG 22. HRVD_004 ts IMG 98 [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].________________[not in EW].
Vocation: When the gong sounds tenHRVD_014 ts IMG 18 [title: '(Children Series.)'].____The Crescent Moon (London: Macmillan, [November] 1913). Poem 25Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aami jakhan paathshaalaate jaai: bichitra saadh (shishu: 1310, 1903)____
Voices come swarming from the past [See 'Strifes of Peace']________________________
W. W. Pearson: Thy nature is to forget thyselfRBVBMS_066 IMG 4 'To William Pearson: From thoughts of self thou livest ever free' [autographed, dated May 7, 1916, SS. Tosa-Maria[?], Bay of Bengal].VBQ Vol I, No. 4: January 1924. [IMG in Bichitra archive]____Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936), p. 457aapanaare tumi sahaje bhuliyaa thaaka, dedication of Balaakaa 1916____
Waisakha Purnima Song: Remove the blackness of all sins____The Maha Bodhi May-June 1931. Reproduced in VBQ Vol. XXII, No. 3: Winter 1956-57 titled Fountain of Peace________sakal kalush taamas hara, geetabitaan pujaa 378EW Vol. IV
Was it some merry freak of thine thus to dress this heart as a beggar and the laughter breaks out in the sky.EMSF_022 IMG 16 '[In what] {Was it some} merry freak of thine' [in pencil, marked as no. 10].____________ere bhikhaari saajaaye: gitabitaan, puja 74[not in EW].
Wayside grassRBVBMS_119A IMG 9.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 260Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
We are all the more one because we are many [See 'Unity in Diversity']________________________
We are free, my friends, from the fear of workEMSF_007 IMG 8 ts [no title, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring'], IMG 38 ts [no title, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring''].____________moder jeman khelaa temni je kaaj, phaalgunee[not in EW].
We are neither too good, nor wise, that is all the merit we have.EMSF_007 IMG 12 ts [no title, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring'], IMG 41 ts [no title, page torn, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring''].____________bhalomaanush nai re moraa, phaalgunee[not in EW].
We are out on our way, And we fear not the Robber, the Old Man.EMSF_007 IMG 9 ts [no title, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring'], IMG 39 ts [no title, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring''].____________aamaader bhay kaahaare, phaalgunee[not in EW].
We are to play the game of death to-nightRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 189-90 'We are to play the reckless game of death to-night'.____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 82Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)aami paraaner saathe khelibo aajike: jhulan (sonaar taree: 1301, 1894)____
We came hither together [variant in The Fugitive 1919(?) 'We came together, friends']RBVBMS_089(i) IMG 8. RBVBMS_089(ii) [printed book pages] IMG 4. RBVBMS_315(i) ts IMG 2. RBVBMS_315(ii) ts IMG 2. [All instances as the Fugitive 1919(?) ed.]____The Fugitive (London: Macmillan, 1921)The Fugitive I, no. 2. The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 2. Begins 'We came together, friends'____bidaay, kheyaa____
We came together, friends________The Fugitive (Santiniketan: Santiniketan Press, 1919[?]). Poem 2____bidaay, kheyaa____
We come nearest________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 57Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
We gain freedomRBVBMS_008 IMG 23. RBVBMS_026 IMG 17. RBVBMS_219 IMG 144, IMG 145. RBVBMS_248A IMG 43 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 45 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 6. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 12. RBVBMS_388 IMG 15. EMSF_001 ts IMG 63 [Item typed twice, 1st instance has ms note: 'Greeting Card']. EMSF_009 ts IMG 22.VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 82. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 76____nara jeebaner puraa daam / bneche thaakibaar daabeer jakhan (RBVBMS_248A)____
We gather materials for our pleasure from outside________Alokranjan Dasgupta, sundarer abhyarthanaa*From a photocopy of Tagore's autograph ms____sphulinga 169EW Vol. IV
We give our hearts to things____VBQ New Series, Vol VII, parts I and II: May-October 1941. VBN October 1941, VBN September 1947. [All IMG except VBQ in Bichitra archive].____________[not in EW]. VBQ source Sen. Other two images in Bichitra.
We know him, and only him. [Another Version: With his morning songs', Crossing 60]RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 42. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 64. RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 84 [Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 65 'We know him, {and} only him' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____________aamraa taarei jaani, acalaayatan[not in EW].
We live in this world________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 279Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
We move and move without restEMSF_007 IMG 11 ts [no title, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring'], IMG 40 ts [no title, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring''].____________cali go, cali go, phaalgunee[not in EW].
We read the world wrongRBVBMS_077 IMG 14. RBVBMS_119A IMG 13.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 75Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
We seek our playmates, waking them up from every corner before it is morning [Speech heading: 'They [spring's heralds] sing']EMSF_007 IMG 3-4 [in Tagore's hand] [text from the Cycle of Spring, titled Phalguni], IMG 10 ts 'We seek our playmates, waking them up from all corners before morning' [title: 'Song of the Heralds of Spring' crossed out, running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring'], IMG 37 ts 'from all corners before it is morning' [title: 'Song of the Heralds of Spring', running title: 'From 'The Cycle of Spring''] .Sen p. 536: 'MR, Feb 1916, The Cycle of Spring, a synopsis of Phalguni together with translations of 13 songs from the play. For photographs of the performance of the play (1916) see plates facing pp. 343 and 354 in MR March 1916.'________aamraa khnuji khelaar saathee, phaalgunee[not in EW].
We shall know________Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 313Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
We two lay sunk in the dusk of dreamsEMSF_029 ts IMG 43 [dated 25.4.31].________Krishna Kripalani, Amiya Chakravarty, Nirmalchandra Chattopadhyay and Pulinbihari Sen eds. Poems (Calcutta: Visva-Bharati, 1942). Poem 86swapane dnohe chinu ki mohe, geetabitaan prem 160____
We who follow Gandhi Maharaja's lead. [See 'Gandhi Maharaj']________________________
We, the rustling leavesRBVBMS_119A IMG 14.____Stray Birds (New York: Macmillan [Nov.] 1916). Poem 23Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)________
'We, the rustling leaves'RBVBMS_077 IMG 16 [item crossed out, numbered 39]. Another version on same IMG, also crossed out, begins 'I have not the voice as you have'. Third version, on same page, crossed out, begins 'I leave no voice'.____________________
Wealth is the burden of bignessRBVBMS_008 IMG 42. RBVBMS_026 IMG 28. RBVBMS_102 IMG 77. RBVBMS_219 IMG 146. RBVBMS_248A IMG 86 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_248B IMG 88 [Printed book pages]. RBVBMS_342A ts IMG 15. RBVBMS_342B ts IMG 22. RBVBMS_388 IMG 30 EMSF_001 ts IMG 63 [ms note: 'Greeting Card'].VBQ January 1927. [IMG in Bichitra archive]Lekhan (Balatonfüred, Hungary, 1926). Poem 177. Fireflies (New York: Macmillan, 1928). Poem 159____baahirer bastur bojhaa (RBVBMS_102)____
What can I give you, my Friend?RBVBMS_087 IMG 3 [ms contains copies of Tagore's letters, title on IMG 3: 'Guurudev's letters written during May, June, July, August, 1915'].________________[not in EW]
What comes from your willing hands I takeRBVBMS_369(i) ts IMG 66, IMG 67 [1st two lines within double quotes in both instances].____The Gardener (London: Macmillan, Oct. 1913). Poem 26Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)sakhi, saadh kare jaha debe (maayaar khelaa: 1295, 1888)____
What divine drink wouldst thou haveHRVD_001 IMG 49 .. HRVD_002 ts IMG 12. HRVD_003 ts IMG 12.____Gitanjali (Song Offerings) (London: The India Society, 1912) Another Ed. London: Macmillan, March 1913. Another Ed. Calcutta: Macmillan, 1919. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan, 1918) [?]. Poem 65Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 1936)he mora debataa, bhariyaa e deha praan (geetaanjali: 1317, 1910)____
What hast thou come to beg from this beggar [See Jnanadas]________________________
What is it that drives these bees from their home?RBVBMS_001 IMG 83. RBVBMS_040 [Lover's Gift] ts, no. 15, IMG 25. RBVBMS_305A ts[Lover's Gift], no. 11, IMG 11. RBVBMS_305B ts [Lover's Gift] XV IMG 8. RBVBMS_305C ts [Lover's Gift] No. 15 IMG 15. RBVBMS_305D ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 16. RBVBMS_305E ts [Lover's Gift] No. XV IMG 14. RBVBMS_305F ts [Lover's Gift] IMG 17. RBVBMS_305G ts no. 10 [Lover's Gift] IMG 11. RBVBMS_307 ts IMG 67. RBVBMS_308A ts IMG 15 'What has driven out the bees from their home?' RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 162 'What is it that has driven these bees from their home?' RBVBMS_446 ts IMG 79 [1st line as above. Contains ts and ms notes on provenance on IMG 1. Original versions of the Bengali translations by Tagore , done in Chicago, which were later shortened by Tagore for publication. Contains Index of poems from IMG 2-4]. HRVD_004 ts IMG 19 'What [is it that] has driven out' [IMG 105: 'Gitanjali - part II with corrections'].____Lover's Gift and Crossing (London: Macmillan, 1918). Lover's Gift 10____ei maumaachider, acalaayatan____
What is my longing, my dream [See 'My Prayer for India']________________________
What is that flute whose music thrills me with joy?RBVBMS_113 IMG 21 'The sound of what flute thrills me with joy?' [ms title page on IMG 6: 'Translations from Kabir by Ajit Kumar Chakravarty']____One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London: India Society, 1914). Another ed. Songs of Kabir (New York: Macmillan, 1915). Poem 53____I. 122. kaun muralee shabd sun aanand bhayo: KS Kabir____
What is the voice that the breezeRBVBMS_375 IMG 18 [MS titled 'sphulinga'. English translation follows Bengali original].____________________
What is there but the skyRBVBMS_070 ts IMG 70. RBVBMS_306A ts IMG 67 ''[Who]{What} is there but the sky'. RBVBMS_306B ts IMG 68. RBVBMS_306C ts no. LIX IMG 44-5. RBVBMS_306D ts IMG 42 'Who is there but the sky'. RBVBMS_308B ts IMG 27 [1st line as above]. RBVBMS_369(ii) ts IMG 137 [1st line as above]. HRVD_006 ts IMG 33. HRVD_007 ts IMG 34.____Fruit Gathering (London: Macmillan, [October] 1916). Another ed. Gitanjali and Fruit Gathering (New York: Macmillan [Sept.] 1918). Poem 62Collected Poems and Plays of Rabindranath Tagore (London: Macmillan, 19